Strip all characters in textbox except letters and spaces -

I am trying to strip all characters except letters and spaces but i am unable to do so. The code i currently have is below, how could i change that so it does allow spaces? At the moment it takes the text, strips it and it all becomes one big line of text.
Dim InputTxt As String = InputText.Text
Dim OutputTxt As System.Text.StringBuilder = New System.Text.StringBuilder()
For Each Ch As Char In InputTxt
If (Not Char.IsLetter(Ch)) Then
Continue For
End If
Dim CheckIndex As Integer = Asc("a") - (Char.IsUpper(Ch) * -32)
Dim Index As Integer = ((Asc(Ch) - CheckIndex) + 13) Mod 26
OutputTxt.Append(Chr(Index + CheckIndex))
OutputText.Text = (OutputTxt.ToString())

Dim output = New StringBuilder()
For Each ch As Char In InputTxt
If Char.IsLetter(ch) OrElse ch = " " Then
End If
OutputText.Text = output.ToString()

Not fully tested but a simple Regex should sustitute all of your code
Dim s = "ADB,12.#,,,122abC"
Dim result = Regex.Replace(s, "[^a-zA-Z ]+", "")
--> output = ADBabC
Here you can find the Regular Expression Pattern Reference

And here is a way to use LINQ to query the string.
Dim candidateText = "This is a test. Does it work with 123 and !"
Dim q = From c In candidateText
Where Char.IsLetter(c) OrElse c=" "
Select c
candidateText = String.Join("", q.ToArray)
Removed the Char.IsWhiteSpace in query to match the OP question.

I think graumanoz solution is best and doesn't use any unnecessary operations like ToList, but just for kicks:
Shared Function Strip(ByVal input As String)
Dim output = New StringBuilder()
input.ToList().Where(Function(x) Char.IsLetter(x) OrElse x = " ").ToList().
ForEach(Function(x) output.Append(x))
Return output.ToString()
End Function


How to indentify the positions that a word occurs in a given text?

I am developing a program where you can input a sentence and then search for a word. The program will then tell you at which positions this word occurs. I have written some code but do not know how to continue.
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim Sentence As String
Dim SentenceLength As Integer
Dim L As Integer = 0
Dim LotsofText As String = Console.ReadLine
Console.WriteLine("Enter your word ") : Sentence = Console.ReadLine
For L = 1 To LotsofText.Length
If (Mid(LotsofText, L, 1)) = " " Then
End If
L = L + 1
Dim TextCounter As Integer = 0
Dim MainWord As String = Sentence
Dim CountChar As String = " "
Do While InStr(MainWord, CountChar) > 0
MainWord = Mid(MainWord, 1 + InStr(MainWord, CountChar), Len(MainWord))
TextCounter = TextCounter + 1
'Text = TextCounter + 2
' Console.WriteLine(Text)
Console.Write("Press Enter to Exit")
End Sub
End Module
Transform this piece of code from C# to Visual Basic. match.Index will indicate the position of the given word.
var rx = new Regex("your");
foreach (Match match in rx.Matches("This is your text! This is your text!"))
int i = match.Index;
To find only words and not sub-strings (for example to ignore "cat" in "catty"):
Dim LotsofText = "catty cat"
Dim Sentence = "cat"
Dim pattern = "\b" & Regex.Escape(Sentence) & "\b"
Dim matches = Regex.Matches(LotsofText, pattern)
For Each m As Match In matches
Debug.Print(m.Index & "") ' 6
If you want to find sub-strings too, you can remove the "\b" parts.
If you add this function to your code:
Public Function GetIndexes(ByVal SearchWithinThis As String, ByVal SearchForThis As String) As List(Of Integer)
Dim Result As New List(Of Integer)
Dim i As Integer = SearchWithinThis.IndexOf(SearchForThis)
While (i <> -1)
i = SearchWithinThis.IndexOf(SearchForThis, i + 1)
End While
Return Result
End Function
And call the function in your code:
Dim Indexes as list(of Integer) = GetIndexes(LotsofText, Sentence)
Now GetIndexes will find all indexes of the word you are searching for within the sentence and put them in the list Indexes.

