Android : c2md implementation - android-c2dm

I am implementing the c2md, in phone android 2.2,
I have follow the all the steps from
and use the php code from C2DM implementation PHP code ,i get response id=0:1323075593128502%2fd4838f00000031 but i can not get the notification of phone.also i have try with command prompt.
Does anyone idea where i have made the mistake.
Also register the account on google.

Firewall issue, probably? Try when the device is on 3G, as opposed to WiFi.


Stop exp from switching to LAN URL when tunneling

When trying to run exp start --tunnel in a react-native project, I often see the warning:
22:15:31 [exp] Your URL is: exp://
22:15:31 [exp] Switched to a LAN URL because the tunnel appears to be down. Only devices in the same network can access the app. Restart with exp start --tunnel to try reconnecting.
This is a problem since none of my devices or the AVD can connect to this URL to download the project.
The problem does not seem to related to any firewall settings as it does not occur every time (just very consistently). When the error does not happen, I get a URL that I can work with that looks like:
22:44:38 [exp] Your URL is: exp://
Is there something that can be done about this to get it to stop switching? What causes this switching exactly? Is there some way to get devices to be able to use this URL instead (I have an android device connected to same wifi, but seems to be unable to download the project from the LAN URL)?
** Totally new to react-native and expo, so if I am missing evidence of any common debugging steps for this kind of problem, please let me know what they may be in the comments so I can update the question.
A similar question to this is addressed in the expo forums:
I was having the message
Switched to a LAN URL because the tunnel appears to be down. Only devices in the same network can access the app. You can restart the project to try reconnecting.
And I've solved it closing Visual Studio (then pressing the Restart button from Expo XDE)

IBM MobileFirst 8.0 WLAuthorizationManager.obtainAccessToken() No Response

I'm previewing the MobileFirst app (Cordova) on both browser and iOS Emulator but there doesn't seem to be any response when I call WLAuthorizationManager.obtainAccessToken().
I've tried to allow cross origin request but still face the same issue. Does anyone have any suggestions for what I should look at?
I had a similar issue on the iOS emulator. I even used Wireshark to see what was happening and the app never fired the authorisation request.
In the end I found that if you're running XCode 8.x, you have to enable keychain sharing by selecting the project -> Capabilities -> Keychain Sharing, and setting it to On.
After that I had to register the app again and all worked fine.
Make sure when you register or push the app and you're prompted for the version number, that you enter x.x.x instead of x.x - otherwise the server will not recognise the app.
Another thing to double check is the mfp:server runtime and url values in the config.xml file, if your pc's ip address has changed then the url value could be incorrect.

PubBub WebRTC Android Demo is Not Connecting from Android to Android

When I tried the demo app, it was working as expected.
But when I tried with two android devices, I can make a call and receive call, but they don't get connected. In both devices, its own camera feed is displayed with a text "Connecting...". I tried on both my home Wifi and mobile data 3G. There is no error that I can find in log.
Could anyone help me to resolve the issue please. What is that I am missing here?
I am using the latest code from which already has the Xirsys ICE servers configured. But I noticed that the Xirsys ICE servers is not added in the below line from, so I also tried adding that servers into the PnSignalingParams' constructor, but still facing the same Connecting message only.
List<PeerConnection.IceServer> servers = getXirSysIceServers();
if (!servers.isEmpty()) {
this.pnRTCClient.setSignalParams(new PnSignalingParams(servers));
I have fixed the issue. It was little tricky. If you see the log, it will show you that the application always execute createOffer method. So both client A and client B will send an offer in same time. You can fix that issue by giving some condition so if the client A give an offer, and the client B will response by give an answer.
To see if any error occurs you can use method onCreateFailure(String s) and onSetFailure(String s) in
Hope this will help.

Send SSH commands from iOS?

The app I am planning to develop involves sending SSH commands from the phone to a server that supports SSH. Is there a library that will help me connect and send commands to an SSH server?
Thanks! I looked at libssh, but a lot of the stuff it used was deprecated in iOS6.
NMSSH works great! I was able to successfully implement this into an iOS project, and get everything to work.
You can look at this: I expect you'd still need to do a non-trivial bit of work to make it fit into your app, but that should work.

GCM does dot work with GPRS but works fine with WIFI?

I have searched for the solution but i did not get any solution for the above problem. Please let me know if anybody knows why this happens with gcm. I have implemented gcm as per the google doc it works fine when I ran using wifi but it fails(device will not register on server and force close error occurs on app side) when I try to run using gprs.
Please help. I am stucked with this.
Please refer to the link there it was answer to one of the question that it will work with wifi only