Strange warning when try to return array - objective-c

When I'm trying to return a array I'm always getting this strange "waring" message but it does not interrupt my App
Returning 'ABRecordRef' (aka 'const void *') from a function with result type 'ABRecordRef ' (aka 'const void *') discards qualifiers
Here is my code where I'm getting this message
- (ABRecordRef *) findContactsContainingName: (NSString *) fname
//TODO: add lastname, phonenumber etc.
// Load the contacts
ABAddressBookRef addressBook = ABAddressBookCreateWithOptions(NULL, nil);
NSArray *thePeople = (__bridge NSArray*)ABAddressBookCopyArrayOfAllPeople(addressBook);
for (id person in thePeople){
NSString *firstname = (__bridge NSString*) ABRecordCopyValue((__bridge ABRecordRef)(person), kABPersonFirstNameProperty);
if([firstname isEqualToString: fname]){
return (__bridge ABRecordRef)(person);
return NULL;
Can someone please explain me why I get here a Waring ..
Thanks for help and fast answer

Remove the * here:
- (ABRecordRef *) findContactsContainingName: (NSString *) fname
ABRecordRef is already defined as a pointer.

ABRecord is C API and it work in CoreFoundation ways.
In CoreFoundation (and AddressBook) objects are implemented as C structs, and pointers are used to reference them. A string in CoreFoundation is CFStringRef, which is interchangeable (or rather, toll-free bridged) with Foundation object, NSString *. (i.e. the "Ref" in CFStringRef implied a * in it - think it as CFString *, or rather struct __CFString *)
Similarly, ABRecordRef is ABRecord * and hence your return type, ABRecordRef * is actually ABRecord **, a secondary pointer. This is what the compiler is complaining.
You can check out the source code of GNUstep CoreBase and you will find out why. GNUstep is a open-source clone of Cocoa (it predates Cocoa!) for Linux and studying its source code can be very helpful on understanding how Cocoa work under the hood.


Convert NSArray to CFStringRef *

I need a way to convert an NSArray to a null terminated list compatible with the arguments option of DADiskMountWithArguments.
The documentation specifies the argument option to be a "Null terminated list" of type CFStringRef arguments[].
I have created a Mount method that I want to pass an NSArray with the arguments, and in my method I need to convert the NSArray to a CFStringRef *.
I've tried myself but I always get in trouble with ARC, and I have not been able to find any good way to do this yet.
I've looked at the project Disk-Arbitrator in GitHub for inspiration, and the creator of that application uses this method:
- (void)mountAtPath:(NSString *)path withArguments:(NSArray *)args
NSAssert(self.isMountable, #"Disk isn't mountable.");
NSAssert(self.isMounted == NO, #"Disk is already mounted.");
self.isMounting = YES;
Log(LOG_DEBUG, #"%s mount %# at mountpoint: %# arguments: %#", __func__, BSDName, path, args.description);
// ensure arg list is NULL terminated
id *argv = calloc(args.count + 1, sizeof(id));
[args getObjects:argv range:NSMakeRange(0, args.count)];
NSURL *url = path ? [NSURL fileURLWithPath:path.stringByExpandingTildeInPath] : NULL;
DADiskMountWithArguments((DADiskRef) disk, (CFURLRef) url, kDADiskMountOptionDefault,
DiskMountCallback, self, (CFStringRef *)argv);
But that is not allowed in ARC, and I can't find a way to do it.
Update for better clarity:
This line:
id *argv = calloc(args.count + 1, sizeof(id));
Gives the following error message:
Implicit conversion of a non-Objective-C pointer type 'void *' to
'__strong id *' is disallowed with ARC
Pointer to non-const type 'id' with no explicit ownership.
To fix that i try to do this:
id argv = (__bridge id)(calloc(args.count + 1, sizeof(id)));
Then this line:
[args getObjects:argv range:NSMakeRange(0, args.count)];
Gives the following errors:
[ERROR] Implicit conversion of an Objective-C pointer to
'__unsafe_unretained id *' is disallowed with ARC
[WARN] Incompatible pointer types sending '__string id' to parameter
of type '__unsafe_unretained id *'
The declaration of -getObjects:range: look like this:
- (void)getObjects:(id [])aBuffer range:(NSRange)aRange
So from the error message i got I assume i have to pass an '__unsafe_unretained id *' to 'getObjects:(id [])aBuffer'. So to fix that i declare my id as __unsafe_unretained like this:
__unsafe_unretained id argv = (__bridge __unsafe_unretained id)(calloc(args.count + 1, sizeof(id)));
And update this line like this:
[args getObjects:&argv range:NSMakeRange(0, args.count)];
Now i don't have any errors there, but in the call to DADiskMountWithArguments i get the following error:
Cast of an Objective-C pointer to 'CFStringRef *' (aka 'const struct
__CFString **) is disallowed with ARC
So here I got stuck as I have not been able to fix this error, and I don't know if I made mistakes earlier or if I haven't found the right way send the CFStringRef, therefore I decided to ask for guidance here.
This is how it looks in context, where args is an NSArray declared earlier:
__unsafe_unretained id argv = (__bridge __unsafe_unretained id)(calloc(args.count + 1, sizeof(id)));
[args getObjects:&argv range:NSMakeRange(0, args.count)];
DADiskMountWithArguments((DADiskRef) disk, (__bridge CFURLRef) url, kDADiskMountOptionDefault, NULL, (__bridge void *)self, (CFStringRef *)argv );
So my question is either, how can this method be made ARC-friendly, or is there another/better way to get from an NSArray to a NULL-terminated CFStringRef *
Try this:
CFStringRef *argv = calloc(args.count + 1, sizeof(CFStringRef));
CFArrayGetValues((__bridge CFArrayRef)args, CFRangeMake(0, args.count), (const void **)argv );
DADiskMountWithArguments((DADiskRef) disk, (CFURLRef) url, kDADiskMountOptionDefault,
DiskMountCallback, self, argv);
There are no Core Foundation/Cocoa memory management issues because CFArrayGetValues() doesn't give you ownership of the returned values.

