Making rdlc datasource filter from other datasource - rdlc

So to summarise the problem, I have a report which has two datasources - and is really two reports stuck to each other. I want the second part of the report to display data based on what the first part of the report is showing.
To go into more detail, the situation is as follows. I have two database tables - lets call one Customers, and the other Orders.
Customers contains data about the customers.
Orders contains a link to customers and contains the person's orders.
The report itself is supposed to display some sort of letter in part 1:
"Hello [CustomerName], you have an ongoing balance of [TotalBalance] bla bla bla..."
and a list of all the orders he has made in part 2
"Order 1: Item 1: 1 euro
Order 2: Item 2: 2 euro ..."
Originally these were two separate reports which we were generating one record at a time, outputting as pdf files and merging them using third party software such that the letter and the list of orders were next to each other. The problem is that this system will need to generate hundreds of them at a time, and it was taking ages. So now I want to pass a pair of large data sources and generate them in batches (call them 600 at a time) - which works faster.
So how can I force the second tablix which uses a different datasource, to filter based on what is in the first tablix with its own datasource?
I've looked at subreports, but they only work using reporting server and these are local reports.
Anything I can do ? I'm worried that its not possible.

There's no reason subreports won't work with local reports.
I recommend you download the samples from this site ReportViewer Samples. The project named "SupplyingData" shows how to load data into a subreport.


Summarize browsing records in specific URL for specific user into one record regarding date in SQL Server

I'm facing a problem in my report. The report calculates how many times a specific (company's applications) url's were viewed/opened ignoring user data.
What I need is for the query to count the times viewed regarding that every user might have not only opened the application but also browse in it (i.e. filter something, but it is still the same application), then the data shows that the same user in minutes or seconds difference opened the same application - every click/filtering/recompiling the page etc. makes a new entry record, which is misleading, because the report shows how many times the application was opened as an individual record. The applications (which are the same in every country) are used in different countries therefore the log data is in different servers.
There are 4 tables from different servers, which have log entry data of the applications (url's), and they have to be inserted into one with already summarizes log entry data.
A small piece of the one table with the data:
A small piece of the second table just to see that the only difference between tables is litintranet, wokintranet:
There you can see that for the LogApp IFP the same user browsed with difference of seconds. But it should have only one record (just for opening the app), but has 3 records because the user probably filtered something or refreshed the page etc.
I need a query that summarizes this information and enters the new summarized / reduced records into a new table. The new table will be used for reports as the correct data of records.
The output should look like this:
How can the summarizing be done?
Thank you for your help

A solution for a join to get all the data that is not in the main query based on a field from the main query

