Simple web server to use with IntelliJ on windows? - intellij-idea

I am using IntelliJ for a pure Javascript project (some HTML and javascript pages talking to someone else's web services). Right now I am running the page directly from the filesystem, but there are limitations (like not being to write cookies).
Is there a simple web server I can use that will start and stop when I am debugging my project? Like how visual studio will do with ASP.NET or Aptana does?

I have no idea what you are doing, but install XAMPP, it is amazingly simple to use, although it supports PHP/PERL by default, rather than ASP.NET.

if your want to use pure JS&HTML to do something maybe jQuery is a good choise
jQuery with lots of plugins.
if you would like to write some runnable program with Java, please use Tomcat
Hope to help you :)


Writing a simple web-based IDE - ideas / concepts?

This may be a too broad question but how would you develop a simple web-based IDE/editor? For a lecture I was thinking of a simple editor where you could enter some sort of code, press compile and then display the results, error messages etc. in some way.
Does anyone knows some examples (with source code maybe), or any suggestions on how to do this conceptually?
Or you could try
You might also be interested in taking a look at the very new Eclipse Orion project, in particular the architecture overview:
Koding provides a framework for you to develop html5 applications with access to a real Ubuntu VM with Root. The idea for this post, being that you can develop an IDE that works with Client and Server languages, without having to deal with security of giving people access to machines that you are hosting. Security is hard with machines and avoiding exploits

Advantages of Powershell for web-ui testing?

I am working on a commercial project which is a web-based app which will be bundled with an app/web server (JBoss), which is deployed, with the web app files, at runtime.
I've seen links about how Powershell can do UI testing. Is there any advantage in Powershell for web-testing as opposed to Selenium or VS2010's coded UI tests? (Selenium has poor documentation, which is in Powershell's favour, but I am interested in more functional reasons).
Powershell will give you advantage if you need to manipulate something else than a browser/webpage/webapp. With Powershell you can do something with OS, applications, things outside the browser.
If you don't need to do that, if you want to automate only web based app, than I would suggest using web specific tool. Selenium is nice, tests in MSVS2010 are great. If you prefer coding try WatiN for .net, and WatiJ for java. All of them will run smoothly not only inside IDE, but also on CI server.

Adobe AIR+AJAX ftp library

I have just started creating an Adobe AIR+AJAX app which will need to upload and download files from the server using ftp functionality. Right now what is happening is I need to use sockets for this which is way to confusing and difficult to maintain. So, I was wondering if anybody has developed a javascript library or functionality for ftp?
I don't want to rely on any serverside script for this. There is an ftp library for flex but it is quite confusing with not much documentation.
Can anybody help? Thanks,
I'm currently looking for the same thing. So far all I've found is IntegralFTP, which looks fairly comprehensive. The catch is it's $399 for a single developer license.

What is the most painless and multi-platform way to use scripting?

What is the most painless and multi-platform way to use scripting?...
...for things such as
Web application deployment
Web server controlling
Other misc. tasks around web servers...
NOTE: I'm in the Java ecosystem.
Sure, there is Apache Ant, which is pretty multi-platform, but
it isn't scripting.
Depends entirely on what environment you're working in.
For Java you can either use the JavaScript ScriptEngine that ships with the Sun JDK.
Alternatively you could use Groovy, which is a separate download but works on all modern JREs.
For general scripting I'd personally choose Python, because it's available almost everywhere and reasonably compact, while being an awsome language.
The only scripting environment that you'll find on almost all computers these days (no mater what OS/Hardware) is a JavaScript engine. But usually that's confined to the browser and doesn't really allow interaction with anything outside the browser.
I recall reading that Java and Javascript are not not related - so Joachim Sauer's answer puzzles me...
Meanwhile, the original question lists compilation; web application deployment; web server controlling and other misc tasks around web servers.
That's a very broad spectrum, but then the question wasn't 'which the best scripting language?' but 'What is the most painless and multi-platform way to use scripting?' which is not necessarily the same thing.
As BerggreenDK said 'can you elaborate?'

Joomla development environment, toolchain and workflow

I have the tas to setup, design (devlop a Template), configure (menus, users, plugins etc.), provide the acutal content and administer/maintain a Joomla based website.
What tools, IDEs etc. do you use in your development environment. Of course I would like to do as much of the development work as possible offline without the web frontend. How does this work? I would like to have an comfortable IDE for all the JavaScript, PHP and HTML stuff. I would like to see the results and debug live and immediatetly and then later upload the changes to the server. Is that how you work?
A little bit of WYSIWYG for the design work of course would be great too. If the tools are good they do not have necessarily to be free and may cost money :)
Maybe ther is a tutorial ala "Setting up your development environment for joomla" that also focuses on the tools. Not just installing WAMP.
For creating a template - NVU with NVU Joomla Template Builder plugin, or DreamWeaver with plugin if you can afford, for configuration and content management Joomla itself, phpMyAdmin for database management might be useful.
As for the IDE, I've used Aptana studio, though I haven't done much development.
Those are the tool I've used and found them sufficient.
You might be interested in this brand new template designer software called Artisteer.