Need help designing a DB - for a non DBA - google-bigquery

I'm using Google's Cloud Storage & BigQuery. I am not a DBA, I am a programmer. I hope this question is generic enough to help others too.
We've been collecting data from a lot of sources and will soon start collecting data real-time. Currently, each source goes to an independent table. As new data comes in we append it into the corresponding existing table.
Our data analysis requires each record to have a a timestamp. However our source data files are too big to edit before we add them to cloud storage (4+ GB of textual data/file). As far as I know there is no way to append a timestamp column to each row before bringing them in BigQuery, right?
We are thus toying with the idea of creating daily tables for each source. But don't know how this will work when we have real time data coming in.
Any tips/suggestions?

Currently, there is no way to automatically add timestamps to a table, although that is a feature that we're considering.
You say your source files are too big to edit before putting in cloud storage... does that mean that the entire source file should have the same timestamp? If so, you could import to a new BigQuery table without a timestamp, then run a query that basically copies the table but adds a timestamp. For example, SELECT all,fields, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() FROM my.temp_table (you will likely want to use allow_large_results and set a destination table for that query). If you want to get a little bit trickier, you could use the dataset.DATASET pseudo-table to get the modified time of the table, and then add it as a column to your table either in a separate query or in a JOIN. Here is how you'd use the DATASET pseudo-table to get the last modified time:
SELECT MSEC_TO_TIMESTAMP(last_modified_time) AS time
FROM [publicdata:samples.__DATASET__]
WHERE table_id = 'wikipedia'
Another alternative to consider is the BigQuery streaming API (More info here). This lets you insert single rows or groups of rows into a table just by posting them directly to bigquery. This may save you a couple of steps.
Creating daily tables is a reasonable option, depending on how you plan to query the data and how many input sources you have. If this is going to make your queries span hundreds of tables, you're likely going to see poor performance. Note that if you need timestamps because you want to limit your queries to certain dates and those dates are within the last 7 days, you can use the time range decorators (documented here).


The best way to Update the database table through a pyspark job

I have a spark job that gets data from multiple sources and aggregates into one table. The job should update the table only if there is new data.
One approach I could think of is to fetch the data from the existing table, and compare with the new data that comes in. The comparison happens in the spark layer.
I was wondering if there is any better way to compare, that can improve the comparison performance.
Please let me know if anyone has a suggestion on this.
Thanks much in advance.
One approach I could think of is to fetch the data from the existing
table, and compare with the new data that comes in
IMHO entire data compare to load new data is not performant.
Option 1:
Instead you can create google-bigquery partition table and create a partition column to load the data and also while loading new data you can check whether the new data has same partition column.
Hitting partition level data in hive or bigquery is more useful/efficient than selecting entire data and comparing in spark.
Same is applicable for hive as well.
see this Creating partitioned tables
Creating and using integer range partitioned tables
Option 2:
Another alternative is with GOOGLE bigquery we have merge statement, if your requirement is to merge the data with out comparision, then you can go ahead with MERGE statement .. see doc link below
A MERGE statement is a DML statement that can combine INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations into a single statement and perform the operations atomically.
Using this, We can get performance improvement because all three operations (INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE) are performed in one pass. We do not need to write an individual statement to update changes in the target table.
There are many ways this problem can be solved, one of the less expensive, performant and scalable way is to use a datastore on the file system to determine true new data.
As data comes in for the 1st time write it to 2 places - database and to a file (say in s3). If data is already on the database then you need to initialize the local/s3 file with table data.
As data comes in 2nd time onwards, check if it is new based its presence on local/s3 file.
Mark delta data as new or updated. Export this to database as insert or update.
As time goes by this file will get bigger and bigger. Define a date range beyond which updated data won’t be coming. Regularly truncate this file to keep data within that time range.
You can also bucket and partition this data. You can use deltalake to maintain it too.
One downside is that whenever database is updated this file may need to be updated based on relevant data is being Changed or not. You can maintain a marker on the database table to signify sync date. Index that column too. Read changed records based on this column and update the file/deltalake.
This way your sparl app will be less dependent on a database. The database operations are not very scalable so keeping them away from critical path is better
Shouldnt you have a last update time in you DB? The approach you are using doesnt sound scalable so if you had a way to set update time to each row in the table it will solve the problem.

