The order of records in a regularly updated bigquery database - google-bigquery

I am going to be maintaining a local copy of a database on bigquery. I will be using the API and tabledata:list. This database is not my own, and is regularly updated by the maintainers by appending new data (say every hour).
First, can I assume that when this data is appended, it will definitely be added to the end of the database?
Now, let's assume that currently the database has 1,000,000 rows and I am now downloading all of these by paging through tabledata:list. Also, let's assume that the database is updated partway through (with 10,000 rows). By using the page tokens, can I be assured that I will only download the 1m rows present when I started in the order they are in in the database?
Finally, now let's say that I come to update my copy. If I initiate the tabledata:list with a startIndex of 1,000,000 and I use a maxResults of 1000, will I get 10 pages containing the updated data that I am expecting?
I suppose all these questions boil down to whether bigquery respects the order the data is in, whether this order is used by tabledata:list, and whether appended data is guaranteed to follow previous data.
As there is a column whose values are unique, and I can perform a simple select count(1) from table to get the length of the table, I can of course check that my local copy is complete by comparing the length of my local db with that of the remote, however if the above weren't guaranteed and I ended up with holes in my data, it would be quite impractical to remedy as the primary key is not sequential (otherwise I could just fill in the missing rows) and the database is very large.

When you append data, we will append to the end of the table data list, however, bigquery may periodically coalesce data, which does not respect ordering. We have been discussing being able to preserve the ordering, or at least have a way of accessing the most recent data, but this is not yet implemented or designed. If it is an important feature for you, let us know and we'll prioritize it accordingly.
If you use page tokens, you are assured of a stable listing. If the table gets updated in the middle of paging through the data, you'll still only see the data that was in the table when you created the page token. Note that because of this, page tokens are only valid for 24 hours.
This should work as long as no coalesce has occurred since you have updated the table.
You can get the number of rows in the table by calling tables.get, which is usually simpler and faster than running a query.


Best practice to update bulk data in table used for reporting in SQL

I have created a table for reporting purpose where I am storing data for about 50 columns and at some time interval my scheduler executes a service which processes other tables and fill up data in my flat table.
Currently I am deleting and inserting data in that table But I want to know if this is the good practice or should I check every column in every row and update it if any change found and insert new record if data does not exists.
FYI, total number of rows which are being reinserted is 100k+.
This is a very broad question that can only really be answered with access to your environment and discussion on your personal requirements. Obviously this is not possible via Stack Overflow.
This means you will need to make this decision yourself.
The information you need to understand to be able to do this are the types of table updates available and how you can achieve them, normally referred to as Slowly Changing Dimensions. There are several different types, each with their own advantages, disadvantages and optimal use cases.
Once you understand the how of getting your data to incrementally update as required, you can then look at the why and whether the extra processing logic required to achieve this is actually worth it. Your dataset of a few hundred thousand rows of data is not large and probably may therefore not need this level of processing just yet, though that assessment will depend on how complex and time consuming your current process is and how long you have to run it.
It is probably faster to repopulate the table of 100k rows. To do an update, you still need to:
generate all the rows to insert
compare values in every row
update the values that have changed
The expense of updating rows is heavily on the logging and data movement operations at the data page level. In addition, you need to bring the data together.
If the update is updating a significant portion of rows, perhaps even just a few percent of them, then it is likely that all data pages will be modified. So the I/O is pretty similar.
When you simply replace the table, you will start by either dropping the table or truncating it. Those are relatively cheap operations because they are not logged at the row level. Then you are inserting into the table. Inserting 100,000 rows from one table to another should be pretty fast.
The above is general guidance. Of course, if you are only changing 3 rows in the table each day, then update is going to be faster. Or, if you are adding a new layer of data each day, then just an insert, with a handful of changed historical values might be a fine approach.

Is it a good idea to index every column if the users can filter by any column?

In my application, users can create custom tables with three column types, Text, Numeric and Date. They can have up to 20 columns. I create a SQL table based on their schema using nvarchar(430) for text, decimal(38,6) for numeric and datetime, along with an Identity Id column.
There is the potential for many of these tables to be created by different users, and the data might be updated frequently by users uploading new CSV files. To get the best performance during the upload of the user data, we truncate the table to get rid of existing data, and then do batches of BULK INSERT.
The user can make a selection based on a filter they build up, which can include any number of columns. My issue is that some tables with a lot of rows will have poor performance during this selection. To combat this I thought about adding indexes, but as we don't know what columns will be included in the WHERE condition we would have to index every column.
For example, on a local SQL server one table with just over a million rows and a WHERE condition on 6 of its columns will take around 8 seconds the first time it runs, then under one second for subsequent runs. With indexes on every column it will run in under one second the first time the query is ran. This performance issue is amplified when we test on an SQL Azure database, where the same query will take over a minute the first time its run, and does not improve on subsequent runs, but with the indexes it takes 1 second.
So, would it be a suitable solution to add a index on every column when a user creates a column, or is there a better solution?
Yes, it's a good idea given your model. There will, of course, be more overhead maintaining the indexes on the insert, but if there is no predictable standard set of columns in the queries, you don't have a lot of choices.
Suppose by 'updated frequently,' you mean data is added frequently via uploads rather than existing records being modified. In that case, you might consider one of the various non-SQL databases (like Apache Lucene or variants) which allow efficient querying on any combination of data. For reading massive 'flat' data sets, they are astonishingly fast.

