SQL Query count - sql

HI there I have this table,
Recipe = (idR, recipeTitle, prepText, cuisineType, mealType)
Ingredient = (idI, ingrDesc)
RecipIngr = (idR*, idI*)
and I'm trying to query a list for ingrDesc with a count of how many recipies that ingrDesc is in. I want to list only those ingrDesc that occur more than 10 times.
Here's what I have:
SELECT a.idI, a.recipeTitle
FROM Recipe a
INNER JOIN recpingr b
ON a.idr = b.idr
WHERE a.preptext = '>10'
Any help as I don't know how to carry on with this query

SELECT i.idI, i.ingrDesc, COUNT(*)
FROM Ingredient i
INNER JOIN RecipIngr ri ON i.idI = ri.idI
GROUP BY i.idI, i.ingrDesc

You need to use a group by clause and having. I have created a quick sample here but my sample data does not go up to 10 so I used any ingredient that was used more than once (> 1).
Here is the sample data:
create table dbo.recipe (
idR int not null,
recipeTitle varchar(100) not null,
prepText varchar(4000) null,
cuisineType varchar(100) null,
mealType varchar(100) null
insert into dbo.recipe values (1, 'Eggs and Bacon', 'Prep Text 1', 'American', 'Breakfast')
insert into dbo.recipe values (2, 'Turkey Sandwich', 'Prep Text 2', 'American', 'Lunch')
insert into dbo.recipe values (3, 'Roast Beef Sandwich', 'Prep Text 3', 'American', 'Lunch')
create table dbo.ingredient (
idI int not null,
ingrDesc varchar(200) not null
insert into dbo.ingredient values (1, 'Large Egg')
insert into dbo.ingredient values (2, 'Bacon');
insert into dbo.ingredient values (3, 'Butter');
insert into dbo.ingredient values (4, 'Sliced Turkey');
insert into dbo.ingredient values (5, 'Lettuce');
insert into dbo.ingredient values (6, 'Tomato');
insert into dbo.ingredient values (7, 'Onion');
insert into dbo.ingredient values (8, 'Bread');
insert into dbo.ingredient values (9, 'Mustard');
insert into dbo.ingredient values (10, 'Horseradish');
insert into dbo.ingredient values (11, 'Sliced Roast Beef');
create table dbo.recipingr(
idR int not null,
idI int not null
insert into dbo.recipingr values (1, 1);
insert into dbo.recipingr values (1, 2);
insert into dbo.recipingr values (2, 4);
insert into dbo.recipingr values (2, 5);
insert into dbo.recipingr values (2, 6);
insert into dbo.recipingr values (2, 7);
insert into dbo.recipingr values (2, 8);
insert into dbo.recipingr values (2, 9);
insert into dbo.recipingr values (3, 11);
insert into dbo.recipingr values (3, 10);
insert into dbo.recipingr values (3, 8);
insert into dbo.recipingr values (3, 6);
insert into dbo.recipingr values (3, 5);
Here is the query:
count(*) ingrCount
dbo.recipe r
inner join dbo.recipingr ri on ri.idR = r.idR
inner join dbo.ingredient i on i.idI = ri.idI
group by
count(*) > 1


SQL exclude negative quantity

Please help, there is a request in which sometimes there is a negative value in the KOLVO_RZ column. Is it possible to check this in the request and if the value is negative, then return 0?
This should do the trick:
Here's a sample that works for me with InterBase 2020. Which InterBase version are you using?
create table hikers (
hiker_id integer not null,
name varchar (256) not null,
constraint pk_hid primary key (hiker_id));
create table hiker_data (
hiker_id integer not null,
steps_gained integer,
constraint fk_hid foreign key (hiker_id) references hikers (hiker_id));
insert into hikers values (1, 'Aarti');
insert into hikers values (2, 'Bala');
insert into hikers values (3, 'Chaaya');
insert into hikers values (4, 'Deepak');
insert into hiker_data values (1, 20);
insert into hiker_data values (1, 10);
insert into hiker_data values (1, -5);
insert into hiker_data values (1, 15);
insert into hiker_data values (1, -20);
insert into hiker_data values (2, 12);
insert into hiker_data values (2, 6);
insert into hiker_data values (2, 20);
insert into hiker_data values (2, -5);
insert into hiker_data values (2, 10);
insert into hiker_data values (2, -18);
insert into hiker_data values (3, 20);
insert into hiker_data values (3, 10);
insert into hiker_data values (3, -5);
insert into hiker_data values (3, 15);
insert into hiker_data values (3, -20);
insert into hiker_data values (3, 12);
insert into hiker_data values (4, 6);
insert into hiker_data values (4, 20);
insert into hiker_data values (4, -5);
insert into hiker_data values (4, 10);
insert into hiker_data values (4, -18);
/* test foreign key enforcement */
insert into hiker_data values (-100, -18);
and then, I execute the following queries successfully.
select hiker_id,
SUM(0 + (CASE WHEN steps_gained < 0 THEN 0
ELSE steps_gained
END)) AS total_steps_climbed,
SUM(0 + (CASE WHEN steps_gained > 0 THEN 0
ELSE steps_gained
END)) AS total_steps_descended,
SUM(steps_gained) AS final_tally
from hiker_data
group by hiker_id;
select hiker_id,
(CASE WHEN steps_gained < 0 THEN 0
ELSE steps_gained
END) AS steps_climbed
from hiker_data
where hiker_id=2;

