Will Design Patterns solve object communication? [closed] - oop

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Closed 10 years ago.
I have been researching and looking for answers here to a problem that I suspect might be solved by a better understanding of design patterns. I think the problem is that I am a self-taught coder and people seem to tend to assume familiarity with a lot of esoteric terminology; I have ended up in Wikipedia spirals trying to determine what some phrases mean.
That said - on to the coding/structural problem.
Actually, just before I start, I should point out that I may well be making unknown presumptions in the way the code is structured in my question. If this is the case, could folks suggest alternatives to what I'm suggesting? I'd really appreciate learning how to better code as opposed to simply being told I'm doing it wrong.
Let's say we have a Room class, which has 4 Walls, a Ceiling and a Floor. These are instantiated 'inside' the Room. The Room also has a Table which has 4 TableLegs, again instantiated inside the Table, inside the Room. (This, I believe, is Composition, but please correct me if I've got that wrong!).
Finally, the problem:
If someone, somehow, pushes the Table, the TableLeg(s) will need to check the type of Floor they're standing on to trigger the appropriate sound. This, currently would be my solution:
The Table dispatches an event. The Room listens for that 'table pushed' event, quizes the Floor to determine its type, then passes that type to a method on Table, which in turn passes it to the TableLegs.
This, to me, seems fairly inelegant; hence my suspicion that knowledge of design patterns might be useful.
Is there something fundamentally wrong about the structure I've described that I'm not appreciating? If so, what is the alternative?
Finally, I have heard of the Gang of Four book. If that's my first port of call, is it written in an accessible style or will I have to have studied computer science to grasp it?
Sorry for the long, design-pattern-beginner's question.

The Floor could listen for objects Events. The Event interface could expose information about object geometry, material, etc. Then the Floor could check for collisions and play a sound.
I recommend the book Head First Design Patterns

I don't know if I can answer your question, but I can tell you something about the "Design Patterns" book.
It was an instant classic when it was published in 1994/1995. With examples in C++ and Smalltalk (there was no Java or C# back then), it listed solutions to 26 common problems in object-oriented programming. It provided a format for documenting forces and resolutions that was eagerly snapped up by academic conferences for years after. Lots of programmers, including myself, were studying it like holy writ in the hope that a single book could make them superstars.
Then reality set in.
Functional programmers said the patterns were work-arounds for flaws in OOP. What's the fuss? They could do these things without resorting to patterns.
The usual response on first reading the book is to try and fit as many patterns as you can into whatever code you happen to be writing at that moment.
You'll find yourself using the pattern names in design sessions: "I think we need a Chain of Responsibility here!"
Eventually you calm down and realize that patterns aren't the answers to your problems. The best way to use them is to think hard about your problems and solutions and suddenly realize that your answer happens to fall into a pattern.
As for your problem, I don't think you need a pattern. Have the Table send a message to the Floor to ask about its type before you generate the sound. That'll do it. Simplicity is a virtue.


OO - resource spending and design confusion? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
sometimes i'm using OO des. and sometimes procedural style and everytime i use oop i feel like wasting resources on nothing. say i have a situation where i need to grab some values from datasource, a pool of bannerinfo. For the further work i can declare a banner class and decorators for additional functionality, but why would i do such a hard sequence - i got to grab, instantiate objects, fill them, wrap and so on, rather then just: grab data, run procedural code on data; yeah in many times oop just helps to organize logic and make decisions flexible, but on the other hand it's a waste of time on design (i experience a lot of problems solving simple stuff while putting them into oop style) and obviously a waste of machine resources. i'm kinda stuck in that mindset, im young but i've already seen some projects in oop - i wouldn't say that they're easy-understandable; that idead of oop is pretty charming - organising, making logically, but...
So, would you mind to point out some difference between situations when i should use oop/procedural styles. I'll appriciate any links to additional literature on that topic.Thanks!.
That data you're grabbing has a structure to it, i.e. the order in which the fields show up within each record in the data source. The code you want to run on that data is closely bound to that structure (i.e. the code is not going to apply to other data structures, and if the data structure changes you certainly want to change the code). So it makes sense to keep the data and behaviour together from a "mental information management" point of view, and object are a great way to do this.
