Can I improve this query for use in large tables? - sql
How can I improve this query for use in large tables....?
I use a table ('DataValues') to store a collection of values ('Value') for collections ('Visit_id') ie it records certain values for each visit.
I use a table ('MatchItems') to store dynamic match sets 'MatchSet' of values ('Value'), sets can contain any number of values. The table also has a IsNeg field to indicate if the match should require a value to be not present in the visit collection.
This allows me to dynamically match visits that conform to certain criteria such as
Must contain values A, B and C and NOT D OR C and B AND NOT A.
ie (Value = A and Value = B and Value = C and Value /= D)
or (Value = C and Value = B and Value /= A)
I have a query that delivers a reasonable solution fiddle:
Visit_id Number(5) ,
Value varchar(5)
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (1, 1, 'M');
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (2, 1, 'I');
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (3, 1, 'C');
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (4, 1, 'K');
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (5, 1, 'E');
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (6, 1, 'Y');
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (7, 2, 'M');
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (8, 2, 'O');
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (9, 2, 'U');
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (10, 2, 'S');
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (11, 2, 'E');
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (12, 3, 'C');
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (13, 3, 'A');
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (14, 3, 'T');
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (15, 4, 'S');
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (16, 4, 'A');
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (17, 4, 'T');
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (18, 5, 'M');
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (19, 5, 'A');
INSERT INTO DataValues VALUES (20, 5, 'T');
MatchSet Number(5),
Value VARCHAR(5),
IsNeg NUMBER(1) NOT NULL CHECK (IsNeg in (0,1))
INSERT INTO MatchItems VALUES (1, 1, 'M', 0);
INSERT INTO MatchItems VALUES (2, 1, 'I', 0);
INSERT INTO MatchItems VALUES (3, 1, 'C', 0);
INSERT INTO MatchItems VALUES (4, 1, 'K', 0);
INSERT INTO MatchItems VALUES (5, 1, 'E', 0);
INSERT INTO MatchItems VALUES (6, 1, 'Y', 0);
INSERT INTO MatchItems VALUES (7, 2, 'C', 0);
INSERT INTO MatchItems VALUES (8, 2, 'A', 0);
INSERT INTO MatchItems VALUES (9, 3, 'A', 0);
INSERT INTO MatchItems VALUES (10, 3, 'T', 0);
INSERT INTO MatchItems VALUES (11, 4, 'S', 1);
INSERT INTO MatchItems VALUES (12, 4, 'A', 0);
INSERT INTO MatchItems VALUES (13, 4, 'K', 1);
INSERT INTO MatchItems VALUES (14, 5, 'A', 0);
INSERT INTO MatchItems VALUES (15, 5, 'T', 0);
GpMatchItems.Count TgtCount,
FROM DataValues
LEFT JOIN MatchItems ON MatchItems.Value = DataValues.Value
--AND MatchItems.MatchSet = 4
count(*) Count
FROM MatchItems
MatchItems.IsNeg = 0
MatchItems.MatchSet) GpMatchItems ON GpMatchItems.MatchSet = MatchItems.MatchSet
Count(MatchItems.Id) = GpMatchItems.Count
AND sum(MatchItems.IsNeg) = 0
How can I improve the performance of this query where the DataValues table contains 100m records, and MatchItems may include a collection of 50 sets each of 2 - 20 values?
You can try this version using Analytic functions and see if it performs any better. This query removes the subquery GpMatchItems that you are joining with.
