Connect VB with SQL (Local + unknown database name) - sql

Basically I want to know if it is possible to connect my VB app with SQL server on the same Computer (Local) and interrogate it for a list of database names.
I just want to know if that is possible.
sqlConn.ConnectionString = Data Source=local;Initial Catalog=unknownDatabase;User Id=knownUsername;Password=knownPassword;"
Fill DataBase Names to Drop Down
User Selects DB Name
Change Connection to now Known DatabaseName

Of course it is possible.. You can create a connection to a local SQL instance the same way you'd create a connection to a remote one.
Then to get a list of the databases on the server, execute "SELECT Name FROM master.sys.databases"


MS SQL data to MS SQL by connection string

Good day I have
Server 1-
Table - tablename
;User Id=username;
Server 2 –
table – tablename
I need get data from table on server1 to table on server2 To server 1 I connecting by different user as my current userlogin.
Do you have idea how I can retrieve data from server to server by different user… I try setup string like this but not work.. Usually I use this type of string but I have my user login in users section on the other servers.
I read but I can not fit.
/TABLESOURCE:username.tablename /SOURCETYPE:0 /TABLEDEST:tablename /DESTINATIONTYPE:0 /TRUNCATE:1 /PROC:1 /CSPARAMDB:server=;database=dbnamedest;trusted_connection=true /CSSOURCE:“Server=;Database=DBNAMESOURCE;User Id=username;Password=***;trusted_connection=true”/CSDEST:server=;database=dbnamedest;trusted_connection=true /LDB:NO

Use of database name in connection string

What is the use of mentioning the database name in connection string while opening a connection from dot net application to SQL server? Because even though we mention a database name in connection string we have to explicitly write the fully qualified name (DBName.schemaName.ProcName) while calling a stored procedure if the default DB is different for that particular user.
Connecting to database from a .NET application is different from accessing a table of different database.
use of mentioning the database name in connection string
so for instance you can use connection string below to connect to myDB at MyServer
Data Source=MyServer;Initial Catalog=myDB;Integrated Security=True
if you will not specify at least these information how your .NET application can connect to a stored procedure (MyProcInMyDB) located in myDB.
Now for part you asked
though we mention a database name while calling a stored procedure if
the default DB is different for that particular user
this is not a normal case to access stored procedure of another database using same connection string if it is a very special case (not likely) then you will do it for calling one or two stored procedures. But if it is required quite often within your application then you should create a separate connection string. Using same connection string and calling like
command.CommandText = "myDB2.dbo.getList"
can result is difficult maintenance and flexibility

Problem with SQLBrowseConnect

I'm making a call to odbc32.dll (SQLBrowseConnect) to return a list of databases on a sql server.
From running a trace I can see the query being executed is
select name from master..sysdatabases where has_dbaccess(name)=1
If the credentials I pass aren't the sa user it returns just the system databases. Is there anyway I can use SQLBrowseConnect with another user (whose default database is also not guarenteed to be the master database) to return all databases on the server?
Also I want to avoid smo objects
In our ETL tools we do use SQLBrowseConnect to get a list of available SQL servers.
We do not use it for getting list of the databases
SQLExecDirect(FHSMT,PAnsiChar ('select name from MASTER.dbo.sysdatabases order by name'), SQL_NTS)
We use different ODBC driver for different versions of SQL server.

