How can I see if a date is on a weekend? - sql

I have a table:
ID | Name | TDate
1 | John | 1 May 2013, 8:67AM
2 | Jack | 2 May 2013, 6:43AM
3 | Adam | 3 May 2013, 9:53AM
4 | Max | 4 May 2013, 2:13AM
5 | Leny | 5 May 2013, 5:33AM
I need a query that will return all the items where TDate is a weekend. How would I write such a
EXTRACT (DAY FROM table.tdate )
from table
I did a select using EXTRACT to just see if I can get the right values. However, EXTRACT with the parameter DAY returns the day of the month. If I instead use WEEKDAY, as per the documentation here, then I get error:
ERROR: timestamp units "weekday" not recognized
SQL state: 22023
limit 1250
TDate has a data type of datetime (timestamp). I just wrote it like that for easy reading. But regardless of the type, I could easily cast between types if need be.
I know dates 4May and 5May are weekends (as they fall on a Saturday and a Sunday). Does firebird allow for a way to write a query that will return dates if they fall on weekends.

try this:
SELECT ID, Name, TDate
FROM your_table
condition must be (0,6) not (0,1).


SQL Query Extract Totals by Month for Multiple Date Fields

I have an Oracle Database I am trying to query multiple date fields by dates and get the totals by month and year as output.
This was my original query. This just gets what I want for the dates I want to input.
SELECT COUNT(*) as Total
FROM Some_Table s
WHERE (s.Start_DATE <= TO_Date ('2019/09/01', 'YYYY/MM/DD'))
AND (s.End_DATE IS NULL OR (s.End_DATE > TO_Date ('2019/08/31', 'YYYY/MM/DD')))
I would like to get an output where it gives me a count by Month and Year. The count would be the number between the Start_DATE (beginning of the month) and the End_DATE (end of the month).
I can't do
Edit: this was an example from another query and has no relation to the query above. I was just trying to provide an example of what I cannot do because I have two separate date fields. The example below was stating my knowledge of extracting month and year from a single date field. Sorry for the confusion.
SELECT extract(year from e.DATE_OCCURRED) as Year
,to_char(e.DATE_OCCURRED, 'MONTH') as Month
,count (*) as totals
because the Start_DATE and End_DATE are two separate fields.
Any help would be appreciated
Edit: Example would be
| Name | Start_DATE | End_DATE |
| John | 01/16/2018 | 07/09/2019 |
| Sue | 06/01/2015 | 09/01/2018 |
| Joe | 04/06/2016 | Null |
I want to know my total number of workers that would have been working by month and year. Would want the output to look like.
| Year | Month | Total |
| 2016 | Aug | 2 |
| 2018 | May | 3 |
| 2019 | Aug | 2 |
So I know I had two workers working in August 2016 and three in May 2018.
Do you want this?
SELECT count(*)
from some_table
where year(e.DATE_OCCURRED) > year(start_date)
and year(e.DATE_OCCURRED) < year(end_date)
and month(e.DATE_OCCURRED) > month(start_date)
and month(e.DATE_OCCURRED) < month(end_date)
note: using month and year functions is generally better when working with dates. If you convert to characters you might find that January comes after February (as an example) since J comes after F in the alphabet.
Are you looking for this?(Hoping that end_date > start_date)
select extract (year from end_dt2)- extract(YEAR from st_dt1) as YearDiff ,
extract (month from end_dt2)- extract (month from st_dt1) as monthDiff from tab;

How to do a sub-select per result entry in postgresql?

Assume I have a table with only two columns: id, maturity. maturity is some date in the future and is representative of until when a specific entry will be available. Thus it's different for different entries but is not necessarily unique. And with time number of entries which have not reached this maturity date changes.
I need to count a number of entries from such a table that were available on a specific date (thus entries that have not reached their maturity). So I basically need to join this two queries:
SELECT generate_series as date FROM generate_series('2015-10-01'::date, now()::date, '1 day');
SELECT COUNT(id) FROM mytable WHERE mytable.maturity > now()::date;
where instead of now()::date I need to put entry from the generated series. I'm sure this has to be simple enough, but I can't quite get around it. I need the resulting solution to remain a query, thus it seems that I can't use for loops.
Sample table entries:
id | maturity
1 | 2015-10-03
2 | 2015-10-05
3 | 2015-10-11
4 | 2015-10-11
Expected output:
date | count
2015-10-01 | 4
2015-10-02 | 4
2015-10-03 | 3
2015-10-04 | 3
2015-10-05 | 2
2015-10-06 | 2
NOTE: This count doesn't constantly decrease, since new entries are added and this count increases.
You have to use fields of outer query in WHERE clause of a sub-query. This can be done if the subquery is in the SELECT clause of the outer query:
SELECT generate_series,
FROM mytable
WHERE mytable.maturity > generate_series)
FROM generate_series('2015-10-01'::date, now()::date, '1 day');
More info:
I think you want to group your data by the maturity Date.
Check this:
select maturity,count(*) as count
from your_table group by maturity;

