finding average dollar amount of an order - sql

I am trying to find the average dollar amount of an order. I have calculated the average order Total but I need an average that takes into account the fact that not all Orders have a corresponding OrderItems.
This is a homework question and it is as follows:
What is the average $$ value of an order? To get the answer, you need
to add up all the order values and divide this by the
number of orders. There are two possible averages on this question,
because not all of the order numbers in the ORDERS table are in the
ORDERITEMS table... You will calculate and display both averages.
I have writtern the one ignoring orders with no OrderItem, but not sure of how to go about the second case.
SELECT SUM(OrderItems.qty*INVENTORY.price) / COUNT(*) AS dollarValue
FROM Orders, OrderItems, Inventory
WHERE ORDERS.orderid = OrderItems.orderid AND OrderItems.partid = Inventory.partid
Link To DB Diagram

The Avg function will not replace NULL with zero; it will exclude NULL from its calculation. If you have Order rows which have no OrderItem, you need to use Left Joins. A trick you can use in SQL Server is to nest the joins like so (note the parentheses):
Select Avg(OI.Qty * I.Price)
From Orders As O
Left Join (OrderItems As OI
Join Inventory As I
On I.PartId = OI.PartId)
On OI.OrderId = O.OrderId
This will join the Inventory table to the OrderItems table before it Left Joins that result to the Orders table. In this way, OI.Qty and I.Price with both return NULL for Orders that have no OrderItems and be excluded from the calculation. An equivalent approach to the above would be to use two Left Joins:
Select Avg(OI.Qty * I.Price)
From Orders As O
Left Join OrderItems As OI
On OI.OrderId = O.OrderId
Left Join Inventory As I
On I.PartId = OI.PartId
If you wanted to count Orders with no OrderItems as zero, then you need to covert those nulls to zero using Coalesce:
Select Avg(OI.Qty * I.Price) As Avg_ExcludingNull
, Avg( Coalesce(OI.Qty * I.Price,0) ) As Avg_NullAsZero
From Orders As O
Left Join (OrderItems As OI
Join Inventory As I
On I.PartId = OI.PartId)
On OI.OrderId = O.OrderId

SQL has an aggregate function for calculating the average: AVG()
SELECT AVG(OrderItems.qty*INVENTORY.price) AS dollarValue
FROM Orders, OrderItems, Inventory
WHERE ORDERS.orderid = OrderItems.orderid AND OrderItems.partid = Inventory.partid
While we're here, may I suggest you use the more modern JOIN syntax:
SELECT AVG(OrderItems.qty*INVENTORY.price) AS dollarValue
FROM Orders
JOIN OrderItems ON ORDERS.orderid = OrderItems.orderid
JOIN Inventory ON OrderItems.partid = Inventory.partid


SQL - Sum Up Results Of A Multiplication By Group

I have the following tables:
Orders (OID, Count, ProductID, TableNr)
Table (TableNr, Name, Number)
Products (ProductID, Prize)
Now I want to calculate how much was earned per table. I think to do this I have to Group By Orders.TableNr. But how can I multiply the Products.Prize with the Orders.Count and after that sum up this results within the group?
You are describing a join and aggregation:
select o.tableNr, sum(o.count * p.prize) totalEarned
from orders o
inner join products p on p.productId = o.productId
group by o.tableNr
If you want to display table information as well (say, the table name), then you can add another join:
select t.tableNr,, sum(o.count * p.prize) totalEarned
from table t
inner join orders o on o.tableNr = t.tableNr
inner join products p on p.productId = o.productId
group by t.tableNr,
Note that table is a SQL keyword, hence not a good choice for a table name.

sql get newest date and price of all inventory_items

I have this sql tables, and i need to get from all inventory items the newest date from table: orders with the price paid on this date
if i do something like that:
SELECT inventory.item_number,, order_items.price
FROM inventory
INNER JOIN order_items ON = order_items.inventory_id
INNER JOIN orders ON order_items.order_id =
WHERE max(
it's not working, and i get an error.
What is the correct way to do that
You need a where clause, but the MAX() cannot go there directly. Try a subquery:
SELECT i.item_number,, orders.price
FROM inventory i INNER JOIN
order_items oi
ON = oi.inventory_id INNER JOIN
orders o
ON oi.order_id =
WHERE = (SELECt max( FROM orders o2);

