Spaces between elements in HAML - haml

How would you represent this in HAML?:
<a>Link</a> | <a>Link</a>
Note that I want to retain the spaces on either side of the bar.

I would write exactly what you've written, which is perfectly valid HAML. You may embed regular HTML into HAML:
<a>Link</a> | <a>Link</a>
Sometimes whitespace bites you when you're marking things up with HAML, and there is no pretty way of making your tags come out correctly. That is why HAML gives you the option of falling back to HTML.
Note that, if you're ok with one or more spaces between your links and the |, you can just write regular old HAML:
%a link
%a link
The new lines will be preserved, and render as a space in the browser, where any amount of any kind of whitespace will always be treated like a single space.

Put '|' on next line, new line will be preserved, and render as a white space.
%a link
%a link

meagar's answer is how I would do it, you could also use haml filters to write exactly the HTML you need.
This might sound dirty, but filters use is encouraged, see this article :


Multi-line text in a .env file

In vue, is there a way to have a value span multiple lines in an .env file. Ex:
Instead of:
someValue=[{"someValue":"Here is a really really long piece which should be split into multiple lines"}]
I want to do something like:
someValue=`[{"someValue":"Here is a really
really long piece which
should be split into multiple lines"}]`
Doing the latter gives me a JSON parsing error if I try to do JSON.parse(someValue) in my code
I don't know if this will work, but I can't format a comment appropriately enough to get the point across so see if this will work:
someValue=[{"someValue":"Here is a really\
really long piece which\
should be split into multiple lines"}]
Where "\" should escape the newline similar to how you can write long bash commands while escaping the newline. I'm not certain the .env interpreter will support it though.
Looks like this won't work. This syntax was actually proposed, but I don't think it was incorporated. See motdotla/dotenv#333 (which is what Vue uses to parse .env).
Like #zero298 said, this isn't possible. Likely you could delimit the entry with a character that wouldn't show up normally in the text (^ is a good candidate), then parse it within the application using string.replace('^', '\n');

Objective C parse string for middle chars

This is a bit of a puzzler for me. I have a string that looks like:
softver: <softver>2.14.2</softver>
interlock1: <interlock1>0</interlock1>
interlock2: <interlock2>0</interlock2>
cfm: <cfm>2200</cfm>
power: <power>120</power>
inside: <house_temp>-99</house_temp>
attic: <attic_temp>76</attic_temp>
OA: <oa_temp>-99</oa_temp>
server response: <server_response>Ó£àêEE²ç©þ]kõ «jsÐ</server_response>
DIP Switches: <DIPS>11100</DIPS>
Remote Switch: <switch2>1111</switch2>
The string includes the "/n" so I have split it into corrisponding lines that look like
All I really want is the char(s) in the middle of the line. In the above example it would be 0.
I can match everything with regular expressions but by doing the following:
But what I'd like is something more that would exclude or strip away or remove all the junk and grab the middle chars.
I've tried this and it does not work. I've also thought of doing another [NSstring componentsSeparatedByString:#"(with either < or or >"] but that would leave be with more parsing yet to do and I think there should be a way to get just the chars inbetween the tags with either regular expressions or string compare or some such way to parse out the
Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.
Two things.
Your regular expression does not escape the forward slash.
Your regular expression seems overly complicated for what you are trying to do.
If all you want is that lone middle character with regular expressions,
Try this:
Here's a great tool to play around with:
Heck you could probably even get away with:
I figured out your problem partially, some of the tags part way down contain characters other than a through z. So here you go:

ANSI escape codes in GNU Smalltalk

I'm trying to make a console-based program that makes use of ANSI escape codes with GNU Smalltalk. I can't seem to figure out how to go about printing a string object formatted with ANSI escape codes. I've tried the following.
'\x1b[31mHi' displayNl
This prints the entire string, including the escape code, without any formatting. I would have expected this to print "Hi" in red (and then everything else in the console after that, as I didn't reset the color.)
After googling a bit, I was able to find a couple issues on mailing lists where people were trying to produce things like newlines using "\n". Most of the answers were using the Transcript object's cr method, but I didn't find anything about colors in the textCollector class.
It looks like it shouldn't be all that hard to create my own module in C to achieve this functionality, but I'd like to know if there's a better way first.
I'm aware of the ncurses bindings, but I'm not sure that'd be practical for just making certain pieces of text in the program colored. So, is there a standard way of outputting colored text to the terminal in GNU Smalltalk using ANSI escape sequences?
Ended up getting an answer on the GNU Smalltalk mailing list. Looks like you can use an interpolation operator to achieve this.
For example ('%1[31mHi' % #($<16r1B>)) displayNl. would change the color to red, and ('%1[34mHi' % #($<16r1B>)) displayNl. would change the color to blue.
Basically, the % operator looks for a sequences that look like "%(number)" and replaces them with the objects in the array to the right of the operator. In our case, the array has one item, which is the ascii escape character in hexadecimal. So the "%1" in "%1[31mHi' is being replaced with the escape character, and then printed.
(This answer was stolen almost verbatim from Paolo on the GNU Smalltalk mailing list.)

multiline code block in markdown adds unwanted tabs

today I'm implementing my page in nanoc (haml templates) and I wanted to write some posts in markdown, but when it goes to multiline code blocks something weird is happening - second line in code block has additional tabs. I've tried multiple markdown syntaxes, such as:
//double tab wrapping
line 1 is fine
line 2 is wrapping (don't know why!)
//tilde code wrapping
line 1 is fine
line 2 is wrapping
And both solutions gives me the result something like this:
line 1 is fine
line 2 is wrapping
Inspecting elements through browser shows that there is no additional padding - this whitespace is made with tabs for sure.
Can someone help me with this? Maybe I'm doing something wrong?
When you use = in Haml to include the results of a script, Haml will re-indent the inserted text so that it matches the indentation of where it is included. For example, if you have Haml that looks something like this:
= insert_something
and insert_something returns some HTML like this:
This is possily generated from Markdown.
then the resulting HTML will look like this:
<div class='foo'>
This is possily generated from Markdown.
Note how the p element is indented to match its position in the document.
Normally this doesn’t matter, because of the way whitespace in HTML is collapsed. However there are HTML elements where the whitespace is important, in particular pre.
What it looks like is happening here is that your Markdown is generating something like
<pre><code>line 1 is fine
line 2 is wrapping
and when it is included in your Haml file (I’m guessing you’re using Haml layouts with = yield to include the Markdown) it is being indented and the whitespace is showing up when you view the page. Note how the first line is immediately after the opening tags so there is no extra whitespace.
There are a couple of ways to fix this. If you set the :ugly option then Haml won’t re-indent blocks like this (sorry I don’t know how you set Haml options in Nanoc).
You could also use the find_and_preserve helper method. This replaces all newlines in whitespace sensitive tags with HTML entity
, so that they won’t be affected by the extra whitespace when indented:
= find_and_preserve(yield)
Haml provides an easy way to use find_and_preserve; ~ works the same as =, except that it runs find_and_preserve on the result, so you can do:
~ yield

Inserting special character in Redmine wiki page

I'm using Redmine and I'm trying to insert the special character | inside a table in a Redmine wiki page. I don't want this character to be parsed as a column separator.
I've achieved this by doing a <code>|</code> around this character, but I don't want to use the code tag, since this character will gain code attributes, namely the courier new font.
Is there a tag for displaying plain text and avoid the parsing from the Redmine wiki engine?
I'm reading the redmine wiki formatting documentation but it is very poor and points me to textile formatting which doesn't seem to include this special case.
I could not get the exclimation point to work, but this works for me.
The only way I found out to overcome this problem is to insert the HTML code for the character I want to isolate. For instance, instead of putting an underscore and make the wiki think I'm starting an italic word, I have to put the HTML code for it:
this is a _test - _text comment here_
Without the underscore code (_) redmine wiki engine will think that italic starts at test and this is the wrong result:
this is a test - text comment here
So, putting the ASCII code for the underscore corrects this problem. Unfortunately, this parsing is not very clever (yet I hope).
Here is a link for an ASCII code table with many symbols and characters: