How do I know if not declaring #synthesize will result in "use of undeclared identifier"? - objective-c

In one of the assignments, I had to override the superclass's getter method for the game logic (so the method will get the subclass of the game logic instead of the original one).
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "Deck.h"
#import "CardGame.h"
#interface CardGameViewController : UIViewController
#property (nonatomic) NSUInteger startingCardCount; // abstract
#property (strong, nonatomic) CardGame *game;
- (Deck *)createDeck; // abstract
- (void)updateCell:(UICollectionViewCell *)cell usingCard:(Card *)Card; // abstract
#import "CardGameViewController.h"
// no #synthesize here, but works fine.
- (CardGame *)game
if (!_game) _game = [[CardGame alloc] initWithCardCount:self.startingCardCount
usingDeck:[self createDeck]];
return _game;
#interface TSSetCardGameViewController()
#property (strong, nonatomic) CardGame *game;
#implementation TSSetCardGameViewController
#synthesize game = _game; // Compiler *will* complain if this line is commented out.
- (CardGame *)game
if (!_game) _game = [[SetCardGame alloc] initWithCardCount:self.startingCardCount
usingDeck:[self createDeck]];
return _game;
Then I got "Use of undeclared identifier" for "_game". so I declared
#property (strong, nonatomic) CardGame *game;
But I got the same error, so I used "" instead, which caused a bad access exception.
I couldn't find anything on Google, so I tinkered around until I found that this solves the problem:
#synthesize game = _game;
Now, my question is why. My understanding is the new version of Xcode does the synthesizing for me, unless I override both its getter and setter. I did override the getter, but not the setter, so Xcode technically should have included it automatically. The proof is that Xcode did not complain until I subclassed CardGameViewController and specifically overrode the getter method. (FYI neither CardGameViewController nor its subclass had a setter method for *game)
So I'm a little confused. Please help!

The problem here is that you have two versions of _game. Since the introduction of the new ABI (64-bit Mac and all iOS), each subclass can create its own ivars without tromping all over its superclass's ivars (even if they're named the same). And ivars created by #synthesize are private. Now hold that thought and let's see what's happening:
In your superclass, you declare a property that has a getter and setter (though you almost certainly don't mean to have a setter…) You override the getter. The compiler says "but you still want me to create a setter for you, so I'll create an ivar to match it."
In your subclass, you declare no new properties. You may think you do, but it's just the same property that comes from the superclass; it's not a new property. There's already a getter and setter in the superclass, so there's no need for the compiler to create an ivar.
You then reference an ivar that does not exist in your subclass. It only exists as a private ivar in the superclass. The compiler can't see that (and wouldn't let you access it even if it could).
The typical solution to this problem is, rather than overriding -game, just provide a class method called +gameClass and have it return the correct class to instantiate. (See +layerClass in UIView for an example of this pattern.)


NSManagedObject with Category and Delegate

I created a NSManagedObject called MapState. I then created a category for it to call some methods and store some extra variables.
#import "MapStateDB.h"
#protocol MapStateDelegate;
#interface MapStateDB (MapState)
#property (weak, nonatomic) id <MapStateDelegate> delegate;
-(void)selectedSceneObject:(SceneObject *)sceneObject;
#protocol MapStateDelegate <NSObject>
-(void)displayScene:(SceneDB *)scene inState:(NSString *)state;
-(void)removeScene:(SceneDB *)scene;
In the .m:
#dynamic delegate;
-(void)setDelegate:(id<MapStateDelegate>)delegate {
How do I do the setter? Normally it would just be:
-(void)setDelegate:(id<MapStateDelegate>)delegate {
_delegate = delegate;
But since the variable is #dynamic instead of #synthesize, no _delegate is created. And #synthesize creates an error.
How should I be handling this?
Using #dynamic implies that the appropriate accessors will be created at run time. NSManagedObject does that for attributes of entities in the data model, but not for properties you declare. You could do this with some ObjC runtime wizardry (the APIs all exist, and are supported, so it's not what might be called a hack) but it's not trivial. (Using #dynamic would be fine if delegate were a transient property on the entity, but that would mean that the delegate would have to be one of the types supported by Core Data instead of any class implementing the protocol).
But there's hope! If you're using Xcode 7+ to generate NSManagedObject subclasses, it's safe to add your own properties in the subclass without fear of them being overwritten. You'd make the delegate property work by adding a #synthesize for it and then not adding your own setter. You don't have to provide one unless you need to do more than just set the property value.
If you do need a custom setter, modify the #synthesize to be something like
#synthesize delegate = _delegate;
(you don't have to use _delegate here, any valid name is fine)
Then add a setter like the one in your question that assigns to the synthesized name.

