installing an extension using vqmod - e-commerce

I recently installed VQmod for opencart and I've tried to add my first vQmod xml file.
The VQmod installation was successful and I see the message
when I visit the /vqmod/install/ URL as expected
The extension I tried to install can be found here
I added the xml file to the root folder of my site and the /vqmod/xml/ folder but I don't see a change. No new module appears in the modules page and I don't see the extension working as expected. I also don't get any error messages

The file needs to be in the /vqmod/xml/ folder as you've rightly done (the root of the folder one can be deleted as it's not required). As for the mod not showing up, vQmods don't add modules to anywhere - they virtually edit files in certain spots. From the looks of the extension you need to go to CATALOG > PRODUCTS in your admin and then you will notice you can edit products there. A few of things to check
You are using the correct version for your OpenCart install and that it is compatible
If you don't, you'll need to get that version instead
You have files in /vqmod/vqcache/ and that if you delete them and refresh your OpenCart store, the files regenerate
If they don't, check the permissions on the directory and that you have the OpenCart version of vQmod, including the /vqmod/xml/vqmod_opencart.xml file
You have no errors from the mod (see /vqmod/logs/ followed by the day name such as Tue.log)
If you do, contact the developer to get a fix if they can. Remember that while vQmods can work well together, that depends largely on the competence of the developer to make it as dynamic as possible. Conflicts can always occur however

download the VQMOD from this link
upload the ZIP file (case of server)
extract the ZIP file and past root folder directory (in case of localhost)
exp (site folder name is shop (shoo/vqmod))
run on url (http:/open/vqmod/install/)


How do I specify JRE when creating a Bamboo sidekick agent for their per-build-container plug-in?

Trying to get the sidekick image built and having some issues. Is there any documentation other than the file?
My current problem is with getting the JRE requirement working but there are others. The page says "download Oracle JRE and place it inside the working directory. Optionally if you have a company wide distribution url, use that one at a later step." and the help says "Java (JRE) download url or path inside working directory". Have not been able to get this to work.
I went to the JRE link provided and was presented with options to download a rpm file or a tar.gz file. Which is expected (was unable to get either one working)?
It says to place the file in the "working directory" but not sure where exactly. Tried in sidekick folder and in sidekick/jre both without success no matter what I used after the -j command. Is this just the path or should the filename be included as well? Can I get an example?
I'm running this script using my login but noticed the output folder is being created with root user and group. I see no indication that this should be run with sudo. What is the correct way to run this script?
Using debug, I see the function "download if not cached". Can I save these files (JRE, Bamboo jar file, etc.) somewhere so I don't have to worry about downloading them? If so, where should they go? Looks like I might have a problem with the wget to d/l the jar file so would like to just be able to place all these in a folder and be done with it.
It looks like the major problem is the script didn't clean up after itself if it fails. The issue was the first time it failed then that caused subsequent issues as the output folder was already there. Removing this directory between each attempt help.
As for the correct syntax for the -j JRE option I manually downloaded the JRE and placed in a folder called per-build-container/sidekick/stuff/. For the command line it is not just the path but the file name as well (the tar.gz and not the RPM). For my case it was
-j stuff/jre-8u251-linux-x64.tar.gz
Note I also ran the script as sudo. Wasn't stated but seemed to work OK.
Another issue I ran into was the download of the agent jar file. There is a redirect in the wget file that was not working for us. I ended up editing the script and replacing the Altassian based url with the redirected one.
This addresses all the issues I ran into with the initial question.

Delete files from hidden folder during uninstall (WiX, Pyinstaller)

I would like to delete file (that was created by pyinstaller in C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\App\tmp )
during Uninstall (using WiX). Any idea on how to do that?
Does anybody know why pyinstaller creates that file and if I can control that?
A partial answer: That virtual store location is where Windows redirects file output when the program is not privileged enough to write to a location, and does not have an elevation-type manifest that shows it is UAC-aware. This might help:
So it appears that pyinstaller assumes it is being run as administrator, but it isn't, and is writing to a location that's virtualised. Instead of trying to remove those files I'd look at that installer and how you are running it and (since it seems to require admin privilege) how to have it run with admin privilege. I assume it's old technology because an updated version would presumably include an elevation manifest saying that it requires admin privilege.

