FB fanpage custom layouts - ssl-certificate

On my FBpage I wish to add custom tabs, within these tabs/iframes I want to external link my website (html/css, hosted on One.com, no SSL) so to achieve a fancy design, kind of like these:
Tried the app "Static HTML" and added three tabs (Info, Contact, Biography) and I found two interesting options:
1) "Static HTML
A simple HTML editor allowing you to create static HTML content"
2) "Website
Use a page from your website. Includes resizing functionality."
Tried option 2 and linked an external page hosted on One.com, but it doesn’t seem to work on tablets/phones.
BOTTOM QUESTION: Any way to get around the SSLrestriction, ie by apps such as Static HTML, Woobox etc - or do I just need an SSL either way?

You cannot have a custom layout on Facebook pages OR profiles. You can add custom tabs via adding applications to your facebook page. Below are a few good pre packaged Facebook application providers. The list is ordered by perceived quality vs price (some are free, some are paid, and some allow you to white label your application after paying X dollars per month). Note that this ordering is completely subjective to my experience.
http://www.wildfireapp.com/plans (specific for promotions)
http://www.votigo.com/corp/features-and-pricing.php (specific for promotions)
http://www.shortstackapp.com/ (white label $30 and up)
https://www.socialappshq.com/home/pricing (white label $99 and up)
http://northsocial.com/pricing/ (SRM, white label $79 and up, also pricey)
http://www.agorapulse.com/pricing/ (white label $145 and up)
http://www.pagemodo.com/pricing (white label $30 and up)
http://thrusocial.com/index/subscribe (white label $20 and up)
http://www.faceitpages.com/pricing.php (white label $125 and up)
Besides the above, you CAN develop Facebook applications and host them on your OWN server. This is a much more complicated setup, and I recommend you start with one of the options above. If you decide to use this method you will need to purchase an SSL certificate for the domain under which you are hosting your FB app, EVEN if your app is only static content. Find a suitable SSL sert provider via a simple search.


Image Panel that Displays Images Based on Spatial Extent in ArcGIS WebAppBuilder

Does anyone know of a way of possibly making a side panel in a webapp for ArcGIS Online that would allow images to be displayed that are either attached to point location data, or have a URL in the table. I would like to images to appear based on the current extent of the map and disappear when no longer in view on the map.
I'm not aware of any widgets that would do this out-of-the-box, but I think it would be a great case to create a custom widget for use with Web AppBuilder Developer Edition.
As you start working with Web AppBuilder more, some other useful resources include the GIS StackExchange, and the Web AppBuilder Custom Widgets GeoNet Group.

how do i acquire a google fonts api key

I have followed a several bewildering sets of instruction, but have so far not been able to acquire the google fonts api key. I have navigated to the Developers Console, selected a Project, then to - APIs & auth - APIs. There are dozens upon dozens of API's to choose from, but NOT ONE that is either 'Google Fonts API' or 'Web Fonts Developer API' or indeed anything that contains the words 'Font' & 'API.' Truly frustrating. Can anyone help?
Google Fonts are available free without an API key, at the link below:
Simply select the fonts you need, and add it to collection. A little panel should show up at the bottom of your screen. On the upper-right corner of the panel, click on "Use", and about halfway down the page you'll find the code snippet for you to use. Again, no API key is needed.

How to apply page background images in tabris, preferable using stylesheets for iOS and/or Android devices

this is not clear to me from the documentation and from the current behavior I see in my app: The stylesheets work nice using a web browser, but not on the mobile app.
So what I was looking for is how to apply different background images in our mobile app (or at least colors) to the navigation page (top level pages list) and any other pages. We would like to apply different styles to the our current, I guess default style but don't know how to do this. So at this point I do not know what I can ask our graphics designer to provide.
Any docs that I missed or examples I can look at?
The styles you are using for the web are applied by RAP's theming. Currently Tabris does not support theming. The only option you have at the moment is to use the SWT setBackground.Image methods on the widget itself. To behave different as in the web you could use RWT.getClient().getService( ClientDevice.class ).getPlatform(); to distinguish between the mobile and web client.

Bing Maps in Windows 8 app

My question is similar to this one "https://bitly.com/UaQOC4", but that question is somewhat misleading.
In my Windows 8 Store app, I have a Bing map reference to a particular location somewhere in South Africa. The referenced location will have multiple pins to denote key areas of interest to users of the application, with an info window for each of the pins.
When a user clicks on a pin, the info window will give them more information, like statistics around the location and a link to a page within the application, for example: /pages/nests/crowsnest.html.
What I need is to be able to push the user, when clicked on the location in the info window, to this page, however, this does not seem to be allowed.
From my understanding, we're trying to force a page load from within the current domain space (our application) from outside of the application scope (info window == iframe) as this is not a web page, this seems to be disallowed.
Is my assumption correct in that we're trying to break the domain policy here? I don't see how we can, as we're just redirecting users to a page.
I have tried the WinJS.Navigation.navigate("/pages/nests/crowsnets.html") and event a normal -tag but neither of these approaches allowed me any success.
I'm still not sure what are you trying to achieve. You can use Bing Maps control in your Windows 8 app and you can pin any Pushpins in there, You can also handle the behavior when user taps any pin and show more detailed info on the map.
Bing Maps SDK for Windows Store apps

Create custom templates in iOS ap

How to create custom templates in iOS app having uiimageview ,uitextview,and many other views so that user can select any one template and starts editing it.
There is a famous library thats floating around for this kind of usage - iOS BoilerPlate
It is intended to provide a base of code to start with
It is not intended to be a framework
It is intended to be modified and extended by the developer to fit their needs
It includes solid third-party libraries if needed to not reinvent the wheel
What it includes -
HTTP requests and an image cache (both in-memory and disk-based)
UITableViews and UITableViewCells: fast scrolling, async images, pull-down-to-refresh, swipeable cells,...
A built-in browser so your users don't leave your application when they browse to a certain URL
Maps and locations: directions between two points, autocomplete a location, etc.