How to hide unwanted measures - definition

AP 4.4.3, APL 2.7.0
When defining a post-processed measure we end up with two measures available to us in Active Pivot Live. E.g. the definition below will give us the measures "Yield Curve.SUM" and "Yield Curve.TenorDetail". As we've got a lot of measures like this, we end up with a lot of useless SUM measures cluttering up the interface.
So, since we only need "Yield Curve.TenorDetail", can we somehow hide "Yield Curve.SUM"?
<measure name="Yield Curve" aggregationFunctions="SUM" >
<postProcessor pluginKey="TenorDetail" >
<entry key="id" value="TenorDetail" />
<entry key="vectorMeasure" value="Yield Curve.SUM" />
<entry key="analysisDimensionName" value="Tenor" />

You can achieve this behavior by defining subcube properties in the shared context of your cube definition and explicitely list all the measures that you want to be available for the users
For instance the definition below will only show Yield Curve.TenorDetail and no other measure:
<subCubeProperties isAccessGranted="true">
<measure>Yield Curve.TenorDetail</measure>


SCORM 2004 Rollup with single sco

I'm having issues rolling up a completion from a completed item.
I'm running this on SABA and I can successfully set the completion_status and success_status on the item but having issues rolling it up to the next level on the LMS, both satisfied and notSatisfied.
I find these rules utterly confusing. I do mostly work in SCORM 1.2.
This is my chunk to-date. Any assistance is really, really appreciated.
<organizations default="ORG-487461">
<organization identifier="ORG-487461">
<title>STATUS TESTING - 1d</title>
<item identifier="ACT-687940" identifierref="RES-123054">
<imsss:deliveryControls completionSetByContent="true" objectiveSetByContent="true" />
<imsss:controlMode choice="true" flow="true"/>
<imsss:rollupRule childActivitySet="any">
<imsss:rollupCondition condition="satisfied"/>
<imsss:rollupAction action="satisfied"/>
<imsss:rollupRule childActivitySet="all">
<imsss:rollupConditions conditionCombination="any">
<imsss:rollupCondition operator="not" condition="satisfied" />
<imsss:rollupAction action="notSatisfied" />
<imsss:rollupRules rollupObjectiveSatisfied="true" rollupProgressCompletion="true" />
I was deep in this a few years back but I'll try to assist based on some of my prior examples.
I think you need to set a primary objective. Else - I don't believe there is anything to roll up to. I don't however know that for a fact, as it would require going back and doing a deeper dive in to the SCORM 2004 3rd/4th edition spec and covering the IMSS Sequencing section.
Small example for an activity:
<!-- Activity 1 -->
<item identifier="ACT-001" identifierref="RES-001">
<imsss:sequencing IDRef="COMMON_SEQ_RULES">
<!-- If you also wanted to limit the number of attempts -->
<imsss:ruleCondition condition="attemptLimitExceeded" />
<!-- Can not choose -->
<imsss:ruleAction action="disabled" />
<imsss:limitConditions attemptLimit="1" /> <!-- attemptAbsoluteDurationLimit="" set if max_time_allowed -->
<imsss:rollupRules objectiveMeasureWeight="0" />
<!-- My Understanding is SCO1_SATISFIED will assume the scoring of the SCO, then you can continue to SCO 2 after the preCondition is met. This SCO is just a "intro" no score reported. Removed satisfiedByMeasure -->
<imsss:primaryObjective objectiveID="SCO1_SATISFIED">
<imsss:mapInfo targetObjectiveID="com.cybercussion.SCOBot.ACT-001" readSatisfiedStatus="true" writeSatisfiedStatus="true" readNormalizedMeasure="true" writeNormalizedMeasure="true" />
Then a subsequent activity would allow the LMS Player the opportunity to decide whether it should allow the navigation/show it using pre/post rules. And I would agree this gets confusing. Further more its even harder to unit test unless you have some rules engine that can parse this realtime to validate your intent. This below sample would be like Activity/SCO 3...
<imsss:ruleCondition referencedObjective="SCO2_SATISFIED" condition="satisfied" />
<imsss:ruleAction action="disabled" />
You can also control how the content controls the LMS. As some parts of SCORM like completion and success status could be based on progress_measure and scoring if completion thresholds are set (for example).
<!-- Sequence Collection used by SCOs -->
<imsss:sequencing ID="COMMON_SEQ_RULES">
<!-- Rollup: set to 0 if you don't want these scored. -->
<!--imsss:rollupRules objectiveMeasureWeight="1" /-->
<!-- prevent from accidentally being quto-completed/satisfied -->
<imsss:deliveryControls completionSetByContent="true" objectiveSetByContent="true" />
<!-- Attempt limit here had no effect -->
I have a one page progression example here: There may be something to glean off it. I always thought this was an area/gap the community would eventually fill with some builder/tool but since we are talking about 14 years almost now! I started to attempt to address some of this with my Packager app but there simply isn't enough customer request/demand to spend the time on it.
Good Luck.