So I have the below case in crystal reports
Main Report which has a query that shows the batch details of an invoice
Sub-report which shows the details of the batches included in the main report but are not included in that document. So for example
Invoice A has 10 items all with the same batch (this will show in the main report)
Invoice B, C, an D has 3 more items in the same batch (so total 13 items for that batch in 4 different documents) and the 3 items that are not in document A is what appears in the sub-report.
Now it's easy to achieve that in Crystal Reports because you can link sub-reports with fields to filter directly without linking the queries, however since CR is not a database engine the filtration is super slow and to solve that I need a solution in an SQL query:
I tried converting it to UNION ALL so it's
Main Report
Union ALL
Sub Report
The problem is I am unable to replicate the sub-report case since the grouping needs to be by Document then Batch and the 3 items from the sub-report are not on the same document so they are not grouped by the same dimension now and that ruins the report.
I know it's not logical but after trying all the solutions that came to my mind I thought maybe someone more experienced would have a different opinion, basically for every invoice in the main report I need to show all items that are not in that specific invoice so right now I have no links because the Item is not the same, the document is not the same, and only the batch is the same but that's a many to many link.
EDIT: For simplicity let's say this is the main query
FROM DocHeader T0
JOIN DocRows T1 ON T0.DocumentEntry = T1.DocumentEntry
JOIN ItemMaster T2 ON T1.ItemCode = T2.ItemCode
JOIN BatchTransaction T3 ON T1.Document Entry = T3.DocumentEntry and
T3.DocumentType = T1.DocumentType and T3.DocumentLine = T1.DocumentLine
The report is grouped by Document Number, so what i need is the same query but for every other document number that is not in the main query joined on the main query. The 2 problems are 1. They can leave the document number parameter blank and select all the documents in the table so this process needs to happen for each document seperately. 2. the document number in the sub query will never be the same so the grouping is an issue because the report needs to be grouped on the main query document number.
It would help if you wrote out your main query and some of the secondary queries you've tried, but assuming I understand your issue correctly, you should be able to just create an additional JOIN on the Batches table. This will have your SQL query list off ALL the Item rows for the Batch, then you can try to use conditional formatting and/or grouping in Crystal to to show/hide the rows as needed.
Alternatively, using the query described above, you may be able to use the linked Invoice Numbers you're now getting from your main report query to drive your Sub-Report, as opposed to going by the Batch # -- this may result in better performance.
EDIT: Based on your comment and update, I think the right approach here is to create a Stored Procedure. Doing a single query is probably not going to work, I took a crack at it and it's not worth the hassle.
Using a Stored Procedure you can create a table variable in memory, add the main invoice records to the table, then add the records for the secondary Invoices linked by the Batch number. Use some kind of column/flag in your table that indicates whether it's a 'Main Invoice' record or not, and use this flag to drive the Crystal display logic for how you want to show the main vs secondary/linked invoices.
It's doable!

Value only showing the first item in SSRS report

So my problem here is that I have a Part number which lives in two warehouses hence it has two bin locations. If I just use =Fields!PrimBin.Value it only ever returns the first location. I need to display the PrimBin if the location is from a specific warehouse. To get the warehouse I use =Fields!WarehouseCode.value
What I need to do is only show the PrimBin.Value of MAINWHSE and not CELLWHSE
Thanks in advance.
Ok so the database it quite vast. However, for the information required I am using two tables. Part and PimWhse.
Part shares the Product ID to PrimWhse. In PrimWhse each partID has two locations "MAINWHSE", "CELLWHSE "and 1 bin to pick in each warehouse giving to possible locations.
So WarehouseCode.Value will have the information for which warehouse the part is located. and PrimBin.Value will have the warehouse position ID stored in it.
This is all setup via report style within the Epicor system. When I create a query in business activity to look in MAINWHSE it shows the correct information.
However, in the report data builder I'm not able to set this query so I assume SSRS will be able to see of both theses possible values for PrimBin.Value!? If not I guess I need to work out how to add a query to report data builder, which at the moment does no seem possible?
Thanks again.

