Reading data from text file and delimiting - vba

I have an Excel 2010 spreadsheet, and I am reading in information from a .txt file (and another .xls file in future).
This text file has 3 elements per row; firtname, surname and Job title, and each element is separated by a comma. I have the data reading and pasting into Excel, however each row is pasted into the one cell. I am looking to paste each element into different columns. I know that I should try and delimit, but I just can't figure out the syntax.
My question is how do I separate each element and paste it into it's own cell? I currently use commas to separate each element on my .txt file, but future files might use tabs, full-stops, semi-colons etc. How do I extend it so all bases are covered?
Below is my code, and under my code is a sample of dummy data
Sub FetchDataFromTextFile()
Dim i As Long
Dim LineText As String
Open "C:\mytxtfile.txt" For Input As #24
i = 2
While Not EOF(24)
Line Input #24, LineText
ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 2).Value = LineText
P = Split(Record, ",")
i = i + 1
Close #24
End Sub
John, Doe, Boss
Johnny, Steele, Manager
Jane, Smith, Employee
NOTE: Competant in other programming languages, however not done VB in about 6 or 7 years. I can never seem to wrap my head around VB Syntax, so please treat me like a novice for this.

Sub FetchDataFromTextFile()
Dim i As Long
Dim LineText As String
Open "C:\mytxtfile.txt" For Input As #24
i = 2
While Not EOF(24)
Line Input #24, LineText
Dim arr
arr = Split(CStr(LineText), ", ")
For j = 1 To
ActiveSheet.Cells(i, j).Value = arr(j - 1)
Next j
i = i + 1
Close #24
End Sub
For different delimiters, make use of the answers in here


Writing Fixed width text files from excel vba

This is the output of a program.
I have specified what shall be width of each cell in the program and my program shows correct output.
What I want to do is cell content shall be written from right to left. E.g highlighted figure 9983.54 has width of 21. Text file has used first 7 columns. But I want it to use last 7 columns of text file.
Please see expected output image.
I am not getting any clue how to do this. I am not a very professional programmer but I love coding. This text file is used as input to some other program and i am trying to automate writing text file from excel VBA.
Can anyone suggest a way to get this output format?
Here is the code which gave me first output
Option Explicit
Sub CreateFixedWidthFile(strFile As String, ws As Worksheet, s() As Integer)
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim strLine As String, strCell As String
'get a freefile
Dim fNum As Long
fNum = FreeFile
'open the textfile
Open strFile For Output As fNum
'loop from first to last row
'use 2 rather than 1 to ignore header row
For i = 1 To ws.Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Row
'new line
strLine = ""
'loop through each field
For j = 0 To UBound(s)
'make sure we only take chars up to length of field (may want to output some sort of error if it is longer than field)
strCell = Left$(ws.Cells(i, j + 1).Value, s(j))
'add on string of spaces with length equal to the difference in length between field length and value length
strLine = strLine & strCell & String$(s(j) - Len(strCell), Chr$(32))
Next j
'write the line to the file
Print #fNum, strLine
Next i
'close the file
Close #fNum
End Sub
'for example the code could be called using:
Sub CreateFile()
Dim sPath As String
sPath = Application.GetSaveAsFilename("", "Text Files,*.txt")
If LCase$(sPath) = "false" Then Exit Sub
'specify the widths of our fields
'the number of columns is the number specified in the line below +1
Dim s(6) As Integer
'starting at 0 specify the width of each column
s(0) = 21
s(1) = 9
s(2) = 15
s(3) = 11
s(4) = 12
s(5) = 10
s(6) = 186
'for example to use 3 columns with field of length 5, 10 and 15 you would use:
'dim s(2) as Integer
'write to file the data from the activesheet
CreateFixedWidthFile sPath, ActiveSheet, s
End Sub
Something like this should work:
x = 9983.54
a = Space(21-Len(CStr(x))) & CStr(x)
Then a will be 14 spaces followed by x:
a = " 9983.54"
Here 21 is the desired column width --- change as necessary. CStr may be unnecessary for non-numeric x.
If you're going to right-justify a lot of different data to different width fields you could write a general purpose function:
Function LeftJust(val As String, width As Integer) As String
LeftJust = Space(width - Len(val)) & val
End Function
The you call it with LeftJust(CStr(9983.54), 21).
Also note that VBA's Print # statement has a Spc(n) parameter that you can use to produce fixed-width output, e.g., Print #fNum, Spc(n); a; before this statement you calculate n: n = 21-Len(CStr(a)).
Hope that helps