FROM (SELECT MatchItems.MatchSet,
OVER (PARTITION BY MatchItems.MatchSet)
AS tgtcount,
COUNT (*) OVER (PARTITION BY MatchItems.MatchSet, DataValues.Visit_id)
AS match_visit_count,
SUM (MatchItems.IsNeg) OVER (PARTITION BY MatchItems.MatchSet, DataValues.Visit_id)
AS isneg_sum
FROM DataValues LEFT JOIN MatchItems ON MatchItems.VALUE = DataValues.VALUE)
WHERE tgtcount = match_visit_count AND isneg_sum = 0;
I have adjusted EJ's suggestion to include a LEFT JOIN to collect the tgtCount to identify the total number of good matches required in each MatchSet:
GpMatchItems.count tgtCount
COUNT (*) OVER (PARTITION BY MatchItems.MatchSet, DataValues.Visit_id)
AS match_visit_count,
SUM (MatchItems.IsNeg) OVER (PARTITION BY MatchItems.MatchSet, DataValues.Visit_id)
AS isneg_sum
FROM DataValues
LEFT JOIN MatchItems ON MatchItems.VALUE = DataValues.VALUE)
count(*) Count
FROM MatchItems
WHERE MatchItems.IsNeg = 0
MatchItems.MatchSet) GpMatchItems
ON GpMatchItems.MatchSet = MatchItems.MatchSet
tgtcount = match_visit_count
AND isneg_sum = 0;
Group table results with information from another
I'm trying to perform a query that returns an aggregation of values from the same table with information from others through a foreign key, but I can't. In the example below, I wanted to return the total sales by state on 2020-01-01 and 2021-01-01, showing the name of the state. Tables script: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS estado ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, estado VARCHAR(100) ) CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS municipio ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, estado integer REFERENCES estado(id), municipio VARCHAR(100) ) CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS vendas ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, municipio integer REFERENCES municipio(id), valor numeric, data_venda date ) INSERT INTO estado VALUES (1, 'PR'); INSERT INTO estado VALUES (2, 'SC'); INSERT INTO estado VALUES (3, 'RS'); INSERT INTO municipio VALUES (1, 1, 'Pelotas'); INSERT INTO municipio VALUES (2, 1, 'Caxias do Sul'); INSERT INTO municipio VALUES (3, 1, 'Porto Alegre'); INSERT INTO municipio VALUES (4, 2, 'Florianopolis'); INSERT INTO municipio VALUES (5, 2, 'Chapeco'); INSERT INTO municipio VALUES (6, 2, 'Itajai'); INSERT INTO municipio VALUES (7, 3, 'Curitiba'); INSERT INTO municipio VALUES (8, 3, 'Maringa'); INSERT INTO municipio VALUES (9, 3, 'Foz do Iguaçu'); INSERT INTO vendas VALUES (1, 6, 5, '2020-01-01'); INSERT INTO vendas VALUES (2, 5, 10, '2021-01-01'); INSERT INTO vendas VALUES (3, 5, 5, '2020-01-01'); INSERT INTO vendas VALUES (4, 4, 2, '2020-01-01'); INSERT INTO vendas VALUES (5, 3, 10, '2021-01-01'); INSERT INTO vendas VALUES (6, 3, 12, '2020-01-01'); INSERT INTO vendas VALUES (7, 3, 20, '2020-01-01'); INSERT INTO vendas VALUES (8, 2, 10, '2020-01-01'); INSERT INTO vendas VALUES (9, 1, 11, '2021-01-01'); INSERT INTO vendas VALUES (10, 9, 4, '2020-01-01'); My attempt (absurd values and the RS ones do not appear): SELECT e.estado, SUM(v.valor) as sum2021, SUM(v2.valor) as sum2020 FROM vendas v CROSS JOIN vendas v2 INNER JOIN municipio m ON v.municipio = INNER JOIN estado e ON m.estado = WHERE v.data_venda = '2021-01-01' AND v2.data_venda = '2020-01-01' GROUP BY 1; Translating some terms: município = city estado = state vendas = sales valor = value data_venda = date of sale
You're cross joining vendas with itself (as v1 and v2), meaning that each row from it will be matched with each other row (i.e., a Cartesian product), which creates the unexpected results you're seeing. The good news is that you don't need this join. You can use an aggregate function (sum in this case) on a subset of the rows from the query using the filter clause: SELECT e.estado, SUM(v.valor) FILTER (WHERE data_venda = '2021-01-01') AS sum2021, SUM(v.valor) FILTER (WHERE data_venda = '2020-01-01') AS sum2020 FROM vendas v INNER JOIN municipio m ON v.municipio = INNER JOIN estado e ON m.estado = GROUP BY e.estado; SQLFiddle demo
summing by rows sql
I attempted to do it using the analytical function, but it appears that I did so improperly... How can I receive the output from the table I've been given? CREATE TABLE rides ( ride_id INT, driver_id INT, ride_in_kms INT, ride_fare FLOAT, ride_date DATE ); INSERT INTO rides VALUES (1, 1, 3, 4.45, "2016-05-16"); INSERT INTO rides VALUES (2, 1, 4, 8.46, "2016-05-16"); INSERT INTO rides VALUES (3, 2, 6, 11.9, "2016-05-16"); INSERT INTO rides VALUES (4, 3, 3, 6.76, "2016-05-16"); INSERT INTO rides VALUES (5, 2, 6, 13.55, "2016-05-16"); INSERT INTO rides VALUES (6, 4, 3, 4.91, "2016-05-20"); INSERT INTO rides VALUES (7, 1, 7, 16.77, "2016-05-20"); INSERT INTO rides VALUES (8, 3, 9, 16.18, "2016-05-20"); INSERT INTO rides VALUES (9, 2, 3, 6.07, "2016-05-20"); INSERT INTO rides VALUES (10, 4, 4, 6.25, "2016-05-20"); Output result Thanks in advance
The general gist is to use an expression within the sum() to operate on the correct rows: select driver_id, sum(case when ride_date = "2016-05-16" then ride_in_kms else 0 end) `KMS_MAY_16`, sum(case when ride_date = "2016-05-20" then ride_in_kms else 0 end) `KMS_MAY_20` from group by driver_id; The particular syntax available, and how to express the column label depends on what database you are using.
