How do I make a query for if value exists in row add a value to another field? - sql

I have a database on access and I want to add a value to a column at the end of each row based on which hospital they are in. This is a separate value. For example - the hospital called "St. James Hospital" has the id of "3" in a separate field. How do I do this using a query rather than manually going through a whole database?
example here

Not the best solution, but you can do something like this:
create table new_table as
select id, case when hospital="St. James Hospital" then 3 else null
from old_table
Or, the better option would be to create a table with the columns hospital_name and hospital_id. You can then create a foreign key relationship that will create the mapping for you, and enforce data integrity. A join across the two tables will produce what you want.
Read about this here:

The answer to your question is a JOIN+UPDATE. I am fairly sure if you looked up you would find the below link.
Access DB update one table with value from another

You could do this:
update yourTable
set yourFinalColumnWhateverItsNameIs = {your desired value}
where someColumn = 3
Every row in the table that has a 3 in the someColumn column will then have that final column set to your desired value.
If this isn't what you want, please make your question clearer. Are you trying to put the name of the hospital into this table? If so, that is not a good idea and there are better ways to accomplish that.
Furthermore, if every row with a certain value (3) gets this value, you could simply add it to the other (i.e. Hospitals) table. No need to repeat it everywhere in the table that points back to the Hospitals table.
P.S. Here's an example of what I meant:
Let's say you have two tables
You could get a baby's city of birth without having to include the City column in the Births table, simply by joining the tables on = births.hospitalid.

After examining your ACCDB file, I suggest you consider setting up the tables differently.
Table Health_Professionals:
ID First Name Second Name Position hospital_id
1 John Doe PI 2
2 Joe Smith Co-PI 1
3 Sarah Johnson Nurse 3
Table Hospitals:
hospital_id Hospital
1 Beaumont
2 St James
3 Letterkenny Hosptial
A key point is to avoid storing both the hospital ID and name in the Health_Professionals table. Store only the ID. When you need to see the name, use the hospital ID to join with the Hospitals table and get the name from there.
A useful side effect of this design is that if anyone ever misspells a hospital name, eg "Hosptial", you need correct that error in only one place. Same holds true whenever a hospital is intentionally renamed.
Based on those tables, the query below returns this result set.
ID Second Name First Name Position hospital_id Hospital
1 Doe John PI 2 St James
3 Johnson Sarah Nurse 3 Letterkenny Hosptial
2 Smith Joe Co-PI 1 Beaumont
hp.[Second Name],
hp.[First Name],
Health_Professionals AS hp
INNER JOIN Hospitals AS h
ON hp.hospital_id = h.hospital_id
hp.[Second Name],
hp.[First Name];


Access Append Query compare with table

I am currently rebuilding a messy Access Database and I entcountered the following problem:
I've got a Table of facilities which contain a row called district. Those Rows contain a number linked to another table which just contains the numbers and names of districts. I added a lookup Column with the Name of the district displayed.
I now want to change the new column for every row depending on the data in the old row.
A |..| 1
B |..| 2
C |..| 1
I would like something like the following:
A |..| 1|EAST
B |..| 2|WEST
C |..| 1|EAST
The District Field (lookup) gets its Data like follows SELECT [DISTRICTS].ID, [DISTRICTS].NAME FROM DISTRICTS ORDER BY [NAME];
(Thanks to Gordon Linoff) I could get the query but I do now struggle with the insert. I can get the Data I want:
If I try to INSERT INTO Facilities(DISTRICT) It says Typerror.
How can I modify the data to be compatible with a lookup column?
I guess I need to select the ID as well which isnt't a problem but then the error says to many columns.
I hope I haven't mistaken any names, my Access isn't running the english language.
Can you help me?
Lookup columns are number (long integer)
with a relational database, you only need the single column containing the ID (as you always lookup the with a query) so:
where 4 is the ID of the record in the lookup table that you want, or better still:
where District.Name = "Name you want the ID for"

