Launch installed air application from browser for register file type - air

I have an air application register for a special filetype .part. After manual installation If I double click on a .part file it opened our air application and invoke the events perfectly. But if I am downloading the same file type from browser it doesn't show our air application as a default application to open with.
I also have this code in the descriptor file
Any help is appreciated
Fixed that. The problem was the extension of file I was using.

Fixed that. The problem was the extension of file I was using.


Preserve an external legacy apps file resource fork when including in an Xcode archive

I have created a cocoa application primarily to run on OS 10.6.8. to convert certain types of proprietary legacy files. The app looks at the legacy files creator code and processes it accordingly if it is a known type. Once the file is identified, I call an external legacy app (which I have added to the project) using [NSWorkspace openFile: withApplication: ]to open the droplet and process the file conversion.
The application works just like it is supposed to until I archive it and try to run it from the application bundle. Actually, it will continue to work but it is using the converter app from the project. If I delete the converter in the project area, then the app in the app bundle can not open the external app in that location. One work around is to delete the external app from the bundle after its archived and replace it with a copy of the one in the project area.
I would appreciate any suggestions on resolving this. I'm not sure if the problem is in some Xcode build setting I can change to include an external apps resource fork when archiving, or if this is a launch services issue with apps hidden in packages, or , something I'm not even considering.
Try setting the "Preserves HFS Data" (COPYING_PRESERVES_HFS_DATA) build setting.

AIR how to prevent application descriptor file from reverting or updating on launch

I have a desktop application using NativeProcess and I need the follwoing in the descriptor file.
<supportedProfiles>extendedDesktop desktop</supportedProfiles>
Unfortunately the file keeps reverting to (desktop first)
<supportedProfiles>desktop extendedDesktop </supportedProfiles>
How do I prevent this?
I'm using Flash Builder to launch though compiling using the Flash IDE.
Flash CS is rewriting the list based on the order of the checkboxes in the AIR Settings window. Changing the order of the profiles in the Descriptor.3.x.xsd file won't help. You could set the app.xml file to read-only, as long you don't have to make any other changes. Not a great solution...

Unable to export project from aptana

i am new to adobe air.
I have installed aptana and created a test application.
When i export that application using export feature of aptana and choose application type as "Adobe air package". It generates a file having extension .airi.
On double clicking that file nothing runs.
Please help me guys.
let me know where i am wrong.
Well, a .air file is pretty much like a zip file. You can open it with 7-zip, for example, and see the source of your app. The .air extension is probably only a reference for the adobe air runtime. Therefore, my suggestion, as dull as it may seem, is that you manually change the extension to .air.

Installing of Adobe Air file fails with "file damaged"

Adobe Air brings following exception:
The application could not be installed because the AIR file is
damaged. Try obtaining a new AIR file from the application author.
Please add the different reasons which may lead to this error.
We had the same error as this guy:
The file ~/.airappinstall contains the following error:
failed while unpackaging: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false
cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="invalid package signature"
The actual reason was not a damaged file or something like this, but our machine had a date from the past, which was not valid for the given certificate. After correcting the date/time on the computer, the installation worked just fine.
Even I faced the same error=5022, after thinking a lot on this issue, I finally got the
solution for this problem. It is simple, before installing the air app set the correct Date & Time for the system, WALLA it installs smoothly.
No need of changing the png name or anything else.
I faced this problem yesterday because my antivirus (avast pro/silent mode) was blocking access to file until finishing scanning, looks like installer don't like to wait, so when I switched off silent mode I made antivirus ignore scanning the file and installation completed successfully.
I have a virtual drive mapped to S: so that paths are the same between my home computer and work computer. I was trying to install the AIR app from an S: path. I guess it did it like it. Moving app to my desktop and launching there, worked.
Make sure you are signing the Application distributable and distributing the certificate along with the .air file.
I ran into same problems and solved it this way.
I had this issue when using Flash Builder 4, but building a Flex 3 application.
Basically, the installed AIR SDK in the Flex 3 SDK folder was AIR 1.5.3 (if I remember correctly), but the Flex 4 SDK folder had the AIR 2.0 SDK files (I'm not completely what the problem was).
My solution was to download the AIR 2.0 SDK, and unzip it over the Flex 3 SDK folder. Once I did that, the installation file worked fine. There is actually an article on Adobe about overwriting the AIR SDK files this way, although it didn't mention anything about installations or Flash Builder 4.
Mine was failing because I had another app on my system with the same name. Not a version of the app, a completely different app--native, not AIR.
Once I removed that app it worked fine.
For odd installation errors, keep in mind that Chrome uses a version of Flash that does not support AIR badge installation.
I encountered this error when trying to install an AIR file from an external / network drive. Copied the file locally, and installation proceeded normally.

Why does my Adobe AIR app say the latest update is damaged?

I have written an HTML/AJAX application with Adobe Air and run it on my WinXP laptop. But now I've released a newer version on my update site, the application downloads the update and says "The application could not be installed because the AIR file is damaged. Try obtaining a new AIR file from the application author."
I've tried repackaging the application and incrementing the version number but that hasn't helped. I am creating it in Aptana Studio on OSX.
Can anyone explain please what could cause that error?
I haven't worked with aptana but...
in adobe flex builder, you have to change the first line of the file: "applicationName-app.xml". (where applicationName is the name of your application or project)
When you change from pc to mac-osx you have to change the line:
<application xmlns="">
<application xmlns="">
Don't know if you have this file when creating a project in aptana... maybe in the project properties.
Then repackage and deploy.
I just ran into the same problem. After trying every "solution" mentioned on every blog on the planet it occurred to me that my server didn't have .air as a recognized MIME type. Once I added this, all was well.