Retrieving consecutive rows (and the counts) with the same values
I've got a table with almost 10 million views and would to run this query on the latest million or hundred thousand or so. Here's a SQL fiddle with example data and input/output:!9/340a41 Is this even possible? CREATE TABLE object (`id` int, `name` varchar(7), `value` int); INSERT INTO object (`id`, `name`, `value`) VALUES (1, 'a', 1), (2, 'b', 2), (3, 'c', 100), (4, 'a', 1), (5, 'b', 2), (6, 'c', 200), (7, 'a', 2), (8, 'b', 2), (9, 'c', 300), (10, 'a', 2), (11, 'b', 2), (12, 'a', 2), (13, 'b', 2), (14, 'c', 400) ; -- Want: -- name, max(id), count(id) -- 'a', 4, 2 -- 'b', 14, 5 -- 'a', 12, 3
If you want the latest and the id is implemented sequentially, then you can do this using limit or top. In SQL Server: select top 100000 o.* from object o order by id desc; In MySQL, you would use limit: select o.* from object o order by id desc limit 100000
select name, count(id) cnt, max(id) max_id, max(value) max_v from (select top 1000000 -- MS SQL Server id,name,value from myTable limit 1000000 --mySQL order by id desc) group by name remove line which doesn't match your server.
SQL Query count
HI there I have this table, Recipe = (idR, recipeTitle, prepText, cuisineType, mealType) Ingredient = (idI, ingrDesc) RecipIngr = (idR*, idI*) and I'm trying to query a list for ingrDesc with a count of how many recipies that ingrDesc is in. I want to list only those ingrDesc that occur more than 10 times. Here's what I have: SELECT a.idI, a.recipeTitle FROM Recipe a INNER JOIN recpingr b ON a.idr = b.idr WHERE a.preptext = '>10' Any help as I don't know how to carry on with this query
Use GROUP BY with HAVING: SELECT i.idI, i.ingrDesc, COUNT(*) FROM Ingredient i INNER JOIN RecipIngr ri ON i.idI = ri.idI GROUP BY i.idI, i.ingrDesc HAVING COUNT(*) > 10
You need to use a group by clause and having. I have created a quick sample here but my sample data does not go up to 10 so I used any ingredient that was used more than once (> 1). Here is the sample data: create table dbo.recipe ( idR int not null, recipeTitle varchar(100) not null, prepText varchar(4000) null, cuisineType varchar(100) null, mealType varchar(100) null ) go insert into dbo.recipe values (1, 'Eggs and Bacon', 'Prep Text 1', 'American', 'Breakfast') insert into dbo.recipe values (2, 'Turkey Sandwich', 'Prep Text 2', 'American', 'Lunch') insert into dbo.recipe values (3, 'Roast Beef Sandwich', 'Prep Text 3', 'American', 'Lunch') go create table dbo.ingredient ( idI int not null, ingrDesc varchar(200) not null ) go insert into dbo.ingredient values (1, 'Large Egg') insert into dbo.ingredient values (2, 'Bacon'); insert into dbo.ingredient values (3, 'Butter'); insert into dbo.ingredient values (4, 'Sliced Turkey'); insert into dbo.ingredient values (5, 'Lettuce'); insert into dbo.ingredient values (6, 'Tomato'); insert into dbo.ingredient values (7, 'Onion'); insert into dbo.ingredient values (8, 'Bread'); insert into dbo.ingredient values (9, 'Mustard'); insert into dbo.ingredient values (10, 'Horseradish'); insert into dbo.ingredient values (11, 'Sliced Roast Beef'); go create table dbo.recipingr( idR int not null, idI int not null ) go insert into dbo.recipingr values (1, 1); insert into dbo.recipingr values (1, 2); insert into dbo.recipingr values (2, 4); insert into dbo.recipingr values (2, 5); insert into dbo.recipingr values (2, 6); insert into dbo.recipingr values (2, 7); insert into dbo.recipingr values (2, 8); insert into dbo.recipingr values (2, 9); insert into dbo.recipingr values (3, 11); insert into dbo.recipingr values (3, 10); insert into dbo.recipingr values (3, 8); insert into dbo.recipingr values (3, 6); insert into dbo.recipingr values (3, 5); go Here is the query: select i.ingrDesc, count(*) ingrCount from dbo.recipe r inner join dbo.recipingr ri on ri.idR = r.idR inner join dbo.ingredient i on i.idI = ri.idI group by i.ingrDesc having count(*) > 1
TSQL Cascade / Waterfall value from current row into the next [closed]