Error accessing generated ivars when I override setters and getters in Modern Objective-C

I know now the new Objective-C compiler lets you not need to synthesize your properties anymore. I have one file that has two classes in it. My .h for a simple helper class looks like this:
#interface ViewFrameModel : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, strong) UIView *view;
#property (nonatomic, assign) CGRect frame;
- (id)initWithView:(UIView *)view frame:(CGRect)frame;
In the same .h file, for my other class (class 2), I have:
#property (nonatomic, strong) ViewFrameModel *viewFrameModel;
In class 2.m, I can do this:
- (void)setViewFrameModel:(ViewFrameModel *)viewFrameModel {
_viewFrameModel = viewFrameModel;
[self pushViewFrameModel:viewFrameModel];
This works fine with no complaints from the compiler, however, when I add this:
- (ViewFrameModel *)viewFrameModel {
return _viewFrameModel;
I get two complaints, one on the first method setViewFrameModel:
"Use of undeclared identifier _viewFrameModel, did you mean viewFrameModel"
And the other on return _viewFrameModel:
"Use of undeclared identifier _viewFrameModel, did you mean viewFrameModel"
"Reference to local variable viewFrameModel' declared in enclosing context"
Why do I get these errors when I add in the
- (ViewFrameModel *)viewFrameModel {
return _viewFrameModel;
method? I want to override this method with some custom info, but it's complaining at me :-. Thoughts? TIA.
If you override both the setter and the getter, the compiler will not automatically create the instance variable for you anymore. You can add it to your class implementation like so:
#implementation ClassName {
ViewFrameModel *_viewFrameModel;
Here is the results of some testing I did last year: iOS automatic #synthesize without creating an ivar.
In short, you need to use #synthesize or declare an iVar explicitly.
To summarize the answers:
If you override both the setter and the getter, the compiler will not create the instance variable for you.
Why? In that case, the compiler assumes that the property is dynamic: that it might be a property that relies on other properties for storage / computation, or that it will be created in other ways, for example, at runtime using Objective-C runtime functions.
To help the compiler understand the situation better there are two potential solutions:
#implementation Class
#synthesize property = _property;
#implementation Class {
PropertyClass *_property;

Objective-C: Compiler error when overriding a superclass getter and trying to access ivar

I'm working on building an iOS 6 app.
I have a class TDBeam which inherits from superclass TDWeapon.
The superclass TDWeapon declares a #property in the TDWeapon.h file:
#interface TDWeapon : UIView
#property (nonatomic) int damage;
I do not explicitly #synthesize the property, as I'm letting Xcode automatically do so.
In the subclass TDBeam I override the getter in the TDBeam.m file:
#import "TDBeam.h"
#implementation TDBeam
- (int)damage {
return _damage;
Xcode auto-completes the getter method name, as expected. But when I attempt to reference the _damage instance variable (inherited from the superclass), I get a compiler error:
Use of undeclared identifier '_damage'
What am I doing wrong here? I've tried explicitly adding #synthesize, and changing the name of the _damage ivar, but the compiler doesn't "see" it or any other ivars from the superclass. I thought ivars were visible and accessible from subclasses?
Synthesized ivars are not visible to subclasses, whether they are explicitly or automatically created: What is the visibility of #synthesized instance variables? Since they are effectively declared in the implementation file, their declaration isn't included in the "translation unit" that includes the subclass.
If you really want to access that ivar directly, you'll have to explicitly declare it (in its default "protected" form) somewhere that the subclass can see it, such as a class extension of the superclass in a private header.
There are a lot of posts on this topic on Stack Overflow, none of which offer simple concrete advice, but this topic sums it up most succinctly, and Josh's answer is the best in any.
What he kinda stops short of saying outright, is, if this is the kind of thing you want to do, don't use #property at all. Declare your regular protected variable in your base class as he says, and write you're own setters and getters if you need them. The ivar will be visible to any subclasses who can then write their own setters/getters.
At least that's where i've landed on the issue, although I'd a total newb to subclassing.
The idea of creating private headers to host your anonymous category and re-#sythesizing your ivars in your subclass just seems wrong on so many levels. I'm also sure I've probably missed some fundamental point somewhere.
Okay after some lost sleep, and inspired by Stanford's 2013 iTunes U course, here I believe is an example solution to this problem.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface MYFoo : NSObject
// Optional, depending on your class
#property (strong, nonatomic, readonly) NSString * myProperty;
- (NSString *)makeValueForNewMyProperty; //override this in your subclass
#import "MYFoo.h"
#interface MYFoo ()
#property (strong, nonatomic, readwrite) NSString * myProperty;
#implementation MYFoo
// Base class getter, generic
- (NSDateComponents *)myProperty {
if (!_myProperty) {
_myProperty = [self makeValueForNewMyProperty];
return _myProperty;
// Replace this method in your subclass with your logic on how to create a new myProperty
- (NSString *)makeValueForNewMyProperty {
// If this is an abstract base class, we'd return nil and/or throw an exception
NSString * newMyProperty = [[NSString alloc]init];
// Do stuff to make the property the way you need it...
return newMyProperty;
Then you just replace makeValueForNewMyProperty in your subclass with whatever custom logic you need. Your property is 'protected' in the base class but you have control over how it is created, which is basically what you are trying to achieve in most cases.
If your makeValueForNewMyProperty method requires access to other ivars of the base class, they will, at the very least, have to be be public readonly properties (or just naked ivars).
Not exactly 'over-ridding a getter' but it achieves the same sort of thing, with a little thought. My apologies if, in trying to make the example generic, some elegance and clarity has been lost.

