Unable to left join on multiple tables with PhalconPHP's createBuilder? - phalcon

Maybe I am doing something wrong here, but I am unable to join on multiple tables when using createBuilder(). Here is an example query.
$test = $this->modelsManager->createBuilder()
->leftJoin('TABLE2', 'TABLE1.id = TABLE2.table_one_id')
->leftJoin'TABLE3', 'TABLE3.id = TABLE2.table_three_id')
->where('TABLE1.id = :id:', array('id' => $id))
There error indicates that the SQL query is probably not being generated correctly by the framework, but I could very well be doing something wrong. It appears that no space is being added before the additional LEFT join.
Unknown column 'TABLE2.table_one_idLEFT' in 'on clause''
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

You will need to add a space at the end of first join condition:
$test = $this->modelsManager->createBuilder()
->leftJoin('TABLE2', 'TABLE1.id = TABLE2.table_one_id ')
->leftJoin('TABLE3', 'TABLE3.id = TABLE2.table_three_id')
->where('TABLE1.id = :id:', array('id' => $id))


ZF2: Is there a more efficient way to do this Zend\Db Update query?

Here's some ZF1 code for an update query:
'users', $data, $this->getAdapter()->quoteInto('node_id = ?', $user->nodeId)
Here's the same query with ZF2:
$param = $this->getAdapter()->platform->quoteValue($user->nodeId);
$sqlOj = new Sql($this->getAdapter());
$update = $sqlOj->update('users')->set($data)->where('node_id = ' . $param);
$updateString = $sqlOj->getSqlStringForSqlObject($update);
$this->getAdapter()->query($updateString, Adapter::QUERY_MODE_EXECUTE);
As you can see, one line of ZF1 code has become 5 lines of ZF2 code, (actually without the fluent interface it would be 7 lines...)
Am I missing something? Or is ZF2's DB component just more verbose that ZF1?
BTW, I have found the same scenario with select and insert queries too...
I managed to limit it to 3 lines.
use \Zend\Db\Sql\Sql;
$sql = new Sql ($adapter);
$update = $sql->update ('users')->set ($data)->where (['id = ?' => 1]);
$adapter->query ($sql->getSqlStringForSqlObject ($update), $db::QUERY_MODE_EXECUTE);
The problem is they didn't expect you to run your updates like that. Instead, you are expected to use a table gateway.
This way it becomes one line again:
$this->tableGateway->update($data, array('id' => $id));

Codeigniter Joining Tables - Passing Parameters

I'm attempting to join two tables while using codeigniter. I've done this same SQL query writing regular SQL. When I attempt to do the same in codeigniter, I keep getting errors. I'm not quite sure what I'm doing wrong. What do you guys think I'm doing wrong?
My function in model_data.php
function getJoinInformation($year,$make,$model)
// here is where I need to conduct averages but lets just work on extracting info.
// from the database and join tables.
$this->db->join('tbl_car_description', 'd.id = p.cardescription_id');
$this->db->where('d.year', $year);
$this->db->where('d.make', $make);
$this->db->where('d.model', $model);
$result = $this->db->get();
$query = $this->db->get_where('tbl_car_description',
'year' => $year,
'make' => $make,
'model' => $model
if($query->num_rows()) return $query->result();
return null;
My error message
A Database Error Occurred
Error Number: 1066
Not unique table/alias: 'tbl_car_description'
SELECT * FROM (`tbl_car_description`) JOIN `tbl_car_description` ON `d`.`id` = `p`.`cardescription_id` WHERE `d`.`year` = '2006' AND `d`.`make` = 'Subaru' AND `d`.`model` = 'Baja'
Filename: C:\wamp\www\_states\system\database\DB_driver.php
Line Number: 330
Here is the code written in SQL and it's working great. I want to do the something in codeigniter but I'm confused as to how. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks everyone.
$sql_2 = mysql_query("SELECT ROUND(AVG(p.value),1) AS AvgPrice, ROUND(AVG(p.mileage),1) AS AvgMileage
FROM tbl_car_description d, tbl_car_prices p
WHERE (d.id = p.cardescription_id)
AND (d.year = '".$year."')
AND (d.make = '".$make."')
AND (d.model = '".$model."')
AND (p.approve = '1')");
Your CI query references the same table twice, which I assume is a typo. However, you only need include your table alias with the table name in your Active Record call:
$this->db->from('tbl_car_description d');
$this->db->join('tbl_car_prices p', 'd.id = p.cardescription_id');
$this->db->where('d.year', $year);
$this->db->where('d.make', $make);
$this->db->where('d.model', $model);
$result = $this->db->get();
Couple issues: You need to include your table aliases and your join should have the name of the second table ...
$this->db->from('tbl_car_description AS d');
$this->db->join('tbl_car_prices AS p', 'd.id = p.cardescription_id');