It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center. Closed 10 years ago. My earlier edits were a little muddled. Hopefully this clears it up ... TL/DR -- just copy and execute the two script blocks and it will become apparent. I have a question on cascading data. Essentially I am trying to move data down in a waterfall effect according to some predefined conditions (below). I've solved 15 of the 18 scenarios and I help with the remaining 3, scenario's with GID's 9, 10 and 18. For a bit of perspective, in the system I'm working on data is continually imported into the system. The data is sparse, and I'm working to reconstitute a full set of data to complete the import process. I have little control over the shape of the data in the system, or that is provided to me:-/ Ultimately the question is: how do I satisfy the 5 cascading rules below, or alternately, how do I solve for test case #18 I've provided in the script below? The Cascade Rules In this simplified scenario the 'rules' for cascading are as follows: Data will be cascaded only within the same group (GID) A group of data will be ordered starting at 1 (Seq) IsLive column will be either 1 or 0 If IsLive = 1 then move data down the rows until you encounter another IsLive = 1 or IsLive = 0 which has a non-null value If IsLive = 0 then move data down the rows until you hit another IsLive = 0 with a value. Note: My script is a simplified example, but in the full scenario there are N columns on which I need to cascade. Solution Notes If you run the SQL below you will see 3 columns, Input, Output - result of the CTE, Expected - the expected result and Result - Pass/Fail. I have included a script that both creates sample tables and illustrates test cases simply by executing. The test cases script below has sample data The test case script has a column I appended for the correct expected value. (Look for GID=18 in the INSERT script.) I hope someone can help, if not I might have to resort to a SQL CLR SP solution. Also, I'm not tied to this solution, you may also completely discard my solution and come up with something new. Test Case DECLARE #Test TABLE (GID int, Seq int, IsLive bit, Eff date, Name varchar(50), Expected varchar(50)) -- expected val should help debug! INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (1, 1, 1, '01-08-2012', 'RTS', 'RTS') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (1, 2, 0, '01-09-2012', 'RTA', 'RTA') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (1, 3, 1, '01-10-2012', 'FSA', 'RTA') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (1, 4, 0, '01-11-2012', NULL, 'RTA') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (1, 5, 1, '01-12-2012', 'FSA', 'RTA') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (2, 1, 1, '01-08-2012', 'RTS', 'RTS') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (2, 2, 0, '01-09-2012', 'RTA', 'RTA') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (2, 3, 1, '01-10-2012', 'FSA', 'RTA') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (2, 4, 0, '01-11-2012', 'GSM', 'GSM') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (2, 5, 1, '01-12-2012', 'FSA', 'GSM') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (3, 1, 1, '01-01-2012', 'FSA', 'FSA') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (3, 2, 0, '01-02-2012', NULL, 'FSA') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (4, 1, 1, '01-01-2012', NULL, NULL) INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (4, 2, 0, '01-02-2012', 'FSA', 'FSA') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (4, 3, 0, '01-03-2012', NULL, 'FSA') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (5, 1, 0, '01-01-2012', NULL, NULL) INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (5, 2, 1, '01-02-2012', 'LSI', 'LSI') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (5, 3, 0, '01-03-2012', NULL, 'LSI') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (6, 1, 1, '01-01-2012', NULL, NULL) INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (6, 2, 0, '01-02-2012', 'LSI', 'LSI') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (6, 3, 1, '01-03-2012', NULL, 'LSI') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (7, 1, 1, '01-01-2012', 'FSA', 'FSA') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (7, 2, 0, '01-02-2012', NULL, 'FSA') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (7, 3, 1, '01-03-2012', 'RTA', 'RTA') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (8, 1, 1, '01-01-2012', 'FSA', 'FSA') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (8, 2, 0, '01-02-2012', NULL, 'FSA') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (8, 3, 1, '01-03-2012', NULL, NULL) INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (9, 1, 1, '01-01-2012', 'FSA', 'FSA') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (9, 2, 1, '01-02-2012', NULL, NULL) INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (9, 3, 1, '01-03-2012', 'RTS', 'RTS') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (10, 1, 1, '01-01-2012', 'FSA','FSA') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (10, 2, 1, '01-02-2012', 'GSM','GSM') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (10, 3, 1, '01-03-2012', 'RTS','RTS') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (11, 1, 0, '01-01-2012', 'NOP','NOP') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (11, 2, 1, '01-02-2012', 'TAP','NOP') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (11, 3, 1, '01-03-2012', 'STG','NOP') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (12, 1, 1, '01-01-2012', 'RTS','RTS') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (12, 2, 0, '01-02-2012', 'RTM','RTM') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (12, 3, 1, '01-03-2012', 'LSA','RTM') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (12, 4, 1, '01-03-2012', 'LSA','RTM') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (12, 5, 1, '01-03-2012', 'GSM','RTM') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (13, 1, 1, '01-08-2012', 'BAR','BAR') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (13, 2, 0, '01-09-2012', NULL, 'BAR') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (13, 3, 1, '01-10-2012', 'TST','TST') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (14, 1, 1, '01-08-2012', 'BAR','BAR') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (14, 2, 0, '01-09-2012', 'GIP','GIP') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (14, 3, 1, '01-10-2012', 'TST','GIP') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (15, 1, 1, '01-01-2012', 'BAR','BAR') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (15, 2, 0, '01-02-2012', 'BAR','BAR') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (15, 3, 1, '01-02-2012', 'BAR','BAR') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (15, 4, 1, '01-02-2012', 'GYM','BAR') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (16, 1, 1, '01-02-2012', 'BAR','BAR') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (16, 2, 0, '01-03-2012', NULL, 'BAR') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (16, 3, 1, '01-03-2012', 'BAR','BAR') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (16, 4, 1, '01-03-2012', 'GYM','GYM') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (17, 1, 1, '01-02-2012', 'BAR', 'BAR') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (17, 2, 0, '01-03-2012', 'GIP', 'GIP') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (17, 3, 0, '01-03-2012', NULL, 'GIP') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (17, 4, 1, '01-03-2012', 'TST', 'GIP') -- ------------------------------------------- -- Following is the GID=18 test case that fails -- ------------------------------------------- INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (18, 1, 1, '01-02-2012', 'BAR', 'BAR') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (18, 2, 0, '01-03-2012', 'BAR', 'BAR') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (18, 3, 0, '01-03-2012', NULL, 'BAR') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (18, 4, 1, '01-03-2012', 'TST', 'BAR') Solution DECLARE #PrevNonLiveSeq int = NULL ;WITH CTE AS ( SELECT T.GID, T.SEQ, T.IsLive, Expected , Name AS Name , CASE WHEN T.IsLive = 0 THEN T.SEQ ELSE NULL END As PrevNonLiveSeq , CASE WHEN T.IsLive = 1 THEN T.SEQ ELSE NULL END As PrevLiveSeq , NULL AS PerNonLiveSeqCalc , NULL AS PerLiveSeqCalc , 0 PrevSeq , CAST(NULL AS varchar(50)) PrevName FROM #Test T WHERE T.Seq = 1 UNION ALL SELECT Curr.GID, Curr.SEQ, Curr.IsLive, Curr.Expected ,CASE WHEN Curr.IsLive = 0 THEN ISNULL(Curr.Name, Prev.Name) ELSE CASE WHEN PrevNonLive.Name IS NULL THEN CASE WHEN Prev.Name <> PrevLive.Name THEN Prev.Name ELSE Curr.Name END ELSE Prev.Name END END ,CASE WHEN Curr.IsLive = 0 THEN Curr.SEQ ELSE Prev.PrevNonLiveSeq END As PrevNonLiveSeq ,CASE WHEN Curr.IsLive = 1 THEN Curr.SEQ ELSE Prev.PrevLiveSeq END As PrevLiveSeq , ISNULL(Prev.PrevNonLiveSeq, Curr.SEQ) AS PerNonLiveSeqCalc , ISNULL(Prev.PrevLiveSeq, Curr.SEQ) AS PerLiveSeqCalc , Prev.Seq PrevSeq, Prev.Name PrevName FROM CTE Prev JOIN #Test Curr ON Curr.GID = Prev.GID AND Curr.SEQ = Prev.SEQ+1 JOIN #Test PrevNonLive ON Prev.GID = PrevNonLive.GID AND PrevNonLive.SEQ = ISNULL(Prev.PrevNonLiveSeq, Curr.SEQ) JOIN #Test PrevLive ON Prev.GID = PrevLive.GID AND PrevLive.SEQ = ISNULL(Prev.PrevLiveSeq, Curr.SEQ) ) SELECT CTE.GID, CTE.Seq, T.IsLive , T.Name Input, CTE.Name [Output] , CASE WHEN CTE.Name = CTE.Expected OR (CTE.Name IS NULL AND CTE.Expected IS NULL) THEN 'Pass' ELSE 'FAIL' END AS Result , CTE.Expected FROM CTE INNER JOIN #Test T on CTE.GID = T.GID AND CTE.Seq = T.Seq ORDER BY CTE.GID, CTE.Seq Results For results please copy and run in SSMS Thanks!
