optimize drag and drop with svg library & javascript - optimization

Currently most of the SVG framework provides drag and dropping. I have used RaphaelJs , Extjs Drawing , and SVG.js(http://www.svgjs.com/). All of the framework provides the event handling method by binding it with the element itself. For example:
dragStart: function(event){
//'this' refers to the element itself
However the consequences of this is that browser performance is greatly degraded, when there are more than hundred of elements and some logic processing aside. My elements will be composite elements, meaning maybe some text or path in a rect but the rect should be the target (or this) of the event when dragged. The elements will have other event to listen to , for example onclick, onDblClick, onHover & etc.
My question is, is there any way to optimize this ? The user experience is bad after the application is showing a lot of the composite elements I mentioned above.
I have built an application using the mean that i spoke of above. Binding the event handler to each of the objects. The result is not very user friendly when the element is listening to onhover and onmousedown events. I am thinking to optimize the application but not sure how. The effect is more obvious in FF, chrome is better.

Are you sure you need SVG? Fabric.js is an awesome API for scaling, rotating, drag-drop, and grouping, based on the Canvas element.


Vuetify Datatables accessibility

I'm adding accessibility to my project and I have a basic vuetify data table, just like this example, but I can't find a way to make the checkboxes accessible using the tab key on the keyboard, Is there any way to do this? I know there's something called 'tabIndex' and I've used it before, but I don't know how to use it here. Can you guys help me or guide me on how to do it? Thanks!
It is very difficult to impossible to “add accessibility” at the end of a project.
Getting keyboard navigation and aria attributes right in 3rd party components is nearly impossible. You’d need to apply plenty of hacks or bind deeply into the component’s DOM, which breaks once the library gets updated.
With Vuetify you chose a library that has accessibility on top of their list, but unfortunately the data table with checkboxes cannot be used by keyboard at all, and is lacking plenty of other ARIA attributes. They don’t seem to keep up to that promise for that component.
As with any 3rd party library, if you find an issue, you should try to report a bug upstream and fix it together with their developers.
Correct behaviour of data grids
The expected behaviour of tables in web applications is that of a Data Grid.
A data grid is a composite UI component, so it’s expected that the whole component receives focus only once by means of Tab. Then, you’d navigate with arrow keys inside the table, using Space to select rows or Enter to interact with a cell.
See Keyboard Navigation Inside Components
You can try keyboard navigation in AG-Grid
The pattern to apply in code would be a roving tab index:
Only one child element of the table has tabindex="0", while all others have tabindex="-1". Key bindings then will move the 0 around in the component.
So this is quite some effort to implement.
Simple Alternative
As far as I known, it is acceptable—sometimes even expected—by concerned users, for web applications to behave more like websites, where everything is focussed by means of Tab.
This might be ok if the only possible interaction in your table is to select checkboxes, and if you provide possibilities to Bypass Blocks by offering landmarks or headlines. You should test it with some screen reader users.
For this to work, you would indeed only need to add tabindex="0" to the checkbox.
Then, again, the checkbox does not expose any other accessibility information, it’s an ignorant <div>. It should at least be:
<div role="checkbox" aria-label="Select row 5" aria-checked="false" tabindex="0">
See the Checkbox Pattern
All this might be possible, see Vuetify Accessibility (a11y)
Other Accessibility Criteria
Right now, you mention keyboard navigation. This is a great place to start with, since it is the foundation necessary for most assistive technology.
The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are the reference to look for if you want to achieve compliance. Level AA (including level A) is the one recommended as a baseline.
But be aware that keyboard navigation is only one of 13 guidelines. Exposing state (checked, selected) to assistive technology, or getting contrasts right are examples for other criteria.
For web applications, it’s a good approach to advance the improvements based on critical paths in the story map, similar to an MVP, meaning that you would advance per process/task and make sure that each step in that process is accessible to the audience you prioritised based on the nature of the application.
Usability testing with people with disabilities is also a very good approach that can be applied in parallel, which centres the initiative more on the actual use cases.

how to stop vuetify v-bottom-sheet or (v-dialog) from blocking interaction with main content

We are trying to build an music playing interface on a Vue page that plays in a bottom player as described here:
But the playlist and other controls are in the main page. But the problem is that these elements get 'blocked' or deactivated or something, there is no way to interact with them. Just like in this example.
Input elements stop working and scrolling on the main page works only by grabbing the scrollbar on the side.
#clicks are still registered, however, and scrolling on some other components work.
I think I have tried every API setting and combination in the docs, like attaching it to different dom elements, or hide-overlay, and persistent, but nothing seems to work. The same principle seems to apply to other dialogs that take focus in vuetify.
Does anyone have experience with this or know a workaround for it? It would be greatly appreciated!
This is intended behaviour. Your best bet is hide-overlay in combination with persistent
I face the same issue and solve that with the "retain-focus" property
try this <v-bottom-sheet :retain-focus="false"></v-bottom-sheet>

