How to make XAMPP (Apache; lookups) faster on Windows 7? - apache

When using XAMPP (1.7.5 Beta) under Windows 7 (Ultimate, version 6.1, build 7600), it takes several seconds before pages actually show up. During these seconds, the browser shows "Waiting for" and Apache (httpd.exe, version 2.2.17) has 99% CPU load.
I have already tried to speed things up in several ways:
Uncommented "Win32DisableAcceptEx" in xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-mpm.conf
Uncommented "EnableMMAP Off" and "EnableSendfile Off" in xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf
Disabled all firewall and antivirus software (Windows Defender/Windows Firewall, Norton AntiVirus).
In the hosts file, commented out "::1 localhost" and uncommented " localhost".
Executed (via cmd): netsh; interface; portproxy; add v6tov4 listenport=80 connectport=80.
Even disabled IPv6 completely, by following these instructions.
The only place where "HostnameLookups" is set, is in xampp\apache\conf\httpd-default.conf, to: Off.
Tried PHP in CGI mode by commenting out (in httpd-xampp.conf): LoadFile "C:/xampp/php/php5ts.dll" and LoadModule php5_module modules/php5apache2_2.dll.
None of these possible solutions had any noticeable effect on the speed. Does Apache have difficulty trying to find the destination host ('gethostbyname')? What else could I try to speed things up?

Read over Magento's Optimization White Paper, although it mentions enterprise the same methodologies will and should be applied. Magento is by no means simplistic and can be very resource intensive. Like some others mentioned I normally run within a Virtual Machine on a LAMP stack and have all my optimization's (both at server application levels and on a Magento level) preset on a base install of Magento. Running an Opcode cache like eAccelerator or APC can help improve load times. Keeping Magento's caching layers enabled can help as well but can cripple development if you forget its enabled during development, however there are lots of tools available that can clear this for you from a single command line or a tool like Alan Storms eCommerce Bug.
Optimization Whitepaper link:
Also, with PHP7 now including OpCache, enabling it with default settings with date/time checks along with AOE_ClassPathCache can help disk I/O Performance.
If you are using an IDE with Class lookups, keeping a local copy of the code base you are working on can greatly speed up indexing in such IDEs like PHPStorm/NetBeans/etc. Atwix has a good article on Docker with Magento:
Some good tools for local Magento 1.x development:

Use a connection profiler like Chrome's to see whether this is actually a lookup issue, or whether you are waiting for the site to return content. Since you tagged this question Magento, which is known for slowness before you optimize it, I'm guessing the latter.
Apache runs some very major sites on the internets, and they don't have several second delays, so the answer to your question about Apache is most likely no. Furthermore, DNS lookup happens between your browser and a DNS server, not the target host. Once the request is sent to the target host, you wait for a rendered response from it.
Take a look at the several questions about optimizing Magento sites on SO and you should get some ideas on how to speed your site up.


Bitvise SH Client Installation error. CreateDirectory() failed: Windows error 5: Access is denied

