Downloading files from shared dropbox location in c# - dropbox

In my application users will give a url to their shared dropbox folder. When it is given I want to grab the images in that url and download to a folder in my application.
Is this achievable?
I've tried to do this in SharpBox. I've managed to open a connection to dropbox storage through SharpBox and successfully connect to my public folders.
But I couldn't find a method which accepts a shared dropbox url and download files from that url.

This article might be helpful, don't know enough about the edge cases in your particular use though.


How to copy Dropbox file link from Dropbox folder using

enter image description here
I use Dropbox folder by setup Dropbox program in my computer
When I have to get direct link to any file in Dropbox folder just I go to Dropbox folder in my computer and choose that file and right click by mouse and select copy direct link of that file
How I do that by
I want to brows for file and select it and get that direct link by
And I am sorry for my bad English
[Cross-linking for reference: ]
The kind of Dropbox link you're referring to isn't a "direct" link, but rather a "shared" link, where the link itself points to an HTML preview page, where the user can download the file if they want. You can find information on this feature here:
Dropbox does offer an API you can use for listing, uploading, downloading, and sharing files, among other operations. You can find everything you need to get started with the Dropbox API, including documentation, tutorials, and SDKs here:
Dropbox does offer a .NET SDK in particular:
To create a shared link for a file or folder using the .NET SDK, you would use the CreateSharedLinkWithSettingsAsync method:

Download file directly from dropbox (no sign in)

Is there a way to download file directly from dropbox without logging in. I find this to be a serious limitation. I want to link a few files from website. Can this be done in dropbox?
I realise this can be done with an api (at least in theory) but I have no idea what the link should look like. Cheers.
If you have a Dropbox shared link for a file that can be accessed publicly, you can download from it programmatically.
You can download directly using the link as documented here:
Or, you can use the API via the /2/sharing/get_shared_link_file endpoint:

Access shared file in Dropbox API

I need to regularly download a file that someone shared with me on Dropbox.
I manage to list all my shared links through the HTTP API ( but this don't list the file I want.
I can't figure out what is the correct way to download through the API a file that someone shared with me. Here below you can see the print screen on Dropbox where this files is, if it can help...
Based on your screenshot, it sounds like you need to use the /2/sharing/list_received_files and /2/sharing/list_received_files/continue endpoints instead.

Can I upload files from a custom website form to Dropbox?

I have clients uploading files directly to my Dropbox folder. I was curious if I can build a website form that uploads the file to my Dropbox folder and also saves the forms data to my server with a reference to the file that was uploaded to Dropbox? They are legal documents and I don't want to worry about security if Dropbox handles that.
It looks like it should definitely be possible.
You would have to use the dropbox api:
There are some javascript examples that would likely be what you would need to go directly to dropbox without going to your server first.

Accesing files from shared in google drive

Im using drive api sample code for accessing google drive files in my app.But i cannot access the files that were shared with me.Do i need to change scope of google drive api in ios to access all files shared with me?
To get a list of the files shared with you, you can use the drive.files.list request with the sharedWithMe filter.