Text File Column Data Extraction with Excel VBA

I have code below that extracts data from a text file and sends to a worksheet. Data sends to the worksheet but its a mess. I aim to extract certain columns of data in the text file. Data columns are space delimited and spacing differs between column but ea column has a heading. How can I complete my code to search text file by column header name and send data under that header to the worksheet? A typical header and columns of data underneath is shown below the code. Header blocks and associated data are repeated throughout the text file but are space delimited by rows. Above ea header band is an identifier for that block.
Sub test()
Dim Path As String
Dim textline As String
Dim arr() As String
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Path = whatever...
Open Path For Input As #1
i = 1
While EOF(1) = False
Line Input #1, textline
arr = Split(CStr(textline), " ")
For j = 1 To UBound(arr)
ActiveSheet.Cells(i, j).Value = arr(j - 1)
Next j
i = i + 1
Close #1
End Sub
Identifier 1.1
Heave /
Wave Ampl.
Ampl. Phase
0.123 42
0.131 72
0.433 55

Copy part of text from the same cell

I have a problem when I downloaded a file containing different kind of information that should be stored in different cells but all is written in the same cell.
For example A:9 contains:
I would like to have a macro that copies specific parts of this string for example the last part "65164,94" and paste in to cell A:10.
Thank you in advance
As well as Seb's answer, you can use the split function. So:
Sub splitting_string()
Dim arr1 As Variant, var1 As String
var1 = Range("A9")
arr1 = Split(var1, ",")
For i = 0 To UBound(arr1)
Cells(10 + i, 1) = arr1(i)
Next i
End Sub
This will separate the long string in A9 into smaller ones by splitting them every time there's a comma, placing them in the cells below.

How to import tab delimited data into Excel using VBA

Given tab delimited data that I am importing from Excel, how do I insert it into the spreadsheet so that it ends up in multiple cells like it does when I paste it.
Edit: I have the text in a variable, so I don't want to go through the file system.
This is basically what I finally came up with, it was a little more complex and used arrays, but that is the gist of it.
i = 1
For Each Row In VBA.Split(text, vbCrLf)
j = 1
For Each Col In VBA.Split(Row, vbTab)
ActiveSheet.Cells(i, j).Value = Col
j = j + 1
Next Col
i = i + 1
Next Row
It should not be too hard. Please try:
If you want to do it from string variable, split text by end line:
Dim linesSplit As Variant
linesSplit = Split(yourTextVar, "\n")
For each linesSplit, split by comma:
Dim lineSplit As Variant
lineSplit = Split(linesSplit[i], ",")
Put result in worksheet. GL!

