Create an Animation with CoreAnimation similar to the Safari download animation - core-animation

Anyone know how to create an animation similar to the Safari download animation? Thanks


Display animated GIF from online source in IOS7

does anybody know any library or tools to show a animated gif which comes from a changing URL on IOS7 devices?
I'm searching for a better performance solution than UIWebView.
Maybe some code which explodes the frames into separate images.
There are several open source projects for displaying GIFs in iOS.
Check these out:
UIImage from animated GIF
GIF UIImageView Loader
Animated GIF iPhone
Flipboard FLAnimatedImage
Also, there are questions on SO with a similar problem. Check them out here and here.

Performance tuning for iOS Leaves Page Flip Transition

I am using the GitHub leaves library to implement a PDF Reader with page flip transition. Every thing is working perfect in iPad/iPhone simulator. But when I installed the same on device, the page flip transition on landscape mode is getting slowed. ie, When two pages are showing. Can anybody give me any suggestion to solve this issue.
Thanks in advance.
Are you reading your PDF images from disk as the user flips? Preloading them in the background could help speed things up.

Zooming in image using scrollview Xcode

I am trying an iPad application using Xcode. I am just a beginner so there are things I don't know how to do. In my app, I have some images showing one by one by scrollview. Now, I want them to zoom in when double tap and zoom out when double tap again. Can anyone tell me how to zoom in and out using the same scrollview which is used to display all the images?
Thanks. :)
Please Refer the Apple Documents... Scroll View Programming Guide for iOS

IOS API to use to create app intro in a Flash way

I need to create an intro for IOS app, I want to create transition between images like Macos X screensaver themes (beach, forest...) with music, and text appearing and fading. I don't know exactly which IOS API/framework is the most suitable to use to achieve this. I will appreciate suggestions or links to tutorials.
Many thanks
These links might give you some inspiration on at least how to get started:
iphone fading of images
How about UIImageView and UILabel, with block animation?

Mimic versatile behaviour of Apple's UIWebView with Sencha Touch

Given a URL to a...
PDF, Apple's UIWebView component will display the PDF in the PDF
video, Apple's UIWebView component will display the video in
the video player.
music file, Apple's UIWebView component will play
the music in the video player.
What is the best way to mimic this functionality in Sencha Touch?
Many thanks
EDIT: Also, how do you display a website in a panel? I've tried using an embed and an iframe, but these aren't scrollable on the device.
I don't understand, this should work just like that? Are you thinking of rendering pdf/video/music inside Sencha Application?
If yes, check out Sencha examples for audio/video. For pdf you will need some new code. I would suggest using pdf.js inside Sencha panel, haven't tried it though.
This was answered in sencha touch :: how to create a panel for website-preview inside iFrame.
Anyway, if you want to get the same effect as a UIWebView in senchatouch, I recommend using PhoneGap as long as your intention is that your webapp is used only on mobile devices. PhoneGap Plugins available to use the native WebViews each mobile OS. The plugin, both for IOS to ChildrenBrowser called Android. Sorry about the other systems can not help more.
Without a lot of hacky code, you can't.