What if your program grows, and you want to iterate through bannerinfo in multiple places within the project? Of course you could create a routine available from the whole program which does what you want on the bannerinfo, and call that from each point where you need it. But what if you then think of other things you want to do with a bannerinfo? Of course you could just create another routine available from the whole program, but it would be completely separate from the first. What if these two routines had some code in common that you could push out to a separate routine, would you create yet another routine available from the whole program, even though it's only used by the other two?
With OOP you'd have a class with two public methods, and one private one for that third routine. Why is this different to having three routines available to the whole program? The answer is clutter. You can create as many additional methods on that class, and it won't add clutter to the parts where you're not using that particular class as they won't be available. If the data structure of bannerinfo changes, you only need to go to one place to make the changes.
Of course there's more, but I hope this helps demonstrate where OOP can be useful. Its all about making it easy to manage. If your specifc problem doesn't care for that because it is a one-off, or will never grow, then there's not necessarily any benefit.
Final note: whether the benefit is worth the effort also depends on other factors such as how comfortable you are with using objects, what you're trying to do with them (inheritance can get murky), and also on the language and syntax itself.
"grab data, run procedural code on data"
I don't see how dealing with data can be easier with procedural. With OOP you can do stuff like
$users = $db->from('users')->where('score',100,'>')->getMany();
Or with an ORM:
$user = $orm->entity('User')->findOne($id);
$user->setPassword('abc123'); // set a new password
About showing the data (also called 'the view' in MVC architecture), I have to agree that decorators can be annoying. But if you use a templating engine, things are easy as they can get. You didn't mention which language you are using, but if you are into PHP you can use Twig
Personally, I feel more comfortable with OOP even in small projects, where you don't even do things like unit-testing. But I think the best of OOP comes when you need maintainability, collaboration, reusability, etc.

How to Think in terms of Object Oriented Programming? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
i've been interested in game programming for a while and tried to read quite a lot of books on OOP. The problem is for the most part the books show you code and say "add this here" "add this there" but they fail to explain "the big picture" of OOP instead of jumping around. What i want to know i how to think in terms of OOP. For example i've read this thread Object Oriented application problems in game development which gives you some good insight on howto THINK about your classes (like, player "has", "can"....world "listens"). What i would like some help with is a way of thinking, to make the right questions order to plan well which things should be left for a "player class" to do, which things to leave for the "world class" to do, which things to make "private" and which to leave "public", etc. I want to answer the "Why" not the "Hows" I don't want the code, i want the Questions or Mind Set for OOP to become a natural way to organize code.
For example, if i am dealing with collision detection. Should i leave this for the "world" to check?, should i leave it for the player to check? Which question should i ask myself?
Sorry for the "broad" question, but anything would help. From a good "book" to some tips.
PD: I do not have mucho programming experience
Best regards,
Stop reading books and get out there and program. Learn Java. Use a book to do it, but don't just go through the motions, don't download the code write it yourself. In the beginning you will wonder what is the point of OOP, but then you will get into more complex problems and you will start to appreciate the freedom that OOP gives you. Things like inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism are just terms right now for you. You kinda know what they mean but you haven't programmed enough to use the concepts. Once you use them and make classes that exemplify the concepts then you start to learn real object oriented programming. You shouldn't focus on making your game OOP, you should focus on making OOP fit your game.
So moral of the story is go program.
Write, write software. People make too big of a deal out of OOP. It's merely an approach to achieve certain design principals such as modularity and low coupling. You experiment and see what makes code - good code, how to make code flexible and maintainable. then you will understand the principles that lead to a good design, whether purely functional, procedural, OOP, or any other paradigm.
I think the key to learning OOP is indeed writing code, but start to think in terms of how you would model the real world - i.e., a car object has attributes of doors, tires, engine, and so on, while the behaviors would be perhaps start engine, change oil, ect....free your mind and think of things in a method that will relate to how you can make writing code less cumbersome and complex. Some problems are inherintly complex, but OOP can help you to sort it out and think of things in a real world fashion. You can do it...just start trying....
I read earlier edition of "Object-Oriented Thought Process" and found the book immensely helpful in understanding the whole OOP paradigm.