I'm trying to install bit vise ssh client but its not installing and throwing an exception as this.
Exception caught:
Failed to create directory "C:\Program Files(x86)\Common Files\Bitvise"
CreateDirectory() failed: windows error 5: Access is denied.
My system is 64 bit, I know bitvise has one version which supports both 64 and 32bit.
I also tried "run as Administrator", still same exception. Could anyone tell me the procedure to install it properly !
Logging: Always create an MSI log for debugging when encountering any deployment problems. See that link for hints on interpreting the log file content. Search for "value 3" first of all:
msiexec.exe /i C:\Path\Your.msi /L*vx! C:\Your.log
In general: check vendor web sites and / or user forums to figure out details on known issues. It could be a permission issue on your TEMP folder.
Emergency Approach: Use a clean virtual machine to get the software running. Try different OS-versions. Just for a heartbeat in a pinch. Or try someone else's computer. Obvious yes, but try it if you can.
Keep in mind that "very clean" virtuals (there is absolutely nothing on there - just a fresh OS) could lack certain runtimes that might be "taken for granted" and hence missing from an installer. VCRuntime, .NET versions and such. Just in case you see mysterious errors there too.
First Checks: A simplified, generic check-list for deployment issues:
AD / Group Policies: Corporate environments could have group policies and restrictions preventing the installation of anything at all. Check that first.
Installation Media: Re-download installation media to ensure its integrity.
Corrupted by Malware: Note that malware or other factors can corrupt downloaded files, but more commonly they are destroyed in-transit.
Wrong Bitness: The setup could be the wrong bitness (x64 on 32 bit system) or architecture such as Itanium (incompatible with normal x64 systems). Or even the wrong OS (zip file wrappers etc...).
Corrupted / Quarantined by Scanners: Security suites, firewalls, corporate blocks and the likes can cause problems (separate issue below - not sure if anti-virus programs try to clean binaries anymore? Block they certainly do).
Incomplete Download: Launching before download is fully finished (premature launch) is a classic weirdness - error messages are generally ok, but can be misleading. Remember to allow anti-virus scanners to complete their post-download scan. This can take much longer than you think (they hash the file, check their site, etc...).
Download Mirror Issue: Sometimes the download comes from a number of download servers, some of which could be corrupted or contain faulty media or be misconfigured. Download again - check with and repeat a few times to verify. Have your colleague in another office download? Different mirror likely (automatic load-balancing - when you can't pick another server yourself).
Network Problems (LAN): When you have problems, try to copy installation files to a local location (the desktop will do) to eliminate any LAN network issues as the source of your deployment problem. If there are network problems file copy might fail with a proper warning message? Network related fallacies. More towards bottom.
Missing Runtimes: A few, very core-runtimes can make setups fall over. This is particularly common on virtual machines that are "fresh" and basic.
Examples would be: VCRedist (in particular), .NET, Powershell, etc...
Lacking and more advanced components such as IIS, MSSQL, .NET Core, Java, etc... can also make some badly authored setups fall over.
Admin Rights: Ensure you have real admin rights on the box in question. In other words you are logged on using a real administrator account. Avoid "run-as" if you have a failure to look at. Try a real login.
Reboot: Just to try the obvious. Reboot and allow the PC to "settle down after reboot". This means you ensure that Windows Update hasn't started installing - or something else that was set to start pending the next reboot. PCs that are seldomly rebooted can have a lot going on after a reboot - some try to "reboot twice" - or even several times - to make sure all locks and blocks from "stuff that is happening" are released. Make sure to allow update operations to finish before rebooting once, twice or more (wait for reboot prompt). Virtual machines that are reverted to a previous state can be a nightmare when it comes to things that automatically start to update and cause confusion and problems.
Clean Slate: If you don't reboot, close down all applications before running your setup. This sorts out various locks and blocking happenstances. Preferably reboot first and run the setup the first thing you do when the machine is back up again. Again: give the machine enough time to be idle - everything started (services and such - and no updates installing).
Disk Space & Integrity: Ensure available free disk space AND that there are no errors on disk. The very small SSD and NVME disks of the last few years have made this problem more acute again.
Different user: Try installing as a different and real admin user. The important thing here is that this is a different admin account than you first tried (user account profile issues). So, in other words log in as a real admin user and don't just use "run as" (create a new account if you need to). An example of a problem could be someone who has messed up their user profile shell folder settings so that the directory table resolution of MSI fails. Another user profile would normally be unaffected and still work OK.
ACL - Access Control: Very often access denied can be related to custom NTFS ACL configuration that is erroneous. This can lead to weird error messages during installation. In corporate environments - with application packagers adapting installers - ACLs are sometimes modified extensively to tighten security. I have seen this a lot, but there are also other sources of ACL changes such as system administrator scripts, malware and I saw issues after a security fix from Windows Update a few years ago. Tightened security can trigger a lot of errors previously unseen in software that should "know better".
Malware check: Run anti-virus or Windows Defender to verify that you don't have a malware issue on your box. Additionally check the installation media with to ensure it is not malware itself! (the setup.exe could be infected, or the whole product could be malware outright - never know).
Security Software Interference: Anti-virus, firewalls, scanners and other security products can be overactive and block access to a folder or a resource so it looks like it is an ACL permission issue. Disable temporarily if possible when required. Do anti-virus software still try to fix binaries in the age of digital certificates? I am not sure. Always check installation file using
Localized Setups: Sometimes setups made for other languages than English - or rather another language than the original setup (could be any language) - fail on systems with other languages installed and in use. Try on a clean virtual with the "setup-expected language". Problems like these indicate VERY bad setup design (hard coded localized paths, incorrect server paths or addresses due to translation errors, etc...) - but due to QA resources they are not uncommon. In essence the main-language version is generally (in almost all cases) put through better testing.
Mount Points: Some disks have mounted drives in folders and such things - this can cause some seriously weird problems. Try on a clean virtual with no drama-settings.
NTFS / FAT32: (Somewhat edge-case). It is no longer possible to install Windows 10 on a FAT32 drive - with the limitations that strike (no ACL permissions, max 4gb files, no journaling and such). However, the setup could be redirected to a non-system FAT32 partition or some other disk format. This could trigger security problems (no ACL permissions), but should not generally create any access denied issues - barring any custom actions trying to apply ACL permissions and failing (this might degrade gracefully by now, I don't know). However there are file size limitations in FAT32 disks (4gb) that might actually trigger errors these days for huge setups (games, video files, etc...). Note that downstream Windows OSs might still allow FAT32 system partitions. And finally - and importantly - FAT32 is not a journaling file system. This means data corruption can easily happen without self-correction.
Flagged Downloaded File: In newer versions of Windows downloaded files are flagged as "This file came from another computer and might be blocked to help protect this computer". See screenshot below. Read more details about the feature here and Digital signatures, false positives, tagged downloaded file. Just make sure your file does NOT have this flag (I do not have a complete overview of all problems that can result from this):
Odds and Ends: There are additional things such as setups being to old to install properly (they don't handle modern Windows features well - you can try to run the setup in compatibility mode by enabling this in the property page for the setup.exe file itself) and older Installshield setups had lots of DCOM-based installscript engine issues and such things. Other setup vendors have their own problems - and quite a few of them for older setups. Brand new stuff, and ancient stuff - always surprises.
Network Problems (LAN): This is mentioned above in the "Installation Media" section. You can copy files locally to try to eliminate LAN network problems as a source of problem (SAMBA problems, network overload and packet loss, interfering scanners, timeouts, etc...). You might get a real error message if you try to copy local. Try to download file directly from the Internet vendor site to the desktop as a test. Network related fallacies.
Update: Incompatibilities: It happens that software can't co-exist properly. These situations can be rather obvious (COM version incompatibilities, setups designed to detect existing software and prevent themselves from installing, setups in different language versions quarreling, etc...) or quite hard to work out (deep-seated driver problems, hardware peculiarities, anti-virus false positives or otherwise unsolvable problems). Make sure you test your setup on a clear virtual whenever you have problems. You can also use that as a "solution" if it works - have people run incompatible software on virtuals - obviously one of the key use cases for virtuals (there are many others).
Full Check List: See Section "Generic Tricks? in this answer for more.
Smartscreen issues: Digital signatures, false positives, tagged downloaded file

