Browser loading php script after submitting form using jQuery Form plugin - jquery-forms-plugin

I'm trying to implement a form using the jQuery Form plugin. The form has three text fields and a file input and I am validating the form in the beforeSend callback. The problem is, whether the validation passes or not, the php script that handles the file upload gets loaded in the browser, which, obviously is not what I want to happen - I need to stay on the form's page.
You can take a look at the form and it's dependent files at Indexing is on for that directory, so you can take a look at all of the related files. The form itself is on testUpload.php.
I'd appreciate it if someone could take a look at my code and help me figure out what's going on here.

Please write the following script instead of your, this will work.
$(document).ready( function() {
// Initialize and populate the datepicker
var currentDate = new Date();
$("#sermonDate").datepicker('option',{ dateFormat: 'mm/dd/yy' });
* Upload
// Reset validation and progress elements
var formValid = true,
percentVal = '0%';
$('#uploadedFile, #sermonTitle, #speakerName, #sermonDate').removeClass('error');
$('#status, #required').empty().removeClass();
beforeSend: function() {
if (!ValidateUploadForm()) {
formValid = false;
console.log('validateuploadform returned false');
} else {
console.log('validateuploadform returned true');
formValid = true;
console.log('in beforeSend. formValid: ' + formValid);
if (!formValid) {
return false;
uploadProgress: function(event, position, total, percentComplete) {
console.log('in uploadProgress function. formValid: ' + formValid);
if (formValid) {
var percentVal = percentComplete + '%';
complete: function(xhr) {
console.log('in complete function. formValid: ' + formValid);
if (formValid) {
console.log('xhr.responseText: ' + xhr.responseText);
console.log('formValid: ' + formValid);
if (xhr.responseText === 'success') {
$('#status').html('Successfully uploaded the sermon.').addClass('successUpload');
// Clear the form
} else if (xhr.responseText === 'fail') {
$('#status').html('There was a problem uploading the file. Try again.<br>If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.').addClass('errorUpload');
}); // End Upload Status Bar
function ValidateUploadForm() {
// Reset errors and clear message
$('#uploadedFile, #sermonTitle, #speakerName, #sermonDate').removeClass('error');
var result = true;
title = $('#sermonTitle').val(),
speaker = $('#speakerName').val(),
date = $('#sermonDate').val(),
fileName = $('#uploadedFile').val();
extension = $('#uploadedFile').val().split('.').pop().toLowerCase();
//if (fileName !== '' && extension !== 'mp3') {
if ((fileName === '') || (extension !== 'mp3')) {
$('#required').html('Only mp3 files are allowed!');
return false;
} else if (fileName === '') {
result = false;
} else if (title === '') {
result = false;
} else if (speaker === '') {
result = false;
} else if (date === '') {
result = false;
console.log('returning ' + result + ' from the validateuploadform function');
if (!result) { $('#required').html('All fields are required.'); }
return result;
function ClearForm() {
$('#uploadedFile, #sermonTitle, #sermonDate, #speakerName').val('').removeClass();


How to get data using Add-in program from Office document without metadata(i.e. creation time)?

There's a function which retrieves document of PDF format byte by byte:
Office.initialize = function (reason) {
$(document).ready(function () {
// If not using Word 2016
if (!Office.context.requirements.isSetSupported('WordApi', '1.1')) {
$('#hash-button-text').text("Not supported!");
function getFile() {
Office.context.document.getFileAsync(Office.FileType.Pdf, { sliceSize: 99 },
function (result) {
if (result.status == "succeeded") {
var file = result.value;
var sliceCount = file.sliceCount;
var slicesReceived = 0, gotAllSlices = true, docdataSlices = [];
getSliceAsync(file, 0, sliceCount, gotAllSlices, docdataSlices, slicesReceived);
else {
function getSliceAsync(file, nextSlice, sliceCount, gotAllSlices, docdataSlices, slicesReceived) {
file.getSliceAsync(nextSlice, function (sliceResult) {
if (sliceResult.status == "succeeded") {
if (!gotAllSlices) { // Failed to get all slices, no need to continue.
docdataSlices[sliceResult.value.index] =;
if (++slicesReceived == sliceCount) {
console.log("Done: ", docdataSlices);
else {
getSliceAsync(file, ++nextSlice, sliceCount, gotAllSlices, docdataSlices, slicesReceived);
else {
gotAllSlices = false;
console.log("getSliceAsync Error:", sliceResult.error.message);
So, close to ~1800 byte there are bytes like "CreationDate(D:20190218150353+02'00..." which are unnecessary in our case.
It retrieves the whole PDF file which consists meta, but is it possible to get it without it?
Best regards
The document.getFileAsync method will always return the entire document (including metadata); it's not possible to make it return anything less than the entire document.

