Chromium Tabs in Cocoa (Outlets turning up NULL from 'TabContents.xib') - objective-c

I'm struggling to use Chromium Tabs in Cocoa and I really seem to be missing something.
I've subclassed CTBrowserWindowController (ppEditor), CTBrowser (ppDocumentBrowser), CTTabContents (ppDocument) and CTTabContentsController (ppDocumentController)
Editor creates new Documents by : [self addTabContents:(ppDocument*)doc]; (and I've also tried first adding a Document Controller for the specific document first, but this doesn't work either)
I'm connecting my outlets from TabContents.xib (either to File Owner : ppDocumentController or to an instance of ppDocument I'm adding to the XIB), but it doesn't work and the outlet instances show up (intermittently) as NULL pointers.
So, what could be going wrong?
When connecting actions (either to the ppDocument class, or the ppDocumentController), these - weirdly so - do work....
There is some cross-referencing between classes (e.g. there is a pointer to ppDocument from ppDocumentController, as well as one from ppDocument to ppDocumentController)

Problem solved.
Although, I have no idea how - I basically did the whole thing from scratch and ooops, it worked (I must have missed something in the first place...)


Xcode error when ctrl-dragging image to new class

I already asked this in the Apple Dev Forum but received no replies, so I'll try here.
I'm unsure if this is a bug or whether I've missed something since I'm still very new to programming.
I have multiple view controllers and have made multiple classes. I have set the custom class "bit" of each view controller to the revelent class. When I ctrl-drag anything from the view to the relevent class header, I get the usual pop-up. I fill in the info, press connect, and BAM. It does the same kind of error whether I choose "Outlet" or "Action" It worked in the previous Xcode but I'm not sure if I've forgotten something.
The view controller and class that I added with Xcode 4 is still working beatifully.
I've tried adding the image manually but all that gave me was a SIGBART error just trying to get to the view. Again, I may have missed something, but I don't think there's much to miss is there?
Any help would be appreciated.
Just to eliminate a few things... I've deleted derived data, restarted Xcode and done a "clean". That's all I can remember that I've done.
Problem solved:
When selecting the implementation file. When I looked in the File Inspector, I found that under "Target Membership", the app name wasn't ticked. I ticked it and it now works well.
Since I didn't need to do that in Xcode 4, I suspect in Xcode 5, it doesn't do that automatically. Maybe that's a bug? I don't know if it was deliberate by Apple, but I think I'll file a bug report anyway since It's a bit of a nuisance.

How to reference objects defined in another class?

I had my iPhone app working, developed with Storyboard. I decided to take all of the methods that belonged in a SQLite method and move them to a new SQLite class (.h and .m).
Now I have errors that I can't seem to get rid of. The basic problem is the textfields on the "scene" are now unreachable from the SQLite class (they are in another class, where they belong). The properties are defined in EDVController.m... I am trying to reach them from SQLite.m.
I have read the docs, but can't find anything that fits my problem.
How do I do this?
I give full credit to Jeremy Roman... I would up using NSMutableDictionary to pass the parameters, and it works like a champ! Thank you Jeremy and Jia Yow.

Summary of all IBOutlet, IBAction connections in a project?

Is there a tool or trick for displaying all the connections between objects in an Xcode project? I'm thinking of some kind of graphical display, or less desirably, a table. Naturally this would be very useful for troubleshooting or studying sample code. I tried searching in here (SO) but the terms appear in many questions and connections has another meaning. Thanks.
Following Rob Napier's suggestion, something like "ibtool --connections foo.xib" might help. See for some grunt stuff that might help as well.
I am new to this, too, and coming from android side. I wonder if it's better in the long run to define all connections dynamically in the view controller as needed, if that can be done in all scenarios. At least you can see how everything is hooked up there in one place.
In IB, you can simply click on File's Owner instead of on individual elements and it will show all available IBOutlets and IBActions in the right sidebar and what they are connected to.

Sparkle - binding doesn't work

I'm trying to implement Sparkle into my project and it works fine, but I have one problem:
I can't get these bindings to work (automaticallyCheckForUpdates etc.).
I added a check button, as the documentation described, but when I bind to Updater (which is an object in my nib) the Model Key Path doesn't recognize the methods:
I set up Updater to be from the class SUUpdater and also my NSButton ("Check For Updates") works fine (linked to Updater-object)...
Also the settings appear in my plist correctly so what am I doing wrong?
I cleared the project several times and suddenly it worked. I've no clue what happened.

Core data/NSPersistentDocument marking file "clean" every time any field finishes editing

I'm working with a document-based core-data OS X application. The problem I'm having is that whenever I edit any field on the document, after I press tab or click to something else (i.e. I finish editing/change focus), the document is marked as clean and undo is reset. When I try to save the file, however, the resulting document opens without the data I entered. What might be the problem, or, any pointers on where to look to fix this? Here's some stuff I know and things I've already tried:
I know it's not somehow saving because it never stops at the breakpoint in my overridden writeSafelyToURL:(NSURL *)inAbsoluteURL ofType:(NSString *)inTypeName forSaveOperation:(NSSaveOperationType)inSaveOperation error:(NSError **)outError and it also never sends an NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification.
The documents are packaged in an NSFileWrapper directory with the core data store inside (and also some other files). I access the entities through an NSObjectController and a couple NSArrayControllers. It happens with both core data properties and manually registered changes in the rest of the file wrapper.
Update: At the suggestion of Martin, I tried NSUndoManager's notifications, and all I can seem to glean from it is that more than one undo manager is in play. If I add an observer for NSUndoManager, it won't post if I specify an object, and then if I don't, the notification object is not equal to [self undoManager]. I added updateChangeCount to my category on NSPersistentDocument, and it never gets called. setDocumentEdited basically confirmed that something about losing first responder is passing NO into that method. What could be causing this, and how can I fix it?
You could break on the method setDocumentEdited: of NSWindow to see which operation updates the change status.
In addition updateChangeCount: of NSDocument might be a place to take a look at.
NSUndoManager also posts several Notifications which can give additional hints what to look at.
The answer is actually pretty silly considering how long this stumped me. I was working on some objects on load, and I accidentally set [[self undoManager] disableUndoRegistration] at both the points where I should disable and enable. It was a little more than that, though. A related element in Interface Builder needed to be checked Prepares Content. When I had done both those things, the problem vanished.