How to normalize filenames listed in a range

I have a list of filenames in a spreadsheet in the form of "Smith, J. 010112.pdf". However, they're in the varying formats of "010112.pdf", "01.01.12.pdf", and "1.01.2012.pdf". How could I change these to one format of "010112.pdf"?
Personally I hate using VBA where worksheet functions will work, so I've worked out a way to do this with worksheet functions. Although you could cram this all into one cell, I've broken it out into a lot of independent steps in separate columns so you can see how it's working, step by step.
For simplicity I'm assuming your file name is in A1
B1 =LEN(A1)
determine the length of the filename
C1 =SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","")
replace spaces with nothing
D1 =LEN(C1)
see how long the string is if you replace spaces with nothing
E1 =B1-D1
determine how many spaces there are
replace the last space with a special character that can't occur in a file name
find the special character. Now we know where the last space is
H1 =LEFT(A1,G1-1)
peel off everything before the last space
I1 =MID(A1,G1+1,255)
peel off everything after the last space
J1 =FIND(".",I1)
find the first dot
K1 =FIND(".",I1,J1+1)
find the second dot
L1 =FIND(".",I1,K1+1)
find the third dot
M1 =MID(I1,1,J1-1)
find the first number
N1 =MID(I1,J1+1,K1-J1-1)
find the second number
O1 =MID(I1,K1+1,L1-K1-1)
find the third number
P1 =TEXT(M1,"00")
pad the first number
Q1 =TEXT(N1,"00")
pad the second number
R1 =TEXT(O1,"00")
pad the third number
S1 =IF(ISERR(K1),M1,P1&Q1&R1)
put the numbers together
T1 =H1&" "&S1&".pdf"
put it all together
It's kind of a mess because Excel hasn't added a single new string manipulation function in over 20 years, so things that should be easy (like "find last space") require severe trickery.
Here's a screenshot of a simple four-step method based on Excel commands and formulas, as suggested in a comment to the answered post (with a few changes)...
This function below works. I've assumed that the date is in ddmmyy format, but adjust as appropriate if it's mmddyy -- I can't tell from your example.
Function FormatThis(str As String) As String
Dim strDate As String
Dim iDateStart As Long
Dim iDateEnd As Long
Dim temp As Variant
' Pick out the date part
iDateStart = GetFirstNumPosition(str, False)
iDateEnd = GetFirstNumPosition(str, True)
strDate = Mid(str, iDateStart, iDateEnd - iDateStart + 1)
If InStr(strDate, ".") <> 0 Then
' Deal with the dot delimiters in the date
temp = Split(strDate, ".")
strDate = Format(DateSerial( _
CInt(temp(2)), CInt(temp(1)), CInt(temp(0))), "ddmmyy")
' No dot delimiters... assume date is already formatted as ddmmyy
' Do nothing
End If
' Piece it together
FormatThis = Left(str, iDateStart - 1) _
& strDate & Right(str, Len(str) - iDateEnd)
End Function
This uses the following helper function:
Function GetFirstNumPosition(str As String, startFromRight As Boolean) As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim startIndex As Long
Dim endIndex As Long
Dim indexStep As Integer
If startFromRight Then
startIndex = Len(str)
endIndex = 1
indexStep = -1
startIndex = 1
endIndex = Len(str)
indexStep = 1
End If
For i = startIndex To endIndex Step indexStep
If Mid(str, i, 1) Like "[0-9]" Then
GetFirstNumPosition = i
Exit For
End If
Next i
End Function
To test:
Sub tester()
MsgBox FormatThis("Smith, J. 01.03.12.pdf")
MsgBox FormatThis("Smith, J. 010312.pdf")
MsgBox FormatThis("Smith, J. 1.03.12.pdf")
MsgBox FormatThis("Smith, J. 1.3.12.pdf")
End Sub
They all return "Smith, J. 010312.pdf".
You don't need VBA. Start by replacing the "."s with nothing:
This will change the ".PDF" to "PDF", so let's put that back:
Got awk? Get the data into a text file, and
awk -F'.' '{ if(/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/) printf("%s., %02d%02d%02d.pdf\n", $1, $2, $3, length($4) > 2 ? substr($4,3,2) : $4); else print $0; }' your_text_file
Assuming the data are exactly as what you described, e.g.,
Smith, J. 010112.pdf
Mit, H. 01.02.12.pdf
Excel, M. 8.1.1989.pdf
Lec, X. 06.28.2012.pdf
As #Jean-FrançoisCorbett has mentioned, this does not work for "Smith, J. 1.01.12.pdf". Instead of reworking this completely, I'd recommend his solution!
Option Explicit
Function ExtractNumerals(Original As String) As String
'Pass everything up to and including ".pdf", then concatenate the result of this function with ".pdf".
'This will not return the ".pdf" if passed, which is generally not my ideal solution, but it's a simpler form that still should get the job done.
'If you have varying extensions, then look at the code of the test sub as a guide for how to compensate for the truncation this function creates.
Dim i As Integer
Dim bFoundFirstNum As Boolean
For i = 1 To Len(Original)
If IsNumeric(Mid(Original, i, 1)) Then
bFoundFirstNum = True
ExtractNumerals = ExtractNumerals & Mid(Original, i, 1)
ElseIf Not bFoundFirstNum Then
ExtractNumerals = ExtractNumerals & Mid(Original, i, 1)
End If
Next i
End Function
I used this as a testcase, which does not correctly cover all your examples:
Sub test()
MsgBox ExtractNumerals("Smith, J. 010112.pdf") & ".pdf"
End Sub