multiline code block in markdown adds unwanted tabs - haml

today I'm implementing my page in nanoc (haml templates) and I wanted to write some posts in markdown, but when it goes to multiline code blocks something weird is happening - second line in code block has additional tabs. I've tried multiple markdown syntaxes, such as:
//double tab wrapping
line 1 is fine
line 2 is wrapping (don't know why!)
//tilde code wrapping
line 1 is fine
line 2 is wrapping
And both solutions gives me the result something like this:
line 1 is fine
line 2 is wrapping
Inspecting elements through browser shows that there is no additional padding - this whitespace is made with tabs for sure.
Can someone help me with this? Maybe I'm doing something wrong?

When you use = in Haml to include the results of a script, Haml will re-indent the inserted text so that it matches the indentation of where it is included. For example, if you have Haml that looks something like this:
= insert_something
and insert_something returns some HTML like this:
This is possily generated from Markdown.
then the resulting HTML will look like this:
<div class='foo'>
This is possily generated from Markdown.
Note how the p element is indented to match its position in the document.
Normally this doesn’t matter, because of the way whitespace in HTML is collapsed. However there are HTML elements where the whitespace is important, in particular pre.
What it looks like is happening here is that your Markdown is generating something like
<pre><code>line 1 is fine
line 2 is wrapping
and when it is included in your Haml file (I’m guessing you’re using Haml layouts with = yield to include the Markdown) it is being indented and the whitespace is showing up when you view the page. Note how the first line is immediately after the opening tags so there is no extra whitespace.
There are a couple of ways to fix this. If you set the :ugly option then Haml won’t re-indent blocks like this (sorry I don’t know how you set Haml options in Nanoc).
You could also use the find_and_preserve helper method. This replaces all newlines in whitespace sensitive tags with HTML entity
, so that they won’t be affected by the extra whitespace when indented:
= find_and_preserve(yield)
Haml provides an easy way to use find_and_preserve; ~ works the same as =, except that it runs find_and_preserve on the result, so you can do:
~ yield


How to shorten the first line in the Intellij console?

I want my first line at the top of the console to look like this:
, but mine looks like this, and it's long:
How can I shorten it to like the first picture?
I'm watching Java tutorials on youtube and their first lines ("C:\programs Files\Java\jdk\whatever"...) are always so short and pretty with 3 cute dots in the end, but mine is long and annoying.
You can define the lines which should be folded:
Right click on that line in the console
Choose "Fold Lines Like This"
Click OK
You can also define special keywords/phrases in this menu, where lines, which contains the phrase will be folded with ellipsis (...) at the end.
See the file in the source code of IntelliJ IDEA
This line (execution command) will be automatically hidden in case the string length is more than 1000 symbols.
So, once you add something to the execution command (for example by adding libraries), the execution command is folded automatically.

Intellij is incorrectly formatting my `.yml` file, I cannot see any errors in my style settings. how can I fix it?

Intellij keeps formatting my spotbugs.yml file incorrectly, and so breaking the github action.
I cannot figure out why it's doing this:
It was working fine last week, I haven't made any changes to the formatting config, but now, every time I change focus from the file Intellij auto-formats like this, then saves it. How can I fix it?
The thing I don't get is what it's formatting to appears to be invalid yaml, right?
YAML has a syntax that makes it incompatible with indentation that is not 2 spaces. With 4 spaces, you have:
- sequence item: with indentation
this line: isn't aligned to four spaces
nor are further indented lines:
if you indent relative four spaces
- same: problem
without: indenting the sequence item
This makes it hard for code formatters to get it right. Proper alignment would mean:
- three spaces after the sequence item indicator.
that's horrible, nobody does that.
- alternatively this.
nobody does this either and it breaks
- - with nested sequences
I assume some bug in IntelliJ causes the formatter to be confused because of this. Generally it would be better to just use 2 space indentation which seems far more natural due to the problems described above. That should avoid confusing the formatter.

How to tokenize html tags with spacy?

I need to tokenize html text with spacy. Or merge tags after tokenization. They can be any html tags, e.g.:
<br> <br/> <br > <n class="ggg">
There is an example of tag merging in documentation for tag, but it can't work with all types of tags. If I write rule like:
[{'ORTH': '<'}, {}, {'ORTH': '>'}]
It will join some tags:
Or separate like:
I have tried to write custom tokenizer also, but I had problem with spaces.
I want every html tag to be a separate token, e.g.:
<br >
<n class="ggg">
IMHO, removing the HTML tags and converting to plain text is the correct way to go, rather than making html tags 'stop words', because some of those tags are actually valid words that can appear in text and should NOT be ignored (e.g., <body> vs body).
If you have a construct like
It renders as wordword in a user agent and should in fact be interpreted as a single word. For example, one might give you an HTML page containing something like:
<p><strong>S</strong>oup .... </p>
This obviously renders as 'Soup' and should be taken as the word soup and not as the words s and oup.
Now, if for whatever reason you must assume that any HTML tag boundary is a word separator (wrong, in most cases), you should do the following: use an HTML stream tokenizer, e.g., libxml2 and write handlers for startElement and characters only. The former should output a single space and the latter should output the characters as it gets them. This will convert your HTML input to plain text (just like an HTML tag remover would do), but also add a space after each element tag, so <span>word</span><span>word</span> would get converted to: "(space)word(space)word". This might add multiple spaces when nested tags are present, but you can easily deal with this when you split the cleaned-up text into words for further processing.

Spaces between elements in HAML

How would you represent this in HAML?:
<a>Link</a> | <a>Link</a>
Note that I want to retain the spaces on either side of the bar.
I would write exactly what you've written, which is perfectly valid HAML. You may embed regular HTML into HAML:
<a>Link</a> | <a>Link</a>
Sometimes whitespace bites you when you're marking things up with HAML, and there is no pretty way of making your tags come out correctly. That is why HAML gives you the option of falling back to HTML.
Note that, if you're ok with one or more spaces between your links and the |, you can just write regular old HAML:
%a link
%a link
The new lines will be preserved, and render as a space in the browser, where any amount of any kind of whitespace will always be treated like a single space.
Put '|' on next line, new line will be preserved, and render as a white space.
%a link
%a link
meagar's answer is how I would do it, you could also use haml filters to write exactly the HTML you need.
This might sound dirty, but filters use is encouraged, see this article :

How to handle new line in handlebar.js

I am using HandleBar.js in my rails jquery mobile application.
I have a json returned value data= "hi\n\n\n\n\nb\n\n\n\nhow r u"
which when used in .hbs file as {{data}} showing me as hi how r u and not as with the actual new line inserted
Please suggest me.
Pre tag helps me
Handlebars doesn't mess with newlines in your data unless you have registered a helper which is doing something with them. A good way of dealing with newlines in HTML without converting them to br tags would be to use the CSS property white-space while rendering the handlebars template in HTML. You can set its value to pre-line.
Read the related documentation on MDN
Look at the source of the generated file - your newline characters are probably there, HTML simply does not render newline characters as new lines.
You can insert a linebreak with <br />
However, it looks like you're trying to format the position of your lines using newline characters, which technically should be done by wrapping your lines in <p> or <div> tags and styling with CSS.
Simply use the CSS property white-space and set the value as pre-line
For a example:
<p style="white-space: pre-line">