Free web hosting with Tomcat? [closed] - apache

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a .war file that needs to be deployed in a public ip in order to work. Do you know a free web host that I could try to deploy it? I know dozens solutions with Apache, PHP , MySQL but never really heard anything about Tomcat.
Any ideas?

simplest answer, even if this requires a bit of work, AWS.
Create a free AWS account.
Fire up EC2 instance in free tier
Login to EC2 instance(your own server)
Download tomcat via wget
Assign public IP to that instance and open port 8080 or whatever you assign
Deploy and enjoy!


Setup MongoDB on Apache [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is it possible to setup MongoDB on Apache? How to do this?
I have installed Apache on and MongoDb on it mean, that they are placed on different servers?
But how to install MongoDb on Apache, I don't know
MongoDB is a database server which is hosted on localhost:27017,
Apache is a HTTP server which in your case is hosted on localhost:8000. Both are different servers for different purposes. You cannot put a server on top of the other!
As for example, MySQL is a server running on 3306 port. Apache has a plugin to connect with it, not that MySQL runs on Apache.

Connecting to tomcat from LAN: [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I just installed Apache Tomcat 7 on my Windows 7 machine. My question is, how can I connect to this server from another computer in my home. ideally id like to connect with something like 192.168..:8080 but that does not seem to be working now. This is on a private network so my understanding is that ports being block should not be an issue right? I mean if the computer can ping each other.
Thank you.
Update: I turned of my windows firewall and I was able to connect from another machine. However, I want to do this while my firewall is on. How would I allow it?
May be the firewall be up on the Tomcat installed computer
How to configure firewalls and Network Address Translation (NAT) for Windows Media Services 9 Series --> refer section --> Enabling access to an encoder outside a firewall

How to allow specific IPs though the firewall? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have a local Apache server and I want it to be accessible from other machine. I found out that it's possible after turning off (the external, Windows based) firewall.
Can I make it accessible from a specific IP without turning the firewall off?
Go to Windows Firewall GUI and add an exception from the Exceptions Tab..while adding the exception you can change it's scope and can provide a specific IP under Custom List..
Do ensure that the Don't allow exceptions checkbox on the General Tab under the Windows Firewall GUI is Unchecked..
VoilĂ  your Apache server is now accessible from a specific IP without turning the firewall off..!!

Working live at Server / SSH [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I've inherited a website to build. I've just come to realization that the website's server is not typical to what I've always worked with; EG - I usually create an FTP with the hosting account and work live at
I've found that I must connect using; SSH. I have little direct server experience. I'm told I need to work with linux or download something like 'putty'. How do I connect to work live at this situation?
Use sftp instead of ftp.
Learning how to use ssh would definitely be valuable as it's widely used and extremely useful, but in the immediate you can just use sftp for anything that you previously used ftp for. sftp will give you the same interface as ftp, but connects via ssh.
You didn't mention what ftp software you use, but many also support connecting via sftp.

How uninstall apache server from cpanel? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I would like to know how can I completely uninstall the apache server from my vps which is configured with cpanel. Are there there any other dependencies to apache server on a regular cpanel installation?
PS. I am using on my vps server this particular services: tomcat, bind and courier mail server
If you are running the latest Apache, use this:
yum remove ea-apache24
You can do it from whm. Login to http://yoururl/whm, there you will have options for each package(control panel).