Loading webpage incompletely Phantomjs

I have problems capturing and loading the webpage:
The username and password fields as well as the submit button are missing. What could be the reason? Thanks
As you can see the code listed below waits for each and all the resources to be loaded, one by one.
I did not write the code, however it is excellent and tested by many. The original can be found here:
(ALL the credits to the guy who wrote it.)
var resourceWait = 3000,
maxRenderWait = 30000,
url = ''; //'!/nodejs';
var page = require('webpage').create(),
count = 0,
page.viewportSize = { width: 1280, height : 1024 };
function doRender() {
page.onResourceRequested = function (req) {
count += 1;
console.log('> ' + + ' - ' + req.url);
page.onResourceReceived = function (res) {
if (!res.stage || res.stage === 'end') {
count -= 1;
console.log( + ' ' + res.status + ' - ' + res.url);
if (count === 0) {
renderTimeout = setTimeout(doRender, resourceWait);
};, function (status) {
if (status !== "success") {
console.log('Unable to load url');
} else {
forcedRenderTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
}, maxRenderWait);

OL3 add backup url

I'm trying to add a backup route for a tiles with ol3. I would like to test on the errorload event if the source url starting by "http".
If "yes" : replace this tile by a custom tile.
If "no" : change the source url of this tile by another one and retry
I think i need to use something like that :
var errorTilePath='';
var serverBackup='';
layerTile.getSource().setTileLoadFunction((function() {
var tileLoadFn = layerTile.getSource().getTileLoadFunction();
return function(tile, src) {
var image = tile.getImage();
image.onload = function() {console.log('Tile ok : ' + src); };
image.onerror = function() {
console.log('Tile error : ' + src);
if (src.substr(0,4)!='http') {
var tmp=src.split('/').reverse();
var serverBackupPath=serverBackup+tmp[2]+'/'+tmp[1]+'/'+tmp[0].split('.')[0]+'.png';
console.log("Second url : " + serverBackupPath)
var image = tile.getImage();
image.onload = function() {console.log('Tile backup ok : ' + src);};
image.onerror = function() {console.log('Tile backup error : ' + src); src=errorTilePath; tile.getImage().src=src; tileLoadFn(tile, src);}
} else {
console.log('Custom tile : ');
tileLoadFn(tile, src);
tileLoadFn(tile, src);
With that, I can see that the backup tile is downloaded but not visible on map.
Certainely, I misunderstood something.
Thanks in advance if somebody could help me.
Oups, without code my answer is null.
var serverBackup='https://{a-c}';
var errorTilePath=urlBase+'css/images/error.png';
layerTile.getSource().setTileLoadFunction((function() {
return function(tile, src) {
if (UrlExists(src)) {
} else {
if (src.substr(0,4)=='file') {
var tmp=src.split('/').reverse();
src='https://'+['a', 'b', 'c'].sort(function() {return 0.5 - Math.random()})[0]+''+tmp[2]+'/'+tmp[1]+'/'+tmp[0].split('.')[0]+'.png';
if (UrlExists(src)) {
} else {
} else {
function UrlExists(url){
try {
var http = new XMLHttpRequest();'HEAD', url, false);
return http.status==200||http.status==403;
} catch(err){return false;}

Visiting multiple urls using PhantomJS evaluating Error

I have this beautiful code, all I want to make some pause between visits, so I add a 'setinterval', but this not works:
var page = require('webpage').create();
// the urls to navigate to
var urls = [
var i = 0;
// the recursion function
var genericCallback = setInterval(function () {
return function (status) {
console.log("URL: " + urls[i]);
console.log("Status: " + status);
// exit if there was a problem with the navigation
if (!status || status === 'fail') phantom.exit();
if (status === "success") {
//-- YOUR STUFF HERE ----------------------
// do your stuff here... I'm taking a picture of the page
page.render('example' + i + '.png');
if (i < urls.length) {
// navigate to the next url and the callback is this function (recursion)[i], genericCallback());
} else {
// try navigate to the next url (it is undefined because it is the last element) so the callback is exit[i], function () {
// start from the first url[i], genericCallback());
the screenshot with the error I get:
maybe someone could help me and heal this code? Because I'm new to JS and to PhantomJS, any help will be apreciate.
I got this code from another stackoverflow answer here - Using Multiple in Single Script
but I can't comment to the author , because I don't have 50 reputation
It should rather be something like this:
var page = require('webpage').create();
var urls = ['','',''];
var i = 0;
function OpenPage(){
setTimeout(function(){[i], function(status) {
if (status == 'success') {
page.render('example' + i + '.png');
if(i <= urls.length - 1){