This should work and does not require the recursive CTE. You would just need to do the COALESCE for each of the actual fields you wanted to "cascade". SELECT crrnt.*, COALESCE(cscd.Name, crrnt.Name) AS [Output] FROM #Test crrnt OUTER APPLY ( SELECT TOP 1 * FROM #Test prir WHERE prir.GID = crrnt.GID AND prir.Seq < crrnt.Seq AND ( ( crrnt.IsLive = 1 AND prir.IsLive = 0 AND prir.Name IS NOT NULL ) OR ( crrnt.IsLive = 0 AND crrnt.Name IS NULL AND ( ( prir.IsLive = 0 AND prir.Name IS NOT NULL ) OR ( prir.IsLive = 1 AND NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM #Test confirm WHERE confirm.GID = prir.GID AND confirm.Seq < prir.Seq AND confirm.IsLive = 0 AND confirm.Name IS NOT NULL ) ) ) ) ) ORDER BY prir.Seq DESC ) cscd Edit: It is generally a good idea to test the performance of your queries so the following is just that. The test consists of: 1. Start with originally posted query and sample data 2. Change Temp Variable to Temp Table (query will end up hitting real User Table) 3. Create Clustered Index on Temp Table, being: GID, Seq. 4. Duplicate the data, but with higher GID values (turn 18 rows into 6,300,063 rows) 5. Ensure equal environment with DBCC FREEPROCCACAHE and DBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS 6. Use STATISTICS IO and STATISTICS TIME SET NOCOUNT ON -- DROP TABLE #Test IF (OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#Test') IS NULL) BEGIN CREATE TABLE #Test (GID INT NOT NULL, Seq INT NOT NULL, IsLive BIT NOT NULL, Eff date, Name varchar(50), Expected varchar(50), -- expected val should help debug! PRIMARY KEY(GID, Seq) ) INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (1, 1, 1, '01-08-2012', 'RTS', 'RTS') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (1, 2, 0, '01-09-2012', 'RTA', 'RTA') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (1, 3, 1, '01-10-2012', 'FSA', 'RTA') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (1, 4, 0, '01-11-2012', NULL, 'RTA') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (1, 5, 1, '01-12-2012', 'FSA', 'RTA') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (2, 1, 1, '01-08-2012', 'RTS', 'RTS') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (2, 2, 0, '01-09-2012', 'RTA', 'RTA') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (2, 3, 1, '01-10-2012', 'FSA', 'RTA') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (2, 4, 0, '01-11-2012', 'GSM', 'GSM') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (2, 5, 1, '01-12-2012', 'FSA', 'GSM') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (3, 1, 1, '01-01-2012', 'FSA', 'FSA') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (3, 2, 0, '01-02-2012', NULL, 'FSA') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (4, 1, 1, '01-01-2012', NULL, NULL) INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (4, 2, 0, '01-02-2012', 'FSA', 'FSA') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (4, 3, 0, '01-03-2012', NULL, 'FSA') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (5, 1, 0, '01-01-2012', NULL, NULL) INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (5, 2, 1, '01-02-2012', 'LSI', 'LSI') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (5, 3, 0, '01-03-2012', NULL, 'LSI') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (6, 1, 1, '01-01-2012', NULL, NULL) INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (6, 2, 0, '01-02-2012', 'LSI', 'LSI') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (6, 3, 1, '01-03-2012', NULL, 'LSI') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (7, 1, 1, '01-01-2012', 'FSA', 'FSA') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (7, 2, 0, '01-02-2012', NULL, 'FSA') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (7, 3, 1, '01-03-2012', 'RTA', 'RTA') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (8, 