Get MAPI Folder in Outlook from Folder Path - vba

I am trying to use the function from on this page: to use the folder path to navigate to a folder. (I will copy that code onto the bottom of this question--I used it as-is, unmodified at all.) The reason I need to use this is that the default inbox in Outlook is not the same as the inbox I need to be active. I know the path of the relevant inbox by right clicking on it and hit properties, and looking at location.
This is the code I use:
Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application", "localhost")
Set objNamespace = objOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set Inbox = GetFolder("\\\inbox")
Debug.Print Inbox '<-- This fails
Set InboxItems = Inbox.Items '<-- This also fails
InboxItems.SetColumns ("SentOn")
This returns runtime error 91, Object variable or With block variable not set.
I have no idea what this means. If you could help me solve this error, that would be awesome, and if you have a way that I could avoid this problem entirely, that would be awesome also. Thanks!
Public Function GetFolder(strFolderPath As String)As MAPIFolder
' strFolderPath needs to be something like
' "Public Folders\All Public Folders\Company\Sales" or
' "Personal Folders\Inbox\My Folder"
Dim objApp As Outlook.Application
Dim objNS As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim colFolders As Outlook.Folders
Dim objFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim arrFolders() As String
Dim I As Long
On Error Resume Next
strFolderPath = Replace(strFolderPath, "/", "\")
arrFolders() = Split(strFolderPath, "\")
Set objApp = Application
Set objNS = objApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set objFolder = objNS.Folders.Item(arrFolders(0))
If Not objFolder Is Nothing Then
For I = 1 To UBound(arrFolders)
Set colFolders = objFolder.Folders
Set objFolder = Nothing
Set objFolder = colFolders.Item(arrFolders(I))
If objFolder Is Nothing Then
Exit For
End If
End If
Set GetFolder = objFolder
Set colFolders = Nothing
Set objNS = Nothing
Set objApp = Nothing
End Function

I found the answer. Turns out it's something stupid, as per usual :)
Set Inbox = GetFolder("\\\inbox")
needs to be
Set Inbox = GetFolder("")
. This fixes the problem. I figured I would leave this here in case anyone else has this problem, the solution is simply to follow the given format...

Just add this line...
strFolderPath = Replace(strFolderPath, "\\", "")

Apparently also needs this line:
strFolderPath = Replace(strFolderPath, "\", "/")
But after the previous line.
So, in context:
strFolderPath = Replace(strFolderPath, "\\", "")
strFolderPath = Replace(strFolderPath, "\", "/")


Reference to non-default non-English inbox

I am trying set a reference to a non-default inbox in MS Outlook. I have found a code in SO,
Dim objNS As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim objFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Set objNS = GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set objFolder = objNS.Folders("Procurement, Request")
Set objFolder = objFolder.Folders("Inbox")
which is OK when inbox is named "Inbox".
There is a possibility for inboxes to be named in non-English languages.
You may refer to the default inbox by
But what about non-defaults?
You should be able to get inboxes by Store index or name.
Option Explicit
Sub Inbox_by_Store()
Dim allStores As Stores
Dim storeInbox As Folder
Dim i As Long
Set allStores = Session.Stores
For i = 1 To allStores.count
Debug.Print i & " DisplayName - " & allStores(i).DisplayName
Set storeInbox = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set storeInbox = allStores(i).GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
On Error GoTo 0
If Not storeInbox Is Nothing Then
End If
Set allStores = Nothing
Set storeInbox = Nothing
End Sub

Select all items in a specific folder and move them to another folder

How do I select all Mails in the Deleted Items folder of a shared account (not my personal account) and then move them to a different folder not called "Deleted Items". For now, let's call the destination folder "Old Emails".
Here is what I have written so far:
'Macro for pseudo-archiving
Sub PseudoArchive()
On Error Resume Next
Dim objNamespace As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim sourceFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim Messages As Selection
Dim Msg As MailItem
Set objNamespace = GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set sourceFolder = objNamespace.Folders("")
Set sourceFolder = objFolder.Folders("Deleted Items")
'Define path to the target folder
Set destinationFolder = ns.Folders("").Folders("Old Emails")
'Move emails in sourceFolder to destinationFolder
For Each Msg In sourceFolder
Msg.Move destinationFolder
Set objNamespace = Nothing
Set sourceFolder = Nothing
Set Messages = Nothing
Set Msg = Nothing
End Sub
I am stuck on how to get the macro to select all items in the sourceFolder so it can then move them to the destinationFolder. I prefer not to manually select the emails in the folder before running the macro.
If anyone can provide assistance, that would be appreciated. Thanks!
You almost got it, try the following
Option Explicit
Sub PseudoArchive()
Dim objNamespace As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim sourceFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim destinationFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim Items As Outlook.Items
Dim Item As Object
Dim Msg As String
Dim i As Long
Set objNamespace = GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set sourceFolder = objNamespace.Folders("").Folders("Deleted Items")
Set destinationFolder = objNamespace.Folders("").Folders("Inbox").Folders("Old Emails")
Set Items = sourceFolder.Items
'Move emails in sourceFolder to destinationFolder
Msg = Items.Count & " Items in " & sourceFolder.Name & ", Move?"
If MsgBox(Msg, vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
For i = Items.Count To 1 Step -1
Set Item = Items.Item(i)
Item.Move destinationFolder
End If
End Sub
Here is a code snippet that should help.
Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
Dim olFol As Outlook.Folder, olDestFol As Outlook.Folder
Dim olItem As Object
Dim i as Long, j as Long
Set olApp = New Outlook.Application olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI").Folders("mailboxnamehere").Folders("Deleted Items")
Set olDestFol = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI").Folders("mailboxnamehere").Folders("Inbox").Folders("Deleted Items") ' Destination Folder
Do Until olFol.Items.Count = 0
olFol.Items(1).Move olDestFolder