I guess the best way to 'grock' the concept of Object Oriented Programming is to think of code as modules, or building blocks - write code so it can be modularized in this fashion, then you can reuse them whenever you need that code by simply calling them as needed instead of writing the same code over and over and over again. It's as much a discipline as well as a taught subject. It is also helpful to document your code so when you go back later to reuse it - you know what kind of arguments it takes, what kind of output it generates, and how it does what you wrote it to do.
As you have said, this is a very broad question. With experience, you will have a better sense of when to use what.
While it is nice to know the "whys", remember that knowing the "hows" builds a good foundation for you to understand the "whys".
Now, to answer the specific ones that you have brought up. Think of public as something you would put in the API. If you have a "player class", what do you want the rest of your code to do with it? You want to interact with it in some sense. What is the interface to interact with the "player class"? Those that are your interface should be "public".
So what are the things that should be private? For example, if there is some attribute to the player class that has to be in a valid range (let's say between 1 to 100). How do you prevent people (other parts of the code) from corrupting that? You use private for that. This prevents other people from setting the value to 1001. This way, if it ever gets into a bad state, you know it's the class that screwed up, not the rest of the code.
As for designs, remember that designs change. When you first set out with your program, you may decide the one class should do the collision detection. (That is, your "world" has a collision detector) Maybe at first you just write your "world" with the collision detector. And later on you refactored the code out and have a class called "Collision detector". Then later on you may decide it goes somewhere else, but it's easy since you can just have another object to "have a" Collision detector.
Point is, if you make your code modular enough, this will be easy. There are no hard rules. You first write your code with the design you have in mind. Along the way you are going to find better ways of doing things.

What is a good standard exercise to learn the OO features of a language? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
When I'm learning a new language, I often program some mathematical functions to get used to the control flow syntax. After that, I like to implement some sorting algorithms to get used to the array/list constructs.
But I don't have a standard exercise for exploring the languages OO features. Does anyone have a stock exercise for this?
A good answer would naturally lend to inheritance, polymorphism, etc., for a programmer already comfortable with these concepts. An ideal answer would be one that could be communicated in a few words, without ambiguity, in the way that "implement mergesort" is completely unambiguous. (As an example, answering "design a game" is so vague as to be useless.)
Any ideas?
EDIT: I have to remark that the results here are somewhat ironic. 10 upvotes and (originally) 5 favorites suggest that this is a question others are interested in. Yet the most upvoted answer is one that says there is no good answer. Oh well. I think I'll look at the textbook below, I've found games useful in the past for OO.
I can't imagine there could be a standard set of exercises that would naturally introduce OO features of a programming language to everybody. A lot of the introductory OO tutorials are full of Animals, Cats, and Dogs which does not really cut it for me at least. Find a problem domain in OO you've struggled with a lot, and try to use that as your set of stock exercises for each language you pick up.
The OO constructs that we are used to thinking in terms of may not make sense in a language. Javascript comes to mind which shakes the entire foundation of how we think about objects in general. That said, you shouldn't adapt to a language but rather adapt the language for your purposes. Over time as your knowledge repository grows and improves with experience, you'll naturally want to implement what you think is best in each programming language that you use regardless of what the language offers.
Good question...
In my opinion the best teacher is just find a simple example of OO features and try to write something alone, creating new examples for Yourself and trying develop simple application in which You can connect all features of OO .
Implementing algorithm like merge sort which don't use OO feature, cause they don't need it is useless. Try real useful programs.
I remember when learning OO i write application with general "Animal" interface with methods and class which inherit it, like "amphibian". it was fanny time ;)
Some fun: implement the Shape/Circle/Ellipse hierarchy without falling into the trap (it can be done very nicely in Java, Scala, etc.).
edit implement it before looking at the proposed solutions in the Wikipedia article :)
I've used Hunt The Wumpus. The original implementation in BASIC was not at all OO, but if you start fresh it lends itself pretty nicely to this.
Here's what I use:
I've done it enough times that it's "standard" in my opinion.
This might be too specific, but it's what I credit for really getting me to understand OOP personally. For my work I had to write code to extract data from a large variety of different sources. It seemed straightforward to me at the time that I should tackle the problem from the perspective of designing various "DataProvider" classes. What only gradually became clear was how much code I could reuse by breaking the different kinds of providers down into hierarchical categories, like this:
...and so on. I would suggest that any problem like this--where you need to accomplish a certain kind of task (in my case, extracting data) in a bunch of different ways (e.g., from multiple sources)--will be a great opportunity to delve into OOP and hopefully learn to appreciate how useful it is.