Retrieve everything after a split in string

I'm needing to return the value of a string after it's been split in VB.Net.
The string will be something along the lines of:
someexpression1 OR someexpression2 OR someexpression3 OR someexpression4 OR someexpression5
The string can't contain more than 3 of these expressions so I need to retrieve everything after someexpression3.
After the split I would need the following "OR someexpression4 OR someexpression5", the full string will always be different lengths so I need something dynamic in order to capture the last part of the string.
Without further information on how danymic your splitting should be the following code will cover your requirement:
'Some UnitTest
Dim toSplit As String = "someexpression1 OR someexpression2 OR someexpression3 OR someexpression4 OR someexpression5"
Dim actual = GetLastExpressions(toSplit)
Dim expected = "OR someexpression4 OR someexpression5"
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual)
toSplit = "requirement OR is OR weird"
actual = GetLastExpressions(toSplit)
expected = ""
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual)
Private Function GetLastExpressions(expression As String, Optional splitBy As String = "OR", Optional numberToSkip As Integer = 3)
Dim expr As String = ""
Dim lExpressions As IEnumerable(Of String) = Nothing
Dim aSplit = expression.Split({expression}, StringSplitOptions.None)
If aSplit.Length > numberToSkip Then
lExpressions = aSplit.Skip(numberToSkip)
End If
If lExpressions IsNot Nothing Then
expr = splitBy & String.Join(splitBy, lExpressions)
End If
Return expr
End Function
Spoke to a friend of mine who suggested this and it works fine;
Dim sline As String = MyString
Dim iorcount As Integer = 0
Dim ipos As Integer = 1
Do While iorcount < 17
ipos = InStr(ipos, sline, "OR")
ipos = ipos + 2
iorcount = iorcount + 1
MsgBox(Mid(sline, ipos))

How To Replace or Write the Sentence Backwards

I would like to have a block of code or a function in which can write a sentence backwards.
For example : i love visual basic
Result : basic visual love i
This is what I have so far:
Dim name As String
Dim namereversed As String
name = RichTextBox1.Text
namereversed = ""
Dim i As Integer
For i = Len(name) To 1 Step -1
namereversed = namereversed & Replace(name, i, 1)
RichTextBox2.Text = namereversed
The code works but it does not give me the value of what i want. it makes the whole words reversed.
Dim name As String = "i love visual basic"
Dim reversedName As String = ""
Dim tempName As String = ""
For i As Integer = 0 To name.Length - 1
If Not name.Substring(i, 1).Trim.Equals("") Then
tempName += name.Substring(i, 1)
reversedName = tempName + " " + reversedName
tempName = ""
End If
start from index 0 and deduct 1 from length because length count starts with one but index count starts with zero. if you put To name.Length it will return IndexOutOfBounds. Loop it from 0 To Length-1 because you need the word as is and not spelled backwards... what are placed in reverse are the words so add a temporary String variable that stores every word and add it before the saved sentence/words.
or use this
Dim strName As String() = name.Split(" ")
reversedName = String.Join(" ", strName)
This is my contribution, well as you can see its not hard to do, its really simple. There are a lot of other ways which are more short.
Console.Title = "Text Reverser"
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green
'Text which will be Reversed
Dim Text As String
Console.Write("Write your text: ")
Text = Console.ReadLine
Dim RevText As String = "" '← The Text that will be reversed
Dim Index As Int32 = Text.Length '← Index used to write backwards
'Fill RevText with a char
Do Until RevText.Length = Text.Length
RevText = RevText.Insert(0, "§")
'Replace "Spaces" with Character, using 'Index' to know where go the chars
For Each Caracter As Char In Text
Index -= 1 'Rest 1 from the Index
RevText = RevText.Insert(Index, Caracter) '← Put next char in the reversed text
'↓ Finished reversing the text
If Index = 0 Then
RevText = RevText.Replace("§", "") 'Replace char counter to nothing
Console.WriteLine("Your text reversed: " & RevText) '← When Index its 0 then write the RevText
End If
I've done this project in a console, but you know, you can use this code in a normal Windows Form.
This is my first Answer in Stackoverflow :)