Apache Security settings - unsure of where to find in Config file

This is my first post under the Apache tag, so not sure if I have posted it in the correct spot. Apologies if it's not.
We recently had an audit done on our Apache server. It's running on a Windows Server 2012 R2, and I installed Apache 2.4.27 through WAMP.
The results from the Audit are fairly specific, but I don't know where to go in the Config file to fix these. My IMIT department has gone through a number of changes and we no longer have someone who can help me, so I'm stuck.
The three areas I need to correct are:
1) MISSING SECURITY HEADERS Recommendation: Implement HTTP security headers in the web applications to prevent exploitation of vulnerabilities.
2) Recommendation: Make sure that browsable directories do not leak confidential informative or give access to sensitive resources. Additionally, use access restrictions or disable directory indexing for any that do.
3) The remote web server supports the TRACE and/or TRACK methods. TRACE and TRACK are HTTP methods that are used to debug web server connections. Recommendation: Disable these methods.
I have looked in the config and in various documentation online but the Windows install for Apache seems to be unique, and I don't want to risk screwing up something that breaks the install.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Find httpd.conf file. It should be in the conf folder in the localization where Apache is installed like for ex:
If you're not sure where that is - open task manager, find httpd.exe and check it's properties.
Then add required configuration there.
Check out this helpful github:
You can check your configuration files for syntax errors without starting the server by using apachectl configtest or the -t command line option.

It is possible to find out the version of Apache HTTPD when ServerSignature is off?

I have a question. Can I find out the version of Apache when full signature is disabled. Is it even possible? If it is, how? I think that is possible because blackhats hacking big, corporate servers while knowledge of the version of the victim services is essential. What do you think? Thanks.
Well for a start there are two (or even three) things to hide:
ServerHeader - which shows the version in the Server response field. This cannot be turned of in Apache config but can be reduced to just "Apache".
ServerSignature - which displays the server version in the footer of error pages.
X-Powered-By which is not used by Apache but used by back end servers and services it might send requests to (e.g. PHP, J2EE servers... etc.).
Now servers do show some information due to differences in how the operate or how they interpret spec. For example the order of response headers, capitalisation, how they respond to certain requests all give clues to what server software might be being used to answer http requests. However using this to fingerprint a specific version of that software is more tricky unless there was an obvious, observable change from the client side.
Other options include looking at server status-page - though you would hope any administrator clever enough to reduce the default server header would also restrict access to the server-status page. Or through another security hole (e.g. being able to upload load executable scripts or the like).
I would guess most hackers would more be aware of bugs and exploits in some versions of Apache or other web servers and try to see if any of those can be exploited rather than trying to guess the specific version first.
In fact, as an interesting aside, Apache themselves have long been of the opinion that hiding server header information is pointless "security through obscurity" (a point I, and many others, disagree with them on) even putting this in their documention:
Setting ServerTokens to less than minimal is not recommended because
it makes it more difficult to debug interoperational problems. Also
note that disabling the Server: header does nothing at all to make
your server more secure. The idea of "security through obscurity" is a
myth and leads to a false sense of safety.
And even allowing open access to their server-status page.

