WP8: Any idea why OnInvoke not called in derived ScheduledTaskAgent - background

Using Lumia 920, it looks like my OnInvoke is never called even in Debug mode. The Constructor of ScheduledAgent that is inherited from ScheduledTaskAgent is called. Which means that the setup in WMAppManifest.xml is correct.
<DefaultTask Name="_default" NavigationPage="MainPage.xaml" />
<ExtendedTask Name="BackgroundTask">
<BackgroundServiceAgent Specifier="ScheduledTaskAgent" Name="PeriodicAgent" Source="ScheduledPlaybackAgent" Type="ScheduledPlaybackAgent.ScheduledAgent" />
Then I pretty much copied from sample code:
private void StartPeriodicAgent()
// Obtain a reference to the period task, if one exists
periodicTask = ScheduledActionService.Find(periodicTaskName) as PeriodicTask;
if (periodicTask != null)
periodicTask = new PeriodicTask(periodicTaskName);
periodicTask.Description = "This demonstrates a periodic task.";
catch (InvalidOperationException exception)
catch (SchedulerServiceException)
I purposely switch to Home screen after foreground app is started and waited as much as I can. Still no output or breakpoint from my ScheduledAgent::OnInvoke

Have you defined #define DEBUG_AGENT in ScheduledAgent.cs and included the following code in OnInvoke?
ScheduledActionService.LaunchForTest(task.Name, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Periodic task is started again: " + task.Name);


KotlinLogging Throws NoSuchMethod Exception

I'm using this library:
with this logging implementation:
In my code I call:
private val logger = KotlinLogging.logger{}
and then use this logger as follows:
this runs fine until I try to debug my code at which point the following to two NoSuchMethodErrors pop up in the library:
private static IMarkerFactory bwCompatibleGetMarkerFactoryFromBinder() throws
NoClassDefFoundError {
try {
return StaticMarkerBinder.getSingleton().getMarkerFactory();
} catch (NoSuchMethodError var1) {
return StaticMarkerBinder.SINGLETON.getMarkerFactory();
private static MDCAdapter bwCompatibleGetMDCAdapterFromBinder() throws
NoClassDefFoundError {
try {
return StaticMDCBinder.getSingleton().getMDCA();
} catch (NoSuchMethodError var1) {
return StaticMDCBinder.SINGLETON.getMDCA();
(the first time I try to log something)
Others on my team do not experience this issue. they are on macs, in case that matters.
If, I just continue running the code everything is fine as the exception is caught, but I don't want to hit continue twice anytime I want to debug. I'm willing to ignore exceptions if that is possible, or better yet, fix the underlying issue.

How to Take Screenshot when TestNG Assert fails?

String Actualvalue= d.findElement(By.xpath("//[#id=\"wrapper\"]/main/div[2]/div/div[1]/div/div[1]/div[2]/div/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[1]/a")).getText();
Assert.assertEquals(Actualvalue, "jumlga");
captureScreen(d, "Fail");
The assert should not be put before your capture screen. Because it will immediately shutdown the test process so your code
captureScreen(d, "Fail");
will be not reachable
This is how i usually do:
boolean result = false;
try {
// do stuff here
result = true;
} catch(Exception_class_Name ex) {
// code to handle error and capture screen shot
captureScreen(d, "Fail");
# then using assert
Assert.assertEquals(result, true);
A good solution will be is to use a report framework like allure-reports.
Read here:allure-reports
We don't our tests to be ugly by adding try catch in every test so we will use Listeners which are using an annotations system to "Listen" to our tests and act accordingly.
public class listeners extends commonOps implements ITestListener {
public void onTestFailure(ITestResult iTestResult) {
System.out.println("------------------ Starting Test: " + iTestResult.getName() + " Failed ------------------");
if (platform.equalsIgnoreCase("web"))
Please note I only used the relevant method to your question and I suggest you read here:
TestNG Listeners
Now we will want to take a screenshot built in method by allure-reports every time a test fails so will add this method inside our listeners class
#Attachment(value = "Page Screen-Shot", type = "image/png")
public byte[] saveScreenshot(){
return ((TakesScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.BYTES);
Test example
public class myTest extends commonOps {
#Test(description = "Test01: Add numbers and verify")
#Description("Test Description: Using Allure reports annotations")
public void test01_myFirstTest(){
Assert.assertEquals(result, true)
Note we're using at the beginning of the class an annotation of #Listeners(listeners.class) which allows our listeners to listen to our test, please mind the (listeners.class) can be any class you named your listeners.
The #Description is related to allure-reports and as the code snip suggests you can add additional info about the test.
Finally, our Assert.assertEquals(result, true) will take a screen shot in case the assertion fails because we enabled our listener.class to it.