1, 1, '01-01-2012', 'FSA', 'FSA') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (8, 2, 0, '01-02-2012', NULL, 'FSA') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (8, 3, 1, '01-03-2012', NULL, NULL) INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (9, 1, 1, '01-01-2012', 'FSA', 'FSA') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (9, 2, 1, '01-02-2012', NULL, NULL) INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (9, 3, 1, '01-03-2012', 'RTS', 'RTS') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (10, 1, 1, '01-01-2012', 'FSA','FSA') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (10, 2, 1, '01-02-2012', 'GSM','GSM') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (10, 3, 1, '01-03-2012', 'RTS','RTS') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (11, 1, 0, '01-01-2012', 'NOP','NOP') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (11, 2, 1, '01-02-2012', 'TAP','NOP') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (11, 3, 1, '01-03-2012', 'STG','NOP') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (12, 1, 1, '01-01-2012', 'RTS','RTS') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (12, 2, 0, '01-02-2012', 'RTM','RTM') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (12, 3, 1, '01-03-2012', 'LSA','RTM') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (12, 4, 1, '01-03-2012', 'LSA','RTM') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (12, 5, 1, '01-03-2012', 'GSM','RTM') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (13, 1, 1, '01-08-2012', 'BAR','BAR') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (13, 2, 0, '01-09-2012', NULL, 'BAR') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (13, 3, 1, '01-10-2012', 'TST','TST') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (14, 1, 1, '01-08-2012', 'BAR','BAR') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (14, 2, 0, '01-09-2012', 'GIP','GIP') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (14, 3, 1, '01-10-2012', 'TST','GIP') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (15, 1, 1, '01-01-2012', 'BAR','BAR') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (15, 2, 0, '01-02-2012', 'BAR','BAR') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (15, 3, 1, '01-02-2012', 'BAR','BAR') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (15, 4, 1, '01-02-2012', 'GYM','BAR') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (16, 1, 1, '01-02-2012', 'BAR','BAR') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (16, 2, 0, '01-03-2012', NULL, 'BAR') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (16, 3, 1, '01-03-2012', 'BAR','BAR') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (16, 4, 1, '01-03-2012', 'GYM','GYM') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (17, 1, 1, '01-02-2012', 'BAR', 'BAR') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (17, 2, 0, '01-03-2012', 'GIP', 'GIP') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (17, 3, 0, '01-03-2012', NULL, 'GIP') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (17, 4, 1, '01-03-2012', 'TST', 'GIP') -- ------------------------------------------- -- Following is the GID=18 test case that fails -- ------------------------------------------- INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (18, 1, 1, '01-02-2012', 'BAR', 'BAR') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (18, 2, 0, '01-03-2012', 'BAR', 'BAR') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (18, 3, 0, '01-03-2012', NULL, 'BAR') INSERT INTO #Test VALUES (18, 4, 1, '01-03-2012', 'TST', 'BAR') CHECKPOINT INSERT INTO #Test (GID, Seq, IsLive, Eff, Name, Expected) SELECT tmp.GID + (multiplier.Num * 20) AS [GID], tmp.Seq, tmp.IsLive, tmp.Eff, tmp.Name, tmp.Expected FROM #Test tmp CROSS JOIN ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT NULL)) AS [Num] FROM master.sys.objects so1 CROSS JOIN master.sys.objects so2 CROSS JOIN master.sys.objects so3 ) multiplier WHERE multiplier.Num <= 100000 CHECKPOINT SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #Test ALTER INDEX ALL ON #Test REBUILD -- SELECT TOP 1000 * FROM #Test ORDER BY GID, Seq END /* IF (OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#Test') IS NULL) */ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DBCC FREEPROCCACHE WITH NO_INFOMSGS DBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS WITH NO_INFOMSGS PRINT '-- Original solution (Recursive CTE):' PRINT '' SET STATISTICS IO ON SET STATISTICS TIME ON ;WITH CTE AS ( SELECT T.GID, T.SEQ, T.IsLive, Expected , Name AS Name , CASE WHEN T.IsLive = 0 THEN T.SEQ ELSE NULL END As PrevNonLiveSeq , CASE WHEN T.IsLive = 1 THEN T.SEQ ELSE NULL END As PrevLiveSeq , NULL AS PerNonLiveSeqCalc , NULL AS PerLiveSeqCalc , 0 PrevSeq , CAST(NULL AS varchar(50)) PrevName FROM #Test T WHERE T.Seq = 1 UNION ALL SELECT Curr.GID, Curr.SEQ, Curr.IsLive, Curr.Expected ,CASE WHEN Curr.IsLive = 0 THEN ISNULL(Curr.Name, Prev.Name) ELSE CASE WHEN PrevNonLive.Name IS NULL THEN CASE WHEN Prev.Name <> PrevLive.Name THEN Prev.Name ELSE Curr.Name END ELSE Prev.Name END END ,CASE WHEN Curr.IsLive = 0 THEN Curr.SEQ ELSE Prev.PrevNonLiveSeq END As PrevNonLiveSeq ,CASE WHEN Curr.IsLive = 1 THEN Curr.SEQ ELSE Prev.PrevLiveSeq END As PrevLiveSeq , ISNULL(Prev.PrevNonLiveSeq, Curr.SEQ) AS PerNonLiveSeqCalc , ISNULL(Prev.PrevLiveSeq, Curr.SEQ) AS PerLiveSeqCalc , Prev.Seq PrevSeq, Prev.Name PrevName FROM CTE Prev JOIN #Test Curr ON Curr.GID = Prev.GID AND Curr.SEQ = Prev.SEQ+1 JOIN #Test PrevNonLive ON Prev.GID = PrevNonLive.GID AND PrevNonLive.SEQ = ISNULL(Prev.PrevNonLiveSeq, Curr.SEQ) JOIN #Test PrevLive ON Prev.GID = PrevLive.GID AND PrevLive.SEQ = ISNULL(Prev.PrevLiveSeq, Curr.SEQ) ) SELECT CTE.GID, CTE.Seq, T.IsLive , T.Name Input, CTE.Name [Output] , CASE WHEN CTE.Name = CTE.Expected OR (CTE.Name IS NULL AND CTE.Expected IS NULL) THEN 'Pass' ELSE 'FAIL' END AS Result , CTE.Expected FROM CTE INNER JOIN #Test T on CTE.GID = T.GID AND CTE.Seq = T.Seq ORDER BY CTE.GID, CTE.Seq SET STATISTICS TIME OFF SET STATISTICS IO OFF PRINT '==================================================' ------------------------------------------------------ DBCC FREEPROCCACHE WITH NO_INFOMSGS DBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS WITH NO_INFOMSGS PRINT '-- Proposed solution (OUTER APPLY):' PRINT '' SET STATISTICS IO ON SET STATISTICS TIME ON SELECT crrnt.GID, crrnt.Seq, crrnt.IsLive, COALESCE(cscd.Name, crrnt.Name) AS [Output], CASE WHEN COALESCE(COALESCE(cscd.Name, crrnt.Name), '~~~') = COALESCE(crrnt.Expected, '~~~') THEN 'Pass' ELSE 'FAIL' END AS [Result], crrnt.Expected FROM #Test crrnt OUTER APPLY ( SELECT TOP 1 * FROM #Test prir WHERE prir.GID = crrnt.GID AND prir.Seq < crrnt.Seq AND ( ( crrnt.IsLive = 1 AND prir.IsLive = 0 AND prir.Name IS NOT NULL ) OR ( crrnt.IsLive = 0 AND crrnt.Name IS NULL AND ( ( prir.IsLive = 0 AND prir.Name IS NOT NULL ) OR ( prir.IsLive = 1 AND NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM #Test confirm WHERE confirm.GID = prir.GID AND confirm.Seq < prir.Seq AND confirm.IsLive = 0 AND confirm.Name IS NOT NULL ) ) ) ) ) ORDER BY prir.Seq DESC ) cscd SET STATISTICS TIME OFF SET STATISTICS IO OFF ----------------------------------- My execution of the above test shows: Original Query: CPU time = 173031 ms, elapsed time = 252708 ms, logical reads = 97,538,739 Proposed Query = CPU time = 49125 ms, elapsed time = 74003 ms, logical reads = 17,747,775 Hence, the original query is about 3.5 times slower for both CPU and elapsed time, and about 5 times more logical reads than my proposed query. Be careful with Recursive CTEs ;-).