Export Multiple Query Results to Single Excel File - sql

I ran a sp in SSMS and it gathers information from 50+ databases with the exact same structure. I am pulling results such as CustomerName, NumberOfUsers and VersionofCode. When I execute the procedure, I get 50+ different result sets, all with the same columns selected. Instead of exporting these 50+ times and putting it together in a single excel sheet, I'd like to see if I can export all results to 1 excel file.
Is this possible? I would have to think there would be a way to do this as my column names match up for every database I am querying.
Any help is appreciated!

There are probably a number of ways to solve this problem. I would address the issue by attempting to merge the many result sets from your stored procedure calls into a single result set and then perform whatever output-export (to excel) that you wish to do.
Simplest method would be to use a temp table to accumulate the results from each stored proc call. You can use the "INSERT #temptable EXEC mystoredproc #param1" syntax to store the results of a stored proc.
Here's a little example I whipped up:
-- *** Create a sample stored proc that returns one result set ***
CREATE PROC spGetCompanyEmployees #pCompanyID AS INT
SELECT Company.CompanyName
, Department.DepartmentName
, Employee.EmployeeName
FROM Company
LEFT JOIN Department ON Department.CompanyID = Company.CompanyID
LEFT JOIN Employee ON Employee.DepartmentID = Department.DepartmentID
WHERE Company.CompanyID = #pCompanyID
-- *** Demonstrate how to call that stored proc multiple times,
-- *** accumulating the results in a temp table and selecting
-- *** the combined results at the end.
CompanyName NVARCHAR(60)
, DepartmentName NVARCHAR(60)
, EmployeeName NVARCHAR(60)
INSERT #ttbl
EXEC spGetCompanyEmployees 1
INSERT #ttbl
EXEC spGetCompanyEmployees 2
The resulting output from that final SELECT will be a combined, single result set from both stored procedure calls.
I hope this helps.

I combined the suggestion to use a temp table with an example from this blog post that uses sys.sp_msforeachdb to iterate through databases, resulting in the following:
Create TABLE #temp
DbName NVARCHAR(50),
TableName NVARCHAR(50)
INSERT #temp
'SELECT ''?'' DatabaseName, Name FROM [?].sys.Tables WHERE Name LIKE ''%sometablename%'''
Select * from #temp


dynamic sql not working . Regular sql working [duplicate]