Aurelia popover checkbox checked.bind not reflecting on the view model

We have implemented checkbox in popover. There we are using checked.bind , but in the view model its not reflecting its value on change of the checkboxes.
Sample Gist Run Provided below:
Gist Run
Thanks in Advance
Programmatically injected HTML needs to be compiled manually
The integration with bootstrap I provided to you earlier cannot do this. The bootstrap plugin assigns the innerHTML property of the popover and it does this outside of aurelia's rendering pipeline. The HTML is therefore not compiled by aurelia, which is why bindings (and other aurelia behaviors) will not work.
The templating framework takes care of this for you automatically as long as you are following conventions (such as custom elements). In any other case you'll need to manually work with the ViewCompiler.
In case you're interested, you can see an example with programmatically generated HTML in this gist. Also see this question if you want to know more about it. I do not recommend it in this scenario however.
Use aurelia-dialog
A tooltip (or popover) is just that: a tip on how to use the tool. It should not need more than some plain markup, text and styling (of course this is subjective to some degree, and some people may disagree)
For collecting user input in-between pages or screens, I'd argue a modal dialog is a better fit because of its property to "pop out" more and to de-emphasize the rest of the screen until the user either proceeds or cancels.
More importantly, by using aurelia-dialog your bindings and behaviors will simply work because, well, it's an aurelia plugin :-)

safari OSX voiceover not reading aria label for input

I'm trying to get voiceover to work on safari however, it seems when I tab through elements it doesnt read out the aria-label of the new input box in a certain scenario.
When tabbing onto the next element and the on blur of the current element does something to the dom then it will not read out the aria-label of the next element.
Here is an example
Notice if you take out the onblur function below then it works fine.
<input id="test" onblur="blurer()" onfocus="focuser()"/>
In this case, the issue isn't the presence of a blurer, but rather the contents of your blurer and corresponding focuser functions. Together these two functions are toggling the hidden state of a nearbye element. This is interupting the announcement. There's a role announcement that also occurs. The full annoucement (when text is populated in the edit text control) should be:
"The edited text" contents selected/unselected, "your aria label", edit text.
The quoted portions are parts you control, the other portions are parts controlled by the OS/VoiceOver's interaction with it, calculated automatically by the state of the control and other aria values.
The announcement we're getting is simply
"The edited text"
So, it's not an issue with the aria-label specifically. But rather, you are causing the entire announcement of the element to be interrupted.
When your blur and focus functions trigger you muck with the VoiceOver's response (or the OS's communication of) these events. Not sure what about your functions is causing this. Regardless, a trick that helps in these circumstances is to add a setTimeout to your code. By separating your function and the actual focus/blur event, you can allow the accessibility APIs to do their thing, before mucking with styles and such on the page. Here is an example that makes your little code snippet work. Just replace the contents of your javascript file with this:
function blurer(){
window.setTimeout(function() {
document.getElementById('myDiv').style.display = 'none';//
}, 0);
function focuser(){
window.setTimeout(function() {
document.getElementById('myDiv').style.display = 'block';//
}, 0);
In general I like to avoid setTimeouts because they create race conditions. However, setTimeouts of 0 are acceptable, because there is no race condition. You're just decoupling the firing event and the execution of your code by pushing your code to the end of the queue. When hacking around VoiceOver, setTimeout(someFunction, 0) works quite well for a lot of cases.

Swapping keys for cesium mouse events and creating custom events

I am new to cesium so need some very basic help.
How can we swap the behavior of the mouse left button and right button without having to code the behavior ourselves?
Moreover, can someone give me a basic coding example to define our own mouse button event? I have tried to run the one from Sandcastle but it is not working at the moment, can't figure out the problem for now.
You don't need to use Cesium's mouse event system, you can just listen to the normal JavaScript mouse events outside of Cesium and react to them. The DOM element to listen to is the canvas, typically viewer.cesiumWidget.canvas.
Cesium's built-in event system is not easily configurable for now, that's an item on the wishlist. Part of the problem here is that the default behavior changes at runtime. For example, when the camera tracks or un-tracks an entity, the input event wiring gets rearranged on the fly, and customizations may be overwritten. Someday Cesium's event handlers will need to be rewritten to be configurable.
To extend what #emackey stated:
The general recommendation from the Cesium team is to use native JS events whenever possible. The event handlers within the Cesium library are there more for internal library use and plugin modules.
As for how to capture the mouse click/scroll/move events otherwise it would be helpful to have an example of what you tried so far. Though this is a good reference to read http://www.html5rocks.com/en/mobile/touchandmouse/