Dojo 1.8 Build Layer Modules not available during Parse - dojo

In our project we use parse on declarative syntax to instantiate our modules. We have a build process that builds our dojo, generic and functional layers for us. In one of our functions, the parser is complaining that some of the modules aren't defined (What's also odd is that the modules aren't being auto required either). I've confirmed that the layer is included in the page and that the module(s) are included in the layer. I can "require" the modules after the parse and they return the proper constructors. No errors are being reported (the attempt to retrieve the module is in a try/catch).
I feel like something silly is happening, but I can't find it. Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot would be helpful.
I've tried both parseOnLoad (our default) and calling parse seperately, even after a 10 second timeout.

Ugh, I knew it was something silly. We had lang="en" instead of lang="en-US".


I get errors serving lit-element with the nollup development server

When serving lit-element components with nollup then I keep getting the following error in the browser console that I am not able to track down:
toast-messages.js:56 Uncaught TypeError: modules[number] is not a function
at create_bindings (toast-messages.js:56)
at toast-messages.js:57
at Object.48 (toast-messages.js:365)
at create_bindings (toast-messages.js:56)
at _require (toast-messages.js:141)
at toast-messages.js:249
at toast-messages.js:251
Can anyone point me in the right direction? (I can share my rollup.config.js if required)
This error means that a module has been requested, but there's no module with the specified id (number) included in the bundle. This can happen for a variety of reasons:
There's a call using require passing an invalid id.
Passing a string or something other than a number into require.
Using a library that was compiled to CommonJS but was not transformed to ESM.
It's likely that you're missing the CommonJS plugin, or if you are, then the CommonJS isn't able to catch the require call and convert it. The latter can happen because of obfuscation in the library code. CommonJS plugins work by using static analysis. It would be very difficult for the plugin to transform the following:
var r = require;
Without executing the code, it would be difficult for static analysis to track this. A best effort attempt can be made, but there will be always a situation where it could fail.
So here's the following steps you should take:
* Confirm that the CommonJS plugin is being used.
* If it is, check the file in node_modules for unusual patterns.
* If there is, file an issue with the CommonJS plugin maintainer and see if it's possible to solve, and if not, you might need to contact the maintainer for the toast-message library.
I do realise I'm posting this very late, but better to answer later than never! To avoid this vague error in the future, in 0.10.2 of Nollup I've added a user friendly error that list some things to check for.
Hope this helps!

What is the difference between "package" and "module" in Frege?

Hi I've been playing a little bit with Frege and I just noticed in some examples that package and module are used interchangeably:
package MyModuleOne where
and sometimes:
module MyModuleTwo where
When importing from one or the other I don't see any difference in the behavior of my program. Is there something I should keep in mind when using package or module keywords ?
Yes. It used to start out with package, but later I realized this was an obstacle when porting Haskell code which uses module. Hence I added module, and thus currently module and package are the same keyword, just spelled differently.
But the intention is, of course, to retire package sooner or later. So my advice would be to use module only.
(This reminds me that I probably have to update the lang spec with regard to this. Never mind.)

grunt lesslint how to prevent output from being written to console

We are trying to use grunt-lesslint in our project, as our UI developer is comfortable fix errors in less file. grunt-recess seems more powerful but not sure if it can point errors in less file itself. I am unable to comprehend enough from lesslint page, and there do not seem to be many examples. Does anyone know the following:
How to prevent lesslint from displaying on the console. I use formatters and the report file is generated, but it also prints on console, which I do not want to.
How to make lesslint fail only in the case of errors (not warnings). Also csslint seems to report errors also, while lesslint mostly gives warnings only, why is that so? Does lesslint throw errors as well? How to make it fail only in case of errors?
I tried using 'checkstyle-xml' formatter, but it does not seem to use it (I have used in jshint and it gives a properly formatted xml, which it does not give for lesslint).
Is it possible to compile less (many files or directories) in conjunction with lesslint? Any example?
I'd say it's more of a common practice to display stdout for this kind of thing; the JSHint plugin does it, as does any other linting plugin that I've used. If you get in another developer that uses Grunt they'll probably expect stdout too. If you really want to override this, use grunt-verbosity:
Again, this is a convention in Grunt; if a task has any warnings then it fails. The reason being if you lint a file and the linter flags something up it should be dealt with straight away, rather than delay it; six months time you have 500 errors that you haven't fixed and you're less likely to fix them then. Most linting plugins allow you to specify custom options (I've used CSS Lint and that is very customisable), so if you don't like a rule you can always disable it.
This should work. If there's a bug with this feature you should report it on the issue tracker, where it will be noticed by the developers of the plugin.
Yes. You can set up a custom task that runs both your linter and compile in one step: something like grunt.registerTask('buildless', 'Lint and compile LESS files.', ['lesslint', 'less']); note that you'll have to install to get that to work. Also note that, failing linting will not compile your LESS files; mandate that your code always passes the lint check; you'll help everyone involved in the project.

