Index spanning multiple tables in PostgreSQL - sql

Is it possible in PostgreSQL to place an index on an expression containing fields of multiple tables. So for example an index to speed up an query of the following form:
SELECT *, (table1.x + table2.x) AS z
FROM table1
ON =

No it's not possible to have an index on many tables, also it really wouldn't guarantee speeding up anything since you won't always get an Index Only Scan. What you really want is a materialized view but pg doesn't have those either. You can try implementing it yourself using triggers like this or this.
As noted by #petter. The materialized views were introduced in 9.3.

No, that's not possible in any currently shipping SQL dbms. Oracle supports bitmap join indexes, but that might not be relevant. It's not clear to me whether you want an index on only the join columns of multiple tables, or whether you want an index on arbitrary columns of joined tables.
To determine the real source of performance problems, learn to read the output of PostgreSQL's EXPLAIN ANALYZE.


Is this index defined correctly for this join usage? (Postgres)

tbl1 as a
inner join
tbl2 as b on
left join
tbl3 as c on and
tb3.some_col=2 and
In the example above:
If I want optimal performance on the join, should I set the index on tbl3 as so?
The answer depends on the chosen join type.
If PostgreSQL chooses a nested loop or a merge outer join, your index is perfect.
If PostgreSQL chooses a hash outer join, the index won't help at all. In that case you need an index on (some_col, attribute_id).
Work with EXPLAIN to make the best choice for your case.
Note: If one of the conditions on some_col and attribute_id is not selective (doesn't filter out a significant number of rows), it is often better to omit that column in the index. In that case, it is better to get the benefit of a smaller index and more HOT updates.
My answer is "Maybe". I am speaking from experience with SQL Server, so someone please correct me if I am wrong and it is different in Postgres.
Your index looks fine for the most part. An issue that may arise is using the SELECT *. If tbl3 has more columns than what is defined in your index and you are querying those fields, they won't be in your index and the engine will have to do additional lookups outside that index.
Another thing would be based on the cardinality of your fields, meaning which are the most selective. If parent_id has a high cardinality, meaning very few duplicates, it could cause more reads against the index. However, if your lowest cardinality field is first and the db can quickly filter out huge chunks of data, that might be more efficient.
I have seen both work very well in SQL Server. SQL Server has even recommended indexes, I apply them, and then it recommends a different one based on field cardinality. Again, I am not familiar with the Postgres engine and I am just assuming these topics apply across both. If all else fails, create 3 indexes with different column order and see which one the engine likes the best.

Oracle performance questions, inner selects in joins, temporary WITH tables indexes

I would like to consult three aspects of performance (Oracle 11g).
1./ If I define temporary table by keyword "WITH" like
WITH tbl AS (
SELECT [columns from both tables...]
FROM table_with_inexes
JOIN other_table ...
FROM tbl
JOIN xxx ON tbl.column = xxx.column
is subsequent select on that temporary table able to use indexes, that was defined on table_with_inexes and other_table?
2./ Is it possible to add indexes to temporary table created by "WITH" in that above-like single SQL command?
3./ When I have construct such as this:
SELECT indexedColumn, otherColumns
FROM table
JOIN other_table
) C
ON (outerTable.indexedColumn = C.indexedColumn)
in which cases could Oracle use indexes on indexedColumn? I assume, that the select in LEFT JOIN is only "projection" that does not maintain indexes, so the join's ON clausule evaluation is evaluated without using indexes?
The WITH clause (or subquery factoring as it's known as) is just a means of creating aliases for subqueries. It's most useful when you have multiple copies of the same subquery in your query, in which case Oracle may or may not choose to create a temporary table for it behind the scenes (aka "materialize" it). You should read up on this - here's a good link.
To answer your questions:
1) If the indexes are available to be used (no functions on the columns involved, selecting a small percentage of the data etc, etc) then they'll be used, just like in any other query.
2) You can't add indexes to the subquery. Not even to the temporary table that Oracle might create behind the scenes; you have no control over that.
3) I suggest you read up about when indexes might or might not be used. Try or, or perform your own google search.
WITH clause might be either inlined or materialized. It's up to Oracle to decide which approach is better. In your case most probably both queries will have the same execution plan(will be inlined)
PS: even if the table is materialized, indexes can not be added, Oracle can not do that. On the other hand in most cases it is not even necessary, the table can be materialized as a hash table(not heap table) or full table scan is used on it.

SQLite does not like inner joins?