Subquery in FROM clause

Looking around in the (now-discontinued) documentation and found this example:
Subquery in FROM clause
A subquery in a FROM clause acts similarly to a temporary table that is generated during the execution of a query and lost afterwards.
SELECT Managers.Id, Employees.Salary
FROM Employees
) AS Managers
JOIN Employees ON Managers.Id = Employees.Id
(Excerpted from Subqueries - Subquery in FROM clause. The original author was Phrancis. Attribution details can be found on the contributor page. The source is licenced under CC BY-SA 3.0 and may be found in the Documentation archive. Reference topic ID: 1030 and example ID: 3327.)
My question is:
why using an extra ManagerId. An Id column is already in
Employees table,
why have the extra ManagerId to be null for a manager (ok it wants to be a joke).
My opinion:
despite the upvotes, something is wrong with this is example,
Tables with example data would be nice to see on the fly how it's working. One table with start data, one table temporary SELECT and one table the
Edit: Thanks to all contributors for their answers!
#Alex K.: That is my point of view "it is not something one would actually use". But people, who wants to learn SQL, might think, that it is good practice, because it is in the documentation here.,
#Nebi: Thanks for the point that one would write it simpler to get the same result.
#Unnikrishnan R: "showcase how the sub query works" does in my eyes not only mean that it is fully functional but additional that it makes sense. If I get things simpler, why doing it the errorprone hard way.
#me: should have titled it "let's discuss sql documentation" or like that ;)
Let us consider a situation where Employee table holds all employees including their managers in which employee has an Id, and there is also a column for the manager Id (which can be null). This can be the point of view ,who was writing that SQL queries.
For Example,
| Id | Name | Salary | ManagerId |
| 1 | Joe | 70000 | 3 |
| 2 | Henry | 80000 | 4 |
| 3 | Sam | 60000 | NULL |
| 4 | Max | 90000 | NULL |
why have the extra ManagerId to be null for a manager --
getting the employees that are not managers
It is just an example how to do/ use Subqueries.
To your questions:
why using an extra ManagerId. An Id column is already in Employees
First of all ManagerId and Id are different columns of the table Employees. So there is a difference between them. But you might reffering to the Id of the Subquery Managers and the Id of the joined table Employees.
Then you need to define which Id you are using. Else you get the Error for ambigiuos column. In this example you to specify either the Subqueries Id which is Managers.Id or the Id of the joined table Employees (Employees.Id). Which one you choose is totally regardless because you use INNER JOIN one the Id.
why have the extra ManagerId to be null for a manager (ok it wants
to be a joke).
This is because of getting all the Employees that have are not managers. You are right about saying this could be done easier or in other form. For instance:
SELECT Id, Salary
FROM Employees
This probably gets the same result as in the original. But the example is not about that, it is about the structure of a subquery.
why using an extra ManagerId. An Id column is already in Employees table
Consider you are having an employee table and you also wanted to keep the manager information in the same apart from the ID column you need to add another column to keep the managerid.
why have the extra ManagerId to be null for a manager (ok it wants to be a joke).
The query is just to showcase how the sub query works. In this case subquery retrieves the manager from the Employee table (managerID is null) then join those id's with Employee table in the outer query to get the salary of each managers.

SQL Insert with value from different table

I have 2 tables storing information. For example:
Table 1 contains persons:
1 BOB 1
2 JANE 1
3 FRED 2
The CITY is a id to a different table:
1 Amsterdam
2 London
The problem is that i want to insert data that i receive in the format:
1 PETER Amsterdam
2 KEES London
3 FRED London
Given that the list of Cities is complete (i never receive a city that is not in my list) how can i insert the (new/received from outside)persons into the table with the right ID for the city?
Should i replace them before I try to insert them, or is there a performance friendly (i might have to insert thousands of lines at one) way to make the SQL do this for me?
The SQL server i'm using is Microsoft SQL Server 2012
First, load the data to be inserted into a table.
Then, you can just use a join:
insert into persons(id, name, city)
select,, c.d
from #StagingTable st left join
cities c
on =;
Note: The should probably be an identity column so it wouldn't be necessary to insert it.
insert into persons (ID,NAME,CITY) //you dont need to include ID if it is auto increment
(1,'BOB',(select Name from city where ID=1)) //another select query is getting Name from city table
if you want to add 1000 rows at a time that'd be great if you use stored procedure like this link

How to change values of foreign keys in postgresql?