Why's a simple change to rt.jar causing the Java Runtime Environment to crash silently?

This is what I'm doing:
extract contents of my JRE's rt.jar
extract of my JDK (same version)
Now, if I copy from the extracted src folder and compile it using javac.exe without any modifications and then put it in the extracted rt folder to finally put everything back in a jar file using jar.exe, everything works as expected. The JRE runs fine.
However, if I make the slightest change to and compile it and put it in rt.jar, the JRE crashes whenever I attempt to start it. This is an example of a slight change that causes the silent crash:
/** Don't let anyone else instantiate this class */
private Runtime() {
System.out.println("This is a test.");
Instead of:
/** Don't let anyone else instantiate this class */
private Runtime() {}
Could anyone tell me why this is causing my JRE to crash?
Thanks in advance.
It's possible that System.out has not been initialised at the time that the Runtime() constructor runs. Usually console output is not considered a "slight" change, but at the wrong time it can invoke way too much stuff that may not be set up at all yet.
You're doing this all wrong. You can't distribute that modified JRE for a start, so it is only useful inside your organization . Install a SecurityManager and don't grant your codebase any of the RuntimePermissions you're trying to protect against.
#Tom - I advise you NOT to try to do this:
You cannot distribute the modified rt.jar file without violating the Sun binary license.
Even if you did, you would not be allowed to call it Java.
As you are finding, there are lots of complications that arise when you make changes, particularly when those changes might interfere with the JVM's behind the scenes initialization. And when things blow up during initialization, the JVM often cannot report the problem in an intelligible way.
If you do succeed in making the modified rt.jar work for one JRE, there is no guarantee that the same hacks will work for a different version.
Nobody in their right mind would knowingly use a modified JVM (especially one modified by a third-party) in a production app.
EDIT : judging from your other questions, I guess you are trying to reverse engineer or modify some third party Java application with a custom launcher. If you provided more information on what you were really trying to do, we might be able to suggest the right way to do it ... rather than using "desperate measures" such as modifying the JRE.
That's pretty strange, as I did the same trick with many classes in rt.jar in past.
Can you provide us with the crashed process output?

How to locally test cross-domain builds?

Using the dojo toolkit, what is the proper way of locally testing code that will be executed as cross-domain, without making the actual build?
As it appears, there are three possible options (each, with their own drawbacks):
Using local (non xd) XMLHttpRequest dojo.require
This option does not really test the xd behavior, since it dojo.require[s] the js synchronously via XHR.
djConfig.debugAtAllCosts = true;
Although this option does load the required code asynchronously (via the 'script' tag), it also pulls the code in via XHR, parses the dojo.require[s] inside that, and pulls them in. This (using the loader_debug), again, is not what the loader_xd is doing. More info on this topic in a different question.
Creating a cross-domain build
This approach requires a build, which is not possible in the environment which I'm running the code in (We're using our own on-the-fly build process, which includes only the js that is necessary for a particular page. This process is not suitable for development).
Thus, my question: is there a way to use the loader_xd, which does not require an xd build (which adds the xd prefix / suffix to every file)?
The 2nd way (using the debugAtAllCosts) also makes me question the motivation for pre-parsing the dojo.require[s]. If the loader_xd will not (or rather can not) pre-parse, why is the method that was created for testing/debugging doing so?
peller has described the situation. If you wanted to just generate .xd.js file for your modules, you could look at util/buildscripts/jslib/buildUtilXd.js and its buildUtilXd.xdgen() function.
It would take a bit of work to make your own script, but you could look at util/buildscripts/build.js for pointers.
I am hoping in the future for Dojo (maybe Dojo 2.x timeframe) we can switch to a loader that just uses script tags with a module format that has a function wrapper around the module, something that is coded by the developer. This would allow the same module format to work in the local and xd cases.
I don't think there's any way to do XD loading without building and deploying it. Your analysis of the various options seems about right.
debugAtAllCosts is there specifically to solve a debugging problem, where most browsers, until recently, could not do anything intelligent with code brought in through eval. Still today, Firefox will report exception in the console as appearing at the eval site (bootstrap.js) with a line number offset from the eval, rather than from the actual eval buffer, and normally that eval buffer is anonymous. Firebug was the first debugger to jump through some hoops to enhance the debugging experience and permitted special metadata that Dojo's loader injects between the XHR and the eval to determine a filepath to the source. Webkit/Safari have recently implemented this also. I believe debugAtAllCosts pre-dates the XD loader.