Filter dictionary array with multiple value - objective-c

iReplyId = 3870;
name = rahul;
iReplyId = 3914;
name = Tom;
iReplyId = 3873;
name = Smith;
iReplyId = 3871;
name = yator;
iReplyId = 3872;
name = jack;
iReplyId = 3875;
name = smith;
iReplyId = 3876;
name = rancho;
iReplyId = 3878;
name = vid;
My requirement is to filter this array with multiple condtion like iReplyId = 3871,3870,3914 by using nspredicate. i tried so much but but i didn't get the solution with predicate, i can solve this by using for loop but that is not a good way.
Any help is highly appreciated.

[array filteredArrayUsingPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"iReplyId IN (%#)",[idsArray componentsJoinedByString:#","]]]


FluentAssertions: collection subset should contain equivalent of list

I have a collection:
new[] { new { A = 5, PropIDontCareAbout = "XXX" }, new { A = 7, PropIDontCareAbout = "XXX" }, new { A = 9, PropIDontCareAbout = "XXX" } }
I want to check that it at least contains both new { A = 9 } and new { A = 5 } in any order.
I can use ContainEquivalentOf, but I have to do it one-by-one:
var actual = new[] {
new { A = 5, PropIDontCareAbout = "XXX" },
new { A = 7, PropIDontCareAbout = "XXX" },
new { A = 9, PropIDontCareAbout = "XXX" }
var expected = new [] { new { A = 5 }, new { A = 9 } };
foreach (var expectedItem in expected) {
Update: I can't use Contains because it requires actual and expected objects to have the same type.
I do not see an explicit solution. You can work-around using Select to create subject in the format of the expectation, then you can use
Contains(IEnumerable<T> expected, ...):
var actual = new[] {
new { A = 1, PropIDontCareAbout = "XXX" },
new { A = 7, PropIDontCareAbout = "XXX" },
new { A = 9, PropIDontCareAbout = "XXX" }
actual.Select(x => new { x.A }).Should()
.Contain(new[] { new { A = 9 }, new { A = 5 } });
In case of one the elements is not in the list you get a message like that:
Expected collection {{ A = 1 }, { A = 7 }, { A = 9 }}
to contain {{ A = 9 }, { A = 5 }},
but could not find {{ A = 5 }}.

Tarantool existing space migration

I need to add a parameter to existing space and keep the existing data.
space is created like this:
function create_user()
local space = box.schema.create_space('user', { engine = 'memtx' })
{ name = 'user_id', type = 'unsigned' },
{ name = 'name', type = 'string' },
{ name = 'is_active', type = 'boolean' },
space:create_index('users_id', { type = 'TREE', parts = { 'user_id', 'name' } })
i need to add the following parameters
{ name = 'is_online', type = 'boolean' }
{ name = 'session_id', type = 'unsigned', is_nullable = true }
how to write the required migration script?
it's my solution
function migrate_users()
local counter = 0
local space =
for _, tuple in space:pairs(
nil, {iterator=box.index.ALL}
) do
local user_tuple = tuple:totable()
user_tuple[4] = nil
user_tuple[5] = false
counter = counter + 1
if counter % 10000 == 0 then
{ name = 'user_id', type = 'unsigned' },
{ name = 'name', type = 'string' },
{ name = 'is_active', type = 'boolean' },
{ name = 'session_id', type = 'unsigned', is_nullable = true },
{ name = 'is_online', type = 'boolean' }
space:create_index('session_id', { type = 'TREE', unique = false, parts = { 'session_id' } })
it is better to use spacer immediately

Importing a contact column into Podio

Which app_id should be used for importing into a contact column? Also, what should the mappings parameter look like?
podio.ImporterService.ImportAppItems(fileId, appId, new List<ImportMappingField> {
new ImportMappingField { FieldId = primaryFieldId, Unique = false, Value = new { column_id = "0" }},
new ImportMappingField { FieldId = contactfieldId, Unique = false, Value = new { column_id = "1", app_id = ???, mappings = new []{ ??? }}}
I figured it out. Below is an example that works for me.
podio.ImporterService.ImportAppItems(373063497, 18803129, new List<ImportMappingField> {
new ImportMappingField {
FieldId = 148580608,
Unique = false,
Value = new { column_id = "0" }
new ImportMappingField {
FieldId = 148580614,
Unique = false,
Value = new {
mappings = new []{
new {
field_key = "mail",
unique = "true",
column_id = "4"
See the API documentation [1]

XML to JSON convert issue. I want to change it in array of dictionary structure. is it possible?

