Big WP_Query on MAMP - sql

I'm running an install of WP (3.5.2) on MAMP. Some queries are outputting stuff the way they should (post count, last 5 posts etc) but one isn't. This is a query going through about 550 custom posts and displaying information. I've got 'posts_per_page' => '-1' in the arguments array and I noticed when I change the value to 100 I do get output. The loop of the query goes through all the custom post types and for each post it gets about 10 meta values. On my live website this is all working as expected.
I'm not very skilled in server setups and MAMP so I was wondering if this has anything to do with MAMP (or MySQL) being limited to a certain amount of database requests or something?
Webserver: Apache/2.2.23 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.23 OpenSSL/0.9.8x DAV/2 PHP/5.4.10

It was a memory problem like Ennui suggested. I did two things to resolve my issue:
1:Changed max_allowed_packet to 1024M in MySQL (see here)
Added --max_allowed_packet=1024M to /Applications/MAMP/bin/ and restarted MAMP
2: Changed memory_limit in php.ini (my method below or see here)
Open /Applications/bin/php/php5.4.10/conf/php.ini, look for memory_limit and change it (for me it was 32M, changed it to 1024M) and restart MAMP. If your using another version of php, look in your php version folder instead of php5.4.10.
I don't know if memory_limit was the problem or if it was a combination of PHP and MySQL since only changing max_allowed_packet didn't resolve my issue, but the two steps above work!


how to access php.ini in MAMP

I am trying to increase the file upload size for phpMyAdmin so I can import a SQL database.
In order to do so I need to edit php.ini. However, I can't find it on my computer. I am using MAMP on a Win 10 machine. Can someone show me how to do it?
You will probably find php.ini in
On my mac, running MAMP I have a few locations that would be the likely php.ini,
so I edited the memory_limit to different values in the 2 suspected files,
to test which one effected the actual MAMP PHP INFO page details.
By doing that I was able to determine that this was the correct php.ini:
Assuming MAMP uses same directory structure on PC, then it would just be the php(number) that would differ depending on what PHP is set in your MAMP Preferences.
MAMP keep its php.ini in the following location.
/Aplications/MAMP/conf/bin/php/**{current php version}**/conf/php.ini
Ex: /Aplications/MAMP/conf/bin/php/php7.2.8/conf/php.ini

List of served files in apache

I am doing some reverse engineering on a website.
We are using LAMP stack under CENTOS 5, without any commercial/open source framework (symfony, laravel, etc). Just plain PHP with an in-house framework.
I wonder if there is any way to know which files in the server have been used to produce a request.
For example, let's say I am requesting
Let's assume that 'index.php' calls other PHP scripts (e.g. to connect to the database and retrieve some info), it also includes a couple of other html files, etc
How can I get the list of those accessed files?
I already tried to enable the server-status directive in apache, and although it is working I can't get what I want (I also passed the 'refresh' parameter)
I also used lsof -c httpd, as suggested in other forums, but it is producing a very big output and I can't find what I'm looking for.
I also read the apache logs, but I am only getting the requests that the server handled.
Some other users suggested to add the PHP directives like 'self', but that means I need to know which files I need to modify to include that directive beforehand (which I don't) and which is precisely what I am trying to find out.
Is that actually possible to trace the internal activity of the server and get those file names and locations?
Not that I tried this, but it looks like mod_log_config is the answer to my own question

Apache timeout in perl CGI tool

I am running a Perl CGI tool that executes a system command (Unix) which may run for a few seconds up to an hour.
After the script is finished, the tool should display the results log on the screen (in a browser).
The problem is that after about 5 minutes I get a timeout message "Gateway Time-out" - the system command continue to run but I'm unable to display to the user the results of the run.
In the Apache config file (httpd.conf): Timeout 300.
Is there a simple way ordering the Apache to increase the timeout only for a specific run?
I don't really want to change the Apache timeout permanently (or should I?) and not dramatically update the code (a lot of regression tests).
Thanks in advance.
Make the script generate some output every once in a while. The timeout is not for running the program to completion, but is a timeout while Apache is waiting for data. So if you manage to get your program to output something regularly while running, you will be fine.
Note that HTTP clients, i.e. browsers, also have their own timeout. If your browser does not get any new data from the web server five minutes (typically), the browser will declare a timeout and give up even if the server is still processing. If your long running processing gives some output every now and then, it will help against browser timeouts too!
For completeness:
Though the accepted answer is the best (it's variously known as KeepAlive packets in TCP/IP, or Tickle packets way back in appletalk days) you did ask if you can do dynamic Apache config.
An apache module could do this. Oh, but that's a pain to write in C.
Remember that mod_perl (and to some extent mod_python, though it's deprecated) do not only handlers but wrap the internal config in perl as well. You could write something complicated to increase the timeout in certain situations. But, this would be a bear to write and test, and you're better off doing what Krisku says.
There doesn't seem to be any way to specify a timeout on the <!--#include virtual=... --> directive, but if you use mod_cgid instead of mod_cgi then starting with Apache 2.4.10 there's a configurable timeout parameter available which you can specify in httpd.conf or .htaccess:
CGIDScriptTimeout nnns
...where nnn is the number of seconds that Apache will allow a cogitating CGI script to continue to run.
Caveat: If you use PHP with Apache, then your Apache is presumably configured in /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/00-mpm.conf to use "prefork" MPM (because PHP requires it unless built with thread-safe flags), and the default Apache installation used mod_cgi with the prefork MPM, so you'll probably need to edit /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/01-cgi.conf to tell Apache to use mod_cgid instead of mod_cgi.
Although the comment in 01-cgi.conf says, "mod_cgid should be used with a threaded MPM; mod_cgi with the prefork MPM," that doesn't seem to be correct, because mod_cgid seems to work fine with prefork MPM and PHP, for me, with Apache 2.4.46.
Although that doesn't give you complete control over server timeouts, you could specify a different CGIDScriptTimeout setting for a particular directory (e.g., put your slow .cgi files in the ./slowstuff/ folder).
(Of course, as krisku mentioned in the accepted answer, changing CGIDScriptTimeout won't solve the problem of the user's web browser timing out.)