It looks like #temptables created using dynamic SQL via the EXECUTE string method have a different scope and can't be referenced by "fixed" SQLs in the same stored procedure.
However, I can reference a temp table created by a dynamic SQL statement in a subsequence dynamic SQL but it seems that a stored procedure does not return a query result to a calling client unless the SQL is fixed.
A simple 2 table scenario:
I have 2 tables. Let's call them Orders and Items. Order has a Primary key of OrderId and Items has a Primary Key of ItemId. Items.OrderId is the foreign key to identify the parent Order. An Order can have 1 to n Items.
I want to be able to provide a very flexible "query builder" type interface to the user to allow the user to select what Items he want to see. The filter criteria can be based on fields from the Items table and/or from the parent Order table. If an Item meets the filter condition including and condition on the parent Order if one exists, the Item should be return in the query as well as the parent Order.
Usually, I suppose, most people would construct a join between the Item table and the parent Order tables. I would like to perform 2 separate queries instead. One to return all of the qualifying Items and the other to return all of the distinct parent Orders. The reason is two fold and you may or may not agree.
The first reason is that I need to query all of the columns in the parent Order table and if I did a single query to join the Orders table to the Items table, I would be repoeating the Order information multiple times. Since there are typically a large number of items per Order, I'd like to avoid this because it would result in much more data being transfered to a fat client. Instead, as mentioned, I would like to return the two tables individually in a dataset and use the two tables within to populate a custom Order and child Items client objects. (I don't know enough about LINQ or Entity Framework yet. I build my objects by hand). The second reason I would like to return two tables instead of one is because I already have another procedure that returns all of the Items for a given OrderId along with the parent Order and I would like to use the same 2-table approach so that I could reuse the client code to populate my custom Order and Client objects from the 2 datatables returned.
What I was hoping to do was this:
Construct a dynamic SQL string on the Client which joins the orders table to the Items table and filters appropriate on each table as specified by the custom filter created on the Winform fat-client app. The SQL build on the client would have looked something like this:
TempSQL = "
OrderId, ItemsId
Orders, Items
Orders.OrderID = Items.OrderId AND
/* Some unpredictable Order filters go here */
/* Some unpredictable Items filters go here */
Then, I would call a stored procedure,
CREATE PROCEDURE GetItemsAndOrders(#tempSql as text)
Execute (#tempSQL) --to create the #ItemsToQuery table
SELECT * FROM Items WHERE Items.ItemId IN (SELECT ItemId FROM #ItemsToQuery)
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE Orders.OrderId IN (SELECT DISTINCT OrderId FROM #ItemsToQuery)
The problem with this approach is that #ItemsToQuery table, since it was created by dynamic SQL, is inaccessible from the following 2 static SQLs and if I change the static SQLs to dynamic, no results are passed back to the fat client.
3 around come to mind but I'm look for a better one:
1) The first SQL could be performed by executing the dynamically constructed SQL from the client. The results could then be passed as a table to a modified version of the above stored procedure. I am familiar with passing table data as XML. If I did this, the stored proc could then insert the data into a temporary table using a static SQL that, because it was created by dynamic SQL, could then be queried without issue. (I could also investigate into passing the new Table type param instead of XML.) However, I would like to avoid passing up potentially large lists to a stored procedure.
2) I could perform all the queries from the client.
The first would be something like this:
SELECT Items.* FROM Orders, Items WHERE Order.OrderId = Items.OrderId AND (dynamic filter)
SELECT Orders.* FROM Orders, Items WHERE Order.OrderId = Items.OrderId AND (dynamic filter)
This still provides me with the ability to reuse my client sided object-population code because the Orders and Items continue to be returned in two different tables.
I have a feeling to, that I might have some options using a Table data type within my stored proc, but that is also new to me and I would appreciate a little bit of spoon feeding on that one.
If you even scanned this far in what I wrote, I am surprised, but if so, I woul dappreciate any of your thoughts on how to accomplish this best.
You first need to create your table first then it will be available in the dynamic SQL.
This works:
CREATE TABLE #temp3 (id INT)
EXEC ('insert #temp3 values(1)')
FROM #temp3
This will not work:
'create table #temp2 (id int)
insert #temp2 values(1)'
FROM #temp2
In other words:
Create temp table
Execute proc
Select from temp table
Here is complete example:
CREATE PROC prTest2 #var VARCHAR(100)
EXEC (#var)
EXEC prTest2 'insert #temp values(1)'
FROM #temp
1st Method - Enclose multiple statements in the same Dynamic SQL Call:
SET #DynamicQuery = 'Select * into #temp from (select * from tablename) alias
select * from #temp
drop table #temp'
EXEC sp_executesql #DynamicQuery
2nd Method - Use Global Temp Table:
(Careful, you need to take extra care of global variable.)
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##temp2') IS NULL
'create table ##temp2 (id int)
insert ##temp2 values(1)'
FROM ##temp2
Don't forget to delete ##temp2 object manually once your done with it:
IF (OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##temp2') IS NOT NULL)
DROP Table ##temp2
Note: Don't use this method 2 if you don't know the full structure on database.
I had the same issue that #Muflix mentioned. When you don't know the columns being returned, or they are being generated dynamically, what I've done is create a global table with a unique id, then delete it when I'm done with it, this looks something like what's shown below:
DECLARE #DynamicTable VARCHAR(255) = 'DynamicTempTable_' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(36), NEWID())
--Get "#DynamicColumns", example: SET #DynamicColumns = '[Column1], [Column2]'
SET #DynamicSQL = 'SELECT ' + #DynamicColumns + ' INTO [##' + #DynamicTable + ']' +
' FROM [dbo].[TableXYZ]'
EXEC sp_executesql #DynamicSQL
SET #DynamicSQL = 'IF OBJECT_ID(''tempdb..##' + #DynamicTable + ''' , ''U'') IS NOT NULL ' +
' BEGIN DROP TABLE [##' + #DynamicTable + '] END'
EXEC sp_executesql #DynamicSQL
Certainly not the best solution, but this seems to work for me.
I would strongly suggest you have a read through http://www.sommarskog.se/arrays-in-sql-2005.html
Personally I like the approach of passing a comma delimited text list, then parsing it with text to table function and joining to it. The temp table approach can work if you create it first in the connection. But it feel a bit messier.
Result sets from dynamic SQL are returned to the client. I have done this quite a lot.
You're right about issues with sharing data through temp tables and variables and things like that between the SQL and the dynamic SQL it generates.
I think in trying to get your temp table working, you have probably got some things confused, because you can definitely get data from a SP which executes dynamic SQL:
USE SandBox
CREATE PROCEDURE usp_DynTest(#table_type AS VARCHAR(255))
EXEC (#sql)
EXEC usp_DynTest 'VIEW'
USE SandBox
CREATE PROCEDURE usp_DynTest(#table_type AS VARCHAR(255))
EXEC (#sql)
EXEC usp_DynTest 'VIEW'