How to increment variable to count headlines, titles?

I have a JasperReports template, where I need to count the headlines of different "detail bands".
Now, since the headlines can vary (some datasets can be empty and then the whole band is not rendered), I wanted to use a variable for that.
The build-in variables does not suite, since they don't have a "detail_band_count" or something.
Moreover there is not always a headline in one detail band, there can be 1 or 10 following detail bands, where band 2 - 10 shares the same headline declared in band 1.
However, I managed to create a variable in this manner; but it only counts the pages.
Is there a possibility to call the Variable Expression on Variable access? So it would always increment, as soon as I write $V{headline_COUNT}?
It's hard for me to see how you can use variables, you would probably need to restructure report, find a grouping strategy, since you need to set incrementType to one of the available values and you are correct you can't select "header line" or similar.
However, there is a workaround that you can use to count how many time a specific element is showed using the parameter map $P{REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP}
Define your counting parameter with a default value (avoid it starting as null)
<parameter name="countReportElement" class="java.lang.Integer" isForPrompting="false">
Now on any text field or other element in the band you like to count, you can use a fake printWhenExpression, to increment this parameter
<reportElement x="0" y="262" width="320" height="25" uuid="8fa62997-ffa2-4777-923b-999d372ce09e">
Note the ternary operation will always evaluate true (since Map.put(K key, V value) will return previous object) and put into the parameter map the value incremented by one every time element is evaluated.
To display the value of your count you access the parameter map directly.
<reportElement x="57" y="13" width="100" height="20" uuid="7ca30577-0ca9-47c2-91ae-c7002fbbfbf7"/>
be sure to set evaluationTime as need in report.

Can the order in which broker's plugins execute be defined?

I need to implement 2 filters that fit in the amq:discardingDLQBrokerPlugin category, and I need one to be executed before the other.
I can implement the two filter's logic in one class, but since the business logic is very different, I would prefer two.
I add the filters using two different plugins: com.filter.FilterAPlugin and com.filter.FilterBPlugin. The filter execution order follows a "last defined first executed" logic.
Example: In this broker configuration
<amq:broker useJmx="false" persistent="false" schedulerSupport="true">
<amq:transportConnector uri="tcp://localhost:0" />
<amq:discardingDLQBrokerPlugin dropAll="true" dropTemporaryTopics="true" dropTemporaryQueues="true" />
<bean xmlns="" class="com.filter.FilterAPlugin" />
<bean xmlns="" class="com.filter.FilterBPlugin" />
Filter added in com.filter.FilterBPlugin is executed first.
Does the order in which the beans are declared defines the order of execution of the filters? I can't find documentation about this in the apache MQ web
BrokerService uses Chain of Responsibility pattern, so execution order is defined by the object initialization order.

Check if SSAS Cube is available i.e. processed

I am looking for a method to check if a cube is accessable i.e. it is processed and not broken.
Example: I got a working cube and i full process a shared dimension so that the cube gets broken.
Is there any mdx or xmla method of finding out what cubes are accessable / processed?
There is an XMLA command DISCOVER_XML_METADATA that can return the state of the database (processes/unprocessed) among other properties. I don't have the best handle on XMLA, so I don't know how to get just the part you need, but this query will return results in the form of XML, and you can parse it from there.
<Discover xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis">
This requests gets the properties from the objects related to the SSAS database called AdventureWorks2012M. In the results you will see the following:
<Description />
<AggregationPrefix />
You care about <State>Processed</State>for that database. You can also get the state for each of the dimensions and measure groups as well by adding MeasureGroupID or DimensionID to the restrictions list.

Virtocommerce new filter does not appear

Virtocommerce has default filter for Brands, Color, etc.
I need implement a new filter called IDConcurso. This field (IDConcurso) is registered like a property of item.
I inserted the code bellow in table StoreSetting to XML column of row named "FilteredBrowsing":
<attribute key="IDConcurso" localized="false">
<simple id="Test1" value="1" />
<simple id="Test2" value="2" />
<simple id="Test3" value="3" />
I also added the property called IDConcurso in all items. But this filter never appear on the left side. What do I need to do more?
Do I need to change any code for filtering items by property called IDConcurso? Or I need just pass by QueryString ..../?f_idconcurso=1 ?
The filter will only appear if there are product that have those properties. If products do have those properties then you also might need to to rebuild the index.
Simply open Commerce Manager and go to the settings->search and click re-build index button.