OOP: method name classification [closed] - oop

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Closed 9 years ago.
Lately I have been struggling with method names in OOP and I decided to sort that out. For that purpose, I am trying to classify names of methods from natural language point of view. So far, I have figured out these categories:
1] Commands:
append, deposit, get_score are commands here. You ask objects to do something (or ask interpreter to do something with them - depends on point of view). These methods contain a verb in various forms: just verb, verb + noun, verb + adjective + noun, sometimes noun + verb (to further clarify meaning of the verb). Commands are probably the most common names.
2] Queries:
These are not so common. Their form is passive-verb + adjective (this form can be surely described better, I am not a native English guy). Basically, here you query about a state of an object.
The following are categories I am not sure about because I haven't really seen lots of method names like that (it can be my limited experience though):
3] Declarations:
Here you notify an object that something has happened and expect it to do its job. The method is basically an event handler. The form is usually something like noun + passed-tense-verb. I am unsure about this category because you can transform it into a command just by prepending a verb e.g. handle: button.handle_widget_selected(event) which seems to be more natural when calling the method.
4] Noun-names
I don't really like these because I think nouns should be reserved for data. And they can be transformed into the first category simply.
So my question is if you somehow agree with this classification and whether you consider names in the third and fourth category good or bad with respect to OOP paradigm.

I think you are looking for a style guide or coding standard.
PEP-8 (common referred Python style guide)
Google JS styleguide
Having said that, imo it's better to be consistent throughout your coding than mixing in a style guide (stick to what you started with or refactor everything). Having your own scheme is fine, but you'd rather spend time on productivity.


Will Design Patterns solve object communication? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I have been researching and looking for answers here to a problem that I suspect might be solved by a better understanding of design patterns. I think the problem is that I am a self-taught coder and people seem to tend to assume familiarity with a lot of esoteric terminology; I have ended up in Wikipedia spirals trying to determine what some phrases mean.
That said - on to the coding/structural problem.
Actually, just before I start, I should point out that I may well be making unknown presumptions in the way the code is structured in my question. If this is the case, could folks suggest alternatives to what I'm suggesting? I'd really appreciate learning how to better code as opposed to simply being told I'm doing it wrong.
Let's say we have a Room class, which has 4 Walls, a Ceiling and a Floor. These are instantiated 'inside' the Room. The Room also has a Table which has 4 TableLegs, again instantiated inside the Table, inside the Room. (This, I believe, is Composition, but please correct me if I've got that wrong!).
Finally, the problem:
If someone, somehow, pushes the Table, the TableLeg(s) will need to check the type of Floor they're standing on to trigger the appropriate sound. This, currently would be my solution:
The Table dispatches an event. The Room listens for that 'table pushed' event, quizes the Floor to determine its type, then passes that type to a method on Table, which in turn passes it to the TableLegs.
This, to me, seems fairly inelegant; hence my suspicion that knowledge of design patterns might be useful.
Is there something fundamentally wrong about the structure I've described that I'm not appreciating? If so, what is the alternative?
Finally, I have heard of the Gang of Four book. If that's my first port of call, is it written in an accessible style or will I have to have studied computer science to grasp it?
Sorry for the long, design-pattern-beginner's question.
The Floor could listen for objects Events. The Event interface could expose information about object geometry, material, etc. Then the Floor could check for collisions and play a sound.
I recommend the book Head First Design Patterns
I don't know if I can answer your question, but I can tell you something about the "Design Patterns" book.
It was an instant classic when it was published in 1994/1995. With examples in C++ and Smalltalk (there was no Java or C# back then), it listed solutions to 26 common problems in object-oriented programming. It provided a format for documenting forces and resolutions that was eagerly snapped up by academic conferences for years after. Lots of programmers, including myself, were studying it like holy writ in the hope that a single book could make them superstars.
Then reality set in.
Functional programmers said the patterns were work-arounds for flaws in OOP. What's the fuss? They could do these things without resorting to patterns.
The usual response on first reading the book is to try and fit as many patterns as you can into whatever code you happen to be writing at that moment.
You'll find yourself using the pattern names in design sessions: "I think we need a Chain of Responsibility here!"
Eventually you calm down and realize that patterns aren't the answers to your problems. The best way to use them is to think hard about your problems and solutions and suddenly realize that your answer happens to fall into a pattern.
As for your problem, I don't think you need a pattern. Have the Table send a message to the Floor to ask about its type before you generate the sound. That'll do it. Simplicity is a virtue.

What is an object and how is it different than a variable? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I am a structured programmer and i'm trying to learn OOP by creating an MVC app using Classes.
I still don't understand one thing. What is an object and how is it different than a variable?
A variable holds a single piece of data while an object holds many variables and methods that act on those variables.
Since you are a beginner you can go through this tutorial
Hope this helps
Have you read up on the subject?
Best way to learn is to see how others do it, check out the online docs for some popular oop php projects:
There are many other examples out there, but these should get you started in the right direction.
Some basic concepts you need to understand:
A variable is a symbolic reference to data stored in memory. In the simplest case it holds a scalar value (a simple value like "12"), but can also an address to an object (see below).
An Object is the actual data stored in memory, but unlike a simple variable it can represent both data and functionality (methods) that acts on that data.
A Class is a template for an object. It contains a definition for the types of data that will be stored and the code for the methods. Think of it like a recipe for an object, but it is not itself an object.
Don't get confused by the other (Accepted) answer, by the distinction of having multiple values. That really isn't the distinction between a class and object. Structured data types (structs), for example, can also hold multiple values, but are not objects by the strictest definition.

