In endeca I want to save forge output backup in separate folder - endeca

I have four child pipelines in my project and the output for these is ingested in the main pipeline. I want the output files for the child pipelines to be automatically backed up after baseline in some directory. This will help if i disable individual forges and want to restore previous index. Please help

It should be straight-forward to add copy or archive jobs to your baseline update script to execute this sort of thing before your main forge is run.
radimbe, as forge itself is single-threaded (except for the rarely implemented multi-threaded java manipulator) and monolithic, this sort of architecture is commonly used to take better advantage of multi-processor machines and multi-threaded CPU cores. In addition, if data is made available at different times or with different frequencies, you can decouple child forges from your main baseline process, improving its overall turnaround time. And from a strategy POV, this approach could decompose what might be a large, unwieldy job into perhaps simpler, more focused and more easily maintained components.


Developing and deploy jobs in Apache Flink

we started to develop some jobs with Flink. Our current dev / deployment process looked like this:
1. develop code in local IDE and compile
2. upload jar-file to server (via UI)
3. register new job
However it turns out that the generate jar-file is ~70MB and upload process takes a few minutes. What is the best way to speed up development (e.g. using a on-server ide?)
One solution is to use a version control system and after committing and pushing your changes, you might build the jar on the server itself. You could write a simple script for this.
The other solution, which would take time and effort is to set up a CI CD Pipeline which would automate the entire process and much manual effort would be minimised.
Also, try not to use fat jar to minimise the jar size if you have to scp your jar to the cluster.
First off, uploading 70 mb shouldn't take minutes nowadays. You might want to check your network configurations. Of course, if your internet connection is not good, you can't help it.
In general, I'd try to avoid cluster test runs as much as possible. It's slow and hard to debug. It should only ever be used for performance tests or right before releasing into production.
All logic should be unit tested. The complete job should be integration tested and ideally you'd also have an end-to-end test. I recommend to use a docker-based approach for external systems and use things like test containers for Kafka, such that you are able to run all tests from your IDE.
Going onto the test cluster should then be a rare thing. If you find any issue that has not been covered by your automatic tests, you need to add a new test case and solve it locally, such that there is a high probability that it will be solved on the test cluster.
edit (addressing comment):
If it's much easier for you to write a Flink job to generate data, then it sounds like a viable option. I'm just fearing that you would also need to test that job...
It rather sounds like you want to have an end-2-end setup where you run several Flink jobs in succession and compare the final results. That's a common setup for complex pipelines consisting of several Flink jobs. However, it's rather hard to maintain and may have unclear ownership status if it involves components from several teams. I like to rather solve it by having tons of metrics (how many records are produced, how many invalid records are filtered in each pipeline...) and having specific validation jobs that just assess the quality of (intermediate) output (potentially involving humans).
So from my experience, either you can test the logic in some local job setup or it's so big that you spend much more time in setting and maintaining the test setup than actually writing production code. In the latter case, I'd rather trust and invest in the monitoring and quality assurance capabilities of (pre-)production that you need to have anyways.
If you really just want to test one Flink job with another, you can also run the Flink job in testcontainers, so technically it's not an alternative but an addition.

