Joomla development environment, toolchain and workflow - ide

I have the tas to setup, design (devlop a Template), configure (menus, users, plugins etc.), provide the acutal content and administer/maintain a Joomla based website.
What tools, IDEs etc. do you use in your development environment. Of course I would like to do as much of the development work as possible offline without the web frontend. How does this work? I would like to have an comfortable IDE for all the JavaScript, PHP and HTML stuff. I would like to see the results and debug live and immediatetly and then later upload the changes to the server. Is that how you work?
A little bit of WYSIWYG for the design work of course would be great too. If the tools are good they do not have necessarily to be free and may cost money :)
Maybe ther is a tutorial ala "Setting up your development environment for joomla" that also focuses on the tools. Not just installing WAMP.

For creating a template - NVU with NVU Joomla Template Builder plugin, or DreamWeaver with plugin if you can afford, for configuration and content management Joomla itself, phpMyAdmin for database management might be useful.
As for the IDE, I've used Aptana studio, though I haven't done much development.
Those are the tool I've used and found them sufficient.

You might be interested in this brand new template designer software called Artisteer.


Simple web server to use with IntelliJ on windows?

I am using IntelliJ for a pure Javascript project (some HTML and javascript pages talking to someone else's web services). Right now I am running the page directly from the filesystem, but there are limitations (like not being to write cookies).
Is there a simple web server I can use that will start and stop when I am debugging my project? Like how visual studio will do with ASP.NET or Aptana does?
I have no idea what you are doing, but install XAMPP, it is amazingly simple to use, although it supports PHP/PERL by default, rather than ASP.NET.
if your want to use pure JS&HTML to do something maybe jQuery is a good choise
jQuery with lots of plugins.
if you would like to write some runnable program with Java, please use Tomcat
Hope to help you :)

Will Embarcadero RadPHP XE2 scale to an e-commerce site?

In a nutshell: is RadPHP a toy? or can you build real web sites, such as a e-commerce/shopping carts app that will:
Support 100s of simultaneous users on a reasonably good web server, like any other PHP app
my specific concern is the RPCL library might be bloated and inefficient
Be easy to assign the CSS hooks and integrate CSS files supplied by designers
Be as easy as 'plain' PHP programming is to talk to external sites such as payment gateways
Easily integrate third party components; Javascript and PHP e.g. Lightbox, eg CKEditor.
I am coming from a Delphi background, not PHP, so please excuse my ignorance and trouble at evaluating RadPHP XE2's potential as an easier way to transition to web development without sacrificing potential to scale.
It has a demo app created for oscommerce the well known open source e-commerce app.
No appearent barrier.
It already has components integrating 3rd party stuff such as zend, qooxdoo, jquery etc..
I'm also coming from delphi background with almost no php. Currently I'm developing a prado framework based ERP application using eclipse as ide. On my leisure time I'm toying with radphp, and I think we could have used it as well as the eclipse-prado kit but I'm in no place to make the decision. In my experience radphp is developing well into form. The first releases / versions were really sluggish. But XE2 looks solid. If vcl for php is fine tuned for performance in the future releases, radphp will have better days.

Desktop Application upon Gecko/Mozilla or WebKit

How can I develop an installable desktop application on top of the Mozilla Engine or the Webkit engine.
We want to have best of both worlds, ease of development with DOM+Javascript+RenderingEngine+ContinuedImprovements in a Browser and user's control as in a desktop app
I looked at using C++ XPCOM for Mozilla but it seems to be quite complicated, Is there any other way to code like a WebApp using Javascript but burn it into the browser and dress it to give a feel of a desktop app. Also I require that javascript is compiled into native so that one cannot sneak into the source code
Are there any examples of desktop applications done this way ?
Web apps are fine but there are concerns of piracy, privacy, security and version control. The moot point is that in a web app the control lies with the software vendor, moreover the data is also with the vendor. Not only these, any changes to the application may also necessitate another around of training. What we want is that once the customer buys a version he is sure of what he owns and that he is in total control of it and we as software developer do not exposed our source code.
The issue is we have expertise in Web App development and we want to utilize that to develop a Desktop App
Your last point is that :
The issue is we have expertise in Web App development and we want to utilize that to develop a Desktop App
Well then BowLine can be an option though it requires Ruby, so you need to consider that. You can also take a look at WebKitDotNet if you are with .net Background.
Use XUL for the user interface and code your functions using JavaScript. You problably only need C++ to expose native functionality not yet available in Gecko. Examples of software that works this way: Komodo IDE, Songbird, Firefox and Thunderbird.

trac rich client

My company uses trac for bug tracking, and while it works fine, I find the web interface a bit clunky, particularly when it comes to sorting and quickly switching between tickets.
Are there any rich client interfaces or maybe Eclipse plugins? I've seen the mylyn connector but that seems to just allow you to basically use the webpage within Eclipse.
There is an XML RPC plugin that you can use to interact with a Trac server using remote scripts. If there is something in particular that you want to do, you may be able to script it up with Ruby, Python, or a number of other languages. There are a number of examples on the plugin's web site:
Have you ever looked at FatBug for Trac. It is a rich client for Trac. It has a nice snipping tool for uploading images directly into Trac and full text searching of all of the tickets in Trac. It even supports offline mode for being able to work with tickets when you do not have access to the Internet.

Writing a simple web-based IDE - ideas / concepts?

This may be a too broad question but how would you develop a simple web-based IDE/editor? For a lecture I was thinking of a simple editor where you could enter some sort of code, press compile and then display the results, error messages etc. in some way.
Does anyone knows some examples (with source code maybe), or any suggestions on how to do this conceptually?
Or you could try
You might also be interested in taking a look at the very new Eclipse Orion project, in particular the architecture overview:
Koding provides a framework for you to develop html5 applications with access to a real Ubuntu VM with Root. The idea for this post, being that you can develop an IDE that works with Client and Server languages, without having to deal with security of giving people access to machines that you are hosting. Security is hard with machines and avoiding exploits