how to access sql server from asp page

We have a legacy, homegrown timesheet system (ASP, microsoft sql server 2005) that I need to clone to another computer for backup purposes. (I know very little about this stuff, so pleas be gentle)
I've got most of the pieces in place (IIS, Sql Server, table import / creation). But, the ASP page to access the timesheet pages is choking on access to the sql server.
here is the line it's crashing on: Session("sConnStr")
This is the connection string;
sConnStr = "Server=MYSERVER-D01;DATABASE=MYDATABASE;UID=MyDatabaseUser;PWD=MyDatabaseUser;QuotedID=No;DRIVER={SQL Server};Provider=MSDASQL"
This is the error:
Error Type: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005) [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified /mydir/mypage.asp, line 17 <== shown above
Note that am able to access the db on SQL Server with Windows specified as the authentication using Server Management Studio. However, when i try using SQL Authentication, I get the message "The user is not associated with a trusted SQL connection".
How do you set up the user / password on SQL Server 2005?
What is the default driver, and do i need to get it/set it up?
When it talks about the data source name ( see "MYDATABASE" in the
above mentioned connection string), is it talking about one of the
entries you see under "Databases" on the management studio object
Thanks for you responses! So far, no luck. I've managed to access the database via management studio object explorer, by doing this;
Enable SQL Authentication:
To resolve this issue, follow the instructions to set User Authentication.
SQL Server 2000:
Go to Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > Enterprise Manager
Right-click the Server name, select Properties > Security
Under Authentication, select SQL Server and Windows
The server must be stopped and re-started before this will take effect
SQL Server 2005:
Go to Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2005 > SQL Server Management Studio
Right-click the Server name, select Properties > Security
Under Server Authentication, select SQL Server and Windows Authentication Mode
The server must be stopped and re-started before this will take effect..."
Change the owner to the one being used to access the db
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
Right click the DB, change the owner
But I'm still getting exactly the same error message!
To create a new user and assign it to a database you'll need to do the following,
In SQL Server Management Studio, open Object Explorer and expand the
folder of the server instance in which
to create the new login.
Right-click the Security folder, point to New, and then click Login.
On the General page, enter a name for the new login in the Login name
Select SQL Server Authentication. Windows Authentication is the more
secure option.
Enter a password for the login.
Select the password policy options that should be applied to the new
login. In general, enforcing password
policy is the more secure option.
Click OK.
You will then want to assign that login to a database by creating a new database user,
In SQL Server Management Studio, open Object Explorer and expand the
Databases folder.
Expand the database in which to create the new database user.
Right-click the Security folder, point to New, and then click User.
On the General page, enter a name for the new user in the User name box.
In the Login name box, enter the name of a SQL Server login to map to
the database user.
Click OK.
You'll want to make that user the db_owner. Run the following against your database.
sp_addrolemember #rolename = 'db_owner', #membername = 'usernamehere'
Then use the following connection string format to connect to the database.
Data Source=ServerAddress;Initial Catalog=DatabaseName;User Id=UserName;Password=UserPassword;
If you have a trusted connection from the login that IIS is using the the machine that has SQL Server running on it I would avoid using Username / Password and declare that the connection is trusted in your connection string:
sConnStr = "Server=MYSERVER-D01;DATABASE=MYDATABASE;UID=MyDatabaseUser;PWD=MyDatabaseUser;QuotedID=No;DRIVER={SQL Server};Provider=MSDASQL;Integrated Security=SSPI"
This is to illustrate the change, but in practice you may need to vary the connections string a bit more than that, have a look at for examples.
When it talks about the data source name ( see "MYDATABASE" in the above mentioned connection string), is it talking about one of the entries you see under "Databases" on the management studio object explorer
Yes, your entry for "MYDATABASE" should be the exact name of the database that you see under "Databases". Make sure that you have the "Server" correct too.
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager]Data source name not found and no default driver specified.
This usually happens in one of the following scenarios:
* you referenced your connection incorrectly (e.g. spelled the DSN name, or one of the DSN-less string components wrong);
* you referenced a DSN that doesn't exist;
* the user connecting to the DSN or DSN-less connection doesn't have access to the information stored in the registry (see KB #306345);
* you used an English or localized driver detail for your connection string when your system is not set up in that language (see KB #174655); or,
* you are missing the connection string entirely (this can happen if you maintain your connection string in a session variable, and your sessions aren't working; see Article #2157).
Here is the link to the above article (note it is extremely detailed).
To answer the last question, MYDATABASE is calling a database by name. If you use 'MYDATABASE' in your string, you will need a database named 'MYDATABASE' in SQL Server.
This connection string should work fine with ASP if this is a SQL server. Replace your values before using obviously.
sConnStr = "provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=YourServerName;Initial Catalog=YourDBName;UID=YourUserName;PWD=YourUserPWD;"
The easiest way I have found to deal with these issue is to create a udl file. On your desktop create a new text file and rename it filename.udl. Double click the udl file. Click the Provider Tab > select Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server > Next. Using the connection tab you should be able to connect to your database. Once test connection succeeds click ok. You can now open the file in a text editor and copy and paste the line that start Provider... to your asp file. You should end up with sConnStr = "Provider..textfromUDLfile"
MSDN - Creating and Configuring Universal Data Link (.udl) Files
I suggest that you create a DAL (Data Access Layer) that can do all the connection stuff for you. Just passit your command an dit can open and close your conenctions and such. In any app you wan tto abstract these different layers as much as posible and that means that your aspx page should call to an object when has the methods that hten get handled by the dal and make the database calls.
Here is the format for connection to the DB. You can put the connecitn string in the web.config file or even do it in code using hte connectionstringbuilder.
you also need to make sure that your project includes the library otherwise this won't work.
The entry in the web config file looks something like this.
<add name="ConString" connectionString="Data Source=localhost;Integrated Security=True;Initial Catalog="DBtouse";Persist Security Info=True;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>
<add key="ConString" value="Server=localhost;user=username;password=password;Initial Catalog=MyDBtouse;pooling=false"/>
the code behind loks like this:
Dim MyConnection As Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
Dim Constring As New SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder
Constring.ConnectionString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ConString")
Constring.ConnectTimeout = 30
MyConnection.ConnectionString = Constring.ConnectionString
'Execute code here
MyConnection = Nothing

How do you setup a linked server to an Oracle database on SQL 2000/2005?