I can't access my website using its ip number

Am trying to access my website by its IP address. The site is hosted on a shared ip so, i tried including a tilde ~ and then my user name, but it doesn't seem to work.
Any idea around this?
Most likely this is happening because of mod_ruid2 being installed. In order to access the site via publicIPaddress/~username you have to install mod_userdir.
unfortunately you can't use mod_userdir and mod_ruid2 at the same time. So these are the steps for configuring your WHM to allow access with ip/~username
Login to WHM with your root user. Go to mod_userdir TWEAK which you can access using the search bar on the left side of the GUI.
At this point check the box to install the service. After it installs you should be able to access the site with ip/~username. It is very likely it will not install because there are conflicts with mod_ruid2 and CGI being installed. So you remove them like this,
Go back to the search bar and type EasyApache. Click the link when it pops up,
Click customize and then next or click Server Modules on the left. In the main area and your current setup will load. First type mod_ruid2 in the search bar. When it pops up click to uninstall it.
Next search for CGI and if ea-apache24-mod_cgi uninstall it as well.
Now you need to use another handler so in my case I chose suphp.
Once you choose to install it you will need to choose Prefork Worker or Event.
Here are the descriptions of these,
Prefork With the Prefork module installed, Apache is a non-threaded,
pre-forking web server. That means that each Apache child process
contains a single thread and handles one request at a time. Because of
that, it consumes more resources than the threaded MPMs: Worker and
Prefork is the default MPM, so if no MPM is selected in EasyApache,
Prefork will be selected. It still is the best choice if Apache has to
use non-thread safe libraries such as mod_php (DSO), and is ideal if
isolation of processes is important.
Worker The Worker MPM turns Apache into a multi-process,
multi-threaded web server. Unlike Prefork, each child process under
Worker can have multiple threads. As such, Worker can handle more
requests with fewer resources than Prefork. Worker generally is
recommended for high-traffic servers running Apache versions prior to
2.4. However, Worker is incompatible with non-thread safe libraries. If you need to run something that isn’t thread safe, you will need to
stick with Prefork.
Event Each process under Event also can contain multiple threads but,
unlike Worker, each is capable of more than one task. Apache has the
lowest resource requirements when used with the Event MPM.
Event, though, is supported only on servers running Apache 2.4. Under
Apache 2.2, Event is considered experimental and is incompatible with
some modules on older versions of Apache. Nevertheless, on
high-traffic Apache 2.2 servers where Apache has experienced issues
with memory, upgrading Apache to take advantage of the Event MPM can
yield significant results.
After you are done installing the new modules and removing the old ones you need to ssh into your server and type
For Centos 7
/usr/local/cpanel/bin/rebuild_phpconf --available
This will show you something like this,
At this point I checked my current php install like this,
php -v
PHP 5.6.27
So I decided to go with the correlating PHP version for my handler. So now you have to select the handler like this,
/usr/local/cpanel/bin/rebuild_phpconf --default=ea-php56 --ea-php56=suphp
At this point make sure you go back to mod_userdir in your whm search bar and try and install it again. If it installs with no errors then try and access the page in your browser with ipaddress/~username. If you still can not access it then go back to your mod_userdir screen and make sure you check mark the box next to your user that says exclude protection.
You should probably get in touch with your host's support team for these sort of questions.
Typically, you receive an e-mail that has your cPanel account name, password, as well as something like "Temporary Webpage URL" which you can use to access your website until your DNS resolves in the form of:
The "account" in above url example is your user name of cpanel.

Migrate Apache+Phusion to Nginx+Phusion

I'm currently using Apache+Phusion quite successfully but am interested in trying out Nginx+Phusion. Although there are lots of places where I can get info on how to set up the latter none of them explain what I have to do to ensure that it is Nginx that is serving things up rather than Apache.
Ideally I would like to keep the Apache stuff available whilst trialling but I'm guessing that at a minimum I will have to stop Apache and run Nginx - or can both be running simultaneously on the same machine? If the answer to this is yes then which server will handle URL requests and how will I know?