Why the WebView is always on top and can't handle focus etc.? - xaml

Suppose you have in your Metro application the WebView component taking all the "page" height (except the "title bar" of course). At the left side from the WebView you have some other elements. You also have some buttons in appBar with ListView menus attached to the button press events. Now try to see your ListViews and also try to move focus between the page elements with TAB key ;)
I already have some workarounds.
I just wanted to ask if somebody knows WHY Microsoft did it so?

The WebView has it's own HWND (Window), while your Metro app renders in a second HWND. There is a long history in Windows development regarding windows and overlaps. Usually when a window is in front of another window, the OS only draws the top window pixels.
That's what's happening here. The WebView windows is drawing over top of your other UI elements.


How to implement the Windows 10 OneNote Menu in Universal Windows Platform app

I would like to implement the OneNote app menu in my own UWP app. In the closed state, the menu only shows the 'hamburger' button, but when clicked a menu pane slides in from the left.
I have tried to use the SplitView, but it doesn't allow me to set the width to 0 when collapsed, always showing a narrow line on the left side. I also considered using the 8.1 Flyout control, but that doesn't see to animate the correct way.
So, what's the correct way to implement the OneNote menu behavior?
You need the SplitView, but don't mess with the width of its pane.
Instead, set the DisplayMode to Inline (or Overlay) and toggle the IsPaneOpen property.

How to implement facebook like menu (left menu) in windows store app

Basically, I want to be able to create a menu which on clicking on some button will appear from left (or right) and on clicking anywhere on main screen the user would be able to dissmis the menu. For example the facebook app has something similar on all platforms (so on Windows 8 also).
I have found a solution for Windows phone (http://sviluppomobile.blogspot.cz/2013/08/add-lateral-menus-to-windows-phone.html), which is not the way to go for Windows 8. Maybe I could use some hand made animation for aflyover, which would be in default outside of viewport. However, I guess there must be better or ideally already proofed solution.
Also I found two questions here on SO, which asked for same thing I guess, but no answers there ...
How to do: lateral menu like in "Music" app on Windows 8 / 8.1 and
I know, that it is not the best way on windows platform to implement menu (we have top app bar, right), but our customer just wants this.
I would like to ask for some hints or ideally a code for a native implementation for Windows 8.1 using XAML (C# or VB.NET). Thanks to everybody who will give it a thought.
You'd put a StackPanel with Orientation="Horizontal" in a ScrollViewer. Put three panels in the StackPanel - let's make them Grids and call them: left, middle and right. On SizeChanged events of the ScrollViewer - set the Width and Height of the middle grid to the same values as ActualWidth and ActualHeight of the ScrollViewer and perhaps set the left and right grids to be a little bit narrower to leave space to see a little bit of the middle panel when you scroll to the ends. Make the ScrollViewer scroll horizontally by setting Horizontal/VerticalScrollMode and scroll bar visibilities and make the ScrollViewer snap to your grid panels by setting the HorizontalSnapPointsType and HorizontalSnapPointsAlignment properties. Also set IsHorizontalRailEnabled on the horizontal ScrollViewer to true if you have any vertical ScrollViewers in your panels and make their IsVerticalRailEnabled="true" so only one of them scrolls depending on the manipulation direction. Finally - put a transparent overlay panel as a top child of the middle panel handle the tap events on the overlay to scroll the middle panel back into view when it isn't centered and in the handlers of the menu buttons scroll the horizontal ScrollViewer to the start/end.

Windows Phone 8.1 Create a Swipeable Scrollable Control

I am trying to create an animation to a control.
So think of the animation and control of a now playing page on most touch screen devices. You see the control (album photo) and swipe either way and get it to slide off the screen and then the next control (album photo) slides on in its place.
I am not asking for you to code me this, but I am having trouble wrapping my head around a way that this could be done.
The control content is always changing, when you swipe one way, an image is removed from the view and then the next is added.
What you need is FlipView control which can get you the interface you described.
Here are some references:
Quickstart: Adding FlipView controls (XAML)
XAML FlipView control sample

QTP script works in big screen but not in small screen

I am using QTP 11.0 and a java button in my application is highlighted in big monitor screen(19 or 20 inch) but not in Laptop screen(14 or 15 inch).
I have to click the button and a pop up will be seen,this works fine in big screen but in laptop screen the pop up does not appear.Is there any workaround?
In small screen the scroll bar appears and the java button is below the screen, but in big screen its appeared without scrolling so its working fine with the big screen.
Also i have tried if scroll down is possible through scripting in small screen ,but scroll down does not work NOR does pgDown pgUP works in the application.
Addins selected are ActiveX,Java,Web
Advanced thanks...
As per the given information I assume that the problem is with the object properties of the java button. Could you try adding only htmlid/name property & try highlighting the object in both the screens? Please disable object identification, location & indexing if applicable. If possible share the properties of the object for further analysis.
Does QTP fail to recognise the button during play back? QTP may not highlight the button because it is not visible; but in most cases it will be able to perform actions (such as click event) on the button. Make the button visible in web page / application and try clicking on Highlight button in QTP.

iOS layout: alternative to tabs?

I'm working on a iPhone app which shows an mobile webform in a UIWebView. I'm using a default iOS layout with a navigation and tab bar.
The mobile webform is displayed in a UIWebView in the white area. Since the webform has a lot of input fields, we really need as must space for it as possible. Because of this, we are planing to remove the tabs in the bottom. Over time, there will be more tabs/sections, so it is not a solution to just add a button for each section in the left side of the navigation bar. On a iPad a popover could easily be used to handle this.
Is there a standard iOS layout mechanism to handle this change of sections/views without using tabs?
You could do something long the lines of Path or the new Facebook app and have the "table of contents" behind the Navbar and the navbar slides away (along with the child view) to reveal it. When done right (ie smoothly) I think the effect is really cool.
This would also work great as you add more and more options, since the table could just scroll.
Here is a framework that might be you started: http://www.cocoacontrols.com/platforms/ios/controls/iiviewdeckcontroller
I would consider replacing the navigation bar's title with a control that lets you switch between tabs. You can assign the bar's titleView property to a control or a button and it will generally do the right thing.
If you're limited to 2-3 tabs, you could simply use a UISegmentedControl.
If you want more, you could use a button which, when tapped, pops up a view that allows you to select the view you want. This could be a modal table view, or you could slide up a UIPickerView from the bottom of the screen, similar to the keyboard.
I use this technique in an app of my own, screenshots here. Tapping the button cycles between views (in this case, I'm changing the contents of the table cells); tap-and-hold slides up a picker.
Another possibility would be to arrange your different forms on pages in a scroll view with a page control at the bottom, à la Weather. The best option, though, if you’re going to have a particularly long list and want to keep your screen real estate, is probably the FB/Path-style sidebar table.
I ended up using a UIActionSheet but I think it in other situations would be more stylish to use a controller like the IIViewDeckController.