Where can I find large sample of computer languages for Naive Bayesian Analysis - code-analysis

I am trying to analyse online code and want to use Bayesian Classification. However I need a fair amount of pre classified code as sample data.
Maybe the twenty or so top languages?
Does anyone know of such a corpus?

there was a data set on Kaggle with questions from StackOverflow where the objective was to guess the tags related to the question. That could require guessing the language of code samples (or just looking for keywords)
Other possibilities searching through Github - since all that code is free and open.
StackOverflow itself shares its own data of all user contributed posts (anonymized)


Searching for tools to do bayesian network "structure" learning

There are a lot of programs that do parameter learning for Bayes nets. I am having a hard time finding libraries or tools that do (or try to do) structure learning. Specifically, one that uses an information theoretic approach, by looking at the information gain from adding an edge, or analyzing the cross entropy across Random Variables to determine if they have any relationships or are independent. This is not the core problem I am trying to work on, but learning structure is an important part of it. So finding an existing tool/library would help immensely.
Try the bnlearn library. It contains structure learning, parameter learning, inference and various well-known example datasets such as Sprinkler, Asia, Alarm.
Github documentation pages
Examples can be found here
Blog about detecting causal relationships can be found here.

IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) Transcription with Tensorflow

I'm looking into designing a software platform that will aid linguists and anthropologists in their study of previously unstudied languages. Statistics show that around 1,000 languages exist that have never been studied by a person outside of their respective speaker groups.
My goal is to utilize TensorFlow to make a platform that will allow linguists to study and document these languages more efficiently, and to help them create written systems for the ones that don't have a written system already. One of their current methods of accomplishing such a task is three-fold: 1) Record a native speaker conversing in the language, 2) Listening to that recording and trying to transcribe it into the IPA, 3) From the phonetics, analyzing the phonemics and phonotactics of the language to eventually create a written system for the speaker.
My proposed platform would cut that research time down from a minimum of a year to a maximum of six months. Before I start, I have some questions...
What would be required to train TensorFlow to transcribe live audio into the IPA? Has this already been done? and if so, how would I utilize a previous solution for this project? Is a project like this even possible with TensorFlow? if not, what would you recommend using instead?
My apologies for the magnitude of this question. I don't have much experience in the realm of machine learning, as I am just beginning the research process for this project. Any help is appreciated!
I guess I will take a first shot at answering this. Since the question is pretty general, my answer will have to be pretty general as well.
What would be required. At the very least you would have to have a large dataset of pre-transcribed data. Ideally a large amount of spoken language audio mapped to characters in the phonetic alphabet, so the system could learn the sound of individual characters rather than whole transcribed words. If such a dataset doesn't exist, a less granular dataset could be used, mapping single words to their transcriptions. Then you would need a model, that is the actual neural network architecture implemented in code. And lastly you would need some computing resources. This is not something you can train casually, you would either have to buy some time in a cloud based machine learning framework (like Google Cloud ML) or build a fairly expensive machine to train at home.
Has this been done? I don't know. I don't think so. There have been published papers reporting various degrees of success at training systems to transcribe speech. Here is one, for example, http://deeplearning.stanford.edu/lexfree/lexfree.pdf It seems that since the alphabet you want to transcribe to is specifically designed to capture the way words sound rather than just write down the words you might have more success at training such a model.
Is it possible with TensorFlow. Yes, most likely. TensorFlow is well suited for implementing most modern deep learning architectures. Unless you end up designing some really weird and very original model for this purpose, TensorFlow should work just fine.
Edit: after some thought in part 1, you would have to use a dataset mapping spoken words to their transcriptions, since I expect that the same sound pronounced separately would be different from when the same sound is used in a word.
This has actually been done, albeit in PyTorch, by a group at CMU: https://github.com/xinjli/allosaurus