__unsafe_unretained in struct

Let say I have a struct in which I declare like so:
struct myStruct
NSString *aString;
The above gives error.
I can, however, fix the error by:
struct myStruct
__unsafe_unretained NSString *aString;
It silences the error, but will crash at runtime, because I suppose aString is immediately released.
I have tried __strong instead but it won't compile.
Is there any other way I can store an object within the struct and use it properly?
You can create a new object and use this as a pointer to a struct (as this is what a Objective C object is). So if you create a subclass of NSObject with instance variables that you require you can treat it exactly like a pointer to a structure (once you have initialised it). i.e.
myObj = [[myObjClass alloc] init];
myObj->instanceVariable1 = #"myString";
As mentioned in the comments below you need to declare the variables in the interface like this:
#interface myObjStruct : NSObject
NSString *instanceVariable1;
With an NSString you can use a CFStringRef instead, or cast your NSString * to a CFString and retain it with a CFRetain(), or use CFBridgingRetain to get the incremented retain count immediately. You can do this with any type that is toll free bridged from a CF type (such as CFArray CFDictionary).
struct testStruct {
CFStringRef str;
- (void)aMethod
NSString *string = #"Hello struct";
struct testStruct test = {
You now have ownership of the string, and will need to call CFRelease on the test.str at some point to not leak memory. To get a NSString back you cast it like this NSString *string = (__bridge NSString *)test.str;.
The above code has incremented the retain count of the string object. It's possible to get this to work for any object like this:
struct testStruct {
__unsafe_unretained AnyObj *obj;
- (void)aMethod
AnyObj *aObj = [[AnyObj alloc] init];
CFBridgingRetain(aObj); \\increment the retain count.
struct testStruct test = {
aObj = nil;
NSLog(#"%#", aObj);
To release this object later you would need to do CFRelease((__bridge CFTypeRef)(test.obj));. Note that if you remove the CFBridgingRetain(aObj); this code will probably crash.
You could also try having a play with id objc_retain(id value); Although to use this you will need to manually include the arc.h header see How to import objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue? you would use this to increment the retain value much like the code above but without the need for casting. You'd also have to use the equivalent release function.
Toll-Free Bridged Types
__bridge transfers a pointer between Objective-C and Core Foundation with no transfer of ownership.
__bridge_retained or CFBridgingRetain casts an Objective-C pointer to a Core Foundation pointer and also transfers ownership to you. You are
responsible for calling CFRelease or a related function to relinquish
ownership of the object.
__bridge_transfer or CFBridgingRelease moves a non-Objective-C pointer to Objective-C and also transfers ownership to ARC. ARC is responsible
for relinquishing ownership of the object.
Example (not recommend)
It seems __bridge_retained, __bridge_transfer don't allow ownership transfer to/from same type. So I used additional __bridge for type casting.
I've test confirmed NSString objects are released without leaks.
#define TEST_COUNT 10000
struct myStruct
NSString* __unsafe_unretained aString;
static struct myStruct* myArray = NULL;
static void allocString()
myArray = (struct myStruct*) malloc(sizeof(struct myStruct) * TEST_COUNT);
for (int i=0; i<TEST_COUNT; ++i)
NSString* v = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"%d", i];
myArray[i].aString = (__bridge NSString*)(__bridge_retained void*) v;
static void freeString()
if (myArray)
for (int i=0; i<TEST_COUNT; ++i)
if (myArray[i].aString)
NSString* v = (__bridge_transfer NSString*) (__bridge void*) myArray[i].aString;
v = nil;

