Aptana adds new lines after saving - line

I have an issue that seemed to appear suddenly.
I am using Aptana Studio on Windows 7. After saving a file, and if I close Aptana and re-open it, a blank line is added between each line of my code.
For example:
which would then become:
Anyone would have an idea what is causing this?
Thanks a lot!


How do I get my neovim settings to work properly and actually save

I just installed nvim for the first time, this is also my first time using a terminal based code editor, and I'm migrating from VSCode (ik it's going to be hard),
and now I'm configuring it, I'm following this tutorial:
And when put the code in the options.lua file, it does not do anything, for example, the
opt.relativenumber = true
is not doing anything
I have tried running commands to change settings, and that has worked, for example
:set relativenumber
But as soon as I exit the file and open a new one, it just breaks again
I have tried simply copy and pasting the code, restarting nvim, switching terminal emulators, etc.
It's really annoying because I am trying to get rid of this stupid feature where it continues comments to the next line and I have to run like 50 commands every time I open a new file just so I can edit it the way I want
My .config file is in
and my nvim.exe file is in
I am on Windows 10 and my terminal emulator is called 'Tabby'
I figured it out! All the tutorials I am watching are on Linux, but I am on Windows. So instead of putting the nvim folder in my .config, I am supposed to put it in C:\Users\brady\AppData\Local
Are you sure that you're adding your nvim-config file in the correct directory? I'd assume that you need to add your init.vim into C:\Users\brady\.config\nvim\init.vim.
Maybe this answer helps you.

Project Properties Windows Blank in Visual Studio 2022 Community 17.1.0

I'm trying to access the project properties but the window appears blank. I've tried web solutions View>Properties Window, f4, right click on project folder>properties, Also tried resetting import/export settings, searching for specific tab
everything results in a blank window.. Any help is appreciated!
Thanks in advance.
I ran into this same problem with VS 2022 v17.4.0 Preview 1.0 in a C# Windows forms app. Closing and opening the solution/VS didn't have any effect.
After I closed all the open tabs and reopened a file, the Properties pane was populating correctly.
Does your toolbox items also appear 'greyed out'?
Try Going to your Build Menu and select
Clean Solution
(and perhaps Rebuild afterward - or not)
This happens constantly on my install. I simply minimize the entire VS window, then restore it. Poof! My properties appear. Trivial, but painful.
1 Make sure that your build program is not running (use task manager to end that process if needed) and make sure that you can rebuild your project without errors.
2 Restart Visual Studio as an Administrator.
Good Luck For You All ^_^
I have just encountered this error and it was simply solved by closing the visual studio and reopening it again. it is just gone.

File changes do not show up in Visual Studio Code (VSCode)

I'm experimenting with VSCode(specifically version 1.17.1),
and I noticed if I change the content of some files programatically, the updated content doesn't appear immediately and I need to close and reopen the file!
Is this a common issue with VSCode, and how to solve it if there is any solution that doesn't involve a refresh command or a key binding like alt+f5.
Thank you in advance.

Breakpoint jumps to another function/class in VB.NET (VS2008)

I'm trying to debug my code (VB.NET) and I place my breakpoint on a line of code.
I attach to my TEST server and when the debug symbols load, the breakpoint line disappears from where I put it, and relocated it to a totally other line, in another function in another class.
I tried rebuilding the solution, rebuilding a clean solution. I even closed VS2008, and even rebooted my machine.
Has anyone come across this before and what can I do to get this to bebug where I put my breakpoints?
Many thanks in advance for any help.
Have you deployed the PDB file to the server and is it up-to-date?
Try using F12 on your function calls and see where they are coming from and setting break points there, then steping through the functions to get where you need to be at.

Changes in the code or the designer won't update when debugging

I am trying to debug my VB.net app in Visual Studio Express 2010, when I realized my changes will not update on my form-on the designer or in the code. After looking online, I found that you should clear out the "Debug" folder under the bin. That worked-for only one time. Now it went back to the older version and when I delete it again, it doesn't change. When I build the project and run it from the "Release" folder, it works perfectly, but when a error occurs at runtime, it won't show where the error is because it is running independently.
Thanks in advance.
(I have Windows XP SP3)
I had the same problem. Frustrating problem....? Close the project, go to debug bin/folder, delete these files, reopen project and rebuild it (F5).
- .exe
- .pdb
- .vshost.exe
- .vshost.exe.manifest
- .xml
it works 99.99%.......thanks
Before I'd create a new project, I'd copy all of the code-behind (including the code that creates the controls that you're not supposed to touch) into another form. That may be all you need to do. Try compiling that form and running it and see if it's good. If so, you won't have to create a whole new project and can just delete the old form.
I would think there's something causing this that would be much easier to to fix. Are there any config files or anything like that? Are you building to the right location?
It's been a while since I've done winforms, but I remember this happening in VS 2005 and I just created a new form and copied the code-behind into another winform and compiled.
Hope this helps.
mmm... if it was for me, with such a weird bug, i would create a new project then insert the files (not as a link, but a copy) in the project, and i most likely all will work fine after... Faster than finding where-the-hell is that wrong parameter...
So how do you do that ? Well create a new project, choose the folder and name, change namespace in settings if needed, then in project explorer Add existing item, then Browse and select your code and xaml (and other maybe) files. Let us know.
This happened to me as well. I believe the /bin and /obj folders of my application must've been locked for by some other application. Before manually deleting them I tried running Visual Studio as an administrator and did a Clean and a Rebuild which worked. If it doesn't work for you, try deleting the folders manually.
Close VS
Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete
Choose "Task Manager"
In the "Process" tab in "Task Manager" find your "ProjectName.EXE" and click "End Task"
Restart VS
I have the same problem, but i changed the solution config next to the start button from debug to release and that fixed my problem, try it :)
"Save all" works for me in VS 2010 VB, in Debug and Release mode.
I put the "Save all" icon next to the Run and Build icons.
First make sure your Localizable Property of you form is set to FALSE