Let's say I have two tables: Customer and City. There are many Customers that live in the same City. The cities have an uid that is primary key. The customers have a foreign key reference to their respective city via Customer.city_uid.
I have to swap two City.uids with one another for external reasons. But the customers should stay attached to their cities. Therefore it is necessary to swap the Customer.city_uids as well. So I thought I first swap the City.uids and then change the Customer.city_uids accordingliy via an UPDATE-statement. Unfortunately, I can not do that since these uids are referenced from the Customer-table and PostgreSQL prevents me from doing that.
Is there an easy way of swapping the two City.uids with one another as well as the Customer.city_uids?
One solution could be:
1. Drop foreign key
2. Make update
3. Create foreign key
1. Insert "new" correct information
2. Remove outdated information
My instinct is to recommend not trying to change the city table's id field. But there is lot of information missing here. So it really is a feeling rather than a definitive point of view.
Instead, I would swap the values in the other fields of the city table. For example, change the name of city1 to city2's name, and vice-versa.
For example:
id | name | population id | name | population
------------------------- -------------------------
1 | ABerg | 123456 1 | BBerg | 654321
2 | BBerg | 654321 2 | ABerg | 123456
3 | CBerg | 333333 3 | CBerg | 333333
(The ID was not touched, but the other values were swapped. Functionally the same as swapping the IDs, but with 'softer touch' queries that don't need to make any changes to table constraints, etc.)
Then, in your associated tables, you can do...
city_uid = CASE WHEN city_uid = 1 THEN 2 ELSE 1 END
city_uid IN (1,2)
But then, do you have other tables that reference city_uid? And if so, is it feasible for you to repeat that update on all those tables?
You could create two temporary cities.
You would have:
City 1
City 2
City Temp 1
City Temp 2
Then, you could do the follow:
Update all Customer UIDs from City 1 to City Temp 1.
Update all Customer UIDs from City 2 to City Temp 2.
Swap City 1 and 2 UIDs
Move all Customers back from City Temp 1 to City 1.
Move all Customers back from City Temp 2 to City 2.
Delete the temporally cities.
You can also add an ON UPDATE CASCADE clause to the parent table's CREATE TABLE statement, as described here:
How to do a cascading update?

UPDATE query that fixes orphaned records

I have an Access database that has two tables that are related by PK/FK. Unfortunately, the database tables have allowed for duplicate/redundant records and has made the database a bit screwy. I am trying to figure out a SQL statement that will fix the problem.
To better explain the problem and goal, I have created example tables to use as reference:
alt text
You'll notice there are two tables, a Student table and a TestScore table where StudentID is the PK/FK.
The Student table contains duplicate records for students John, Sally, Tommy, and Suzy. In other words the John's with StudentID's 1 and 5 are the same person, Sally 2 and 6 are the same person, and so on.
The TestScore table relates test scores with a student.
Ignoring how/why the Student table allowed duplicates, etc - The goal I'm trying to accomplish is to update the TestScore table so that it replaces the StudentID's that have been disabled with the corresponding enabled StudentID. So, all StudentID's = 1 (John) will be updated to 5; all StudentID's = 2 (Sally) will be updated to 6, and so on. Here's the resultant TestScore table that I'm shooting for (Notice there is no longer any reference to the disabled StudentID's 1-4):
alt text
Can you think of a query (compatible with MS Access's JET Engine) that can accomplish this goal? Or, maybe, you can offer some tips/perspectives that will point me in the right direction.
The only way to do this is through a series of queries and temporary tables.
First, I would create the following Make Table query that you would use to create a mapping of the bad StudentID to correct StudentID.
Select S1.StudentId As NewStudentId, S2.StudentId As OldStudentId
Into zzStudentMap
From Student As S1
Inner Join Student As S2
On S2.Name = S1.Name
Where S1.Disabled = False
And S2.StudentId <> S1.StudentId
And S2.Disabled = True
Next, you would use that temporary table to update the TestScore table with the correct StudentID.
Update TestScore
Inner Join zzStudentMap
On zzStudentMap.OldStudentId = TestScore.StudentId
Set StudentId = zzStudentMap.NewStudentId
The most common technique to identify duplicates in a table is to group by the fields that represent duplicate records:
1 Brian Smith
3 George Smith
25 Brian Smith
In this case we want to remove one of the Brian Smith Records, or in your case, update the ID field so they both have the value of 25 or 1 (completely arbitrary which one to use).
SELECT min(id)
FROM example
GROUP BY first_name, last_name
Using min on ID will return:
1 Brian Smith
3 George Smith
If you use max you would get
25 Brian Smith
3 George Smith
I usually use this technique to delete the duplicates, not update them:
FROM example
GROUP BY first_name, last_name)