Object storage for a web application

I am currently working on a website where, roughly 40 million documents and images should be served to it's users. I need suggestions on which method is the most suitable for storing content with subject to these requirements.
System should be highly available, scale-able and durable.
Files have to be stored permanently and users should be able to modify them.
Due to client restrictions, 3rd party object storage providers such as Amazon S3 and CDNs are not suitable.
File size of content can vary from 1 MB to 30 MB. (However about 90% of the files would be less than 2 MB)
Content retrieval latency is not much of a problem. Therefore indexing or caching is not very important.
I did some research and found out about the following solutions;
Storing content as BLOBs in databases.
Using GridFS to chunk and store content.
Storing content in a file server in directories using a hash and storing the metadata in a database.
Using a distributed file system such as GlusterFS or HDFS and storing the file metadata in a database.
The website is developed using PHP and Couchbase Community Edition is used as the database.
I would really appreciate any input.
Thank you.
I have been working on a similar system for last two years, the work is still in progress. However, requirements are slightly different from yours: modifications are not possible (I will try to explain why later), file sizes fall in range from several bytes to several megabytes, and, the most important one, the deduplication, which should be implemented both on the document and block levels. If two different users upload the same file to the storage, the only copy of the file should be kept. Also if two different files partially intersect with each other, it's necessary to store the only copy of the common part of these files.
But let's focus on your requirements, so deduplication is not the case. First of all, high availability implies replication. You'll have to store your file in several replicas (typically 2 or 3, but there are techniques to decrease data parity) on independent machines in order to stay alive in case if one of the storage servers in your backend dies. Also, taking into account the estimation of the data amount, it's clear that all your data just won't fit into a single server, so vertical scaling is not possible and you have to consider partitioning. Finally, you need to take into account concurrency control to avoid race conditions when two different clients are trying to write or update the same data simultaneously. This topic is close to the concept of transactions (I don't mean ACID literally, but something close). So, to summarize, these facts mean that you're are actually looking for distributed database designed to store BLOBs.
On of the biggest problems in distributed systems is difficulties with global state of the system. In brief, there are two approaches:
Choose leader that will communicate with other peers and maintain global state of the distributed system. This approach provides strong consistency and linearizability guarantees. The main disadvantage is that in this case leader becomes the single point of failure. If leader dies, either some observer must assign leader role to one of the replicas (common case for master-slave replication in RDBMS world), or remaining peers need to elect new one (algorithms like Paxos and Raft are designed to target this issue). Anyway, almost whole incoming system traffic goes through the leader. This leads to the "hot spots" in backend: the situation when CPU and IO costs are unevenly distributed across the system. By the way, Raft-based systems have very low write throughput (check etcd and consul limitations if you are interested).
Avoid global state at all. Weaken the guarantees to eventual consistency. Disable the update of files. If someone wants to edit the file, you need to save it as new file. Use the system which is organized as a peer-to-peer network. There is no peer in the cluster that keeps the full track of the system, so there is no single point of failure. This results in high write throughput and nice horizontal scalability.
So now let's discuss the options you've found:
Storing content as BLOBs in databases.
I don't think it's a good option to store files in traditional RDBMS because they provide optimizations for structured data and strong consistency, and you don't need neither of this. Also you'll have difficulties with backups and scaling. People usually don't use RDBMS in this way.
Using GridFS to chunk and store content.
I'm not sure, but it looks like GridFS is built on the top of MongoDB. Again, this is document-oriented database designed to store JSONs, not BLOBs. Also MongoDB had problems with a cluster for many years. MongoDB passed Jepsen tests only in 2017. This may mean that MongoDB cluster is not mature yet. Make performance and stress tests, if you go this way.
Storing content in a file server in directories using a hash and storing the metadata in a database.
This option means that you need to develop object storage on your own. Consider all the problems I've mentioned above.
Using a distributed file system such as GlusterFS or HDFS and storing the file metadata in a database.
I used neither of these solutions, but HDFS looks like overkill, because you get dependent on Hadoop stack. Have no idea about GlusterFS performance. Always consider the design of distributed file systems. If they have some kind of dedicated "metadata" serves, treat it as a single point of failure.
Finally, my thoughts on the solutions that may fit your needs:
Elliptics. This object storage is not well-known outside of the russian part of the Internet, but it's mature and stable, and performance is perfect. It was developed at Yandex (russian search engine) and a lot of Yandex services (like Disk, Mail, Music, Picture hosting and so on) are built on the top of it. I used it in previous project, this may take some time for your ops to get into it, but it's worth it, if you're OK with GPL license.
Ceph. This is real object storage. It's also open source, but it seems that only Red Hat people know how to deploy and maintain it. So get ready to a vendor lock. Also I heard that it have too complicated settings. Never used in production, so don't know about performance.
Minio. This is S3-compatible object storage, under active development at the moment. Never used it in production, but it seems to be well-designed.
You may also check wiki page with the full list of available solutions.
And the last point: I strongly recommend not to use OpenStack Swift (there are lot of reasons why, but first of all, Python is just not good for these purposes).
One probably-relevant question, whose answer I do not readily see in your post, is this:
How often do users actually "modify" the content?
When and if they do, how painful is it if a particular user is served "stale" content?
Personally (and, "categorically speaking"), I prefer to tackle such problems in two stages: (1) identifying the objects to be stored – e.g. using a database as an index; and (2) actually storing them, this being a task that I wish to delegate to "a true file-system, which after all specializes in such things."
A database (it "offhand" seems to me ...) would be a very good way to handle the logical ("as seen by the user") taxonomy of the things which you wish to store, while a distributed filesystem could handle the physical realities of storing the data and actually getting it to where it needs to go, and your application would be in the perfect position to gloss-over all of those messy filesystem details . . .