I personally find the best way to learn OO, is to write your own testing framework.
I find a layout of a Test Runner, owning one or more Test Suites, which each have their own Test Cases enough of a starting point, but you can easily grow it from there, and it might even be something you care to use in the future.
Alternatively, if you want something completely throw away, there's always Enterprise FizzBuzz. :)

How to become a good at Technical Design [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Would like to know what a programmer should know to become a good at Designing particluarly in Java/J2EE technologies.
Firstly Good Design transcends whichever language you choose to use to implement the design. Good software design is about managing complexity to create easy to understand code which is robust and maintainable. Key points are
Work in the highest level of abstraction you can at any time
Encapsulate and hide areas of complexity
Understand what value there is in clear and consistent naming
In my mind Good design is achieved by a combination of understanding good practice and being creative. And in my experience the hardest part of design is in achieving the right functional decomposition of the problem into smaller sub-problems. It is important to understand that the process of achieving this decomposition is almost always an iterative process rather than a methodical top down process. You have to be prepared to modify or throw away your previous design decomposition until you have something which is maintainable.
It is hard to talk about good design and not to mention two things in particular
Object Oriented Proctices
Design Patterns
While some languages are object oriented, some are purely object based and others, like C, were created prior to object based design becoming wide spread, the principles and practices can be applied in any language. Most of the code I write is in C and I try to use object like practices where possible.
Design Patterns present good solutions to common problems and give these solutions names. I have found the study of Design Patterns a key to understanding what good design can achieve.
For beginning to understand design, you should probably first write some toy-projects. Write them, take a step back once in a while and reflect, go back and rewrite. Lather, rinse and repeat.
Making mistakes in design is the best way to understand how you should do better next time. There are of course some methodologies you should be aware of, most important of which patterns and information hiding. Beyond that there are various sources/books for software architecture. For example: Software Architecture in Practice (2nd Edition) (The SEI Series in Software Engineering) by Len Bass, Paul Clements, and Rick Kazman
Try to look closely at where information belongs. Should the interest-rate be a field in Account or AccountType for (a small) example.
Last but not least, try to involve yourself in discussions about design. Debate with your peers, but also pick the brains of more experienced designers/architects.
And stay critical! Although Software Design is more of an exact field than building design with (some) clear pros and cons, taste/preference and rhetoric is still part of the deal.
I would recommend a couple of things:
Read about some design patterns. The original Gang of Four book helps with OO design. If your are writing Enterprise applications I can't recommend Martin Fowlers Enterprise Application Architecture book too much.
Patterns give you the essential words to describe designs both to yourself and to others. Just reading about the different approaches makes you see new possibilities. If you are looking at J2EE, patterns like Inversion of Control are essential.
Obsess about loose coupling
The essentials of good design is preventing tight coupling. Anything that can be used to move your code in to loosely couples layers is going to help your overall design.
Read other people's code. Study some high profile open source code in the your technology area.
Just studying other peoples code quickly gives you a feel for nice looking designs compared to cluttered Big Ball Of Mud approaches.

How do I explain loose coupling and information hiding to a new programmer? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
How do I explain loose coupling and information hiding to a new programmer? I have a programmer who I write designs for, but who can't seem to grasp the concepts of loose coupling and information hiding.
I write designs with everything nicely broken down into classes by function (data access is separate, a class for requests, a controller, about 5 classes total). They come back with a modified design where half the classes inherit from the other half (and there is no "is-a" relationship), and many public variables.
How can I get across the idea that keeping things separate makes it easier to maintain?
Ask him if it's a good idea to let you borrow $10 by giving his wallet to you for a moment and taking the money yourself.
The problem is your expectations, not the developers lack of skill. You talk about loose coupling and information hiding as if these are simple facts or mechanical techniques - they are not. Software development is a craft and the only way to get better at a craft is to practice it and slowly and incrementally improve.
You are looking for a shortcut. You want the developer to experience an "ahah!" moment and suddenly see the wisdom in your design. I say, don't hold your breath.