I am having trouble with sqlite in an android application.
It seems that any JOIN OPERATION totally kills my performance
One table is a fts3 table because my application is a dictionary and I read fts3 benefits dictionary like look ups.
These are my 2 tables I want to join (mainly getting the meaning of the word (okurigana) in different languages :
CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE tango USING fts3 (okurigana, kana, pos, pos_detail);
CREATE TABLE translation (_id int(7), language VARCHAR(10), meaning VARCHAR(100), FOREIGN KEY (_id) REFERENCES tango(rowid));
CREATE INDEX lang_match ON translation (language);
I query these tables with this command:
Select a.rowid, a.okurigana, a.kana, b.meaning
from tango a inner join translation b
ON a.rowid=b._id AND b.language='eng'
WHERE a.okurigana MATCH 'A*'"
The query takes several seconds to complete. I dont understand why. If I use this query (removed the inner join) the query is extremely fast.
Select a.rowid, a.okurigana, a.kana
from tango a
WHERE a.okurigana MATCH 'A*';
Why does a join kills the performance o.0?
You can speed up the query with the use of indexes. This is your query:
Select a.rowid, a.okurigana, a.kana, b.meaning
from tango a inner join
translation b
ON a.rowid = b._id AND b.language = 'eng'
WHERE a.okurigana MATCH 'A*'" ;
There are basically two ways for the engine to process this query. One way is to do the filtering on tango using the where clause and then to look up the values in translation. For this, a useful index would be:
create index translation_id_language_meaning on translation(_id, language, meaning)
The other way would be to scan translation and then do the the lookup on tango. For this, a useful index would be:
create index translation_language_id_meaning on translation(language, _id, meaning)
The first is probably most appropriate for your query, but the better solution depends on the table statistics and distribution of values.
If adding an inner join slows the query down without increasing significantly the number of rows that you get back, it is usually because your schema lacks an index.
In your case, it looks like your translation._id or translation.language is not indexed (perhaps both columns need indexing).
Adding indexes using the CREATE INDEX ... command for these two columns should speed up your query.

Is there an alternative to joining 3 or more tables?

Is it a good idea to join three or more tables together as in the following example. I'm trying to focus on performance. Is there any way to re-write this query that would be more efficient and faster performing? I've tried to make is as simplistic as possible.
select * from a
join b on =
join c on =
join d on =
where a.property1 = 50
and b.property2 = 4
and c.property3 = 9
and d.property4 = 'square'
If you want faster performance, make sure that all of the join's are covered by an index (either clustered or non-clustered). It looks like this could all be done in your query above by creating an index on the id and appropriate property columns of each table
You could make it faster if you only selected a subset of the columns, at the moment you're selecting everything from all 3 tables.
Performance wise, I think it really depends on the number of records in each table, and making sure that you have the proper indexes defined. (I'm also assuming that SELECT * is a placeholder; you should avoid wildcards)
I'd start off by checking out your execution plan, and start optimizing there. If you're still getting suboptimal performance, you could try using temp tables to break up the 4 table join into separate smaller joins.
Assuming a normalized database, this is the best you can do, in terms of structuring a query and the joins in place.
There are other options to look at, including adding indexes on the different join and select clause columns, denormalizing the table structures and narrowing the result set.
Adding indexes on the join columns (which appear to be primary keys, so may already be indexed) will help with the join performance, indexing the columns in the select clause will help with speeding up the filtering on each table.
If you denormalize, you get a structure with duplicate data with all the implications of duplicate data (data maintenance issues mostly), but you gain performance as you no longer need to join.
When selecting columns, you should specify which ones you want - using * is generally a bad idea. This way you only transfer the data that the application really needs.

Creating Indexes for Group By Fields?

Do you need to create an index for fields of group by fields in an Oracle database?
For example:
select *
from some_table
where field_one is not null and field_two = ?
group by field_three, field_four, field_five
I was testing the indexes I created for the above and the only relevant index for this query is an index created for field_two. Other single-field or composite indexes created on any of the other fields will not be used for the above query. Does this sound correct?
It could be correct, but that would depend on how much data you have. Typically I would create an index for the columns I was using in a GROUP BY, but in your case the optimizer may have decided that after using the field_two index that there wouldn't be enough data returned to justify using the other index for the GROUP BY.
No, this can be incorrect.
If you have a large table, Oracle can prefer deriving the fields from the indexes rather than from the table, even there is no single index that covers all values.
In the latest article in my blog:
, there is a query in which Oracle does not use full table scan but rather joins two indexes to get the column values:
SELECT, l.value
FROM t_left l
SELECT value
FROM t_right r
WHERE r.value = l.value
The plan is:
VIEW , 20090917_anti.index$_join$_001
As you can see, there is no TABLE SCAN on t_left here.
Instead, Oracle takes the indexes on id and value, joins them on rowid and gets the (id, value) pairs from the join result.
Now, to your query:
FROM some_table
WHERE field_one is not null and field_two = ?
field_three, field_four, field_five
First, it will not compile, since you are selecting * from a table with a GROUP BY clause.
You need to replace * with expressions based on the grouping columns and aggregates of the non-grouping columns.
You will most probably benefit from the following index:
CREATE INDEX ix_sometable_23451 ON some_table (field_two, field_three, field_four, field_five, field_one)
, since it will contain everything for both filtering on field_two, sorting on field_three, field_four, field_five (useful for GROUP BY) and making sure that field_one is NOT NULL.
Do you need to create an index for fields of group by fields in an Oracle database?
No. You don't need to, in the sense that a query will run irrespective of whether any indexes exist or not. Indexes are provided to improve query performance.
It can, however, help; but I'd hesitate to add an index just to help one query, without thinking about the possible impact of the new index on the database.
...the only relevant index for this query is an index created for field_two. Other single-field or composite indexes created on any of the other fields will not be used for the above query. Does this sound correct?
Not always. Often a GROUP BY will require Oracle to perform a sort (but not always); and you can eliminate the sort operation by providing a suitable index on the column(s) to be sorted.
Whether you actually need to worry about the GROUP BY performance, however, is an important question for you to think about.