Can I improve this query for use in large tables?

How can I improve this query for use in large tables....?
I use a table ('DataValues') to store a collection of values ('Value') for collections ('Visit_id') ie it records certain values for each visit.
I use a table ('MatchItems') to store dynamic match sets 'MatchSet' of values ('Value'), sets can contain any number of values. The table also has a IsNeg field to indicate if the match should require a value to be not present in the visit collection.
This allows me to dynamically match visits that conform to certain criteria such as
Must contain values A, B and C and NOT D OR C and B AND NOT A.
ie (Value = A and Value = B and Value = C and Value /= D)
or (Value = C and Value = B and Value /= A)
I have a query that delivers a reasonable solution fiddle:
Visit_id Number(5) ,
Value varchar(5)
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (1, 1, 'M');
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (2, 1, 'I');
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (3, 1, 'C');
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (4, 1, 'K');
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (5, 1, 'E');
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (6, 1, 'Y');
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (7, 2, 'M');
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (8, 2, 'O');
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (9, 2, 'U');
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (10, 2, 'S');
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (11, 2, 'E');
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (12, 3, 'C');
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (13, 3, 'A');
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (14, 3, 'T');
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (15, 4, 'S');
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (16, 4, 'A');
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (17, 4, 'T');
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (18, 5, 'M');
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (19, 5, 'A');
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (20, 5, 'T');
MatchSet Number(5),
Value VARCHAR(5),
IsNeg NUMBER(1) NOT NULL CHECK (IsNeg in (0,1))
INSERT INTO MatchItems VALUES (1, 1, 'M', 0);
INSERT INTO MatchItems VALUES (2, 1, 'I', 0);
INSERT INTO MatchItems VALUES (3, 1, 'C', 0);
INSERT INTO MatchItems VALUES (4, 1, 'K', 0);
INSERT INTO MatchItems VALUES (5, 1, 'E', 0);
INSERT INTO MatchItems VALUES (6, 1, 'Y', 0);
INSERT INTO MatchItems VALUES (7, 2, 'C', 0);
INSERT INTO MatchItems VALUES (8, 2, 'A', 0);
INSERT INTO MatchItems VALUES (9, 3, 'A', 0);
INSERT INTO MatchItems VALUES (10, 3, 'T', 0);
INSERT INTO MatchItems VALUES (11, 4, 'S', 1);
INSERT INTO MatchItems VALUES (12, 4, 'A', 0);
INSERT INTO MatchItems VALUES (13, 4, 'K', 1);
INSERT INTO MatchItems VALUES (14, 5, 'A', 0);
INSERT INTO MatchItems VALUES (15, 5, 'T', 0);
GpMatchItems.Count TgtCount,
FROM DataValues
LEFT JOIN MatchItems ON MatchItems.Value = DataValues.Value
--AND MatchItems.MatchSet = 4
count(*) Count
FROM MatchItems
MatchItems.IsNeg = 0
MatchItems.MatchSet) GpMatchItems ON GpMatchItems.MatchSet = MatchItems.MatchSet
Count(MatchItems.Id) = GpMatchItems.Count
AND sum(MatchItems.IsNeg) = 0
How can I improve the performance of this query where the DataValues table contains 100m records, and MatchItems may include a collection of 50 sets each of 2 - 20 values?
You can try this version using Analytic functions and see if it performs any better. This query removes the subquery GpMatchItems that you are joining with.
FROM (SELECT MatchItems.MatchSet,
OVER (PARTITION BY MatchItems.MatchSet)
AS tgtcount,
COUNT (*) OVER (PARTITION BY MatchItems.MatchSet, DataValues.Visit_id)
AS match_visit_count,
SUM (MatchItems.IsNeg) OVER (PARTITION BY MatchItems.MatchSet, DataValues.Visit_id)
AS isneg_sum
FROM DataValues LEFT JOIN MatchItems ON MatchItems.VALUE = DataValues.VALUE)
WHERE tgtcount = match_visit_count AND isneg_sum = 0;
I have adjusted EJ's suggestion to include a LEFT JOIN to collect the tgtCount to identify the total number of good matches required in each MatchSet:
GpMatchItems.count tgtCount
COUNT (*) OVER (PARTITION BY MatchItems.MatchSet, DataValues.Visit_id)
AS match_visit_count,
SUM (MatchItems.IsNeg) OVER (PARTITION BY MatchItems.MatchSet, DataValues.Visit_id)
AS isneg_sum
FROM DataValues
LEFT JOIN MatchItems ON MatchItems.VALUE = DataValues.VALUE)
count(*) Count
FROM MatchItems
WHERE MatchItems.IsNeg = 0
MatchItems.MatchSet) GpMatchItems
ON GpMatchItems.MatchSet = MatchItems.MatchSet
tgtcount = match_visit_count
AND isneg_sum = 0;