Quick inquiry about ivars scope [duplicate]

If you have a property in your public interface like the following
#interface MyClass : NSObject
#property(strong) NSString *myProp;
And then synthesize it, in effect synthesizing the variable:
#implementation MyClass
#synthesize myProp = _myProp; // or just leave it at the default name..
What is the visibility of the instance variable _myProp? That is, is this considered #public, #protected or #private? I'm guessing since MySubClass could inherit from MyClass then it would also get the properties (naturally), but would it also inherit the instance variable visibility?
What difference does it make if I put the property in a class extension? That would hide the property from subclasses, and I'm guessing the instance variable, too. Is this documented anywhere?
A synthesized ivar is completely invisible to all code that cannot see the #synthesize line (which basically means anything outside of the .m file). It's not #protected, it's not #private, it's simply unknown. With a #private ivar, other code trying to access it will be told that it's private, but with a synthesized ivar, other code trying to access it will be told that the field simply doesn't exist.
As a thought experiment, try imagining a situation where the ivar acted like it was #protected. You make a subclass, and you muck about with the ivar there. Now you go back to the superclass and change #synthesize myProp to #synthesize myProp=foo. What happens in the subclass? When the compiler processes the subclass, it cannot see the #synthesize line, so it would have no idea that you just changed the name of the ivar. In fact, it cannot even tell if the property is backed by an ivar at all, or if it's implemented with custom-written accessor methods. I hope it's obvious why this means that the subclass cannot possibly access the ivar, and neither can any other class.
That said, I'm not quite sure what the compiler does if you write code in the same .m file that tries to access the ivar. I expect it will treat the ivar as #private (since the compiler can, in fact, see that the ivar exists).
Also, none of this has any bearing on the runtime methods. Other classes can still use the obj-c runtime methods to dynamically look up your class's ivar list and muck about with it.
If it is declared in your interface it is virtually public when using the #property declarative. If you want to use #property declaratives and keep them property truly private, you should create a private category in your implementation.
#interface MyClass : NSObject {
NSObject* foo;
#import "ClassWithPrivateProperty.h"
#interface MyClass ()
#property (nonatomic,retain) NSObject* foo;
#implementation MyClass
#synthesize foo;
// class implementation...
A synthesized variable acts as if declared #private:
#interface Garble : NSObject
#property (copy) NSString * s;
#implementation Garble
#synthesize s;
#interface Bargle : Garble
#implementation Bargle
- (void) useS {
NSLog(#"%#", s); // error: instance variable 's' is private
I swear I've seen this in the docs, but I can't find it right now. Will update if I track it down.
You can create a dynamic property and indicate it to the compiler that its instantiation would be at run time.
And then in your subclass write your own getter or synthesize the property.
#interface BaseClass : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *ThisWillBeSynthesizedInRespectiveSubclasses;
#implementation BaseClass
#dynamic ThisWillBeSynthesizedInRespectiveSubclasses;
In Sub classes
#interface Subclass : BaseClass
#implementation Subclass
#synthesize ThisWillBeSynthesizedInRespectiveSubclasses = _ThisWillBeSynthesizedInRespectiveSubclasses;
or you write your own setter / getter methods.
Hope this helps !
Other classes have access to everything that they #include. In other words, to everything that is inside your header.
If something appears only in your implementation file, other classes (including subclasses) don't know it exists. A synthesized property is like that. Other classes know only about the property (a property means a getter and a setter method) but they don't know anything about the inner implementation of its methods.
Note, that the access specifiers (public/private/protected) in obj-c are only a hint to the compiler that even if something appears in the header file, it can't be accessed. The runtime does not check it in any way.
What happens if you put it into a class extension? Note that a property is a set of two methods. You just hide the methods from every class which includes your class main header but not the class extension header.
We use this for example to declare a property as readonly and in class continuation we declare it as readwrite. Then, we can use the setter only from inside of the class.