Adal.js not setting props in localStorage

I'm having a problem using the adal.js library without Angular. (I'm using Vue.js.)
I have an authentication context instance, which is constructed with the following options (exact values have been changed to protect the innocent):
let config = {
tenant: '<tenant id>',
clientId: '<client id>',
redirectUri: '',
// popUp: true,
cacheLocation: 'localStorage'
On my login page, I call authContext.login(), which redirects me first to, where I log into AAD. Upon successful login, another redirect takes me back to my application, at the URI I've configured above, along with an id_token parameter in the URL. However, no token or other properties are stored by the library in local storage, just a few properties that are the result of the configuration.
On successful login, All I've got in localStorage is
adal.access.token.key: "",
adal.error: ""
adal.error.description: ""
adal.expiration.key: "0"
adal.idtoken: ""
adal.login.error: ""
adal.login.request: ""
adal.nonce.idtoken: "<a non-empty string>"
adal.session.state: ""
adal.state.login: "<a non-empty string>"
adal.token.keys: ""
adal.username: ""
So, as far as AAD is concerned, I've successfully authenticated, but the library itself seems to have no notion of what user is logged in, what tokens are associated with them, when the token expires, etc. Any advice on how to proceed would be most appreciated. Thank you in advance for reading.
Active Directory Authentication Library for JavaScript (ADAL JS) helps you to use Azure AD for handling authentication in your single page applications. This library is optimized for working together with AngularJS.
It will not save the tokens into the cache unless we code it. You can check the relative code from adal-angular.js. Here is a piece of code for your reference:
The saveTokenFromHash method will also save the tokens into cache and this function will execute after the page redirect back to the Angular app.
AuthenticationContext.prototype.saveTokenFromHash = function (requestInfo) {
this._logstatus('State status:' + requestInfo.stateMatch);
this._saveItem(this.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.ERROR, '');
// Record error
if (requestInfo.parameters.hasOwnProperty(this.CONSTANTS.ERROR_DESCRIPTION)) {
this._logstatus('Error :' + requestInfo.parameters.error);
this._logstatus('Error description:' + requestInfo.parameters[this.CONSTANTS.ERROR_DESCRIPTION]);
this._saveItem(this.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.FAILED_RENEW, requestInfo.parameters[this.CONSTANTS.ERROR_DESCRIPTION]);
this._saveItem(this.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.ERROR, requestInfo.parameters.error);
if (requestInfo.requestType === this.REQUEST_TYPE.LOGIN) {
this._loginInProgress = false;
this._saveItem(this.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.LOGIN_ERROR, requestInfo.parameters.errorDescription);
} else {
this._renewActive = false;
} else {
// It must verify the state from redirect
if (requestInfo.stateMatch) {
// record tokens to storage if exists
this._logstatus('State is right');
if (requestInfo.parameters.hasOwnProperty(this.CONSTANTS.SESSION_STATE)) {
this._saveItem(this.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.SESSION_STATE, requestInfo.parameters[this.CONSTANTS.SESSION_STATE]);
var keys, resource;
if (requestInfo.parameters.hasOwnProperty(this.CONSTANTS.ACCESS_TOKEN)) {
this._logstatus('Fragment has access token');
// default resource
this._renewActive = false;
resource = this.config.loginResource;
if (!this._hasResource(resource)) {
keys = this._getItem(this.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.TOKEN_KEYS) || '';
if (requestInfo.requestType === this.REQUEST_TYPE.RENEW_TOKEN) {
resource = this._getResourceFromState(requestInfo.stateResponse);
// save token with related resource
this._saveItem(this.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY + resource, requestInfo.parameters[this.CONSTANTS.ACCESS_TOKEN]);
this._saveItem(this.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.EXPIRATION_KEY + resource, this._expiresIn(requestInfo.parameters[this.CONSTANTS.EXPIRES_IN]));
if (requestInfo.parameters.hasOwnProperty(this.CONSTANTS.ID_TOKEN)) {
this._loginInProgress = false;
this._user = this._createUser(requestInfo.parameters[this.CONSTANTS.ID_TOKEN]);
if (this._user && this._user.profile) {
if (this._user.profile.nonce !== this._getItem(this.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.NONCE_IDTOKEN)) {
this._user = null;
this._saveItem(this.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.LOGIN_ERROR, 'Nonce is not same as ' + this._idTokenNonce);
} else {
this._saveItem(this.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.IDTOKEN, requestInfo.parameters[this.CONSTANTS.ID_TOKEN]);
// Save idtoken as access token for app itself
resource = this.config.clientId;
if (!this._hasResource(resource)) {
keys = this._getItem(this.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.TOKEN_KEYS) || '';