Number of results google (or other) search programmatically

I am making a little personal project.
Ideally I would like to be able to make programmatically a google search and have the count of results. (My goal is to compare the results count between a lot (100000+) of different phrases).
Is there a free way to make a web search and compare the popularity of different texts, by using Google Bing or whatever (the source is not really important).
I tried Google but seems that freely I can do only 10 requests per day.
Bing is more permissive (5000 free requests per month).
Is there other tools or way to have a count of number of results for a particular sentence freely ?
Thanks in advance.
There are several things you're going to need if you're seeking to create a simple search engine.
First of all you should read and understand where the field of information retrieval started with G. Salton's paper or at least read the wiki page on the vector space model. It will require you learning at least some undergraduate linear algebra. I suggest Gilbert Strang's MIT video lectures for this.
You can then move to the Brin/Page Pagerank paper which outlays the original concept behind the hyperlink matrix and quickly calculating eigenvectors for ranking or read the wiki page.
You may also be interested in looking at the code for Apache Lucene
To get into contemporary search algorithm techniques you need calculus and regression analysis to learn machine learning and deep learning as the current google search has moved away from Pagerank and utilizes these. This is partially due to how link farming enabled people to artificially engineer search results and the huge amount of meta data that modern browsers and web servers allow to be collected.
For the webcrawler only portion I'd recommend WebSPHINX. I used this in my senior research in college in conjunction with Lucene.

LSA Similarity interface

I am a PhD student in translation studies and I am currently working on my dissertation. I am using LSA Similarity interface as a method of analysis in my dissertation. My background is in linguistics and not computer science. I tried to find an easy LSA document categorisation tool but I could not find any. I tried to play with Gensim, I did not work. I think my problem is with linking my corpus (txt files) with the Gensim tool to do the analysis (I don't know how o do this step). I would greatly appreciate if anyone could help me with the analysis or direct me to any tool or easy tutorials to do it using Gensim.
I want to do the following: I want to apply document-doecument queries to retrieve the most relevant 5 documents from the corpus to the query document.
I have 15 query document
I have one corpus of (150 texts)The texts are short stories
I am desperate and I was hesitant to post this question here. I am sure that applying LSA in translation studies would add to the field and this makes me more persistent to find a way to do my analysis.
The only really easy, user-friendly tool for LSA that is out there right now is http://lsa.colorado.edu/ . Unfortunately, it is a web-based tool only, and it does not allow you to train LSA on your own corpora. But depending on your needs, that may not matter.
If I'm understanding you correctly, you need document-document similarity scores between each of 15 query documents and each of 150 short stories (a total of 15*150=2250 similarity scores). If these query documents and short stories are in English, then you can use the version of LSA that is trained on the TASA corpus used in many studies of LSA as follows:
Go to http://lsa.colorado.edu/
Select One-To-Many Comparison
Copy-paste one of the short stories in the "Main text" box, and the 15 queries separated with a blank line in the "Texts to compare" box
Repeat for each of your short stories. A huge pain? Yes. But if you are desperate...
If you program a little bit in Python or R, other tools for LSA include http://clic.cimec.unitn.it/composes/toolkit/introduction.html and http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/lsa/lsa.pdf , and would save you the manual labor of the above suggestion. Also, I know you already tried Gensim, but there is a nice tutorial for it at http://radimrehurek.com/gensim/tutorial.html that you might try following if you haven't already.

Suitability of Naive Bayes classifier in Mahout to classifying websites

I'm currently working on a project that requires a database categorising websites (e.g. cnn.com = news). We only require broad classifications - we don't need every single URL classified individually. We're talking to the usual vendors of such databases, but most quotes we've had back are quite expensive and often they impose annoying requirements - like having to use their SDKs to query the database.
In the meantime, I've also been exploring the possibility of building such a database myself. I realise that this is not a 5 minute job, so I'm doing plenty of research.
From reading various papers on the subject, it seems a Naive Bayes classifier is generally the standard approach for doing this. However, many of the papers suggest enhancements to improve its accuracy in web classification - typically by making use of other contextual information, such as hyperlinks, header tags, multi-word phrases, the URL, word frequency and so on.
I've been experimenting with Mahout's Naive Bayes classifier against the 20 Newsgroup test dataset, and I can see its applicability to website classification, but I'm concerned about its accuracy for my use case.
Is anyone aware of the feasibility of extending the Bayes classifier in Mahout to take into account additional attributes? Any pointers as to where to start would be much appreciated.
Alternatively, if I'm barking up entirely the wrong tree please let me know!
You can control the input about as much as you'd like. In the end the input is just a feature vector. The feature vector's features can be words, or bigrams -- but they can also be whatever you want. So, yes, you can inject new features by modifying the input as you like.
How best to weave in those features is another topic entirely -- there's not one best way to convert them to numbers. Mahout in Action covers this reasonably well FWIW.