Unknown column in where clause?

My code:
drop table if exists HSstudents;
create table HSstudents
HSsID int,
vNAAM text,
aNAAM text,
LT int,
GM float
insert into HSstudents values (1, 'Thomas', 'Jansen', 18, 7.0);
insert into HSstudents values (2, 'Jesse', 'Bakker', 19, 6.5);
insert into HSstudents values (3, 'Tom', 'Smit', 20, 7.1);
insert into HSstudents values (4, 'Jelle', 'Visser', 17, 9.6);
insert into HSstudents values (5, 'Sem', 'Dekker', 17, 8.1);
insert into HSstudents values (6, 'Anna', 'Peters', 18, 6.8);
insert into HSstudents values (7, 'Michelle', 'Hendriks', 19, 8.2);
insert into HSstudents values (8, 'Senna', 'Mulder', 20, 5.9);
insert into HSstudents values (9, 'Sven', 'Linden', 21, 6.0);
insert into HSstudents values (10, 'Ilse', 'Jacobs', 21, 7.5);
insert into HSstudents values (11, 'Harm', 'Schouten', 19, 7.0);
insert into HSstudents values (12, 'Emma', 'Dijkstra', 18, 8.1);
drop table if exists students;
create table students
sID int,
vNAAM text,
aNAAM text,
LT int
insert into students values (1, 'Thomas', 'Jansen', 18);
insert into students values (2, 'Jesse', 'Bakker', 19);
insert into students values (3, 'Tom', 'Smit', 20);
insert into students values (4, 'Jelle', 'Visser', 17);
insert into students values (5, 'Sem', 'Dekker', 17);
insert into students values (6, 'Anna', 'Peters', 18);
insert into students values (7, 'Michelle', 'Hendriks', 19);
insert into students values (8, 'Senna', 'Mulder', 20);
insert into students values (9, 'Sven', 'Linden', 21);
insert into students values (10, 'Ilse', 'Jacobs', 21);
insert into students values (11, 'Harm', 'Schouten', 19);
insert into students values (12, 'Emma', 'Dijkstra', 18);
drop table if exists applications;
create table applications
sID int,
aPROV text,
sPROV text,
taal text
insert into applications values (1, 'Overijssel', 'Drenthe', 'HTML');
insert into applications values (2, 'Gelderland', 'Overijssel', 'CSS');
insert into applications values (3, 'Groningen', 'Flevoland', 'CSS');
insert into applications values (4, 'Overijssel', 'Zuid-Holland', 'SQL');
insert into applications values (5, 'Noord-Holland', 'Drenthe', 'C#');
insert into applications values (6, 'Flevoland', 'Groningen', 'C#');
insert into applications values (7, 'Limburg', 'Groningen', 'JAVA');
insert into applications values (8, 'Limburg', 'Limburg', 'JAVASCRIPT');
insert into applications values (9, 'Drenthe', 'Noord-Brabant', 'CSS');
insert into applications values (10, 'Drenthe', 'Zeeland', 'Python');
insert into applications values (11, 'Zuid-Holland', 'Friesland', 'C++');
insert into applications values (12, 'Zeeland', 'Friesland', 'JAVA');
S.sID, S.vNAAM, S.aNAAM, S.LT, aPROV, sPROV, taal
HSstudents HS, students S, applications A
HSstudents.HSsID = students.sID
This results in an error
Code: 1054. Unknown column 'HSstudents.HSsID' in 'where clause'
How? Shouldn't it just work?
WHERE clause should follow the remane on the FROM clause:
where HS.HSsID = S.sID