Define folder location

Working on a macro for Outlook 2007 which selects messages in a folder.
In example 1 and 2 below the customers folder is selected, then a specific customer folder is selected. The method to define the location seems clumsy. Is there a cleaner way to do this?
Right clicking on the sub-folder and selecting properties, the path shown is: "\mailbox-name\customers\customer-xyz". Referencing the path this way in a macro doesn't work. Is it possible to reference the folder location in a more direct manner?
Set olNamespace = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
' Example-1, Select folder by name from default PST inbox
Set FolderKeep = _
' Example-2, Select folder by mailbox name/folder/subfolder
Set FolderKeep = _
A method of pulling the folder out of a path is described here.
Private Function GetFolder(strFolderpath As String) As Folder
' The path argument needs to be in quotation marks and
' exactly match the folder hierarchy that the user sees in the Folder List.
' NOTE: If any folder name in the path string contains a "\" character,
' this routine will not work,
' As the developer do not use this. It hides errors.
'On Error GoTo GetFolder_Error
Dim objNS As Namespace
Dim objFolder As Folder
Dim arrFolders() As String
Dim colFolders As Folders
Dim i As Long
Dim uErrorMsg As String
' Remove leading slashes, if any
Do While Left(strFolderpath, 1) = "\"
'Debug.Print strFolderpath
strFolderpath = Right(strFolderpath, Len(strFolderpath) - 1)
Debug.Print strFolderpath
arrFolders() = Split(strFolderpath, "\")
Set objNS = GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set objFolder = objNS.Folders.Item(arrFolders(0))
If Not objFolder Is Nothing Then
For i = 1 To UBound(arrFolders)
Set colFolders = objFolder.Folders
Set objFolder = Nothing
Set objFolder = colFolders.Item(arrFolders(i))
If objFolder Is Nothing Then Exit For
End If
Set GetFolder = objFolder
Set colFolders = Nothing
Set objNS = Nothing
Set objFolder = Nothing
Exit Function
uErrorMsg = "Err.Number: " & Err.Number & vbCr & "Err.Description: " & Err.Description
MsgBox uErrorMsg
Set GetFolder = Nothing
Resume ExitRoutine
End Function
Private Sub GetFolder_Test()
Dim testFolder As Folder
Set testFolder = GetFolder("\mailbox-name\customers\customer-xyz")
If Not (testFolder Is Nothing) Then testFolder.Display
End Sub