How to make XAMPP (Apache; lookups) faster on Windows 7?

When using XAMPP (1.7.5 Beta) under Windows 7 (Ultimate, version 6.1, build 7600), it takes several seconds before pages actually show up. During these seconds, the browser shows "Waiting for" and Apache (httpd.exe, version 2.2.17) has 99% CPU load.
I have already tried to speed things up in several ways:
Uncommented "Win32DisableAcceptEx" in xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-mpm.conf
Uncommented "EnableMMAP Off" and "EnableSendfile Off" in xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf
Disabled all firewall and antivirus software (Windows Defender/Windows Firewall, Norton AntiVirus).
In the hosts file, commented out "::1 localhost" and uncommented " localhost".
Executed (via cmd): netsh; interface; portproxy; add v6tov4 listenport=80 connectport=80.
Even disabled IPv6 completely, by following these instructions.
The only place where "HostnameLookups" is set, is in xampp\apache\conf\httpd-default.conf, to: Off.
Tried PHP in CGI mode by commenting out (in httpd-xampp.conf): LoadFile "C:/xampp/php/php5ts.dll" and LoadModule php5_module modules/php5apache2_2.dll.
None of these possible solutions had any noticeable effect on the speed. Does Apache have difficulty trying to find the destination host ('gethostbyname')? What else could I try to speed things up?
Read over Magento's Optimization White Paper, although it mentions enterprise the same methodologies will and should be applied. Magento is by no means simplistic and can be very resource intensive. Like some others mentioned I normally run within a Virtual Machine on a LAMP stack and have all my optimization's (both at server application levels and on a Magento level) preset on a base install of Magento. Running an Opcode cache like eAccelerator or APC can help improve load times. Keeping Magento's caching layers enabled can help as well but can cripple development if you forget its enabled during development, however there are lots of tools available that can clear this for you from a single command line or a tool like Alan Storms eCommerce Bug.
Optimization Whitepaper link:
Also, with PHP7 now including OpCache, enabling it with default settings with date/time checks along with AOE_ClassPathCache can help disk I/O Performance.
If you are using an IDE with Class lookups, keeping a local copy of the code base you are working on can greatly speed up indexing in such IDEs like PHPStorm/NetBeans/etc. Atwix has a good article on Docker with Magento:
Some good tools for local Magento 1.x development:
Use a connection profiler like Chrome's to see whether this is actually a lookup issue, or whether you are waiting for the site to return content. Since you tagged this question Magento, which is known for slowness before you optimize it, I'm guessing the latter.
Apache runs some very major sites on the internets, and they don't have several second delays, so the answer to your question about Apache is most likely no. Furthermore, DNS lookup happens between your browser and a DNS server, not the target host. Once the request is sent to the target host, you wait for a rendered response from it.
Take a look at the several questions about optimizing Magento sites on SO and you should get some ideas on how to speed your site up.

Using mod_disk_cache in Apache?

I want to use mod_disk_cache in apache to cache my xml feeds to a folder and serve direct from that folder.
These are feeds dynamically created by php - but not changing very often.
I want the caching at the htaccess level to avoid any strain/call to php and keep server stress to a minimum.
Has anyone done this before? Did it work for you?
I'm getting my server company to install the modules I need and can then have a go myself.
I'm hoping to use something similar to:
<IfModule mod_cache.c>
<IfModule mod_disk_cache.c>
CacheRoot c:/cacheroot
CacheEnable disk /
CacheDirLevels 5
CacheDirLength 3
I'll be sending Expires: and Last-Modified: headers in the xml too.
Think this will give me the desired solution and filling that cache folder and avoiding calls to php?
Or is this approach all wrong?
Thanks in advance for any guidance
I used in the past Apache with mod_cache on a Unix environment. It worked fine with low user load, but days with heavy load the system went down all the day.
After some tests we moved to Varnish Cache and now everything works better.
The problem is that only Unix environment is supported, a new varnish windows cygwin-based version exists, but I don't now if is suitable for production environment:
It's not a bad thing. I've been using it long time ago. It works.
But you should know there are now really better alternatives when handling caches in front of an apache server. One of theses nice tools is Varnish. You will have very fine tunnings available.
Here's a deep explanation of why varnish is a modern tool and why this new way of using the OS (and not separating memory and disk in spirit) is good :
About the headers you should use theses headers to communicate with Varnish (or other things, like urls) and let the cache tool handle the final headers.
If you can have a direct access on your server and not just a restricted apache access try it. Now if you can only access apache configuration... but ... c:/cacheroot, you're using a windows server in production? You'll need an Unix-like system for varnish preferably 64bits.