this._saveItem(this.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY + resource, requestInfo.parameters[this.CONSTANTS.ID_TOKEN]);
this._saveItem(this.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.EXPIRATION_KEY + resource, this._user.profile.exp);
} else {
this._saveItem(this.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.ERROR, 'Invalid_state');
this._saveItem(this.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.ERROR_DESCRIPTION, 'Invalid_state');
if (requestInfo.requestType === this.REQUEST_TYPE.LOGIN) {
this._saveItem(this.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.LOGIN_ERROR, 'State is not same as ' + requestInfo.stateResponse);
And this function will be called in this.$get like below:
// special function that exposes methods in Angular controller
// $rootScope, $window, $q, $location, $timeout are injected by Angular
this.$get = ['$rootScope', '$window', '$q', '$location', '$timeout', function ($rootScope, $window, $q, $location, $timeout) {
var locationChangeHandler = function () {
var hash = $window.location.hash;
if (_adal.isCallback(hash)) {
// callback can come from login or iframe request
var requestInfo = _adal.getRequestInfo(hash);
$window.location.hash = '';
if (requestInfo.requestType !== _adal.REQUEST_TYPE.LOGIN) {
_adal.callback = $window.parent.AuthenticationContext().callback;
// Return to callback if it is send from iframe
if (requestInfo.stateMatch) {
if (typeof _adal.callback === 'function') {
// Call within the same context without full page redirect keeps the callback
if (requestInfo.requestType === _adal.REQUEST_TYPE.RENEW_TOKEN) {
// Idtoken or Accestoken can be renewed
if (requestInfo.parameters['access_token']) {
_adal.callback(_adal._getItem(_adal.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.ERROR_DESCRIPTION), requestInfo.parameters['access_token']);
} else if (requestInfo.parameters['id_token']) {
_adal.callback(_adal._getItem(_adal.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.ERROR_DESCRIPTION), requestInfo.parameters['id_token']);
} else {
// normal full login redirect happened on the page
if (_oauthData.userName) {
//IDtoken is added as token for the app
$timeout(function () {
$rootScope.userInfo = _oauthData;
// redirect to login requested page
var loginStartPage = _adal._getItem(_adal.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.START_PAGE);
if (loginStartPage) {
}, 1);
} else {
$rootScope.$broadcast('adal:loginFailure', _adal._getItem(_adal.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.ERROR_DESCRIPTION));
} else {
// No callback. App resumes after closing or moving to new page.
// Check token and username
if (!_adal._renewActive && !_oauthData.isAuthenticated && _oauthData.userName) {
if (!_adal._getItem(_adal.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.FAILED_RENEW)) {
// Idtoken is expired or not present
_adal.acquireToken(_adal.config.loginResource, function (error, tokenOut) {
if (error) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('adal:loginFailure', 'auto renew failure');
} else {
if (tokenOut) {
_oauthData.isAuthenticated = true;
$timeout(function () {
$rootScope.userInfo = _oauthData;
}, 1);
And here is a sample code which could save the tokens into cache for your reference:
<script src=""></script>
<script src="node_modules\adal-angular\lib\adal.js"> </script>
<script src="config.js"> </script>
<button onclick="login()" >Login</button>
var authContext=new AuthenticationContext(config);
function login(){
function init(configOptions){
if (configOptions) {
// redirect and logout_redirect are set to current location by default
var existingHash = window.location.hash;
var pathDefault = window.location.href;
if (existingHash) {
pathDefault = pathDefault.replace(existingHash, '');
configOptions.redirectUri = configOptions.redirectUri || pathDefault;
configOptions.postLogoutRedirectUri = configOptions.postLogoutRedirectUri || pathDefault;
// create instance with given config
} else {
throw new Error('You must set configOptions, when calling init');
// loginresource is used to set authenticated status
var _oauthData = { isAuthenticated: false, userName: '', loginError: '', profile: '' };
var updateDataFromCache = function (resource) {
// only cache lookup here to not interrupt with events
var token = authContext.getCachedToken(resource);
_oauthData.isAuthenticated = token !== null && token.length > 0;
var user = authContext.getCachedUser() || { userName: '' };
_oauthData.userName = user.userName;
_oauthData.profile = user.profile;
_oauthData.loginError = authContext.getLoginError();
function saveTokenFromHash(){
var hash = window.location.hash;
var requestInfo = authContext.getRequestInfo(hash);
if (authContext.isCallback(hash)) {
// callback can come from login or iframe request
var requestInfo = authContext.getRequestInfo(hash);
window.location.hash = '';
if (requestInfo.requestType !== authContext.REQUEST_TYPE.LOGIN) {
authContext.callback = window.parent.AuthenticationContext().callback;