openldapforwindows.exe (OpenLDAP for windows) version 2.2.29 - ldap

Can anyone tell me from where I can download openldapforwindows.exe (OpenLDAP for windows) version 2.2.29? I tried various pages, but I was not able to get this particular version

I suggest you solve the problem instead of downgrading.
Your schema files need to be in DOS format not Unix format, i.e. line-terminated by \r\n.

you can download openldap for windows from


openvms create file without version extension (;1,etc)

Does anybody know how can I create a text file in OpenVMS without the version extension? I need to take some logs from this server and edit them in a Linux server. Until know the downloaded file from OpenVMS server cannot be opened.
Did you google your problem? You would find answers to help you along.
As indicated you cannot get rid of the file version number on the OpenVMS side.
You can edit those file on the Linux side easily - folks do it all the time.
You indicate the file cannot be opened. What is the error message?
Best is to copy&paste the exact command used and the returned message.
On Linux You probably just need to escape the ";" with a backslash to avoid it from terminating the command fragment. Or you can put the whole name in quotes.
If you don't like that, then you may need to look at the tool used to access (Samba?), package (zip?) or transfer the file (ftp/sftp). They are likely to have a setting to honor or discard the file version.
Since you fail to indicated exactly what you are doign, we cannot help until we know.
The ZIP on my OpenVMS server has options -
zip -h
Info-ZIP - Zip 3.0 (July 5th 2008).
-w store file version numbers -ww store file version numbers as ".nnn"
Good luck!

Installation of Pentaho-Data integration

After extracting the Pentaho zip file I downloaded. I set my class path to JDK 1.7.0. But, upon running the Spoon.bat file I keep getting the statement: "Unable to launch your Java Virtual Machine (JVM)." How do I resolve this problem ?
NB: I have configured JAVA_HOME, JRE_HOME as stated by similar previously answered questions.
Note that Pentaho7 requires java 8.
In any case, Set the PENTAHO_JAVA_HOME=dir, where dir is the directory that contains the /bin/java.exe executable.
The spoon.bat [resp] runs first the set-pentaho-env.bat to find a suitable java. Edit this file to know in which order it searches for it. So do like me, when nobody looks at you, edit this file manually, and set _PENTAHO_JAVA_HOME and _PENTAHO_JAVA manually.
To check: In a command line shell, cd to your PDI install directory and type spoon.bat. It writes something like start "Spoon" "**some\directory**\javaw.exe" more stuff. Check that you can type **some\directory**\javaw.exe -version in your shell.
If not: in the same directory, type set-pentaho-env.bat. It writes down the PENTAHO_JAVA and PENATHO_JAVA_HOME thAt spoon will use. Edit that file until %PENTAHO_JAVA%\java.exe -version and %PENTAHO_JAVA_HOME%\java.exe -version answers the appropriate version.
In my case (for PDI 9.2.x), installing an Oracle JDK 8 solved the issue (no need to set the Java home folder explicitly)

SQLDeveloper not starting

When i try to start SQLDeveloper, it is giving me the following error in command prompt:
Error: This product requires a Java(TM) Platform 5.0 runtime.
You are using 1.4.2-b28 from C:\j2sdk1.4.2\jre
But my JAVA_HOME is set to java 6
JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_32
Can anyone explain what exactly to do to resolve this?
Oracle SQL Developer uses a configuration file named products.conf which is situated at your roaming directory.
If you are using Windows 7 then the directory path will be:
Delete whole sqldeveloper directory from C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\
Re run sqldeveloper executable, this will prompt for jdk home
Select jdk home. i.e C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_55
In my case i had 2 folders under C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\
SQL developer
after removing both of them and launching installation dir\sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper\bin\sqldeveloper64.exe it worked.
True acknowledgement / attribution belongs to Vishal at the following URL: It describes in detail how to resolve this problem. From the page:
I am running Oracle 11g version of SQLDeveloper. I have same problem
noted above, after fresh install of Oracle. The summary is that
SQLDeveloper seems to require the Java 32-bit JDK.
Install 32-bit jdk V7 from Oracle:
There is a sqldeveloper.conf file located in
In the file change pathname within the line at end of file:
SetJavaHome C:\app\admin\product\11.2.0\client_1\jdk
To point to pathname of the jdk install directory; also sometimes
known as JAVA_HOME.
I had this problem too!
you should go to: C:\Users-your user name-\AppData\Roaming\sqldeveloper-version of your sql developer-
there is a file named product.conf there. Right click on it and edit it with notepad in the document change the address of java home and save it.
In my case, none of the other suggestions worked. Instead, I moved the installation directory from
anything else
And things worked again. Perhaps, some Windows registry value got broken in an unfixable way...
I don't think SQLDeveloper uses the environment variable. There should be a .conf file that contains a reference to the JDK directory.
I solved this by deleting the folder /home/USERNAME/.sqldeveloper
After that, I started SQLDeveloper and without typing anything, it found the right java-version and started without complaining :-)
So, if you don't want to delete the whole folder, maybe search there for the file which defines the java-version :-)
edit: just found that:
"Type the full pathname of a J2SE installation (or Ctrl-C to quit), the path
will be stored in ~/.sqldeveloper/jdk"
check the version of java that you are installing to you Pc the error show that you are using 4 so uninstall the java that you have then install a new one that is version higher than 5
Removing the instances from the registry worked for me.

attrib/chmod on old dos version

I'm working on an old pc with dos 5.0 installed.
I have plugged in a storage media on it, PC can easily see the directories and files, but i cannot overwrite or add directories/files.
So, if i would like to change permissions to one directory, how can i do this?
I have tried with: attrib +a +r a:\DIR1 /s /d
[but the /d option is not enabled on this old version of attrib and so it doesn't work]
I tried to download a latest version of attrib, but it gave me the message "DOS version not supported".
The moral is that i would like to do the same of linux's CHMOD in DOS 5.
I really need your help! i have searched in every site (google ecc.) but i didn't succeeded in finding the right solution.
thanks, have a nice day
p.s.=if you know a third party software , too, that works in DOS 5 and could help me, please: notify me :)
What sort of storage media is this? Is it something that could be hardware write-protected (e.g., a floppy disk)?

gedit automatic session saving or default session?

I'm used to eclipse's and notepad++'s behavior of automatically opening the files and tabs present on last exit. Does anyone know if there is a way to enable this in Gedit? The session management plugin that I'm using seems to require explicit menu selection of load and save in order to retrieve a session. Anyone know if there's a way to automatically restore the last session or to choose a default session?
There is a Session Saver plugin available in gedit-plugins package. Look at
For gedit 3.10 (included in Ubuntu 14.04) use this plugin:
In case ~/.local/share/gedit/plugins/ does not exist.
Please create using mkdir -p ~/.local/share/gedit/plugins/
One more soulution
I've been very happy with, which can automatically restore windows, including all tabs, between sessions (you just have to enable the option in Preferences). It requires gedit 3.12 or newer, and works great for me on version 3.36.