Is it viable to have a SQL table with only one row and one column?

I'm currently working on my first application that uses a database so I'm very new to this. The database has multiple tables that are what you would expect to normally see.
However, I created one table which only has one row and one column used to keep a count of the total items processed by the program so it's available to access elsewhere. I can't just use
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_name
because these items that I am processing I do not want to actually keep in a table.
It seems like a waste to use a table to store one value so I am wondering if there a better way to keep track of this value.
What is your table storing? it's storing some kind of processing audit. So make it a little more useful - add a column storing the last datetime that the data was processed. Add a column for the time it took to process. Add another column which stores the username (or some identifier) of whoever ran the process. Now add a row for every table that is processed (there's only one now but there might be more in future). Try and envisage how your processing is going to grow in future

Need help designing a DB - for a non DBA

I'm using Google's Cloud Storage & BigQuery. I am not a DBA, I am a programmer. I hope this question is generic enough to help others too.
We've been collecting data from a lot of sources and will soon start collecting data real-time. Currently, each source goes to an independent table. As new data comes in we append it into the corresponding existing table.
Our data analysis requires each record to have a a timestamp. However our source data files are too big to edit before we add them to cloud storage (4+ GB of textual data/file). As far as I know there is no way to append a timestamp column to each row before bringing them in BigQuery, right?
We are thus toying with the idea of creating daily tables for each source. But don't know how this will work when we have real time data coming in.
Any tips/suggestions?
Currently, there is no way to automatically add timestamps to a table, although that is a feature that we're considering.
You say your source files are too big to edit before putting in cloud storage... does that mean that the entire source file should have the same timestamp? If so, you could import to a new BigQuery table without a timestamp, then run a query that basically copies the table but adds a timestamp. For example, SELECT all,fields, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() FROM my.temp_table (you will likely want to use allow_large_results and set a destination table for that query). If you want to get a little bit trickier, you could use the dataset.DATASET pseudo-table to get the modified time of the table, and then add it as a column to your table either in a separate query or in a JOIN. Here is how you'd use the DATASET pseudo-table to get the last modified time:
SELECT MSEC_TO_TIMESTAMP(last_modified_time) AS time
FROM [publicdata:samples.__DATASET__]
WHERE table_id = 'wikipedia'
Another alternative to consider is the BigQuery streaming API (More info here). This lets you insert single rows or groups of rows into a table just by posting them directly to bigquery. This may save you a couple of steps.
Creating daily tables is a reasonable option, depending on how you plan to query the data and how many input sources you have. If this is going to make your queries span hundreds of tables, you're likely going to see poor performance. Note that if you need timestamps because you want to limit your queries to certain dates and those dates are within the last 7 days, you can use the time range decorators (documented here).

How to find number of rows inserted/deleted in MySQL

Is there a way to find out the number of rows inserted/deleted in a table in MySQL? Is this kind of statistics kept somewhere in the database? If not, what would be the best way to implement something to keep track of these statistics?
When I say how many, I mean within a certain period (last 24 hours, or since server was up, or last week etc)
When I need to keep track of deleted things, I just don't delete.
I change a column value that excludes it from normal user results.
If space is an issue, you can set it's contents you no longer care about to empty.
Inserted you can user COUNT()
The Binary Log contains records of all queries that update or insert data. I don't know if it stores the number of affected rows, however.
There is also a General Query Log, which tracks all queries that were run.
(Information current for MySQL 5.0. If you're using an older version ymmv)
If I want to handle logging my SQL queries, I have 2 possibilities:
Turning the MySQL Log function on
Writting my own 'trace' class
I prefer doing number 2.
Because it is more controllable. You can easily differ from INSERT DELETE UPDATE and so on queries.
But that is not the only advantage of your own trace class, because creating trace files (so called "logs") makes administrative tasks much more easier.
You can structure the trace output, put it into a separate database, store it into some XML or JSON file.
You can order things as you want them to be.