Replace procedural approach with a set based approach

I have a stored procedure that is called from an SSIS package several times with a different value as an argument. The stored procedure contains an open query to an SSRS cube, and returns a list of people. The resultset is stored in a temporary table.
CREATE TABLE #tmp (Person varchar(50), Cat1 bit, Cat2 bit, Cat3 bit, Cat4 bit, Cat5 bit)
INSERT INTO #tmp EXEC sys.sp_executesql #query
SET #sqlCommand = 'SELECT Person FROM #tmp WHERE ' + #Category + '= 1'
EXEC (#sqlCommand);
For each person in the resultset, there should be an insert to another table with some information. The information is the name of the person, some other static content, and a value which I can get from running another stored procedure and count the rows returned.
An example of an insert could be
Name Static info ##rowcount
|Homer Simpson||Something here||ValueFromCount|
As of now, I have a prewritten stored procedure that inserts a row to a the desired table, but it has a parameter which is the person name. I get the ##rowcount value by executing the other SP from the current SP (a bit nested but works fine).
I could easily use an SQL WHILE loop or a CURSOR for each person in the resultset, and call the insert SP, but I can't help to think that there must be a more efficient way of doing this!
The flow right now is
SSIS package executes the stored procedure that returns a list of persons
For each person in the list, execute the SP_Insert_To_Table procedure.
2.1. From SP_Insert_To_Table procedure, execute SP_Get_All_Actions and select ##rowcount as the dynamic value to be inserted.
I have the idea that I might be able to join the result from the #tmp table with the count of actions the person has done, so that I would get a new resultset that could be inserted all in one, but I can't figure it out since the count is specific for each person in the list.
Is there a way to to this in a set based fashion instead of using a procedural approach?
With no details to work with this is a bit challenging but it certainly sounds like removing the loop should be pretty straight forward. All I can do is rough pseudocode.
Insert into SomeTable (ColumnsListedHere)
from SomeOtherTable
join Something on some conditions
where SomeCriteria = GetListOfPerson

I am trying to run a query based on the results from a stored procedure

First, here is the code for sp_GetWorkQByUserName:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_GetWorkQByUserName]
( #UserName varchar(50),
#StartDate datetime,
#EndDate datetime )
SELECT DISTINCT SpotId FROM tblSpotCount WHERE StoreNum = EXECUTE sp_GetUserLocationCodes(#UserName)
I know my SELECT DISTINCT statement is wrong, but I wrote it like that to help show what I'm trying to do. I want to run this stored procedure based on the results from the sp_GetUserLocationCodes with a parameter of #UserName.
From what I can tell, my problem lies in how I'm calling sp_GetUserLocationCodes.
Question: how can I run a SELECT DISTINCT query on tblSpotCount.SpotId based on the results from the sp_GetUserLocationCodes stored procedure?
You cannot use a stored procedure directly in a query. You can, however, insert the results of a stored procedure into a temporary table and use that in your query:
CREATE TABLE #storeLocations
-- appropriate column names and data types go here
INSERT INTO #storeLocations (put column list here)
EXECUTE sp_GetUserLocationCodes(#UserName)
FROM tblSpotCount
FROM #storeLocations
WHERE #storeLocations.StoreNum = tblSpotCount.StoreNum)
DROP TABLE #storeLocations

How i can retrieve data from stored procedure in table format like normal query

I want to retrieve data from stored procedure in table format like normal sql query.
what i have to change?
my procedure is.....
DECLARE #stud int,
#lec int,
#dept varchar(50),
#sem int
select #stud=s.sem_no_stud,
#lec=sum(convert (int,sub.sub_lec)),#dept=d.dept_name,#sem=count(s.sem_id)
from sem_info s,sub_info sub,dept_info d,course_info co
where sub.sdept=d.dept_id and
s.sem_caurse_id=co.co_id and
sub.sub_sem_id=s.sem_id and co.co_id=149
group by d.dept_name,s.sem_id,s.sem_no_stud
return (#stud)
exec agg;
The variables appear to serve no purpose. You can just SELECT directly. Additionally you need a go before your exec to avoid inadvertently creating a recursive procedure and you will be safer using explicit JOIN syntax as below to avoid inadvertent Cartesian joins.
SELECT s.sem_no_stud ,
SUM(CONVERT (INT,sub.sub_lec)),
d.dept_name ,
FROM sem_info s
JOIN sub_info sub
ON sub.sub_sem_id =s.sem_id
JOIN dept_info d
ON sub.sdept =d.dept_id
JOIN course_info co
ON s.sem_caurse_id=co.co_id
WHERE co.co_id =149
GROUP BY d.dept_name,
s.sem_id ,
exec [dbo].[agg] ;
You just write a SELECT statement with the variables in like this:
SELECT #stud AS ColumnNameA, #lec AS ColumnNameB
However, something to point out is what if the query returns multiple rows? Assigning into variables like this will only return one of those records - the last records values to be assigned in to them will be returned.

