ZF2: Is there a more efficient way to do this Zend\Db Update query? - sql

Here's some ZF1 code for an update query:
'users', $data, $this->getAdapter()->quoteInto('node_id = ?', $user->nodeId)
Here's the same query with ZF2:
$param = $this->getAdapter()->platform->quoteValue($user->nodeId);
$sqlOj = new Sql($this->getAdapter());
$update = $sqlOj->update('users')->set($data)->where('node_id = ' . $param);
$updateString = $sqlOj->getSqlStringForSqlObject($update);
$this->getAdapter()->query($updateString, Adapter::QUERY_MODE_EXECUTE);
As you can see, one line of ZF1 code has become 5 lines of ZF2 code, (actually without the fluent interface it would be 7 lines...)
Am I missing something? Or is ZF2's DB component just more verbose that ZF1?
BTW, I have found the same scenario with select and insert queries too...

I managed to limit it to 3 lines.
use \Zend\Db\Sql\Sql;
$sql = new Sql ($adapter);
$update = $sql->update ('users')->set ($data)->where (['id = ?' => 1]);
$adapter->query ($sql->getSqlStringForSqlObject ($update), $db::QUERY_MODE_EXECUTE);
The problem is they didn't expect you to run your updates like that. Instead, you are expected to use a table gateway.
This way it becomes one line again:
$this->tableGateway->update($data, array('id' => $id));


codeigniter change complex query into active record

I have a codeigniter app.
My active record syntax works perfectly and is:
function get_as_09($q){
$this->db->where('ProductCode', $q);
$query = $this->db->get('ProductList');
if($query->num_rows > 0){
foreach ($query->result_array() as $row){
$row_set[] = htmlentities(stripslashes($row['m3'])); //build an array
return $row_set;
This is effectively
select 'm3' from 'ProductList' where ProductCode='$1'
What I need to do is convert the below query into an active record type query and return it to the controller as per above active record syntax:
select length from
,CONCAT(([width]*1000),([thickness]*1000),REPLACE([ProductCode],concat(([width]*1000),([thickness]*1000),REPLACE((convert(varchar,convert(decimal(8,1),length))),'.','')),'')) as options
FROM [dbo].[dbo].[ProductList]) as p
where options='25100cr' order by length
I picture something like below but this does not work.
$this->db->from(SELECT [Length],CONCAT(([width]*1000),([thickness]*1000),REPLACE[ProductCode],concat(([width]*1000),([thickness]*1000),REPLACE((convert(varchar,convert(decimal(8,1),length))),'.','')),'')) as options
FROM [dbo].[dbo].[ProductList]);
$this->db->where(options, $q);
$this->db->order(length, desc);
Help appreciated as always. Thanks again.
You can use sub query way of codeigniter to do this for this purpose you will have to hack codeigniter. like this
Go to system/database/DB_active_rec.php Remove public or protected keyword from these functions
public function _compile_select($select_override = FALSE)
public function _reset_select()
Now subquery writing in available And now here is your query with active record
$select = array(
'thickness * 1000',
'REPLACE(ProductCode, concat((width*1000),(thickness*1000),REPLACE((convert(varchar,convert(decimal(8,1),length))),'.','')),'')) as options'
$Subquery = $this->db->_compile_select();
And the thing is done. Cheers!!!
Note : While using sub queries you must use
instead of
which runs the query.

How to get the result of the join operations?

Whenever I tried to execute this sql query in a function module in drupal I am not able to get the results but when I try to execute this in MySQL I can view the result. My code looks like this :
function _get_subject_sub_category() {
$options = array();
$sql = "SELECT father.Subject_Code, child.Subject_Category
FROM {subjects} as child
INNER JOIN {subjects} as father ON (child.Parent_Category = father.Subject_Code
AND child.Level =2 )";
$result = db_query($sql);
foreach ($result as $row) {
$options[$row->father.Subject_Code] = $row->child.Subject_Category;
return $options;
The error I encountered is in the line $options[$row->father.Subject_Code] = $row->child.Subject_Category;`.
Any help will be highly appreciated.
Try changing this line:
$options[$row->father.Subject_Code] = $row->child.Subject_Category;
To this:
$options[$row->Subject_Code] = $row->Subject_Category;
The name of the table is not in the result. If you need to avoid confusion, you can use alias in your SQL query.
I don't know drupal and don't use php, but I would say :
father. in $row->father.Subject_Code
child. in $row->child.Subject_Category
as father and child are just db aliases.