Why is data flow programming not the norm? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I wrote a simple genetic algorithm to evolve the string "helloworld". I wrote it twice. The first time was written using classes. And the second time was written using just functions where the entire state of the genetic world is passed from one function to the next...to mimic the data flow paradigm. Surprisingly, the code worked well for both the implementations. However, I managed to get it working only after painstakingly removing each and every bug, which was quite a laborious process.
And I asked myself.. there has got to be a better way. Write the code using classes was comparatively difficult than writing the same code using simple functions and I believe writing the same code visually, using something like labview for example would be a lot more easier than writing it only using simple functions.
To that extent, I read about data flow programming and visual programming and quite frankly it seems like it is more natural and intuitive to program in a visual, data oriented manner than in a statement-wise manner, which is what most programming languages enable us to do today. My question is.. if this is the case, why hasn't data flow, visual programming like "labview" become the standard?
I do not believe that data-flow / "Visual Programming" has nearly the performance of well-designed code.
Text-based code can express far more complex and subtle data structures and flows than anything graphical. It gives programmers detailed control over what gets copied, what gets accessed, and precise control over sequences of steps. I have a hard time seeing how data-flow could be that expressive.
Ultimately, data-flow /visual programming can only describe things that are already known. Text-programming (for lack of a better term) actually lets you express more. Programmers can create entirely new data structures and algorithms that simply haven't been represented visually yet.
It is dangerous to use a single problem as the basis for how programming languages should be designed. I'm not sure how the data-flow paradigm would improve GUI framework design, for instance.

Naming Conventions - Plurals for Collections [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I'd like to get some opinion of Naming Conventions for entity collections. In particular I'm designing a RESTful URI structure.
If I have an entity e.g. Account, I would call a collection of such entities Accounts. Similarly: Customer and Customers, Order and Orders. Generally adding an 's' to the end of the entity name. This is a consistent pattern good for a Naming Convention.
But what should I do when some plural words are not simply an 's' tagged on the end e.g. Mouse and Mice, Person and People or even Fish and Fish (plural and singular are the same)?
Should I stick with a simple pattern and just tag on a 's' irrelevant of English Language conventions, or go with the proper pluralised form of a word.
I've been tempted to name my collections e.g. PersonCollection or FishCollection but whilst consistent it is ugly and not the sort of thing I want to enter into URI which I want to be as succinct as possible.
Stick with the English language! It makes the code or the use of interfaces a lot more readable, maintainable and intuitive when somebody with a good understanding of the English language can sit down and work with it. It can be very frustrating to maintain code or interfaces that contain typos in class names, field names, URI parts, ... or other issues like using wrong plural forms as you mentioned. Therefore, I'd never use "Mouses" as the plural form for "Mouse".
Abbreviations might be of concern, too. If it's a known abbreviation, feel free to use it. However, try to keep one strict convention of naming them, like first letter is upper-case the rest lower-case, or all upper-case. Try to avoid mixing those.
Appending the type of the variable or field is like prefixing it. Depending on the programming language in question, I'd go with the general guidelines, e.g. in Java I'd remove the "Collection"-part. As far as URIs are concerned, I wouldn't use it. It doesn't improve readability.

I spend way too time trying to think up variable, class, function, etc... names. Is there a tool or method or trick I can use to cut this time down? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Currently my best tool for this is a thesaurus, but I would like to expand my horizons on the matter.
Invest in a tool that makes refactoring easier. Like in NetBeans, you can easily rename classes and variables. If you use that, you can make a mistake without much problems.
But it is wise to think about the structure of names.
A class I think of as an entity, so its name is noun, like Customer is the name for a class respresenting a customer.
A function (and method too) is a verb. It describes what it does, like getName() returns the name. get and set are common prefixes for functions that return or set a property. That's why they're even called 'getters' and 'setters'. A function name could also be saveCustomer to save a customer, or just save, if it is a method of the customer class.
With some basic rules like that, it should be easy to come up with a reasonable name, which you can always change using the refactory tools found in many editors.
Sometimes it is hard to find a good name. I'm not a native english speaker myself, while the code I write (and the comments) is in english, because it conforms more to existing libraries. Sometimes I find it hard to find the right word. In that case I use a disctionary or just Google to find a translation. Usually googling for 'WordInYourLanguage translation' will give you a list of entries on dictionary sites, from which you probably will recognize the right term.
Sounds a bit OCD to me...
Most of my code does not face a 2nd pair of eyes, so I sometimes name my variables things such as "BigBoobs"... At the end of the day, the only people that need to know the variable are you and anyone else who may be looking at the code...
As for seriously addressing your question:
I don't think there would really be a variable name generator out there, because that would involve it knowing what your program is actually doing as you do it. If technology like that exists, I guess I will be out of a job.