Moving Emails to Public Folder using Dynamic Paths

In our Corporate environment we have a Mailbox (not the default inbox) with many sub folders. We also have a Public Folder which is an exact mirror of the Mailbox folder structure.
I am trying to detect the path of a selected email and move that email to its mirrored folder in the Public Folders.
I would say 95% of this code is correct but I am left with an Outlook error message "Can't move the items."
The code is supposed to do the following:
1. detects the current folder of the selected email(s)
2. converts the MAPIFolder into a path string
3. shortens the string to remove the root Mailbox directory structure
4. adds the remaining string onto the root directory structure of the public folder
5. converts the resulting path back into a MAPIFolder
6. move the selected email(s) to the mirrored folder in the Public Folders
Sub PublicFolderAutoArchive()
Dim olApp As Object
Dim currentNameSpace As NameSpace
Dim wipFolder As MAPIFolder
Dim objFolder As MAPIFolder
Dim pubFolder As String
Dim wipFolderString As String
Dim Messages As Selection
Dim itm As Object
Dim Msg As MailItem
Dim Proceed As VbMsgBoxResult
Set olApp = Application
Set currentNameSpace = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set wipFolder = Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder
Set Messages = ActiveExplorer.Selection
' Destination root directory'
' Tried with both "\\Public Folders" and "Public Folders" .. neither worked
pubFolder = "\\Public Folders\All Public Folders\InboxMirror"
' wipFolder.FolderPath Could be any folder in our mailbox such as:
' "\\Mailbox - Corporate Account\Inbox\SubFolder1\SubFolder2"
' however, the \\Mailbox - Corporate Account\Inbox\" part is
' static and never changes so the variable below removes the static
' section, then the remainder of the path is added onto the root
' of the public folder path which is an exact mirror of the inbox.
' This is to allow a dynamic Archive system where the destination
'path matches the source path except for the root directory.
wipFolderString = Right(wipFolder.FolderPath, Len(wipFolder.FolderPath) - 35)
' tried with and without the & "\" ... neither worked
Set objFolder = GetFolder(pubFolder & wipFolderString & "\")
If Messages.Count = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
For Each itm In Messages
If itm.Class = olMail Then
Proceed = MsgBox("Are you sure you want archive the message to the Public Folder?", _
vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Confirm Archive")
If Proceed = vbYes Then
Set Msg = itm
Msg.Move objFolder
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Function GetFolder(strFolderPath As String) As MAPIFolder
' strFolderPath needs to be something like
' "Public Folders\All Public Folders\Company\Sales" or
' "Personal Folders\Inbox\My Folder"
Dim objApp As Outlook.Application
Dim objNS As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim colFolders As Outlook.Folders
Dim objFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim arrFolders() As String
Dim I As Long
On Error Resume Next
strFolderPath = Replace(strFolderPath, "/", "\")
arrFolders() = Split(strFolderPath, "\")
Set objApp = Application
Set objNS = objApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set objFolder = objNS.Folders.Item(arrFolders(0))
If Not objFolder Is Nothing Then
For I = 1 To UBound(arrFolders)
Set colFolders = objFolder.Folders
Set objFolder = Nothing
Set objFolder = colFolders.Item(arrFolders(I))
If objFolder Is Nothing Then
Exit For
End If
End If
Set GetFolder = objFolder
Set colFolders = Nothing
Set objNS = Nothing
Set objApp = Nothing
End Function
Note: The mailbox above is just an example and is not the actual mailbox name. I used MsgBox to confirm the path string was being joined correctly with all appropriate back slashes and that the Right() function was getting what I needed from the source path.
I'm not sure, but should be something like?
set objApp = New Outlook.Application
instead of
set objApp = Application
From glancing at the code, it appears that your GetFolder() implementation doesn't like the double-backslash you're giving at the start of the path. There's even a comment indicating this at the start of the function. Try removing those two chars from the front of pubFolder.
Alternatively, you could alter GetFolder to permit them. A few lines like this should do the trick.
If Left(strFolderPath, 2) = "\\" Then
strFolderPath = Right(strFolderPath, Len(strFolderPath) - 2)
End If

Accessing another maibox in outlook using vba

I have two mailboxes in my Outlook.
One that is mine and it automatically logs me in when I log in to my pc and another I have that is for mail bounces.
I really need to access the inbox of the mail's account but I just can't seem to do it.
And there is no way I can make the mailbox of the mail account to be my default mailbox
Here is the code I have so far:
Public Sub GetMails()
Dim ns As NameSpace
Dim myRecipient As Outlook.Recipient
Dim aFolder As Outlook.Folders
Set ns = GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set myRecipient = ns.CreateRecipient("")
If myRecipient.Resolved Then
MsgBox ("Resolved")
Set aFolder = ns.GetSharedDefaultFolder(myRecipient, olFolderInbox)
MsgBox ("Failed")
End If
End Sub
The problem I am getting is at the
Set aFolder = ns.GetSharedDefaultFolder(myRecipient, olFolderInbox)
I get the Resolved msgbox so I know that is working but after that I get an error:
Run-Time Error
which doesn't say much about the error itself.
Can anyone help me out here please?
If the folder you wish to access is not an Exchange folder, you will need to find it, if it is an Exchange folder, try logging on to the namespace.
Log on to NameSpace
Set oNS = oApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Find Folder
As far as I recall, this code is from Sue Mosher.
Public Function GetFolder(strFolderPath As String) As Object 'MAPIFolder
' strFolderPath needs to be something like
' "Public Folders\All Public Folders\Company\Sales" or
' "Personal Folders\Inbox\My Folder" ''
Dim apOL As Object 'Outlook.Application '
Dim objNS As Object 'Outlook.NameSpace '
Dim colFolders As Object 'Outlook.Folders '
Dim objFolder As Object 'Outlook.MAPIFolder '
Dim arrFolders() As String
Dim I As Long
On Error GoTo TrapError
strFolderPath = Replace(strFolderPath, "/", "\")
arrFolders() = Split(strFolderPath, "\")
Set apOL = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set objNS = apOL.GetNamespace("MAPI")
On Error Resume Next
Set objFolder = objNS.Folders.Item(arrFolders(0))
If Not objFolder Is Nothing Then
For I = 1 To UBound(arrFolders)
Set colFolders = objFolder.Folders
Set objFolder = Nothing
Set objFolder = colFolders.Item(arrFolders(I))
If objFolder Is Nothing Then
Exit For
End If
End If
Set GetFolder = objFolder
Set colFolders = Nothing
Set objNS = Nothing
Set apOL = Nothing
End Function