Adopt the mindset of a mentor. If you want him to improve his design skills, don't "hand" him a design, let him to design it! Then review the design with him. This will give him experience, a deeper sense of ownership and more willingness to listen to your suggestions before he is knee deep in implementation.
An aside - I notice that people look for these shortcuts all the time with abstract skills but not with more "physical" skills. Take tennis for example. If you were a tennis coach and a new player kept hitting his forehands long, you wouldn't just show him a YouTube video of a Roger Federer forehand and expect him to "get it". A great forehand takes YEARS of experience as you learn the feeling and use it in different scenarios - its not your muscles learning, its your brain. It is no different with software design. You get good at it by doing it over and over again. You slowly learn from your mistakes and get better at appreciating the consequences of each individual design decision.
The best way to explain these kinds of concepts is to use analogies. Pick something non-programming related and use that to explain the abstract design concepts.
The following image is pretty good at explaining the need for loose coupling:
Try to come up with stuff like this that will amuse and pertain to your new programmer.
Theory will only get you so far.
Make him try to add new features to code he's written a while ago. Then rework the old code with him so it's loosely coupled and ask him to add the same features.
He will certainly understand the avantages of writing good code.
There's nothing like a physical analogy. Walk out to your car and point out how everything complicated, hot and dangerous is pretty well isolated from the fragile human. Sit in the driver's seat and point out some of the important gauges; for example, the coolant temperature, tachometer and speedometer. Note how the gauges are remarkably similar: they all take a scalar value (from somewhere) and represent it by moving a needle to a position between min and max.
However, if you think about what's being measured, the strong motivation to maintain that isolation (aka loose coupling or information hiding) becomes a lot more obvious.
"How would you like to measure the coolant temperature? By looking at a gauge or by sticking your finger into near-boiling liquid?"
"How would you like to measure the engine rotational speed? By looking at a gauge or by letting a multi-thousand RPM crankshaft rip the flesh from your bones as you try to estimate it by hand?"
"How would you like to measure the car's speed? By looking at a gauge or by dragging your foot on the ground as you're roaring down the highway?"
From there, you can build on the concepts of "your coolant temperature gauge is-a gauge. It isn't-a boiling liquid" and so forth to more complicated concepts.
Loose coupling: The parts of a watch may be replaced by others with out breaking the whole watch. For instance you can remove one hand and it will still work.
Information hiding: The clock hands doesn't know that behind them there's a machinery.
Additional concept
High cohesion: All the elements in the watch "module" are strongly related. In this specific scenario, a battery would belong to another module or namespace.
Show him this presentation. Though it's mainly about DI, it's downright brilliant and up to the point.
I would try sitting down with him and working through a couple of peieces of code with him looking over your sholder and you explaining why you are doing what you are doing as you go along. I've found this is normally the best way to explain things.
Ask him to make a change you know it will be hard because of his design and show him how that would happen using yours.
If he complains, tell him the truth: business will ask more bizarre changes, it's a matter of time he will see that.
Just don't talk to him. That should teach him about information hiding. ;-)
I like a credit card for an example.
You have a credit card.
A credit card represents your credit history. It has a balance and a APR. It has permissions and an entire financial state. It has a id, an expiration date, and a security code. The magnetic strip summarizes all of this.
When you go to your local credit-card-accepting establishment, they don't need to know that. They don't want to know that, and it is often very dangerous if they do know that. What they need to "know" is that there is a magnetic strip which will take care of all of this, and (sometimes) that the person holding the card has id to match the name printed on the card.
Giving them more information is either (in the best case) useless, or (in the worst case) dangerous. Requiring them to know which bank to check with, making sure they know how to calculate your particular APR, or allowing them to check your balance is simply silly at that point.
If he's misinterpreting your designs, perhaps a couple pair-programming sessions will be enough to get them on track. I do have to agree with #ThomasD and will expand upon it -- the encapsulation going on here could be you. It could be a simple case of misinterpretation instead of them not understanding the concepts.
I think that OO concepts really need to be learnt practically. One really needs to do these things to understand. I go to school (engineering) and most of my peers don't really get the concept. They know in general that loose coupling is 'good' but not why. They also don't know how to achieve loose coupling. I am working on my final year project now and I got through to them by making them part of the design process. (It helped that they really did understand how and why and had an inkling of its importance)
Given your situation, here is what I would suggest:
1. Make them follow your design exactly (at least for a couple of weeks). If they want to deviate, have them discuss what and why with you. [Time constraints may not permit this].