Why doesn't Hadoop file system support random I/O?

The distributed file systems which like Google File System and Hadoop doesn't support random I/O.
(It can't modify the file which were written before. Only writing and appending is possible.)
Why did they design file system like this?
What are the important advantages of the design?
P.S I know Hadoop will support modifing the data which were written.
But they said, it's performance will very not good. Why?
Hadoop distributes and replicates files. Since the files are replicated, any write operation is going to have to find each replicated section across the network and update the file. This will heavily increase the time for the operation. Updating the file could push it over the block size and require the file split into 2 blocks, and then replicating the 2nd block. I don't know the internals and when/how it would split a block... but it's a potential complication.
What if the job failed or got killed which already did an update and gets re-run? It could update the file multiple times.
The advantage of not updating files in a distributed system is that you don't know who else is using the file when you update it, you don't know where the pieces are stored. There are potential time outs (node with the block is unresponsive) so you might end up with mismatched data (again, I don't know the internals of hadoop and an update with a node down might be handled, just something I'm brainstorming)
There are a lot of potential issues (a few laid out above) with updating files on the HDFS. None of them are insurmountable, but they will require a performance hit to check and account for.
Since the HDFS's main purpose is to store data for use in mapreduce, row level update isn't that important at this stage.
I think it's because of the block size of the data and the whole idea of Hadoop is that you don't move data around but instead you move the algorithm to the data.
Hadoop is designed for non-realtime batch processing of data. If you're looking at ways of implementing something more like a traditional RDBMS in terms of response time and random access have a look at HBase which is built on top of Hadoop.

Does it consume CPU when reading a large file

Suppose I want to do following opeartions on my 2-core machine:
Read a very large file
Does the file reading operation need to consume 1 core? Previously I just create 2 threads, one to read file and one to compute? Should I create an additional thread to do compute?
Thanks guys, yea, we should always consider if the file I/O blocks the computing. Now let's just consider that the file I/O will never block computing, you can think the computing doesn't depends on the file's data, we just read the file in for future processing. Now we have 2 core, we need to read in a file, and we need to do computing, is it the best solution to create 3 threads, 1 for file reading and 2 for computing, as most of you has already pointed out: file reading consumes very little CPU?
It depends on how your hardware is configured. Normally, reading is not CPU-intensive, thanks to DMA. It may be very expensive though, if it initiates swap-out of other applications. But there is more to it.
Don't read a huge file at once if you can
If your file is really big, you should use mmap or sequential processing, when you don't need to read a whole file at once. Try to consume it by chunks is possible.
For example, to sum all values in a huge file, you don't need to load this file into the memory. You can process it by small chunks, accumulating the sum. Memory is an expensive resource in most situations.
Reading is sequential
Does the file reading operation need to consume 1 core?
Yes, I think most low-level read operations are implemented sequentially (consume 1 core).
You can avoid blocking on read operation if you use asynchronous I/O, but it is just a variation of the same "read by small chunks" technique. You can launch several small asynchronous read operations at once, but you have always to check if an operation has finished before you use the result.
See also this Stack Overflow answer to a related question).
Reading and computing in parallel
Previously I just create 2 threads, one to read file and one to compute? Should I create an additional thread to do compute?
It depends, if you need all data to start computations, than there is no reason to start computation in parallel. It will have to wait effectively until reading is done.
If you can start computing even with partial data, likely you don't need to read the whole file at once. And it is usually much better not to do so with huge files.
What is your bottleneck — computation or IO?
Finally, you should know if your task is computation-bound or input-output bound. If it is limited by the performance of input-output subsystem, there is little benefit in parallelizing computation. If computation is very CPU-intensive, and reading time is negligible, you can benefit from parallelizing computation. Input-output is usually a bottleneck unless you are doing some number-crunching.
This is a good candidate for parallelization, because you have two types of operations here - disk I/O (for reading the file), and CPU load (for your computations). So the first step would be to write your application such that the file I/O wasn't blocking the computation. You could do this by reading a little bit at a time from the file and handing it off to the compute thread.
But now you're saying you have two cores that you want to utilize. Your second thought about parallelizing the CPU-intensive part is correct, because we can only parallelize compute tasks if we have more than one processor to use. But, it might be the case that the blocking part of your application is still the file I/O - that depends on a lot of factors, and the only way to tell what level of parallelization is appropriate is to benchmark.
SO required caveat: multithreading is hard and error-prone, and it's better to have correct code than fast code, if you can pick only one. But I don't advocate against threads, as you may find from others on the site.
I would think this depends on the computation you are performing. If you are doing very heavy computations then I would suggest threading the application. Reading a file demands very little from your CPU and because of this, the overhead created by threading the application might slow it down.
Another thing to consider is if you need to load the entire file before you can compute, if so, there is no point in threading it at all as you will have to complete one action before you can perform the other.