Monogame 3.5: Mouse Click Not Detected

My monogame game has stopped responding to mouse clicks. Prior to version 3.5, this was working fine. Here's how I'm currently getting the input:
protected override void Update (GameTime game_time)
Mouse_Input (game_time);
void Mouse_Input(GameTime game_time)
mouse_current = Mouse.GetState();
if (mouse_current.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
// click
Setting breakpoints in the function reveals all the code is being hit, but LeftButton is always ButtonState.Released.
I've tried with both a wired mouse and the trackpad. Keyboard input is working fine. Anyone else running into this?
I always use this way.
MouseState currentMouseState;
MouseState oldMouseState;
public bool checkClick()
oldMouseState = currentMouseState;
currentMouseState = Mouse.GetState();
if (Visible)
if (currentMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && oldMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released)
return true;
If you want to check if the Mouse clicks on a Rectangle (Hud elements for example)
public bool checkClickRectangle(Rectangle rec)
oldMouseState = currentMouseState;
currentMouseState = Mouse.GetState();
if (Visible)
if (rec.Contains(new Vector2(Mouse.GetState().X, Mouse.GetState().Y)) && currentMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && oldMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released)
return true;
This was actually a not a problem with Monogame, but a problem in my game logic that was very difficult to track down.
After upgrading to 3.5, I had to reconfigure how my Texture2D's were being loaded, which also meant refactoring some classes. I ended up with a class within a class which were both inheriting from Game.
public class Brush_Control : Game
public class Tile : Game
Process of elimination narrowed the search to this class. I believe this caused an infinite loop that interfered with the input somehow, but without throwing an error or causing an obvious freeze.
Removing the inner Game reference as a parent fixed the problem, and it turns out I no longer need to have it there anyway.

Primefaces p:fileUpload - do something on beginning and end of upload (multiple files)

Primefaces 4.0 has nice component to upload files, including multiple files at once. By some dark miracle, it actually works.
<p:fileUpload fileUploadListener="#{someBean.handleSingleFileUpload}"
mode="advanced" multiple="true" auto="true" dragDropSupport="true"
update=":form_info" sizeLimit="100000" allowTypes="/(\.|\/)(xml)$/" />
Problem is that listener someBean.handleSingleFileUpload is called once for each file. I dealt with that nicely, but I cannot see any way to execute some code at beginning and on end of entire upload process. IMO rather large oversight.
For example:
at beginning clear info textarea
now multiple files are uploaded simultaneously...
at end reload something based on data that was just uploaded
Of course, things at beginning and end should be executed only once, regardless of amount of files. Is there any way to do that? In primefaces docs for p:fileUpload there are no other attribute calling bean method than fileUploadListener.
Well, I ended up simply using counter. Obvious in hindsight, eh. Example:
private int eventCounter = 0;
public void handleSingleFileUpload(FileUploadEvent event)
// code to import file, for example parse xml
} catch (Exception ex)
ex.printStackTrace(); /// or whatever
} // block catch Exception
} // block finally
private synchronized void beginImport()
if (eventCounter == 0)
// insert code to execute before first file is started
} // block if just started
private synchronized void finishImport()
if (eventCounter < 0) eventCounter = 0; // Just in case...
if (eventCounter > 0) return; // not really finished yet
// insert code to execute when last file is done
It is hackish solution and I fear that in some cases it could call begin-n-finish pair twice (it should not do begin or finish code twice in row) and that could theoretically interfere with ongoing import of n-th file.
It works for me, at least for now. Will see how it holds when xml will have thousands or more of entries instead of dozen. I would prefer something like onStartOfEverything and onEndOfEverything as arguments in p:fileUpload tag, but ah well.

Monotouch: UIAlertView and WCF services, debugger.StackTrace

I'm currently using WCF in monotouch to call an existing service and a custom UIAlertView.
The problem is that if I create an UIAlertView as class instance and the I do the following:
public override void ViewDidAppear()
_alertView.Message = "Loading...";
_client.GetDataCompleted += GetDataCompletedDelegate;
void GetDataCompletedDelegate(object sender, GetDataEventArgs)
// do someting with data
it works but this advice is written in console : UIAlertView: wait_fences: failed to receive reply: 10004003
else, if I try to run this code:
public override void ViewDidAppear()
using(CustomAV _alertView = new CustomAV())
_alertView.Message = "Loading...";
_client.GetDataCompleted += delegate{
// do someting with data
the first time the code run, but now alert is shown. The second time the simulator can't startup. Couldn't register "com.yourcompany.wcftest" with the bootstrap server. Error: unknown error code. This generally means that another instance of this process was already running or is hung in the debugger.StackTrace. In this case I have to reboot the machine.
Thank you in advance.
Thank you Geoff, I've checked my code and into GetDataCompletedDelegate I've inserted a function that runs inside the UI Thread.
private void doSomething()
// do stuff here
The fency error continues to appear. If I use your solution inside doSomething() method, it works
Why? Maybe I didn't understand, but in the first snippet of code do something() works in the UI thread!! Isn't true?
You have 2 seperate problems here.
1: _alertView.Hide () is not running on the UI thread (this is what causes the fences error)
2: In your second example you're disposing the UIAlertVeiw immediately after creating it, but you have a instance delegate dangled off it. This crashes the runtime in a hard way, and then when you run it again since the old crashed process is still running the simulator wont let you start a second instance.
Use case #1 but do _alterView.InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { _alertView.Hide (); });