Merge two CSV and collate data

I have two CSV files, the first like so:
And then a second CSV with items associated with the first list, with ID being the common attribute between the two.
The real datasets are millions of records, so I'm sorry in advance for my simple example.
The problem I need to solve is getting the data merged and collated in a way where I can see which item groupings most commonly appear together on the same ID. (e.g. GRAPE,GUM,SEASHELL appear together 340 times, ORANGE and STICK 89 times, etc...)
Then I need to see if there is any change/deviation to the general results in common appearance when grouped by SUBJECT.
Tools I'm familiar with are Excel and SQL, but I also have PowerBI and Alteryx at my disposal.
Full disclosure: Not homework, or work, but a volunteer project, thus my unfamiliarity with this kind of data manipulation.
Thanks in advance.
An Alteryx solution:
Drag the two .csv files onto your canvas (seen as book1.csv and book2.csv in my picture; Alteryx will create "Input" tools for you.
Drag a "Join" tool on and connect the two .csv files to its inputs; select "ID" as the join field; unselect the "Right_ID" as output since it's merely a duplicate of "ID"
Drag a "Summary" tool on and connect the Join tool's output to the Summary tool's input; select all three of the outputs and add as a "group by"... then add the ID column with a "count"
Drag a browse tool on and connect the summary's output to the browse tool's input.
run the workflow
After all that, click on the browse tool and you should see what is seen in my screenshot: (which is showing just the first ten rows of output):
+1 for taking on a volunteer project - I think anyone who knows data can have a big impact in support of their favourite group or cause.
I would just pull the 2 files into Power BI as 2 separate tables (Get Data / From File). Create a relationship between the 2 tables based on ID (it might get auto-generated). It should be one to many.
Then I would add a Calculated Column to the Book1 table to Concatenate the related ITEM values, eg.
Items =
DISTINCT ( 'Book2'[ITEM] ),
", ",
'Book2'[ITEM], ASC
Now you can use that Items field in visuals (e.g. a Table), along with Count of ID to get the frequency.
Adding Subject to a copy of the table (e.g. to the Columns well of a Matrix) will produce your grouped scenario, or you could add a Subject Slicer.
As you will be comparing subsets of varying size, I would change Count of ID to Show value as - % of grand total.
Little different solution using Alteryx.
With this dataset, there are very few repeating 3 or 4 item groups. You can do the two item affinity analysis and get a probability of 3 or 4 item groups, or you can count the 3 and 4 item groups individually. I believe what you want is the latter as your probability of getting grapes with oranges may be altered by whether you have bananas in the cart or not.
Anyway, I did not join in the subject until after finding all of my combinations. I found all the combinations by taking the Cartesian join of two, then three, then four of the original set. I then removed all duplicates by ensuring items were always in alphabetical order in each row. I then counted occurrences of each combination. More joins can be added in the same pattern to count groups of 5,6,7...
Once you have the counts of occurrences, then I would join back with the subjects and perform this analysis on each group and compare to the overall results.
I'm supposed to disclose that I work for Alteryx.
first of all if you are using windows
just navigate to the directory which contains the CSV and write the following command:
copy pattern newfileName.csv
copy *.csv merged.csv
now you created one csv file, the file is too large now you can't process it once, depending on your programming language you can use appropriate way, for python you can use generators to process line by line, or pandas you can read chunk by chunk it will be easy.
I hope this help you.