Getting the character that inside the brackets

This is my string:
Dim value as string = "IR_10748(1).jpg"
How can I get this number 1 into another variable? I am thinking to use split.
How I can use to get this value in
See String.Substring(Integer, Integer) and String.IndexOf(String).
Dim value As String = "IR_10748(1).jpg"
Dim startIndex As Integer = value.IndexOf("(") + 1
Dim length As Integer = value.IndexOf(")") - startIndex
Dim content As String = value.Substring(startIndex, length)
Regular expressions might be cleaner. This should work:
dim Result as string = Regex.Match(value, "(?<=\().*(?=\))").Value
It'll extract one or more characters contained between the parentheses.
Try this:
Dim value as String = "IR_10748(1).jpg"
Dim splitStrings() as String
'Split on either opening or closing parenthesis -
'This will give 3 strings - "IR_10748","1",".jpg"
splitStrings = value.Split(New String() {"(",")"}, StringSplitOptions.None)
'Parse as integer if required
Dim i as Integer
i = Integer.Parse(splitStrings(1))
It's not the prettiest, but this gets "1" using Remove and Split :
Dim value as String = "IR_10748(1).jpg"
Dim num As String = value.Remove(0, value.IndexOf("(") + 1).Split(")")(0)
That gives num = "1"
You can get the number more reliably than using String.Split. You'll want to use LastIndexOf to get the final opening parenthesis just in case you have a filename like "a(whatever)(1).ext", and you should inspect the filename without its extension, in case you have a filename like "a(1).(9)":
Dim value As String = "IR_10748(1).jpg"
Dim fn = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(value)
Dim lastOpen = fn.LastIndexOf("(")
If lastOpen >= 0 Then
Dim length = fn.IndexOf(")", lastOpen + 1) - lastOpen - 1
If length >= 1 Then
Dim numAsString = fn.Substring(lastOpen + 1, length)
ElseIf length = 0 Then
' do something if required
Console.WriteLine("No number in the parentheses.")
' do something if required
Console.WriteLine("No closing parenthesis.")
End If
' do something if required
Console.WriteLine("No opening parenthesis.")
End If

Removing x-amount of letters in a string in

So in the database I have the following value:
I need to remove everything in the string in except the 107 at the end, the issue is, sometimes the last value can be longer eg.
In this case I need to return 1207 from the string. So the amount of letters and characters in front of the actual code (1207) is not always the same. Any help on this is appreciated!
this should do the work on all propabilities of after the H-
dim a as string = "H-000000107"
dim b as string = "H-000001207"
dim newval = -int(a.ToString.Split("H")(1)).tostring 'output 107
dim newval2 = -int(b.ToString.Split("H")(1)).tostring 'output 1207
Try this,
Dim xString = "H-000001207"
Dim xResult = string.empty
for i as integer = 0 to xString.length -1
if (xString.chars(i) = "H" orelse _
xString.chars(i) = "-" orelse _
(xString.chars(i) = "0" andalso not xResult = string.empty)) then
continue for
xResult &= xString.chars(i)
end if
or May be a simple solution like this,
Dim xString = "H-000001207"
dim xRes = String.Empty
if xString.length > 3 then
xRes = val(xString.substring(2, xString.length-2))
end if
Hint (note that the result will be an empty string if you pass words like "H-"):
string result="";
string words = "H-000001207";
string[] split = words.Split(new Char[] { '-'});
if (split.GetUpperBound(0) == 1)
result = split[1].TrimStart('0');
result = "Error-Invalid format.";
Console.WriteLine(result);//is 1207
You can do this easily with Regex:
Dim pattern = "[1-9]\d*$"
Dim input = "H-000001207"
Dim result = Regex.Match(input, pattern)
Console.WriteLine(result.Value) '1207
Pattern explanation: Return the value at the end of the string ($) which starts by a digit other than zero ([1-9]) and is followed by 0 or more digits (\d*).