Is my stored procedure executing out of order?

Brief history:
I'm writing a stored procedure to support a legacy reporting system (using SQL Server Reporting Services 2000) on a legacy web application.
In keeping with the original implementation style, each report has a dedicated stored procedure in the database that performs all the querying necessary to return a "final" dataset that can be rendered simply by the report server.
Due to the business requirements of this report, the returned dataset has an unknown number of columns (it depends on the user who executes the report, but may have 4-30 columns).
Throughout the stored procedure, I keep a column UserID to track the user's ID to perform additional querying. At the end, however, I do something like this:
UPDATE #result
SET Name = ppl.LastName + ', ' + ppl.FirstName
FROM #result r
LEFT JOIN Users u ON u.id = r.userID
LEFT JOIN People ppl ON ppl.id = u.PersonID
SELECT * FROM #result r ORDER BY Name
Effectively I set the Name varchar column (that was previously left NULL while I was performing some pivot logic) to the desired name format in plain text.
When finished, I want to drop the UserID column as the report user shouldn't see this.
Finally, the data set returned has one column for the username, and an arbitrary number of INT columns with performance totals. For this reason, I can't simply exclude the UserID column since SQL doesn't support "SELECT * EXCEPT [UserID]" or the like.
With this known (any style pointers are appreciated but not central to this problem), here's the problem:
When I execute this stored procedure, I get an execution error:
Invalid column name 'userID'.
However, if I comment out my DROP COLUMN statement and retain the UserID, the stored procedure performs correctly.
What's going on? It certainly looks like the statements are executing out of order and it's dropping the column before I can use it to set the name strings!
[Edit 1]
I defined UserID previously (the whole stored procedure is about 200 lies of mostly irrelevant logic, so I'll paste snippets:
CREATE TABLE #result ([Name] NVARCHAR(256), [UserID] INT);
Case sensitivity isn't the problem but did point me to the right line - there was one place in which I had userID instead of UserID. Now that I fixed the case, the error message complains about UserID.
My "broken" stored procedure also works properly in SQL Server 2008 - this is either a 2000 bug or I'm severely misunderstanding how SQL Server used to work.
Thanks everyone for chiming in!
For anyone searching this in the future, I've added an extremely crude workaround to be 2000-compatible until we update our production version:
DECLARE #workaroundTableName NVARCHAR(256), #workaroundQuery NVARCHAR(2000)
SET #workaroundQuery = 'SELECT [Name]';
DECLARE cur_workaround CURSOR FOR
OPEN cur_workaround;
FETCH NEXT FROM cur_workaround INTO #workaroundTableName
SET #workaroundQuery = #workaroundQuery + ',[' + #workaroundTableName + ']'
FETCH NEXT FROM cur_workaround INTO #workaroundTableName
CLOSE cur_workaround;
DEALLOCATE cur_workaround;
SET #workaroundQuery = #workaroundQuery + ' FROM #result ORDER BY Name ASC'
Thanks everyone!
A much easier solution would be to not drop the column, but don't return it in the final select.
There are all sorts of reasons why you shouldn't be returning select * from your procedure anyway.
EDIT: I see now that you have to do it this way because of an unknown number of columns.
Based on the error message, is the database case sensitive, and so there's a difference between userID and UserID?
This works for me:
myInt int,
myUser varchar(100)
INSERT INTO #temp_t(myInt, myUser) VALUES(1, 'Jon1')
INSERT INTO #temp_t(myInt, myUser) VALUES(2, 'Jon2')
INSERT INTO #temp_t(myInt, myUser) VALUES(3, 'Jon3')
INSERT INTO #temp_t(myInt, myUser) VALUES(4, 'Jon4')
DROP Column myUser
SELECT * FROM #temp_t
DROP TABLE #temp_t
It says invalid column for you. Did you check the spelling and ensure there even exists that column in your temp table.
You might try wrapping everything preceding the DROP COLUMN in a BEGIN...COMMIT transaction.
At compile time, SQL Server is probably expanding the * into the full list of columns. Thus, at run time, SQL Server executes "SELECT UserID, Name, LastName, FirstName, ..." instead of "SELECT *". Dynamically assembling the final SELECT into a string and then EXECing it at the end of the stored procedure may be the way to go.