When trying to profile a java app I get the following error
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot load configuration class: com.arinc.aops.javafx.app.AopsAppFactory
The app runs fine in Eclipse and I can profile it using the jprofiler attach option, I just can't do a launch without getting the error.
Currently trying to launch a Qt application on a wayland platform, without success. I succeeded to launch other basic apps such as a calculator or a paint sample. But my app get the following error :
QSocketNotifier: Can only be used with threads started with QThread
I can't find the cause of this error. Tried to launch the app with the env variable "qt.qpa.plugin" using the following values :
wayland-egl, wayland, wayland-xcomposite-egl
getting always the same error.
What kind of behavior triggers this error ?
I've built UWP in react-native. When I run it on locale with react-native run-windows command app works fine. Now I've deployed it on Hockeyapp. When I download it on some other system and run there it throws error Unable to download JS Bundle Please check screenshot for more. Can anyone tell where and what I'm missing?
Windows folder structure:
I have suddenly started getting worklight build errors like below. I have no clue why it started happening suddenly. The code was working fine until the remote machine I use for Xcode builds was rebooted. Any clue what could be causing it ?
ipad build failed: Failed initializing ClientProjectBuilder
android build failed: Failed initializing ClientProjectBuilder
iphone build failed: Failed initializing ClientProjectBuilder
The solution to this error, typically, is to delete the wlBuildResources folder, located in the TMPDIR of the OS.
See here: Worklight - FWLST1040E: android build failed: java.io.FileNotFoundException
Close Eclipse
Locate your temp folder (Windows, OS X)
Delete the wlBuildResources folder
Open Eclipse
It may be helpful to also delete the native folder before closing Eclipse, however do note that if you have written custom native code you should first back it up so it won't be lost(!).
I'm using Worklight 6.1 Studio on a OS-X Mavericks, and get the following error while launching the Mobile Browser Simulator. This appears in the Liberty Server console, and the simulator never loads in the browser.
[WARNING ] SRVE0190E: File not found: /dojo/dojo/_base/kernel.js
Any ideas on why this could be happening?
Please edit the question and explain how exactly you are loading the MBS.
The MBS is part of Worklight Console (and available only in the Worklight Studio Eclipse plug-in).
The proper way to interact with it, is like so:
Create an app, add an environment, etc...
Right-click on the application folder > Run As > Run on Worklight Development Server
Right-click on the project folder > Open Worklight Console
Click on the preview app of the environment
Then, the MBS will load and preview your app within it.
I am running Worklight I have a simple helloworld app. I can run the app on the android emulator. I instrument and create a Mobile Test Workbench project. I can connect the MTW client to eclipse and see the HW app. When I try to record a test, I get this error after the splash screen:
Application Error - The connection to the server was unsuccessful. (file:///android_asset/www/default/index.html)
Logcat shows the cordova loadUrlNow() but not much else. The app connects when I run it straight on the emulator, so its a bit perplexing.
One of the attempts spit out this message: E/CordovaWebView(800): CordovaWebView: TIMEOUT ERROR!
(Usually logcat was was just full of "RMoTIDLE: Thread[main,5,main] main loop queue is idle" and "Skipped 56 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread" and I didn't see the timeout.)
So just adding "super.setIntegerProperty("loadUrlTimeoutValue", 70000);" to the main java class fixed this problem.
(Obviously the emulator is not the best place to be test driving this feature)