I want to change it in array of dictionary structure. is it possible? Actually I have a XML structure, while converting xml to json, incase it is having one value, it gives dictionary structure, otherwise array structure, can you please apprise how to handle/parse it.
item = {
"ML_KEY" = {
text = "test1";
name = {
text = "test2";
order = {
text = 1;
value = {
text = "Test3"
item = (
"ML_KEY" = {
text = "Testing4";
name = {
text = "Testing3";
order = {
text = 1;
value = {
text = "TestingB";
"ML_KEY" = {
text = "New2";
name = {
text = "New";
order = {
text = 2;
value = {
text = "Preview"
"ML_KEY" = {
text = "Testing2"
name = {
text = Remove;
order = {
text = 3;
value = {
text = Remove;
"ML_KEY" = {
text = "Testing";
name = {
text = "E";
order = {
text = 4;
value = {
text = "D";
You should check for the class type of the data you are getting. You can do it like this.
id items =[[NSDictionary dictionaryWithXMLString:string] valueForKey:#"items"];
if ([items isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]])
// parse your dictionary here
}else if([items isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]])
// parse your array here
NSDictionary *responseDict = XMLResponse;
for (NSDictionay * dict in responseDict){
__do stuff here__
you can also work with NSMutableDictionay, that way you can add multiple lines as you go throw the response
Yes I did the same as above with slight changes:
id checkDict = [tempDict valueForKeyPath:#"items.item"];
if ([checkDict isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]])
// parse your dictionary here
}else if([checkDict isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]])
// parse your array here

How best to traverse API information with iOS

Is there any easier way of traversing array/dictionaries without creating a lot of separate NSArrays/NSDictionaries? I know you can traverse nested dictionaries with dot notation and value at keypath, but what about when arrays are involved?
For example:
At the moment if I want to get at the object at[4].href in the API result below, I have to define an array at keypath "feed.entry", then assign its first entry as a dictionary, then define an array at keypath "link" and access its fourth entry as a dictionary, and then access its value at "href".
Is this normal?
received {
encoding = "UTF-8";
feed = {
entry = (
author = (
name = {
"$t" = swdestiny;
uri = {
"$t" = "";
category = (
scheme = "";
term = "";
label = Entertainment;
scheme = "";
term = Entertainment;
scheme = "";
term = Star;
scheme = "";
term = Wars;
scheme = "";
term = Episode;
scheme = "";
term = 3;
scheme = "";
term = Revenge;
scheme = "";
term = of;
scheme = "";
term = the;
scheme = "";
term = Sith;
content = {
"$t" = " Trailer for Revenge of the Sith";
type = text;
"gd$comments" = {
"gd$feedLink" = {
countHint = 1567;
href = "";
rel = "";
"gd$rating" = {
average = "4.7729683";
max = 5;
min = 1;
numRaters = 1132;
rel = "";
id = {
"$t" = "";
link = (
href = "";
rel = alternate;
type = "text/html";
href = "";
rel = "";
type = "application/atom+xml";
href = "";
rel = "";
type = "application/atom+xml";
href = "";
rel = "";
type = "text/html";
href = "";
rel = self;
type = "application/atom+xml";
"media$group" = {
"media$category" = (
"$t" = Entertainment;
label = Entertainment;
scheme = "";
"media$content" = (
duration = 151;
expression = full;
isDefault = true;
medium = video;
type = "application/x-shockwave-flash";
url = "";
"yt$format" = 5;
duration = 151;
expression = full;
medium = video;
type = "video/3gpp";
url = "rtsp://";
"yt$format" = 1;
duration = 151;
expression = full;
medium = video;
type = "video/3gpp";
url = "rtsp://";
"yt$format" = 6;
"media$description" = {
"$t" = " Trailer for Revenge of the Sith";
type = plain;
"media$keywords" = {
"$t" = "Star, Wars, Episode, 3, Revenge, of, the, Sith";
"media$player" = (
url = "";
"media$thumbnail" = (
height = 360;
time = "00:01:15.500";
url = "";
width = 480;
height = 90;
time = "00:00:37.750";
url = "";
width = 120;
height = 90;
time = "00:01:15.500";
url = "";
width = 120;
height = 90;
time = "00:01:53.250";
url = "";
width = 120;
"media$title" = {
"$t" = "Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith Trailer";
type = plain;
"yt$duration" = {
seconds = 151;
published = {
"$t" = "2007-05-23T03:31:54.000Z";
title = {
"$t" = "Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith Trailer";
type = text;
updated = {
"$t" = "2012-02-20T17:14:37.000Z";
"yt$statistics" = {
favoriteCount = 763;
viewCount = 796719;
xmlns = "";
"xmlns$gd" = "";
"xmlns$media" = "";
"xmlns$yt" = "";
version = "1.0";