Trac Upgrade to 1.0.1 Wiki Attachment Issue

I've recently tried to upgrade my Trac from version 0.12.2 to version 1.0.1 by following the upgrade guide on the Trac website. It mentioned to remove the attachment folder for the ticket and wikis because the folder has been changed from /path/to/project/attachments to /path/to/project/files/attachments. So I backed up the attachment folder and after the upgrade I put it back into my project folder under files/attachment.
When I try to access an attachment in the new trac environment it has trouble finding it. It's trying to look for the attachment in this
folder, and the file names are in hashed code like
instead of its actual name. Any files that are uploaded after the upgrade will go into this folder instead of the respective Wiki or ticket folder like it used to do before my upgrade. Has anyone experienced this issue while doing the Trac upgrade?
Upgrade to 1.x includes a file store redesign including changed file paths.
File names with path are hashs now, computed from user-supplied names, and no the lightly encoded names. Consequently the backup doesn't match the expected new paths at all - as you experienced.
The conversion of an existing attachment storage is part of the upgrade script, so you clearly misread the upgrade guide. The removal was meant for attachment sub-directories not managed by Trac core, and as post-upgrade-cleanup.
You should rather leave the files and let the store get transformed for you. Ensure you read the logs of the upgrade process to notice delicate issues immediately.

can I install wamp twice in different folders?

I'm facing a problem due to the folder name "Program Files" in which my wamp is installed.
I'm using Yii Framework to create a web app.
While running a command
yiic webapp c:\Program Files\wamp\www\YiiApp
it gives error due to the white space in the folder name.
The error is as below:
C:\Program Files\wamp\www\yii-1.1.13.e9e4a0\framework>yiic webapp c:\Program Fil
Error: Unsupported VCS specified. Currently only git and hg supported.
yiic webapp <app-path> [<vcs>]
This command generates an Yii Web Application at the specified location.
* app-path: required, the directory where the new application will be created.
If the directory does not exist, it will be created. After the application
is created, please make sure the directory can be accessed by Web users.
* vcs: optional, version control system you're going to use in the new project.
Application generator will create all needed files to the specified VCS
(such as .gitignore, .gitkeep, etc.). Possible values: git, hg. Do not
use this argument if you're going to create VCS files yourself.
What should I do? Please suggest me something.
The second install will have superceeded the first. In other words Wampmanager and Apache and MySQL will be being started out of the new folder.
As per your question on wamp forum, copy wwww/subfolders into the new location and then copy ONLY YOUR databases from mysqlx.y.z/data into the same place in the new location.
Then delete the folders from program files.
You only need one wamp ( Apache/MySQL) per system.
I tried something else:
Without moving the previously installed wamp's content just read the
"uninstall_services.bat" file
just uninstall these services from that wamp directory which you want to disable.
Still the another wamp's services won't start. So install those services mentioned in "uninstall_services.bat" file manually from respective directories.
Now Restart All Services from the tray icon. The required wamp will be enabled.
If won't, try it again. No need to reinstall wamp.

Getting jQuery Error on using ezzeelfinder

Hi I am trying to use ezzeelfinder as file manager
I am getting the following error:
TypeError: jQuery(selector).elfinder is not a function
I am using the exact code from the Yii extension website. I do not know what is going wrong, I am using windows 7 with Apache (XAMPP)?
Continuing our discussion from previous ElFinder question let me try to explain more.
Can you look at what is inside elfinder.min.js file included from assets directory (you can use Firebug: Net tab > expand request of /assets/abcdef/elfinder.min.js > Response tab)? It wasn't a script (but some HTML with error) when I've reproduced a problem with such error. So if this JavaScript file is not included then there is no elfinder method extending jQuery and the error message you receive is fair.
Seems to me that this one is a permission issue. elfinder.min.js file cannot be published to assets directory for some reasons. Make sure that all permissions to elfinder.min.js file WITHIN extension's directory are granted. After granting the permissions to this file clean up assets directory and try again. At last, check whether the script has been really published to assets directory and has granted permissions there.
I don't know whether it will be helpful for you but I have an archive with demo files that can demonstrate extension's basic usage (made under Ubuntu though):
Extract the contents of this archive to the root folder of Yii basic application created from command line using yiic script.