What is the visibility of #synthesized instance variables?

If you have a property in your public interface like the following
#interface MyClass : NSObject
#property(strong) NSString *myProp;
And then synthesize it, in effect synthesizing the variable:
#implementation MyClass
#synthesize myProp = _myProp; // or just leave it at the default name..
What is the visibility of the instance variable _myProp? That is, is this considered #public, #protected or #private? I'm guessing since MySubClass could inherit from MyClass then it would also get the properties (naturally), but would it also inherit the instance variable visibility?
What difference does it make if I put the property in a class extension? That would hide the property from subclasses, and I'm guessing the instance variable, too. Is this documented anywhere?
A synthesized ivar is completely invisible to all code that cannot see the #synthesize line (which basically means anything outside of the .m file). It's not #protected, it's not #private, it's simply unknown. With a #private ivar, other code trying to access it will be told that it's private, but with a synthesized ivar, other code trying to access it will be told that the field simply doesn't exist.
As a thought experiment, try imagining a situation where the ivar acted like it was #protected. You make a subclass, and you muck about with the ivar there. Now you go back to the superclass and change #synthesize myProp to #synthesize myProp=foo. What happens in the subclass? When the compiler processes the subclass, it cannot see the #synthesize line, so it would have no idea that you just changed the name of the ivar. In fact, it cannot even tell if the property is backed by an ivar at all, or if it's implemented with custom-written accessor methods. I hope it's obvious why this means that the subclass cannot possibly access the ivar, and neither can any other class.
That said, I'm not quite sure what the compiler does if you write code in the same .m file that tries to access the ivar. I expect it will treat the ivar as #private (since the compiler can, in fact, see that the ivar exists).
Also, none of this has any bearing on the runtime methods. Other classes can still use the obj-c runtime methods to dynamically look up your class's ivar list and muck about with it.
If it is declared in your interface it is virtually public when using the #property declarative. If you want to use #property declaratives and keep them property truly private, you should create a private category in your implementation.
#interface MyClass : NSObject {
NSObject* foo;
#import "ClassWithPrivateProperty.h"
#interface MyClass ()
#property (nonatomic,retain) NSObject* foo;
#implementation MyClass
#synthesize foo;
// class implementation...
A synthesized variable acts as if declared #private:
#interface Garble : NSObject
#property (copy) NSString * s;
#implementation Garble
#synthesize s;
#interface Bargle : Garble
#implementation Bargle
- (void) useS {
NSLog(#"%#", s); // error: instance variable 's' is private
I swear I've seen this in the docs, but I can't find it right now. Will update if I track it down.
You can create a dynamic property and indicate it to the compiler that its instantiation would be at run time.
And then in your subclass write your own getter or synthesize the property.
#interface BaseClass : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *ThisWillBeSynthesizedInRespectiveSubclasses;
#implementation BaseClass
#dynamic ThisWillBeSynthesizedInRespectiveSubclasses;
In Sub classes
#interface Subclass : BaseClass
#implementation Subclass
#synthesize ThisWillBeSynthesizedInRespectiveSubclasses = _ThisWillBeSynthesizedInRespectiveSubclasses;
or you write your own setter / getter methods.
Hope this helps !
Other classes have access to everything that they #include. In other words, to everything that is inside your header.
If something appears only in your implementation file, other classes (including subclasses) don't know it exists. A synthesized property is like that. Other classes know only about the property (a property means a getter and a setter method) but they don't know anything about the inner implementation of its methods.
Note, that the access specifiers (public/private/protected) in obj-c are only a hint to the compiler that even if something appears in the header file, it can't be accessed. The runtime does not check it in any way.
What happens if you put it into a class extension? Note that a property is a set of two methods. You just hide the methods from every class which includes your class main header but not the class extension header.
We use this for example to declare a property as readonly and in class continuation we declare it as readwrite. Then, we can use the setter only from inside of the class.