SQL Order the rows

This is the following db structure i have, here the issue we are facing to order the rows based on the filed wise.
Field - table hold the field information ed, 2002,2015, Region 1 etc
IndicatorData- hold the row data
datafield - relationship with IndicatorData table... row can have multiple fields
/****** object: table [dbo].[indicatordata] ******/
create table [dbo].[indicatordata](
[id] [bigint] null,
[value] [decimal](18, 2) null,
[hopevalue] [decimal](18, 2) null,
[indicatorid] [int] null,
[datakind] [int] null
) on [primary]
insert [dbo].[indicatordata] ([id], [value], [hopevalue], [indicatorid], [datakind]) values (195045, cast(70.00 as decimal(18, 2)), cast(0.00 as decimal(18, 2)), 2032, 0)
insert [dbo].[indicatordata] ([id], [value], [hopevalue], [indicatorid], [datakind]) values (195046, cast(40.00 as decimal(18, 2)), cast(0.00 as decimal(18, 2)), 2032, 0)
insert [dbo].[indicatordata] ([id], [value], [hopevalue], [indicatorid], [datakind]) values (195047, cast(5.00 as decimal(18, 2)), cast(0.00 as decimal(18, 2)), 2032, 0)
insert [dbo].[indicatordata] ([id], [value], [hopevalue], [indicatorid], [datakind]) values (195048, cast(100.00 as decimal(18, 2)), cast(0.00 as decimal(18, 2)), 2032, 0)
insert [dbo].[indicatordata] ([id], [value], [hopevalue], [indicatorid], [datakind]) values (195049, cast(87.00 as decimal(18, 2)), cast(0.00 as decimal(18, 2)), 2032, 0)
insert [dbo].[indicatordata] ([id], [value], [hopevalue], [indicatorid], [datakind]) values (195050, cast(9.00 as decimal(18, 2)), cast(0.00 as decimal(18, 2)), 2032, 0)
/****** object: table [dbo].[indicator] ******/
create table [dbo].[indicator](
[id] [int] null,
[name] [varchar](50) null
) on [primary]
insert [dbo].[indicator] ([id], [name]) values (2032, n'test tile')
/****** object: table [dbo].[field] ******/
create table [dbo].[field](
[id] [int] null,
[name] [varchar](255) null,
[rank] [int] null,
[parentid] [int] null
) on [primary]
insert [dbo].[field] ([id], [name], [rank], [parentid]) values (120, n'2006', 18, 57)
insert [dbo].[field] ([id], [name], [rank], [parentid]) values (63, n'2015', 17, 57)
insert [dbo].[field] ([id], [name], [rank], [parentid]) values (303, n'2007', 9, 57)
insert [dbo].[field] ([id], [name], [rank], [parentid]) values (168, n'2018', 20, 57)
insert [dbo].[field] ([id], [name], [rank], [parentid]) values (1463, n'region 1', 1, 1459)
insert [dbo].[field] ([id], [name], [rank], [parentid]) values (1461, n'region 2', 3, 1459)
insert [dbo].[field] ([id], [name], [rank], [parentid]) values (57, n'year', 0, 0)
insert [dbo].[field] ([id], [name], [rank], [parentid]) values (1459, n'region', 0, 0)
insert [dbo].[field] ([id], [name], [rank], [parentid]) values (315, n'2002', 1, 57)
insert [dbo].[field] ([id], [name], [rank], [parentid]) values (123, n'2017', 19, 57)
/****** object: table [dbo].[datafields] ******/
set ansi_nulls on
create table [dbo].[datafields](
[dataid] [int] null,
[fieldid] [int] null
) on [primary]
insert [dbo].[datafields] ([dataid], [fieldid]) values (195045, 120)
insert [dbo].[datafields] ([dataid], [fieldid]) values (195045, 1463)
insert [dbo].[datafields] ([dataid], [fieldid]) values (195046, 63)
insert [dbo].[datafields] ([dataid], [fieldid]) values (195046, 1461)
insert [dbo].[datafields] ([dataid], [fieldid]) values (195047, 303)
insert [dbo].[datafields] ([dataid], [fieldid]) values (195047, 1463)
insert [dbo].[datafields] ([dataid], [fieldid]) values (195048, 168)
insert [dbo].[datafields] ([dataid], [fieldid]) values (195048, 1463)
insert [dbo].[datafields] ([dataid], [fieldid]) values (195049, 315)
insert [dbo].[datafields] ([dataid], [fieldid]) values (195049, 1463)
insert [dbo].[datafields] ([dataid], [fieldid]) values (195050, 123)
insert [dbo].[datafields] ([dataid], [fieldid]) values (195050, 1463)
Here is the query that i have tried to archive it. but its fail
select fieldid, groupedData.value as value, groupedData.hopeValue as hopeValue,
groupedData.datakind, groupedData.id as id, FieldSelector.name,
from DataFields FieldsToInsert
join (
select d.id id,min(d.datakind) as datakind, sum(rank) rank, min(value) value, min(hopeValue) hopeValue
from indicatorData d join datafields df on d.id = df.dataid
join field f on df.fieldId=f.id where indicatorId=2032
group by d.id) groupedData on FieldsToInsert.dataid = groupedData.id
join Field FieldSelector on FieldSelector.id=FieldsToInsert.fieldId
