Xcode error when ctrl-dragging image to new class - objective-c

I already asked this in the Apple Dev Forum but received no replies, so I'll try here.
I'm unsure if this is a bug or whether I've missed something since I'm still very new to programming.
I have multiple view controllers and have made multiple classes. I have set the custom class "bit" of each view controller to the revelent class. When I ctrl-drag anything from the view to the relevent class header, I get the usual pop-up. I fill in the info, press connect, and BAM. It does the same kind of error whether I choose "Outlet" or "Action" It worked in the previous Xcode but I'm not sure if I've forgotten something.
The view controller and class that I added with Xcode 4 is still working beatifully.
I've tried adding the image manually but all that gave me was a SIGBART error just trying to get to the view. Again, I may have missed something, but I don't think there's much to miss is there?
Any help would be appreciated.
Just to eliminate a few things... I've deleted derived data, restarted Xcode and done a "clean". That's all I can remember that I've done.

Problem solved:
When selecting the implementation file. When I looked in the File Inspector, I found that under "Target Membership", the app name wasn't ticked. I ticked it and it now works well.
Since I didn't need to do that in Xcode 4, I suspect in Xcode 5, it doesn't do that automatically. Maybe that's a bug? I don't know if it was deliberate by Apple, but I think I'll file a bug report anyway since It's a bit of a nuisance.


mogenerator doesn't generate the files

I've just installed mogenerator using one of tutorials. I have added run script to my new target, and clicked Cmd+B. I should get some new files, but i didn't. In my .xcdatamodeld i have 2 entities (User and Repos). Below you can find my print screen of my project.
Where is the problem in my thinking? What should i do more? Please, help me, because i haven't found the solution on the web yet.
This all looks fine (judging by your screenshot).
One thing to check - which caused me the same issue - is that, when you've created your Entities in the xcdatamodelId file, make sure that you click on the Data Model Inspector icon, and that each entity has a Name value, and a matching "Class" value.
Miss out the Class name, and nothing will get generated.
Btw, when you click on Build, do you get a "Build succeeded" message ?
Here's the tutorial I followed to get mogenerator working:
I should say, I've used mogenerator in a few projects, and this command line bit is always the piece that gives me trouble. Sometimes, I have to select my xcdatamodelId file, and create a new Version of it, before mogenerator will use it. But once it is working, it's a blessing.
Anything to avoid having to use the needlessly over-complicated CoreData stuff.
Someone should remind Apple that it's 2014...

Could not insert action connection: could not find any information about the class XMTAppDelegate

A while ago I used Xcode to create an RPN calculator for Mac. I used to interface builder and was able to use IBOutlets and IBActions. Now when I try to add an IBOutlet or IBAction I get this message:
Could not insert action connection: could not find any information about the class XMTAppDelegate
My workaround for IBOutlets is to just create them myself and then connect them. Unfortunately this does not work for IBActions. So, my question is: how to I stop Xcode giving me this message. I have read other questions from people with a similar problem but none of the solutions work. I have deleted the derived data folder. I have reinstalled Xcode. Nothing works.
Try to clean your project and restart Xcode.
If it still cannot be connected, follow the Utilities navigation view of Xcode, in the Target membership section, uncheck & check the checkbox, it will be work. Maybe you should rebuild the project after unchecking.

Objective-C: Trying to use Apple's MultipleDetailView

I am working on trying to make a splitview based application. I am trying to use Apple's MultipleDetailView example code
I have never really used example code like this (I usually just atart from scratch). All i did was copy the code into the correct classes of my app, but when I try to run it on the simulator the app doesn't open.
I feel like I am maybe forgetting something obvious, since I didn't code it myself.
The usual debugging technique applies. Put a breakpoint somewhere early in the program -- the first line of main() for instance, and debug from there. Do you hit the breakpoint? If yes, move forward through the code until you find the line that causes the problem. If no, try to back up even further if you can, and also look for any clues as to what's going wrong. If the app is running at all, there should be some sort of error message in the console output.
"...the app doesn't open" doesn't tell us nearly enough to help you. Something like "the app delegate is instantiated, but it's window and splitViewController properties are nil" goes much further toward getting to the root of the problem.

Chromium Tabs in Cocoa (Outlets turning up NULL from 'TabContents.xib')

I'm struggling to use Chromium Tabs in Cocoa and I really seem to be missing something.
I've subclassed CTBrowserWindowController (ppEditor), CTBrowser (ppDocumentBrowser), CTTabContents (ppDocument) and CTTabContentsController (ppDocumentController)
Editor creates new Documents by : [self addTabContents:(ppDocument*)doc]; (and I've also tried first adding a Document Controller for the specific document first, but this doesn't work either)
I'm connecting my outlets from TabContents.xib (either to File Owner : ppDocumentController or to an instance of ppDocument I'm adding to the XIB), but it doesn't work and the outlet instances show up (intermittently) as NULL pointers.
So, what could be going wrong?
When connecting actions (either to the ppDocument class, or the ppDocumentController), these - weirdly so - do work....
There is some cross-referencing between classes (e.g. there is a pointer to ppDocument from ppDocumentController, as well as one from ppDocument to ppDocumentController)
Problem solved.
Although, I have no idea how - I basically did the whole thing from scratch and ooops, it worked (I must have missed something in the first place...)

iOS 5 TableView crashes

Something got changed at the new SDK and my code suddenly isn't working.
I created a new empty project and created only a UITableView in it.
I used the same code as i've been used to, except the compiler said that i do not need to use autorelease anymore, so i removed it.
Oh, and I replaced retain with strong as i was recommended.
When I run the app it shows the TableView like it should look, but the minute i touch anywhere on screen, like scrolling for example, it crashes with EXC_BAD_ACCESS error.
What do I miss??
You should post some more informations on where your program crashed! But I don't think the mentioned compiler warnings are the reason. You should have tried to run your project with the compiler by turning of ARC (automatic reference count) and see what happens. If you can go back, do that first.
Also maybe there went something wrong with the changes you made because of ARC . If you have not done the changes with the Xcode refactoring tool I recommend you doing so.
Therefor select in the Xcode Menu:
Edit > Refactor > Convert to Objectiv-C ARC...
It will go through your code and apply the changes. Apple recommends though that your project should work without crashes and warnings before using it.