I am able to create and execute a DTS package that copies tables from a remote Oracle database to a local SQL server, but want to setup the connection to the Oracle database as a linked server.
The DTS package currently uses the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle with the following properties:
Data Source: SERVER=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=;uid=*UserName*;pwd=*UserPassword*;
Password: UserPassword
User ID: UserName
Allow saving password: true
How do I go about setting a linked server to an Oracle database using the data source defined above?
I was able to setup a linked server to a remote Oracle database, which ended up being a multi-step process:
Install Oracle ODBC drivers on SQL Server.
Create System DSN to Oracle database on SQL Server.
Create linked server on SQL server using System DSN.
Step 1: Install Oracle ODBC drivers on server
a. Download the necessary Oracle Instant Client packages: Basic, ODBC, and SQL*Plus (optional)
b. Unzip the packages to a local directory on the SQL server, typically C:\Oracle. This should result in a [directory] like C:\Oracle\instantclient_10_2, which will be the value of [directory] referenced in the rest of this answer.
c. Create a text file named tnsnames.ora within the instant client [directory] that contains the following:
OracleTnsName =
Note: Actual HOST, PORT, and SERVICE_NAME will vary based on Oracle server you are establishing a connection to. This information can often be found using the Oracle network client tools under the listeners.
The OracleTnsName can be any name you want to assign to the Oracle data source, and will be used when setting up the system DSN. You can also use the syntax above to define multiple TNS names in the same tnsnames.ora file if desired.
d. Add the [directory] to the system PATH environment variable.
e. Create a new system environment variable named TNS_Admin that has a value of [directory]
f. Execute the [directory]\odbc_install.exe utility to install the Oracle ODBC drivers.
g. It is recommended that you reboot the SQL server, but may not be necessary. Also, you may want to grant security permissions to this directory for the SQL server and SQL agent user identities.
Step 2: Create a System DNS that uses the Oracle ODBC driver
a. Open the ODBC Data Source Administrator tool. [ Administrative Tools --> Data Sources (ODBC) ]
b. Select the System DSN tab and then select the Add button.
c. In the drivers list, select Oracle in instantclient {version}. (e.g. 'Oracle in instantclient 10_2') and then select Finish button.
d. Specify the following:
Data Source Name: {System DSN Name}
Description: {leave blank/empty}
TNS Service Name: should have the OracleTnsName you defined in the tnsnames.ora file listed, select it as the value.
User ID: {Oracle user name}
e. Select Test Connection button. You should be prompted to provide the {Oracle user password}. If all goes well the test will succeed.
Step 3: Create linked server in SQL to the Oracle database
Open a query window in SQL server and execute the following:
EXEC sp_addlinkedserver
#server = '{Linked Server Name}'
,#srvproduct = '{System DSN Name}'
,#provider = 'MSDASQL'
,#datasrc = '{System DSN Name}'
EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin
#rmtsrvname = '{Linked Server Name}'
,#useself = 'False'
,#locallogin = NULL
,#rmtuser = '{Oracle User Name}'
,#rmtpassword = '{Oracle User Password}'
Note: The {Linked Server Name} can be anything you want to use when referencing the Oracle server, but the {System DNS Name} must match the name of the system DSN you created previously.
The {Oracle User Name} should be the same as the User ID used by the system DSN, and the {Oracle User Password} should be the same as you used to successfully test the ODBC connection. See KB 280106 for information on troubleshooting Oracle linked server issues.
Querying the Oracle linked server
You may use OPENQUERY to execute pass-through queries on the Oracle linked server, but be aware that for very large recordsets you may receive a ORA-01652 error message if you specify a ORDER BY clause in the pass-through query. Moving the ORDER BY clause from the pass-through query to the outer select statement solved this issue for me.
I had the same problem. I was on the phone with Microsoft for hours, and they did not have a solution. None of those "connection timeout" settings helped me.
To resolve it, I created a DTS job that runs a proc which only updates the time on one row, in one column, every two minutes. Then I setup a replication between SQL Server and Oracle, scheduled to replicate that single cell change, from SQL to Oracle, every 3 minutes. It keeps the connection alive!