order by groupedData.rank asc, groupedData.id
Output we got it is
View Image
Expecting the output is
View image
So the first thought that strikes me is "Is the data correct?" I ask because looking at the years and rank values it suggests that 2006 should maybe be 2016 or the rank for 2006 should be 8 instead of 18.
That aside, and assuming the data is correct, you need to associate the region with the appropriate year. You can do this by getting the parent name for the field record and including the fieldid and then self joining back to get the associated year for that fieldid region record as follows...
WITH GroupedData AS
( SELECT d.id id,
min(d.datakind) AS datakind,
sum(f.rank) rank,
min(d.value) value,
min(d.hopevalue) hopeValue
FROM indicatordata d
JOIN datafields df ON d.id = df.dataid
JOIN field f ON df.fieldid = f.id
WHERE d.indicatorid = 2032
, df_parentType AS
( SELECT df.dataid,
fy.name AS parentname
FROM dbo.datafields AS df
JOIN field AS f ON df.fieldid = f.Id
JOIN field AS fy ON f.parentId = fy.Id
, df_yearregionmatched AS
( SELECT df.dataid,
dfp.name AS yearname,
CASE df.parentname WHEN 'year' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS datafieldtype
FROM df_parentType AS df
JOIN df_parentType AS dfp ON dfp.dataid = df.dataid AND dfp.parentname = 'year'
SELECT GroupedData.id AS fieldid,
GroupedData.value AS value,
GroupedData.hopeValue AS hopeValue,
GroupedData.id AS id,
FROM GroupedData
JOIN df_yearregionmatched FieldSelector ON GroupedData.id = FieldSelector.dataid
ORDER BY FieldSelector.yearname,
I have used CTEs to keep the code uncomplicated. The ordering then is simply by yearname and a generated value to put year before region.
Check another with complex example with one more field...
create table indicator(id int not null,name varchar(255) not null)
insert indicator (id, name) values (1, 'basic employee details')
create table fields(
id int not null,
rank int,
name varchar(255) not null,
parentid int not null)
insert fields (id, rank, name, parentid) values (1, 0, 'year', 0)
insert fields (id, rank, name, parentid) values (2, 1, '2010', 1)
insert fields (id, rank, name, parentid) values (5, 2, '2011', 1)
insert fields (id, rank, name, parentid) values (6, 3, '2012', 1)
insert fields (id, rank, name, parentid) values (7, 4, '2013', 1)
insert fields (id, rank, name, parentid) values (8, 5, '2014', 1)
insert fields (id, rank, name, parentid) values (9, 0, 'nationality', 0)
insert fields (id, rank, name, parentid) values (10, 1, 'libya', 9)
insert fields (id, rank, name, parentid) values (11, 2, 'ukrine', 9)
insert fields (id, rank, name, parentid) values (12, 0, 'gender', 0)
insert fields (id, rank, name, parentid) values (13, 1, 'male', 12)
insert fields (id, rank, name, parentid) values (14, 2, 'fe male', 12)
insert fields (id, rank, name, parentid) values (15, 0, 'maritalstatus', 0)
insert fields (id, rank, name, parentid) values (16, 1, 'married', 15)
insert fields (id, rank, name, parentid) values (17, 2, 'unmarried', 15)
insert fields (id, rank, name, parentid) values (18, 3, 'divorced', 15)
create table indicatorfields(
indicatorid int not null,
fieldid int not null,rank int)
insert indicatorfields (indicatorid, fieldid,rank) values (1, 2,1)
insert indicatorfields (indicatorid, fieldid,rank) values (1, 5,1)
insert indicatorfields (indicatorid, fieldid,rank) values (1, 6,1)
insert indicatorfields (indicatorid, fieldid,rank) values (1, 7,1)
insert indicatorfields (indicatorid, fieldid,rank) values (1, 8,1)
insert indicatorfields (indicatorid, fieldid,rank) values (1, 10,3)
insert indicatorfields (indicatorid, fieldid,rank) values (1, 11,3)
insert indicatorfields (indicatorid, fieldid,rank) values (1, 16,2)
insert indicatorfields (indicatorid, fieldid,rank) values (1, 17,2)
insert indicatorfields (indicatorid, fieldid,rank) values (1, 18,2)
create table indicatordata(
dataid int not null,
value varchar(255) not null,
indicatorid int not null)
insert indicatordata (dataid, value, indicatorid) values (1, '1015', 1)
insert indicatordata (dataid, value, indicatorid) values (2, '15', 1)
insert indicatordata (dataid, value, indicatorid) values (3, '12', 1)
insert indicatordata (dataid, value, indicatorid) values (4, '187', 1)
insert indicatordata (dataid, value, indicatorid) values (5, '50', 1)
insert indicatordata (dataid, value, indicatorid) values (6, '65', 1)
