pygtk: Changing style of <a href>-label - pygtk

gtk.Label(....) gives a label as a clickable link if the label-text is formatted as a link (text within a "a href-tag"). It is then automatically shown in blue and underlined. (How) can I change the style, e.g. remove the underlining and change the color?
Python 2.7.4, Windows7, gtk 2.24.10.

You can use a span tag to set text attribute.
Suppose label's text is:
now change it to:
<span foreground="blue" underline="none">GNU</span>
Here is the screenshot:


How to remove the 'Title Section' from <RichTextEditor> in 'react-native-zss-rich-text-editor' package?

I am using react-native-zss-rich-text-editor for rich text editor and it displays the editor as shown in the below image,
As shown in the image there are two sections title and body.I would like to have only body section in editor.
Hence, Is it possible to remove the title section?
yes it's possible to have one section, just remove the title section by passing the attribute hiddenTitle and set it to true.
hiddenTitle= {true}

Change IntelliJ Breadcrumbs Style

Somehow I have messed up the breadcrumbs color and i can't figure out, how to change the color for the breadcrumbs. Every reference i can find is about how to navigate with them.
I believe they used to be brighter, but I can't figure out, how to change it. Even going back to default Theme and again moving to Darcula didn't change it.
It's under Settings > Editor > Colors & Fonts > HTML. Change the background colors for Tag tree (level x) to change the color both in the editor and the breadcrumbs. Level 1 is your current element, level 2 is the parent element. So in your example, html is level 6.
However, the colors do not look exactly as the colors you define. Use this example:
<div class="c6">
<div class="c5">
<div class="c4">
<div class="c3">
<div class="c2">
<div class="c1"></div>
and place your cursor within c1. It should look something like this:
My color for c1 is #FF0000, but it looks like violet in the editor and brown in the breadcrumbs. When you change the color and click Apply, both places will change the color though.
Try Preferences > Editor > Colors & Fonts > General. (I guess it's Settings > Editor > Colors & Fonts > General on Windows.)
Then in the right-hand side outline, Editor > Breadcrumbs.

How to verify text across HTML elements in Selenium

Given the following code, how would I verify the text within using Selenium?
<div class='my-text-block>
<p>My first paragraph of text</p>
<p>My second paragraph of text</p>
I am wanting to, in one verifyText statement to capture all the text:
My first paragraph of text
My second paragraph of text
Is it possible?
Since you've tagged this with selenium-webdriver, I'm assuming you want a code example but because you've not stated what language you're using, I'll give you a python example. It should be easy to translate that to a different language if needed.
ok(driver.find_element("class", "my-text-block").text == "What I expect it to be")
The text attribute on a WebElement object simply contains all visible text within that element and all children elements.
And some lovely docs, of course.

JSSOR slider - difference btwn div class="c" and div u="caption"

I got confused trying to create a hybrid between the 'List Slider' theme (which uses classes of "t" and "c" for title and caption), and the 'Slider-with-caption' example (which uses u="caption"). What's the difference? And how can I style the titles to appear over the slide and the caption alongside the thumbnails?
I surmise that u="caption" is for animating the caption, but I'm still stuck on how to integrate the two approaches. Simply replacing the div class="c" with the div u="c" busts the whole slider!
re: (which uses classes of "t" and "c" for title and caption)
it's not caption, it is custom thumbnail in html format,
<div u="thumb">
caption is another way to play text/image/content animation,
see slider with caption
Just create a ID or CLASS intiator after.
ex. div u="thumb" id="right" class="hand">

selenium can't test text color

Hello I am trying to check if the color of an input is red.(Selenium IDE 1.9 Firefox Plugin)
If i select it with
the "Find" button works, but there is no attribute selected to check.
if i change it to
the element is not found, so how do i use it ?
Assuming we are talking about color as a style, your HTML probably looks something like:
<span id="custom1" style="color:red;">Custom Attribute 1</span>
As you can see 'color' is not an attribute. It is part of the value of the 'style' attribute.
So what you want do is verify that the 'style' attribute contains the 'color:red':
Note that the asterisk (*) are wildcards. They have been added in case there is another style property before or after the one of interest. One was also added between the color and red since sometimes people puts spaces and sometimes not.