Prolog Program to Find Square of Natural Numbers - iterator

My code below is meant to generate the square of natural numbers in order
(i.e sq(X). -> X=0; X=1; X=4; X=9; X=16; ...)
nat(X) :- nat(Y), Z is Y+1, X is Z*Z.
but the answer I am getting is:
0 ?- nat(X).
X = 0 ;
X = 1 ;
X = 4 ;
X = 25 ;
X = 676
Should be a quick fix, but I've spent longer on this than I'd like to say. Any help is greatly appreciated!

your nat/1 really seems to return a different sequence. Should be
nat(X) :- nat(Y), X is Y+1.
and then, a different predicate for square
sq(X) :- % call nat/1, square it...
please complete the code


The problem with writing a function in OCaml

I'm trying to write a function that creates a list of powers of a given number.
An example:
powList(2,5) = [0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32]
Here is the code I already wrote:
let rec powList (x,n) =
if n = 0 then []
else (let a = let rec power (x, n) =
if n = 0 then 1
else x * power (x, n-1) in a) ::: powList(x, n-1);;
and this is the problem I get
Line 5, characters 31-32:
5 | else x * power (x, n-1) in a) ::: powList(x, n-1);;
Error: Syntax error: operator expected.
I'm only beginning to code in OCaml so I would be grateful for any help
Few generic remarks:
Don't define (recursive) functions inside recursive functions. Defining helper function in advance will make your code more readable and leave less room for syntax errors. For instance, lifting the definition of power outside of powList give you
let rec power x n =
if n = 0 then 1
else x * power x (n-1)
let rec powList (x,n) =
if n = 0 then []
else ( power ??? :: powList(x, n-1));;
Second, adding an element to a list is done with :: and not :::
Third, functions are generally curried in idiomatic OCaml code
let rec powList x n = ...
rather than
let rec powList (x,n)
because this opens more avenue for composition.
Fourth, your implementation is inefficient because it recomputes x^n at every step without fast exponentation. Consequently, your code ends up computing n * (n+1)/2 multiplications. Using fast exponentiation would reduce the number of multiplication to O(n log n). However the simpler version of using x^(n-1) to computes x yield only n multiplication:
let pow_list x n =
let rec pow_list x_power_n n =
if n = 0 then ...
else ...
pow_list ...

axiomantic semantic..what are the weakest preconditon?

i was studying axiomantic semantic which is really pain in my ass. everything was so far great untill i met these questions. i was stuck at the 2 Question which has 'and' in the postcondition.
what are the weakest precondition?
if (x > y)
c = x * 2 + 4
a = x + 4;
{a > 4 and c < 6}
2)if (x > y)
e = x * 2 + 4
f = x + 5;
{f > 4 and e > 6}
i've never seen postcondition with the 'and' , it was pretty confusing.
because when i tried to figure out the first one
(precondition for if)
a>4 and 2x+4<6
a>4 and 2x<2
a>4 and x<1
(pre condtion for else)
x+4 >4 and c<6
x>0 and c<6
i couldn't apply the rule of consequence because there are three variables and x has different direction of comparison symbol , which is hard to figure out which one is the stronger one, or weaker.
can anyone help this poor computer noob :( ?

Variable size element in embedded function but fixed input and output

I have a fixed input and output for my simulink embeded function.
However I would like to compute a variable size element inside the function, (only used for calculation).
Therefore I would prefer not to declare the block as receiving or sending dynamic size signal. (or using coder.varsize)
K = find( p_var(:) == 0 ); % p_var is a vector containing some zeros
p_var(K) = []; % p_var is a therefore a varsize vector
% the variability is something I need for reason
n = length(p_var) % n is dynamic
M = ones(10,n) % M & L are also dynamic
L = ones(n,50)
G = M*L; % G is fixed of size [10*50]
Here the variable G is always fixed... but I have this type of error :
Dimension 2 is fixed on the left-hand side but varies on the right ([1 x 9] ~= [1 x :?])
Thank you for your time.
You have to define an upper bound for the size of p_var. This can be done in a couple of ways, such as using coder.varsize as shown below.
A couple of other things to note:
If p_var is an input to your function you cannot change its size,but would need a temporary variable as shown below.
You most likely do not want to use find as you have done, but should use logical indexing instead.
function G = fcn(u)
p_var = u;
coder.varsize('p_var', [10,1]);
p_var(p_var(:) == 0) = []; % p_var is therefore a varsize vector
the variability is something I need for reason
n = length(p_var); % n is dynamic
M = ones(10,n); % M & L are also dynamic
L = ones(n,50);
G = M*L; % G is fixed of size [10*50]

Why is my conditional expression != ignored?

Here's my Fibonacci code using python 3.5
z = 0
x = 0
y = 1
while z != 317811:
x = x + y
z = x
print (z)
y = x + y
z = y
print (z)
I am wondering why this prints to infinity when setting the condition to
z != 317811
but works when it is below this number like
z != 196418
or a number greater than this like
z!= 514229
I tried a different approach (z <= 317811) but it prints up to 514229.
Thank you for your time.
You're only testing alternate Fibonnaci numbers as the stopping condition: 317811 is getting missed.
One fix would be to test both x and y.
this is just logical problem
you are printing two
z != 317811
for this condition
is updated twice once in first z assignment i.e z = x
but "z" again get updated at second assignment z = y and then "z" is not sutisfying the condition(z != 317811) and not equal to 317811 but it is now 514229
Note: it will always work for number being printed at the second steps as this value of Z will be compared in while condition in loop
You are increasing z value twice a loop, but only checking once.
What actually is happening is that z is increasing with the fibonacci serie. Last values of z are:
But you are only checking the stop condition once every two assignment. In this case you are checking that 196418 != 317811 and 514229 != 317811, thus never matching it.
One possible fix could be to test if z != 317811 after the first print. Even if in this case I would prefer testing "<" instead of "!="

Divide int into 2 other int

I need to divide one int into 2 other int's. the first int is not constant so one problem would be, what to do with odd numbers because I only want whole numbers. For example, if int = 5, then int(2) will = 2 and int(3) will = 3. Any help will greatly be appreciated.
Supposing you want to express x = a + b, where a and b are as close to x/2 as possible:
a = ceiling(x / 2.0);
b = floor(x / 2.0);
That's pseudo code, you have to find out the actual functions for floor and ceiling from your library. Make sure the division is performed as floating point numbers.
As pure integers:
a = x / 2 + (x % 2 == 0 ? 0 : 1);
b = x / 2
(This may be a bit fishy for negative numbers, because it'll depend on the behaviour of division and modulo for negative numbers.)
You can try ceil and floor functions from math to produce results like 2 and 3 for odd inputs;
int(2)=ceil(int/2); //will produce 3 for input 5
int(3)=floor(int/2); //will produce 2 for input 5
Well my answer is not in Objective-C but i guess you could translate this easily.
My idea is:
part1 = source_number div 2
part2 = source_number div 2 + (source_number mod 2)
This way the second number will be bigger if the starting number is an odd number.