createQueryBuilder IN clause

I´m working with Symfony2 and I need to execute this SQL for example:
select detformacion.* from detformacion
left join formacion
on detformacion.formacion_id = formacion.id
left join detcurso
on formacion.id = detcurso.formacion_id
where detcurso.id IN ('143','144');
For that, I have this in my Repository:
public function getSeleccion() {
$em = $this->getEntityManager();
$query = $em->createQueryBuilder()
->from('GitekUdaBundle:Detformacion', 'd')
->leftJoin('d.formacion', 'f')
->leftJoin('f.detcursos', 'det')
->where('det.id = :miarray')
return $query->getResult();
I tried with ->where('det.id IN :miarray') but I´m getting errors all the time.
Any help or clue?
thanks in advance.
UPDATE: The problem is setting the parameters.
Missing parentheses after the IN operator :
->where('det.id IN (:miarray)')
->setParameter('miarray', array('143','144'))

How to get particular column in zend using Left join

I am new to zend framework,
Following is the plain mysql query which takes particular column from table,
SELECT jobs_users.id,jobs_users.first_name from jobs_users left join friends on jobs_users.id=friends.friend_id where friends.member_id=29
I tried with zend to implement the above query like below,
public function getFriendsProfileList($id){
$db = Zend_Db_Table::getDefaultAdapter();
$select = $db->select();
->where("friends.member_id = ?", $id);
$result = $db->fetchAll($select);
return $result;
Here i got result with all column name , not with exact column name which i have given in query.
Kindly help me on this.
Use this instead:
$select->from('jobs_users', array('jobs_users.id','jobs_users.first_name','jobs_users.last_name','jobs_users.photo'))
->joinLeft('friends', 'jobs_users.id=friends.friend_id')
->where("friends.member_id = ?", '20');
You may also try this:
$select = $db->select();
$select->joinLeft('friends','jobs_users.id=friends.friend_id', array());
$select->where("friends.member_id = ?", $id);
$result = $db->fetchAll($select);
return $result;

Zend Framework Db Select Join table help

I have this query:
SELECT g.title, g.asin, g.platform_id, r.rank
FROM games g
INNER JOIN ranks r ON ( g.id = r.game_id )
Now, this is my JOIN using Zend_Db_Select but it gives me array error
$query = $this->select();
$query->from(array('g' => 'games'), array());
$query->join(array('r' => 'ranks'), 'g.id = r.game_id', array('g.title', 'g.asin', 'g.platform_id', 'r.rank'));
$query->order('r.rank DESC');
$resultRows = $this->fetchAll($query);
return $resultRows;
Anyone know what I could be doing wrong? I want to get all the columns in 'games' to show and the 'rank' column in the ranks table.
I am going to assume you've solved this, but it would be nice to leave the answer for others.
Add this below the instantiation of the select object.
You could also type fewer characters....
$query = $this->select()
->from(array('g' => 'games'), array('title', 'asin', 'platform_id'))
->join(array('r' => 'ranks'), 'g.id = r.game_id', array('rank'))
->order('r.rank DESC')
return $this->fetchAll($query);
Good luck!
Here's how I'd write it:
$query = $this->select();
$query->from(array('g' => 'games'), array('title', 'asin', 'platform_id'));
$query->join(array('r' => 'ranks'), 'g.id = r.game_id', array('rank'));
$query->order('r.rank DESC');
$resultRows = $this->fetchAll($query);
return $resultRows;
Other example:
select n.content, n.date, u.mail
from notes n, users u
where n.id_us=u.id and reminder=current_date
$query = $this->select()
array('content', 'date'))
->join(array('u'=>'users'), 'n.id_us=u.id and n.reminder=current_date',
return $this->fetchAll($query);
That's work fine :)