Having difficulties understanding pointers in Objective-C

So I understand that in ObjC everything lives in the Heap, and everything has a pointer to it. I'm reading through O'Reilys book and I'm grasping most things, but when I'm following through the tutorials/examples and something like this comes up
NSMutableArray *bar = [[[foo alloc] init] callMethod];
The * is right next to bar, but then you have things like
- (NSString *)createDeck:(NSString *)numOfCards;
Why is NSString * and not - (NSString)*createDeck:(NSString)*numOfCards;?
Any help understand things concept would be great thanks.
NSUInteger *randomIndex = arc4random() % [deck count];
As Where
NSUInteger randomIndex = arc4random() % [deck count];
Works fine, how come removing the pointer in this case works?
The type is NSString * and that's why you have
- (NSString *)createDeck:(NSString *)numOfCards;
The return type and the argument type are enclosed within the parentheses.
Concerning the last question, an NSUInteger is not a object, despite the naming may suggest otherwise. Being a native type it lives on the stack and you don't need a pointer to it.
If you cmd-click on the type name, you'll find that it's actually a typedef for unsigned int (or unsigned long, depending on the architecture).
Variables in C (and consequently in Objective-C) are declared using declarators, which are composed by a type and an identifier. In your example NSString * is the type and bar is the identifier.
NSString * bar;
^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^
type identifier
Declarators without an identifier are called abstract declarators, and are commonly used in C in three cases:
float x = (float)2/4;
argument of sizeof()
sizeof(int *);
declaring argument types of a function
void foo(int *, float);
In Objective-C they are also used for return and argument types of methods, and that's why you have
- (NSString *)createDeck:(NSString *)numOfCards;
(Most of the information about declarators are adapted from
Concerning the position of the asterkisk,
NSString *bar;
NSString * bar;
NSString* bar;
are all valid ways in to declare a variable of type pointer to NSString, aka NSString *.
Which one to use is a pure matter of personal taste, even though I believe the first one is the most common.

Why dereferencing a NSString pointer is not necessary?

In the example
NSString *message = #"Hello";
message = #"World";
If message is just a pointer why don't I need to explicitly say whatever is in message is now equal to string or *message = #"World"; like in C?
The discussion below gives a general idea on why you never dereferenciate a pointer to an object in Objective-C.
However, concerning the specific case of NSString literals, this is not what's happening in reality. While the structure described below is still sound and it may work that way, what's actually happening is that the space for a string literal is allocated at compile time, and you get its address back. This is true for string literals, since they are immutable and constant. For the sake of efficiency therefore each literal is allocated only once.
As a matter of fact
NSString * a = #"Hello";
NSString * b = #"Hello";
NSLog(#"%# %p", a, a); // Hello 0x1f4958
NSLog(#"%# %p", b, b); // Hello 0x1f4958
Because it will be translated to
message = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:"Hello"]];
which will boil down to
message = objc_msgSend(objc_msgSend(objc_getClass("NSString"), #selector(alloc)), #selector(initWithUTF8String:), "Hello");
Now if we take a look to the signature of objc_msgSend
id objc_msgSend(id theReceiver, SEL theSelector, ...)
we see that the method returns an id type, which in Objective-C is the object type. But how is id actually defined?
typedef struct objc_object {
Class isa;
} *id;
id is defined as a pointer to an objc_object struct.
So in the end #"string" will translate in a function call that will produce a pointer to an object (i.e. an objc_object struct, if you prefer), which is exactly what you need to assign to message.
Bottom line, you assign pointers, not objects.
To better clarify the last concept consider this
NSMutableString * a = [NSMutableString stringWithString:#"hello"];
NSMutableString * b = a;
[a setString:#"hola"];
NSLog(#"%#", a); // "hola"
NSLog(#"%#", b); // "hola"
If you were assigning objects, b would have been a copy of a and any further modification of a wouldn't have affected b.
Instead what you get is a and b being two pointers to the same object in the heap.

Casting an (NSString *) to (int *)?

I have an NSString.
NSString *str;
And I need to store it in a struct.
struct {
int *s;
} st;
And set it.
st.s = str;
So, how should I go about retrieving it?
return (__bridge_retained NSString *)st.s;
I've tried the above, and it gives the error: Incompatible types casting 'int *' to 'NSString *' with a __bridge_retained cast.
Answered the question. Simply define the NSString in the struct like this.
struct {
__unsafe_unretained NSString *s;
} st;
Thanks, Carl Veazey!
To store an Objective-C object in an struct you have a couple of options, the one I see most is to store it in the struct as __unsafe_unretained and then maintain a strong reference to it elsewhere.
From the "Common Issues While Converting a Project" section of the ARC Transition Notes:
If using Objective-C objects is sub-optimal, (maybe you want a dense
array of these structs) then consider using a void* instead. This
requires the use of the explicit casts...
They seem to imply __bridge is the way to cast void * to id but are not 100% clear on this.
The other option, which makes more sense to me personally and I've seen more often I think:
Mark the object reference as __unsafe_unretained. ... You declare the
structure as: struct x { NSString * __unsafe_unretained S; int X; }
Hope this helps!