BigQuery: Best way to handle frequent schema changes?

Our BigQuery schema is heavily nested/repeated and constantly changes. For example, a new page, form, or user-info field to the website would correspond to new columns for in BigQuery. Also if we stop using a certain form, the corresponding deprecated columns will be there forever because you can't delete columns in Bigquery.
So we're going to eventually result in tables with hundreds of columns, many of which are deprecated, which doesn't seem like a good solution.
The primary alternative I'm looking into is to store everything as json (for example where each Bigquery table will just have two columns, one for timestamp and another for the json data). Then batch jobs that we have running every 10minutes will perform joins/queries and write to aggregated tables. But with this method, I'm concerned about increasing query-job costs.
Some background info:
Our data comes in as protobuf and we update our bigquery schema based off the protobuf schema updates.
I know one obvious solution is to not use BigQuery and just use a document storage instead, but we use Bigquery as both a data lake and also as a data warehouse for BI and building Tableau reports off of. So we have jobs that aggregates raw data into tables that serve Tableau.
The top answer here doesn't work that well for us because the data we get can be heavily nested with repeats: BigQuery: Create column of JSON datatype
You are already well prepared, you layout several options in your question.
You could go with the JSON table and to maintain low costs
you can use a partition table
you can cluster your table
so instead of having just two timestamp+json column I would add 1 partitioned column and 5 cluster colums as well. Eventually even use yearly suffixed tables. This way you have at least 6 dimensions to scan only limited number of rows for rematerialization.
The other would be to change your model, and do an event processing middle-layer. You could first wire all your events either to Dataflow or Pub/Sub then process it there and write to bigquery as a new schema. This script would be able to create tables on the fly with the schema you code in your engine.
Btw you can remove columns, that's rematerialization, you can rewrite the same table with a query. You can rematerialize to remove duplicate rows as well.
I think this use case can be implemeted using Dataflow (or Apache Beam) with Dynamic Destination feature in it. The steps of dataflow would be like:
read the event/json from pubsub
flattened the events and put filter on the columns which you want to insert into BQ table.
With Dynamic Destination you will be able to insert the data into the respective tables
(if you have various event of various types). In Dynamic destination
you can specify the schema on the fly based on the fields in your
Get the failed insert records from the Dynamic
Destination and write it to a file of specific event type following some windowing based on your use case (How frequently you observe such issues).
read the file and update the schema once and load the file to that BQ table
I have implemented this logic in my use case and it is working perfectly fine.

How to store millions of statistics records efficiently?