Yii CDbCommand create query

I can't create the following query using Yii:
SELECT recipientId as broadcasterId, SUM(quantity) as quantity FROM `creditlog`
WHERE websiteId=3 AND timeAdded>='2013-01-17'
AND timeAdded<='2013-02-17'
AND recipientId IN (10000024, 10000026, 1000028) GROUP BY `recipientId`
I tried:
$command = Yii::app()->db->createCommand();
$command->select('recipientId as broadcasterId, SUM(quantity) as quantity');
$command->where('websiteId=:websiteId AND timeAdded>=:dateStart AND timeAdded<=:dateEnd AND recipientId IN (:recipients)',array(':websiteId' => $websiteId, ':dateStart' => $dateStart, ':dateEnd' => $dateEnd, ':recipients' => $broadcasterIds));
also the andWhere() function which is in the docs seems to be missing.
The issue is that IN condition but I can't find a way to rewrite it.
Since you don't have access to andWhere, which would make life much simpler, you have to express the parameters with where like this:
// ...
), $parameters);
This is done so that you can at some point use the proper array('in', 'recipientId', $values) syntax to produce the IN(...) SQL.
However, this is ugly and difficult to manage. As long as all the conditions are simply joined together with AND you can construct the data structure programmatically from a saner data representation like this (in effect this is a workaround for the missing andWhere):
$conditions = array(
array('in', 'recipientId', $broadcasterIds),
$where = null;
foreach ($conditions as $condition) {
if (!$where) {
$where = $condition;
else {
$where = array('and', $where, $condition);
$command->where($where, $parameters);
For more information on why this way of expressing things has to be used you can refer to the documentation for CDbCommand::where.