Are there well-identified patterns for software scalability testing?

I've recently become quite interested in identifying patterns for software scalability testing. Due to the variable nature of different software solutions, it seems to like there are as many good solutions to the problem of scalability testing software as there are to designing and implementing software. To me, that means that we can probably distill some patterns for this type of testing that are widely used.
For the purposes of eliminating ambiguity, I'll say in advance that I'm using the wikipedia definition of scalability testing.
I'm most interested in answers proposing specific pattern names with thorough descriptions.
All the testing scenarios I am aware of use the same basic structure for the test which involves generating a number of requests on one or more requesters targeted at the processing agent to be tested. Kurt's answer is an excellent example of this process. Generally you will run the tests to find some thresholds and also run some alternative configurations (less nodes, different hardware etc...) to build up an accurate averaged data.
A requester can be a machine, network card, specific software or thread in software that generates the requests. All it does is generate a request that can be processed in some way.
A processing agent is the software, network card, machine that actually processes the request and returns a result.
However what you do with the results determines the type of test you are doing and they are:
Load/Performance Testing: This is the most common one in use. The results are processed is to see how much is processed at various levels or in various configurations. Again what Kurt is looking for above is an example if this.
Balance Testing: A common practice in scaling is to use a load balancing agent which directs requests to a process agent. The setup is the same as for Load Testing, but the goal is to check distribution of requests. In some scenarios you need to make sure that an even (or as close to as is acceptable) balance of requests across processing agents is achieved and in other scenarios you need to make sure that the process agent that handled the first request for a specific requester handles all subsequent requests (web farms are commonly needed like this).
Data Safety: With this test the results are collected and the data is compared. What you are looking for here is locking issues (such as a SQL deadlock) which prevents writes or that data changes are replicated to the various nodes or repositories you have in use in an acceptable time or less.
Boundary Testing: This is similar to load testing except the goal is not processing performance but how much is stored effects performance. For example if you have a database how many rows/tables/columns can you have before the I/O performance drops below acceptable levels.
I would also recommend The Art of Capacity Planning as an excellent book on the subject.
I can add one more type of testing to Robert's list: soak testing. You pick a suitably heavy test load, and then run it for an extended period of time - if your performance tests usually last for an hour, run it overnight, all day, or all week. You monitor both correctness and performance. The idea is to detect any kind of problem which builds up slowly over time: things like memory leaks, packratting, occasional deadlocks, indices needing rebuilding, etc.
This is a different kind of scalability, but it's important. When your system leaves the development shop and goes live, it doesn't just get bigger 'horizontally', by adding more load and more resources, but in the time dimension too: it's going to be running non-stop on the production machines for weeks, months or years, which it hasn't done in development.