We have about 1.7 million products in our eshop, we want to keep record of how many views this products had for 1 year long period, we want to record the views every atleast 2 hours, the question is what structure to use for this task?
Right now we tried keeping stats for 30 days back in records that have 2 columns classified_id,stats where stats is like a stripped json with format date:views,date:views... for example a record would look like
345422,{051216:23212,051217:64233} where 051216,051217=mm/dd/yy and 23212,64233=number of views
This of course is kinda stupid if you want to go 1 year back since if you want to get the sum of views of say 1000 products you need to fetch like 30mb from the database and calculate it your self.
The other way we think of going right now is just to have a massive table with 3 columns classified_id,date,view and store its recording on its own row, this of course will result in a huge table with hundred of millions of rows , for example if we have 1.8 millions of classifieds and keep records 24/7 for one year every 2 hours we need
1800000*365*12=7.884.000.000(billions with a B) rows which while it is way inside the theoritical limit of postgres I imagine the queries on it(say for updating the views), even with the correct indices, will be taking some time.
Any suggestions? I can't even imagine how google analytics stores the stats...
This number is not as high as you think. In current work we store metrics data for websites and total amount of rows we have is much higher. And in previous job I worked with pg database which collected metrics from mobile network and it collected ~2 billions of records per day. So do not be afraid of billions in number of records.
You will definitely need to partition data - most probably by day. With this amount of data you can find indexes quite useless. Depends on planes you will see in EXPLAIN command output. For example that telco app did not use any indexes at all because they would just slow down whole engine.
Another question is how quick responses for queries you will need. And which steps in granularity (sums over hours/days/weeks etc) for queries you will allow for users. You may even need to make some aggregations for granularities like week or month or quarter.
Those ~2billions of records per day in that telco app took ~290GB per day. And it meant inserts of ~23000 records per second using bulk inserts with COPY command. Every bulk was several thousands of records. Raw data were partitioned by minutes. To avoid disk waits db had 4 tablespaces on 4 different disks/ arrays and partitions were distributed over them. PostreSQL was able to handle it all without any problems. So you should think about proper HW configuration too.
Good idea also is to move pg_xlog directory to separate disk or array. No just different filesystem. It all must be separate HW. SSDs I can recommend only in arrays with proper error check. Lately we had problems with corrupted database on single SSD.
First, do not use the database for recording statistics. Or, at the very least, use a different database. The write overhead of the logs will degrade the responsiveness of your webapp. And your daily backups will take much longer because of big tables that do not need to be backed up so frequently.
The "do it yourself" solution of my choice would be to write asynchronously to log files and then process these files afterwards to construct the statistics in your analytics database. There is good code snippet of async write in this response. Or you can benchmark any of the many loggers available for Java.
Also note that there are products like Apache Kafka specifically designed to collect this kind of information.
Another possibility is to create a time series in column oriented database like HBase or Cassandra. In this case you'd have one row per product and as many columns as hits.
Last, if you are going to do it with the database, as #JosMac pointed, create partitions, avoid indexes as much as you can. Set fillfactor storage parameter to 100. You can also consider UNLOGGED tables. But read thoroughly PostgreSQL documentation before turning off the write-ahead log.
Just to raise another non-RDBMS option for you (so a little off topic), you could send text files (CSV, TSV, JSON, Parquet, ORC) to Amazon S3 and use AWS Athena to query it directly using SQL.
Since it will query free text files, you may be able to just send it unfiltered weblogs, and query them through JDBC.

How to store daily/monthly snapshots on Google BigQuery?

we need to store daily and monthly snapshots of some of ours database.
It's not backup, we need to store the data so to analyze them later and to see how they evolve during the time.
We still don't know exactly what sort of queries we will need in two months, for starting we need to track some evolutions of our user base, so we will save daily snapshots of users and other related collections.
We are thinking to put all the stuff on Google BigQuery, it's easy to put data on it and easier to make queries on that data.
We will create some tables, one for each set of data we need, with all the needed columns, plus an extra one that will contain the date on which the extraction process was done.
We will use this column to group the data by day, month, and so on.
An alternative approach could be to create a dataset for each .. well set of data, and one table every time we need a snapshot.
I honestly don't know what is the better between these two, or if there are better options.
It's difficult to say which is best for you since I don't know your needs or cost requirements.
However, with the "create some tables, one for each set of data we need, with all the needed columns, plus an extra one that will contain the date on which the extraction process was done" method, you could run queries that will allow you to see what has changed for your users over time. For example, you could say, for a particular time slice, the average activity of a particular user over time.
Probably a bit late, but for future readers: you are probably looking for date-partitioned tables. It corresponds exactly to this use case, and there's a straightforward example in the documentation page.
You can now create table snapshots in BigQuery.
You can only use the bq command line tool for now.
See here ->

archiving the table : searching for the best way

there is a table which has 80.000 rows.
Everyday I will clone this table to another log table giving a name like 20101129_TABLE
, and every day the prefix will be changed according to date..
As you calculate, the data will be 2400 000 rows every month..
Advices please for saving space, and getting fast service and other advantages and disadvantages!! how should i think to create the best archive or log..
it is a table has the accounts info. branch code balance etc
It is quite tricky to answer your question since you are a bit vague on some important facts:
How often do you need the archived tables?
How free are you in your design-choices?
If you don't need the archived data often and you are free in your desgin I'd copy the data into an archive database. That will give you the option of storing the database on a separate disk (cost-efficiency) and you can have a separate backup-schedule on that database as well.
You could also store all the data in one table with just an additional column like ArchiveDate datetime. But I think this depends really on how you plan on accessing the data later.
Consider TABLE PARTITIONING (MSDN) - it is designed for exactly this kind of scenarios. Not only you can spread data across partitions (and map partitions to different disks), you can keep all data in the same table and let MSSQL do all the hard work in the background (what partition to use based on select criteria, etc.).