I have a web application which use SWFUpload for uploading multi files. This works fine on most browsers :-)
Now I have check this on IE10 and it doesn't worked. I have also tried the demo on http://demo.swfupload.org/v220/simpledemo/index.php . Every time if I press the "Hello" button (the button which should open the file select dialog) nothing happens...
Any ideas?
Found it!
SWFUpload works on Win8 in IE10 only in the desktop environment. It seem's that SWFUploads cannot open the multi file select dialog on the new Windows 8 multi touch GUI.
I have this also checked with the multi file upload of jquery and jquery multi file upload works also on the new Windows 8 Metro environment.
I am trying to automate a web application wherein clicking a link downloads a PDF file. The default behavior of chromedriver should open a pop-up window for confirmation. I am facing issue with the same, In my case the file is directly downloading without prompting.(I need to pop up to change the file name)
My understanding is that there is no easy way to make Selenium download files. Browsers use native dialogs which cannot be controlled by JavaScript.
Why are you downloading a file in the first place?
Check out this for more detail.
This can be set via settings option,
refer the below link https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95574
I am trying to run this example code:
as well as this:
I am not able to get either of them to run in my browser: Chrome 26.0.1410.65 Mac Lion 10.7.5
(to see it run, download it and click on html page included with each of the examples)
If you can confirm this is a bug in the sample code (it doesn't run in your system as well) please let me know where I should file this bug report. (https://code.google.com/p/chromium/ or https://github.com/GoogleChrome/chrome-app-samples/issues?)
many thanks in advance.
You need to use the Load unpacked extension button found on the chrome://extensions page and then launch the app in order for it to use chrome.* API's.
I have a ASP.NET file upload control which opens a window when you click the upload button to select the file you want to upload. But the problem is that the webdriver cant recognize the window and therefore cant select the file to be uploaded.
I have found numerous solutions in the stackoverflow which use sendkeys to enter the path of file. I think that works when you have html file upload control. In my case I have the ASP.NET file upload control and it doesn not have a text box where i can enter the file path using sendkeys.
how do i solve this?? Any suggestions ?
You can use the Windows Automation library to identify windows. UIspy can be used to identify the properties of a window. Add the System.Windows.Automation reference to your project.
I have an air application register for a special filetype .part. After manual installation If I double click on a .part file it opened our air application and invoke the events perfectly. But if I am downloading the same file type from browser it doesn't show our air application as a default application to open with.
I also have this code in the descriptor file
Any help is appreciated
Fixed that. The problem was the extension of file I was using.
Fixed that. The problem was the extension of file I was using.
I am using selenium to record some tests. We have a save to pdf button on our application that generates the windows open/ save or in firefox the ok/cancel windows pop up,
The issue is that i can;t get selenium to record my ok or cancel action since i think it is not a javascript window?
Does anyone know the command to do that?
Sadly, it's not possible to interact with such windows at the moment.
A good workaround for saving files dialog is to save the various parameters (local directory, etc) and tell your browser to not prompt for them, so the window won't pop at all.
See http://wiki.openqa.org/display/SEL/Selenium+Core+FAQ#SeleniumCoreFAQ-Whatyoucan%27tdowithSelenium
Create a separate firefox profile(command to open profile manager:-firefox -P) with the settings you want(you can give settings like where to download and save a file of a particular type automatically without prompting) and instruct your server to use that profile using the command : java -jar 'your server ' -firefoxProfileTemplate 'path_for_firefox_profile'