Trying to create an APEX Link Column that queries a report

Basically, say I have a report A and I want to add a link column to it, and I set its target to a page in the application...the page its referring to has another report (lets call it B)
Is it possible for me to somehow make it so that table A's link column opens the page with Report B with rows that have the same column value for one of their columns?
Example here:
Name Num1 Num2
A 5 3
B 3 3
C 4 2
Name Quantity Serial
D 2 3
E 1 8
F 4 6
So if I click the link column for row A, I want it to open report B and only shows rows where its Num2 = Serial, so only row D would show since it is the only one that equals 3
Using Report Linking to Filter Other APEX Report Outputs
I had some fun with this one although. The "A" and "B" stuff was pretty dry, so I decided to create a data set that was more engaging, and perhaps clearer to understand for the rest of us... :) This is how the data-ecosystem was broken down, and the way I fulfilled the OP requirements.
The Test Schema:
Welcome to the manufacturing facilities of the "Recipe Stack" Food Works. The schema design and ERD (Entity Relation Diagram) is below, with the sample data used for this demonstration:
The data relations are as follows:
The staff at the Stack Food-Works keeps an inventory of all ingredients for the types of meals and prepared foods they manufacture. Each ingredient has a unique ID (INGREDIENT_ID) and the staff tracks the amounts of each item in their pantry.
Each ingredient can be used in multiple recipes, but they will be used exactly once for a given recipe.
The ENTREE_RECIPE table has a COMPOSITE KEY which means it is the combination of the two pieces of this composite key (ENTREE_NAME and INGREDIENT_SEQ) that should be unique.
There is a FOREIGN KEY relation between the INGREDIENT_ID values of both tables.
Report Display Requirements (APEX and SQL Design Elements)
Selecting an item from the FIRST report is used as the input and the restriction/filter criteria of the second report.
User Case #1:
User Selects a Ingredient ID from the list of available ingredients in the pantry.
Input from (1) filters output of the RECIPE REPORT. This is a list of all the recipes that have the chosen ingredient in their formula.
User Case #2:
User Selects an ENTREE_NAME from the RECIPE REPORT. The ENTREE_NAME is used to deliver a third report: the RECIPE FORMULA which is the full recipe for the entree item that was selected from the previous report.
Testing Tools
(You usually need these these for the more complex pages, so it's a good start to use or develop them for the easier ones...)
I made my own, but you can also invoke the SESSION link on the developer's tool bar at the bottom of the APEX page on your running application (when it is displayed).
Here's my idea; it's a header region that also has a button to RESET input values so that I can clear the cache and retest or try other examples. I'll show later how you can use this link to see what is going on. You can see it in the discussion of testing at the bottom of this guide.
APEX Report/Page Design and SQL Parametrization
My columnn linking scheme looks similar to the previous post such as the one from FTaveras. This is how my linking works. What's different is that I do not go to another page, I simply go BACK to the same page I came from. Redirects and Branches apparently don't care if they are simply returning to the same location.
What is different on the return trip is that page parameters that were originally null or unpopulated NOW have a value. That value now brings life to the reports on the page that were empty.
Output: Query all items from the FOOD_SUPPLIES table.
Inputs: Supply links by INGREDIENT_ID to filter the RECIPE_REPORT output.
How to do it: (hint) To accomplish this, define the report column/field value in your report layout design page as a "linked" column and assign its value as a page item. The page item will be referenced in the SQL query of the next report...
Output: Query all records from the ENTREE_RECIPE table which have the INGREDIENT_ID from Step 1 within their formula.
Input: Supply links by ENTREE_NAME to filter the RECIPE_FORMULA output.
How to do it: (hint) Include the page item defined from Step 1 within the SQL query of this report:
SELECT * FROM entree_recipe
WHERE ingredient_id = :P3_INGREDIENT_ID
Output: Query all records from the ENTREE_RECIPE table which have the ENTREE_NAME selected from Step 2.
Debug and Test Run
Most will be able to get this far without any problems. If not, here are a couple of examples of how you can debug and test your work. There may be some built-in tools and packages that already exist within Apex, so any suggestions on alternate approaches are welcome in the comments...!
Using the APEX Developer SESSION Output
After selecting the inputs for the trial run, click on the SESSION link on the developer toolbar at the bottom of the page. This is an example output:
Note that the page items that were set for that session are displayed. The inputs I used for this test were:
ENTREE_NAME: peach cobbler (fresh)
Extra Credit: This one is an alternate approach. It may be useful to design something like this as an add-on to any app you design. You do not need to remove it from your app when you push it to production because there is a "conditional display/suppress" feature for page regions. (check it out)
Simply set a global parameter as a "mode" on your Apex app. Set the value to "DEBUG" or "TEST" or whatever and key all your instances of this page region to display only when the global parameter is set to it.
Wrap Up and Discussion
Hopefully, you've enjoyed your visit to the "Stack Food Works" (no tasting or sampling from the line, please).
This has been more of a holistic approach to Apex app design. It helps to have a methodology to map out each step, and a way to check your work at both the beginning and the end of your development process. Using smaller examples like this demo to apply these methods provides a chance to understand Apex development as a Software Creation PROCESS.
Yes it's possible.
On page B, add and hidden Item name for example P(#)_SERIAL where (#) is your current page number.
Modify your query and add one line like AND SERIAL=:P(#)_SERIAL.
On Page A go to "Report Attributes" tab on the report region, click edit.
On the column link section configure your link to page B and set the hidden item on page B to the value on report column of page A.
Name: Item 1 [P(#)_SERIAL] Value: #Num2#