create table datafields(
dataid int not null,
fieldid int not null)
insert datafields (dataid, fieldid) values (1, 8)
insert datafields (dataid, fieldid) values (1, 10)
insert datafields (dataid, fieldid) values (1, 16)
insert datafields (dataid, fieldid) values (2, 6)
insert datafields (dataid, fieldid) values (2, 11)
insert datafields (dataid, fieldid) values (2, 17)
insert datafields (dataid, fieldid) values (3, 7)
insert datafields (dataid, fieldid) values (3, 11)
insert datafields (dataid, fieldid) values (3, 17)
insert datafields (dataid, fieldid) values (4, 2)
insert datafields (dataid, fieldid) values (4, 11)
insert datafields (dataid, fieldid) values (4, 16)
insert datafields (dataid, fieldid) values (5, 8)
insert datafields (dataid, fieldid) values (5, 10)
insert datafields (dataid, fieldid) values (5, 18)
insert datafields (dataid, fieldid) values (6, 2)
insert datafields (dataid, fieldid) values (6, 10)
insert datafields (dataid, fieldid) values (6, 16)
We need to get rows based on the indicatorfield & fields table order by rank
See the attached image for
Actual Output
This is wat i am looking for
Expected OutPut
#Prasad, solution without reference to any hardcoded data value...
WITH GroupedData AS
( SELECT d.dataid id,
--min(d.datakind) AS datakind,
sum(f.rank) rank,
min(d.value) value --,
--min(d.hopevalue) hopeValue
FROM indicatordata d
JOIN datafields df ON d.dataid = df.dataid
JOIN fields f ON df.fieldid = f.id
WHERE d.indicatorid = 1
GROUP BY d.dataid
, df_parentType AS
( SELECT df.dataid,
fy.name AS parentname
FROM dbo.datafields AS df
JOIN fields AS f ON df.fieldid = f.Id
JOIN fields AS fy ON f.parentId = fy.Id
, df_parentmatched AS
( SELECT df.dataid,
dfp.name AS parentname
FROM df_parentType AS df
JOIN df_parentType AS dfp ON dfp.dataid = df.dataid AND dfp.parentname = (SELECT DISTINCT parentname FROM df_parentType WHERE parentid = (SELECT min(dataid) FROM df_parentType))
SELECT GroupedData.id AS datadid,
GroupedData.value AS value,
--GroupedData.hopeValue AS hopeValue,
FROM GroupedData
JOIN df_parentmatched FieldSelector ON GroupedData.id = FieldSelector.dataid
ORDER BY FieldSelector.parentname,
The one you provide is fine... With this complex example... expected order is not coming in the correct way
Here is another complex example without the year
insert indicator (id, name) values (2, 'testing employee details 2')
insert indicatorfields (indicatorid, fieldid,rank) values (2, 10,3)
insert indicatorfields (indicatorid, fieldid,rank) values (2, 11,3)
insert indicatorfields (indicatorid, fieldid,rank) values (2, 13,1)
insert indicatorfields (indicatorid, fieldid,rank) values (2, 14,1)
insert indicatorfields (indicatorid, fieldid,rank) values (2, 16,2)
insert indicatorfields (indicatorid, fieldid,rank) values (2, 17,2)
insert indicatorfields (indicatorid, fieldid,rank) values (2, 18,2)
insert indicatordata (dataid, value, indicatorid) values (7, '1015', 2)
insert indicatordata (dataid, value, indicatorid) values (8, '15', 2)
insert indicatordata (dataid, value, indicatorid) values (9, '12', 2)
insert indicatordata (dataid, value, indicatorid) values (10, '187', 2)
insert indicatordata (dataid, value, indicatorid) values (11, '50', 2)
insert datafields (dataid, fieldid) values (7, 11)
insert datafields (dataid, fieldid) values (7, 13)
insert datafields (dataid, fieldid) values (7, 16)
insert datafields (dataid, fieldid) values (8, 10)
insert datafields (dataid, fieldid) values (8, 13)
insert datafields (dataid, fieldid) values (8, 17)
insert datafields (dataid, fieldid) values (9, 10)
insert datafields (dataid, fieldid) values (9, 14)
insert datafields (dataid, fieldid) values (9, 18)
insert datafields (dataid, fieldid) values (10, 11)
insert datafields (dataid, fieldid) values (10, 13)
insert datafields (dataid, fieldid) values (10, 16)
insert datafields (dataid, fieldid) values (11, 10)
insert datafields (dataid, fieldid) values (11, 14)
insert datafields (dataid, fieldid) values (11, 16)
**Acutal Output we got is **
select a.dataid,value,df.fieldid,name from indicatordata a INNER JOIN datafields df on a.dataid=df.dataid
INNER JOIN fields f ON df.fieldid=f.id INNER JOIN indicatorfields indFields ON indFields.fieldid=df.fieldid
where a.indicatorid=2 and indFields.indicatorid=2 order by a.dataid
We need to order the fields based on the indicatorfield & field table
Expected Output should be like this