Extbase - get created sql from query

i want to get some database tables from my typo3 extensions.
The Extension is based on extbase.
The query always returns nothing but the data exists
I've tried this:
$query = $this->createQuery();
$query->statement('SELECT * FROM `my_table`
WHERE field = ? ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1',
$results = $query->execute();
and this:
$query = $this->createQuery();
$query->matching($query->equals('field', $condition));
$query->setOrderings(array('date' => Tx_Extbase_Persistence_QueryInterface::ORDER_DESCENDING));
$results = $query->execute();
both returns null as result.
Is it possible to get the sql that the class creates to look where the bug is?
I've looked in some extbase persistent classes but didn't find a clue
For those who are interested.. i found a "solution".
If you create the query with the statement() method, you can print the query with this function
echo $query->getStatement()->getStatement();
It doesn't replace the placeholder.
But you can get the Variables with this method
Thats the best Solution that i found, without editing the extbase extenstions
In TYPO3 6.2 you can use Extbase DebuggerUtility to debug the query.
Add this code before $query->execute():
$queryParser = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Extbase\\Persistence\\Generic\\Storage\\Typo3DbQueryParser');
For TYPO3 8.7+ use this code instead:
$queryParser = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtilityGeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\Storage\Typo3DbQueryParser::class);
$doctrineQueryBuilder = $queryParser->convertQueryToDoctrineQueryBuilder($query);
$doctrineQueryBuilderSQL = $doctrineQueryBuilder->getSQL();
$doctrineQueryBuilderParameters = $doctrineQueryBuilder->getParameters();
Check this snippet, although it's not very comfortable in use it helps a lot:
in general you need this code at the end of the buildQuery(array $sql) method (*) - right before return $statement;
if (in_array("your_table_name", $sql['tables'])) {
(*) Class file:
TYPO3 ver.: 4.x: typo3/sysext/extbase/Classes/Persistence/Storage/Typo3DbBackend.php
TYPO3 ver.: 6.x: typo3/sysext/extbase/Classes/Persistence/Generic/Storage/Typo3DbBackend.php
In 6.2.x ...
You can try within \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\DatabaseConnection::exec_SELECTquery method, just add the condition after fetching the $query, like (trim is important!):
public function exec_SELECTquery($select_fields, $from_table, $where_clause, $groupBy = '', $orderBy = '', $limit = '') {
$query = $this->SELECTquery($select_fields, $from_table, $where_clause, $groupBy, $orderBy, $limit);
if (trim($from_table) == 'fe_users') {
// rest of method
An easy way without changing any Typo3 core code and not mentioned in any forum so far is using the php "serialize()" method:
$result = $query->execute();
echo (serialize($result));
In the result object you find the SQL query ("statement;" ...)
Improvement to biesiors answer:
As Extbase replaces some placeholders after calling buildQuery(), you might prefer to place the debug output into getObjectDataByQuery(), just after $this->replacePlaceholders($sql, $parameters, $tableName);
if (strpos($sql, "your_table_name.")) {
debug($sql, 'my debug output');
Also, better use debug() instead of var_dump().
[File: typo3\sysext\extbase\Classes\Persistence\Generic\Storage\Typo3DbBackend.php. Line 339 in version 6.1]:
$query = $this->createQuery();
$getHotelInfo = 'SELECT * FROM `my_table` WHERE field = ? ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1';
return $query->statement($getHotelInfo)->execute();
For executing query you have to write 'setReturnQueryResult' on your repository
I just extended the above snippet, with a $_GET condition.
for debugging, just append "?dbg_table=tx_some_of_my_tables" to your address, and you're ready to go ;-)
if (in_array($_GET['dbg_table'], $sql['tables'])) {
echo('<div style="background: #ebebeb; border: 1px solid #999; margin-bottom: 20px; padding: 10px;"><pre style="white-space: normal">'.$statement.'</pre></div>');
A cleaner way to debug your statements when using TYPO3 6.1 is to use the query parser of Typo3DbBackend.
$parser = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Extbase\\Persistence\\Generic\\Storage\\Typo3DbBackend');
$params = array();
$queryParts = $parser->parseQuery($query, $params);
\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::devLog('query', 'my_extension', 1, array('query' => $queryParts, 'params' => $params));
The parser returns an array containing the different parts of the generated SQL statement.
With TYPO3 6.2 the parseQuery method was moved to Typo3DbQueryParser and lost its second parameter.
i suggest set this in typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php file under 'SYS' array
'SYS' => array(
'displayErrors' => 1,
'sqlDebug' => 1
and then write wrong field name in query intentionally and then execute code.
this will show last query execute with error.

Dynamic PDO AND and OR

I have a problem with Yii's CDBCrtieria builder. I am trying to make a rather complex query while using the escaping and safe functions provided by PDO.
Here is the query I am basically trying to build:
SELECT * FROM tbl_audit_log
WHERE (model_id = 1 AND model = "Title") OR
(model_id = 1 AND model = "Product") //etc
This is being built dynamically in PHP like:
$model_ids = array(array($model->id, 'Title'));
foreach($model->products as $id => $product){
$model_ids[][] = $product->id;
$model_ids[][] = "Product";
So I don't know the values of the WHERE before I build the query. I must find an easy way to build:
WHERE (model_id = 1 AND model = "Title") OR
(model_id = 1 AND model = "Product") //etc
I have looked through the documentation but the closest thing I see is addCondition which would require complex coding to get working properly.
Does Yii provide any easy way of achieving this without having to deal with writing complex code to name my params etc?
It is indeed a bit more complex, but here's a working solution:
$criteria = new CDbCriteria();
$param_id = 0;
// $model_ids is the one you built in your original code
foreach( $model_ids as $id_pair ) {
$criteria->addCondition( '( model_id = :id' . $param_id . ' AND model = :model' . $param_id . ' )', 'OR' );
$criteria->params[ ':id' . $param_id ] = $id_pair[0];
$criteria->params[ ':model' . $param_id ] = $id_pair[1];
This will generate custom identifiers for each of your parameters so they will all be validated. Then you can just use $criteria in your query.