2. Sit with them on whichever part of the design you are doing next and explain some o0f your design choices to them, with examples. Somethings that are obvious to you may need to be pointed out to them.
3. Be on the lookout for examples, both of good design and bad design and show them how that works better.
The most important task here is of delegation. You have to show them what good code looks like, maybe train them for a couple of hours. Then you agree on when to review and how you can help them (whithin your limited free time (?)) do the task well. The main thing is to get them to identify with and understand good design. Doing these things will help them 'buy-in' to the design. Once they feel it is their design, I am sure they will do better work.
Overall, I think you need to put your foot down and get them to code it right, without stifling their creativity.
I don't really have too much experience in the area. I am just giving my opinion on the subject, based on what worked for me. I hope this helps.
I'd like to add that OO concepts can be learnt from books, while their application can be learnt only by practice. I have added this note in response to a comment by Christopher W. Allen-Poole.
Well if you have to explain it to them then I'm forced to ask: are they really a programmer?
Tell them they need a "college do over"?
That's a hard one because it's such a basic concept. Personally I wouldn't want to handle it because it's like someone is getting paid to learn stuff they should already know but life isn't always ideal.
I'd approach it by finding a problem that's simple enough to solved relatively simple. Public variables are usually handled best by trying to find the source of a problem when you can't see what's changin gthe variables. You can design a scenario for that.
The over-inheritance may not be their fault. They may have learnt in a course designed in the 90s that's trapped in the idea that "everything must inherit". I remember the old examples of Manager extends Employee. It's just BAD. Thing is people get taught this nonsense. Still.
For C++ the Scott Meyer Effective C++ series is probably worth poniting them to (assuming they can be bothered to read something). For Java, Josh Bloch's Effective Java ("favor composition") is along the same lines. Not sure about C#.
These sorts of books give a better approach to inheritance vs composition and also give some good examples of why inheritance is (as Josh Bloch puts it) an "implementation detail". I've also heard it described as "inheritance breaks encapsulation".
I saw a good example once of inheritance vs composition with extending the capabilities of a List in Java and how inheritance required you to know implementation details of the parent to do correct whereas composition didn't. I'll see if I can find it.
If you do Unit Testing, explain it in terms of test-writing. Alternatively, Abstract Classes and Interfaces both use loose coupling and information hiding to great effect. If you explain it to him in terms of other concepts he may already have a handle on, he'll be more likely to appreciate the concept quickly.
Programs are systems of interacting parts.
For a system of interacting parts to work together requires connections between these parts.
The more connections, the more costly the program.
For a fixed number of parts, a system whose parts are unnecessarily connected is more costly than a system whose parts are necessarily connected.
Unneccessary connections can only be formed in a system whose parts are unnecessarily exposed to connections from other parts.
Minimising unneccessary exposure of parts to connection from other parts is fundamental to cost-effective program development.
Loose coupling and information hiding are the fundamentals of connection-exposure minimisation.
This is not optional knowledge for a programmer.
This is fundamental.
You cannot be a cost-conscious programmer without this knowledge.
Asking how to explain loose coupling and information hiding to a new programmer is like asking how to explain surgery to a new surgeon? Or to explain architecture to a new architect? Or how to explain flying to a pilot.
If your, 'New programmers,' don't know loose coupling and information hiding, then they are not, 'New programmers;' they are potential programmers.
Curiously, it probably won't help to tell them to read the original two papers:
i)Loose coupling: 'Structured design,' by W.P. Stevens, G.J. Myers and L.L. Constantine.
ii)Information hiding: http://www.cs.umd.edu/class/spring2003/cmsc838p/Design/criteria.pdf
Just like the move from 16 bit to 32 bit windows applications where processes were given their own address space. This stopped any other process from being able to kill your application when it "accidently" walked over your data.
Moving processes to different address spaces was like treating each process as a class, and hiding the memory internally and decoupling the processes by forcing interprocess communication to only happen via an expected interface ( eg Windows Messages ).
loose coupling means the external code should use the object of derived non abstract class through abstract base class. if any change occur in set of class on which it depend then not neccessory to change in external code i.e. external code really exhibit loose coupling.