Best Practice in Scenario

I am currently trying to accomplish the following:
get the Last Weekstamp for the last 6 Months, the following ilustrates how the end result might look like:
Month | Weekstamp |
2013-12| 2013-52 |
2014-01| 2014-05 |
.... and so on
I have a auxiliary Table, which has all Weeks in it and allows me to connect to a Calender Table, which in turn has all months, meaning i am able to get all weekstamps per Month,
but how do i get all of the Last Week Numbers for the Last 6 Months ?
my idea was a Temporary table of some sor (never used one, am a beginner when it Comes to SQL)
which calculates all of the Weekstamps needing to be filtered out per month, and than gives out only values which i could than use to filter a query which contains all the data i Need.
Anybody have a better idea?
As i said I am just a beginner so i can't really say what the best way would be
Thanks a lot in Advance!
My guess is that your challenge is determining what the last six months are. To do this you can use a tally table (spt_values) and DateDiff to determine when the last six months are.
You can also depending on which DB and version easily do this without a calander or weeks table.
WITH rnge
AS (SELECT number
FROM master..spt_values
WHERE type = 'P'
AND number > 0
AND number < 7),
AS (SELECT EOMONTH(Dateadd(m, number * -1, Getdate())) dt
FROM rnge)
SELECT Year(dt) year,
Month(dt) month,
Datepart(wk, dt) week
FROM dates
Produces this output
| 2014 | 1 | 5 |
| 2013 | 12 | 53 |
| 2013 | 11 | 48 |
| 2013 | 10 | 44 |
| 2013 | 9 | 40 |
| 2013 | 8 | 35 |
I'll leave it to you to format the values
This assumes SQL Server 2012 since it uses EOMONTH see Get the last day of the month in SQL for previous versions of SQL Server

Find last (first) instance in table but exclude most recent (oldest) date

I have a table that reflects a monthly census of a certain population. Each month on an unpredictable day early in that month, the population is polled. Any member who existed at that point is included in that month's poll, any member who didn't is not.
My task is to look through an arbitrary date range and determine which members were added or lost during that time period. Consider the sample table:
ID | Date
2 | 1/3/2010
3 | 1/3/2010
1 | 2/5/2010
2 | 2/5/2010
3 | 2/5/2010
1 | 3/3/2010
3 | 3/3/2010
In this case, member with ID "1" was added between Jan and Feb, and member with ID 2 was lost between Feb and Mar.
The problem I am having is that if I just poll to try and find the most recent entry, I will capture all the members that were dropped, but also all the members that exist on the last date. For example, I could run this query:
Date BETWEEN '1/1/2010' AND '3/27/2010'
This would return:
ID | Date
1 | 3/3/2010
2 | 2/5/2010
3 | 3/3/2010
What I actually want, however, is just:
ID | Date
2 | 2/5/2010
Of course I can manually filter out the last date, but since the start and end date are parameters I want to generalize that. One way would be to run sequential queries. In the first query I'd find the last date, and then use that to filter in the second query. It would really help, however, if I could wrap this logic into a single query.
I'm also having a related problem when I try to find when a member was first added to the population. In that case I'm using a different type of query:
tableName i
Date BETWEEN '1/1/2010' AND '3/27/2010'
tableName ii
ii.Date < i.Date
Date BETWEEN '1/1/2010' AND '3/27/2010'
This returns:
ID | Date
1 | 2/5/2010
2 | 1/1/2010
3 | 1/1/2010
But what I want is:
ID | Date
1 | 2/5/2010
I would like to know:
1. Which approach (the MAX() or the subquery with NOT EXISTS) is more efficient and
2. How to fix the queries so that they only return the rows I want, excluding the first (last) date.
You could do something like this:
Date BETWEEN '1/1/2010' AND '3/27/2010'
having max(date) < '3/1/2010'
This filters out anyone polled in March.

Modulo arithmetic on dates in SQL

I have a system which defines repeating patterns of days. Each pattern has a base date (often a few years in the past, when the pattern was created) and a day count (which loops), so for example it might define a pattern for a seven day period:
Table: Pattern
ID | BaseDate | DayCount
1 | 01/02/2005 | 7
Table: PatternDetail
PID | Offset | Detail
1 | 0 | A
1 | 1 | B
1 | 2 | B
1 | 3 | C
(The detail column is domain specific and not relevant.)
What I want to do is, given a date (say today) work out the correct Offset in the PatternDetail table for a given working pattern. In pseudocode I would do:
offset = ((today.InDays) - (Pattern.BaseDate.InDays)) % (Pattern.DayCount)
How can I do this in SQL (needs to work in MSSQL Server and Oracle)? In other words how can I calculate the number of days between two dates and take the modulus of this difference?
I don't know what is available in PL/SQL, but T-SQL has a DATEDIFF function which appears to be what you're looking for:
#Offset = ((DATEDIFF(day, #BaseDate, GETDATE()) % #DayCount)
Use DATEDIFF to get the day count different. This gives an integer.
Then use % (standard SQL modulo operator).
Is is that simple?