sql join joining 3 tables

bit of a strange one this one...
Someone wrote a sql that in my mind shouldn't work, but it does and it also returns the correct results. I've written a simplified example, but I think it shows the point.
drop table #client;
drop table #transactions;
drop table #history;
create table #client (
clientId int,
name varchar(50)
create table #transactions (
transid int,
clientId int,
Amount int
create table #history (
transid int,
Amount int
insert into #client values (1, 'User 1');
insert into #client values (2, 'User 2');
insert into #client values (3, 'User 3');
insert into #transactions values (1, 1, 50);
insert into #transactions values (2, 1, 35);
insert into #transactions values (3, 1, 25);
insert into #transactions values (4, 2, 10);
insert into #transactions values (5, 2, 50);
insert into #transactions values (6, 1, 35);
insert into #transactions values (7, 3, 25);
insert into #transactions values (8, 3, 10);
insert into #history values (1, 50);
insert into #history values (2, 35);
insert into #history values (3, 25);
insert into #history values (4, 10);
insert into #history values (5, 50);
insert into #history values (6, 35);
insert into #history values (7, 25);
insert into #history values (8, 10);
select * from #history
join #transactions on #history.transid = #transactions.transid
join #client on #transactions.clientId = #client.clientId and #history.transid = #transactions.transid
The last join joins 3 tables together in one join, which shouldn't work from what I know of writing SQL. Am I wrong (which may very well be the case)
Why would you think it shouldn't work?
The last bit of the query is pointless though, and you can take it out. It's a simple join on 3 tables:
select * from #history
join #transactions on #history.transid = #transactions.transid
join #client on #transactions.clientId = #client.clientId