Left Join and Sum Each Individual Row

I have a table named orders (orderID, customerID, purchaseDate, and paymentType) and orderLine (orderID, upc, productName, quantity, price). I'm trying to join these two tables so that it primarily shows the orders table but then has a total price column for each order on the far right. This is what I have so far but it's adding the total for every single row into one. I want each individual row to have their own sum by multiplying quantity*price based on the orderID.
SELECT orders.orderID, SUM(orderLine.price * orderLine.quantity)
FROM orderLine
LEFT JOIN orders
ON orders.orderID = orderLine.orderID
You need to add group by clause
SELECT orders.orderID, SUM(orderLine.price * orderLine.quantity)
FROM orderLine
LEFT JOIN orders
ON orders.orderID = orderLine.orderID
grou by orders.orderID
SELECT orders.orderID, (SUM(orderLine.price * orderLine.quantity) Over (Order
By orders.orderID))
FROM orderLine
LEFT JOIN orders
ON orders.orderID = orderLine.orderID
Group By orders.orderID
You want all orders, so start with orders. Table aliases also make the query easier to write and to read:
SELECT o.orderID, SUM(ol.price * ol.quantity)
orderLine ol
ON o.orderID = ol.orderID
GROUP BY o.orderID;
Then the answer to your question is GROUP BY.
You would have a very poor data model if you have orderlines that don't have a corresponding order, which is what your version of the query suggests.

Query returning individuals most recent order, date of the order, number of products in the order and the total amount

Need help with a query to returns each individuals most recent order, date of the order, number of products in the order and the total amount. I am kind of stuck trying to get the number of products and total.
Here are the table diagrams
Not sure if I should be using multiple joins or subqueries:
SELECT FirstName, LastName, MAX(O.OrderDate), O.OrderDate
FROM Customer C
INNER JOIN Order O ON C.CustomerID = O.CustomerID
It is always good practice to start from assumed dim tables such as product.This Query should help. It is better to aggregate quantity and amount to get results at aggregate level
SELECT FirstName
,max(o.orderdate) Orderdate
,Sum(Quantity) Quantity
,Sum(TotalAmount) TotalAmount
FROM Product p
INNER JOIN Orderitem oi
ON Oi.product_id =
ON = oi.order_id
INNER JOIN Customer c
ON = o.Customer_id
GROUP BY FirstName
not sure if you want aggregations but here you go:
SELECT customer.firstname, customer.lastname, COUNT(DISTINCT orderitem.productid), [order].totalamount
FROM [order] LEFT JOIN customer ON [order] LEFT JOIN orderitem ON
WHERE [order].date=MAX([order].date)
GROUP BY customer.firstname,customer.lastname, [order].totalamount
Still don't know why you are applying a where clause for the last order, it's up to you to keep or not the where condtion.

Select all orders by one customer

I have three tables, orders, orders_details and customers. I need to select orders by one customer for the orders table so I did this
orders columns:
orders_details columns:
The SQL I used
SUM(orders_details.qty*orders_details.cost) as amount,
SUM(orders_details.qty) AS qty
orders.customer_id =
AND orders_details.order_id =
AND orders.customer_id = 1
but I am getting a wrong qty of 30 instead of 20 and the amount is wrong
If you want to aggregate per order you need a GROUP BY clause. Also you should use proper JOIN syntax, and might consider using aliases to make the query more compact.
SUM(od.qty * od.cost) AS amount,
SUM(od.qty) AS qty
FROM orders o
INNER JOIN orders_details od ON od.order_id =
INNER JOIN customers c ON o.customer_id = -- not used, might be excluded
WHERE o.customer_id =1
Depending on what database system you are using you might need to include all columns referenced in o.* in the GROUP BY:
GROUP BY, o.customer_id, o.created, o.vat,, o.amount, o.paid
Last note: as you don't seem to use any data from the customers table you probably could exclude that table altogether.
You're missing a GROUP BY clause which I'm guessing should be on